Em or 2008

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Parshas Emor/runt ,arp

(31st Parsha of the Torah )

By Rabbi Avraham David, 5th generation from Yehuda Tzvi of Strettyn. Numerical
Interpretation of Torah with aid of Gematria. Bible Code. Questions/Comments 212-
372-7553. online at www.codeoftheheart.com
©2008 Dvar Torah 5768 “Study Gematria and Sharpen Your Mind”

Witness the Circle of the Universe

In this weeks Parsha, we learn about the rules of spiritual defilement of the High Priests
and Priests. The Torah says that with limited exceptions , the Cohen should not defile
himself for a dead body. According to Rabbi Avigdor Miller, death is the greatest
contradiction.1 We think that just because the body decomposes back to earth that it is the
end of it. However, according to our sages, the soul returns to the Infinite One as it says
in Koheles, ohektv kt cua, jurvu , “And the spirit returns to God” (Koheles 12:7).
Actually it is in our dreams that we connect to the spiritual world as the last letters
(rearranged) spell the term okjc , bachalom, meaning in a dream. As it says in the Torah,
God appears to prophets in a dream (Numbers 12:6). From the spelling of the dead body
in Hebrew, we learn infinite wisdom. The term for a dead body is ,n , meis , or death.
The Gematria of meis is 440. If we take the mispar kattan it is 8. It is also the mispar
kattan of the Tetragrammatron (26) which is also an 8 as it is a double circle and a circle
is like the infinite as it has no beginning or end. Moreover, if we take the difference
between the , tav and the n mem, we have 400-40=360, which is a full circle. Hence,
when we die we connect to the Infinite One. Just look at our “natural”universe, the sun is
a circle, our earth is a circle and we circle around the sun. Likewise, the whole universe is
circling around God. As it says in Psalms, stn vrgab uhchxu, “Surrounding Him is very
stormy” (Psalms 50:3). We actually see this on planet earth with the spin of the hurricane
as the strong winds circle around the calm eye of the center. As such, we see that the
whole universe spins around God. As was noted in a New York Times front page article
several years ago, the signature of the universe is a circle. Just look at the circles (iris) of
our eyes. The earth is also a great recycling center. Our recycling efforts try to tune into
the earth’s natural efforts. We also see the circle in our holidays that are celebrated on a
yearly basis. In fact, the Hebrew term for holiday, dj, chag, is by definition a circle as we
constantly repeat the holidays based on the seasons of the year. In fact, we have been
doing this for over three thousand years. As it says in the Prophets and we say in our
High Holiday prayers, .rtv duj kg cahv, “It is He who sits on the circumference of the
earth” (Isaiah 40:22) (who said the ancients didn’t know the world was a circle?). As
this Parsha discusses the holidays, let’s find some insights on the holidays based on the
codes. The Torah introduces the holidays with the following words ktrah hbc kt rcs
hsgun ov vkt ase htren o,t utre, rat 'v hsgun ovkt ,rntu, “Speak to the
Children of Israel and say to them: God’s appointed festivals which you shall designate
as callings of holiness- these are my appointed festivals” (Leviticus 23:2). If we take the
acronym of the encircled letters (rearranged) , it spells the word ohnav, hashamayim,

See A Kingdom of Cohanim, page 243, published by Gross Bros.
meaning heaven. God has given the holidays the power to bring down spirituality into our
lives. The Torah further says, osgunc o,t utre, rat ase htren 'v hsgun vkt, “These
are the appointed festivals of God, the callings of holiness, which you shall designate in
their appointed time” (Leviticus 23:4) . One of the central features of all the holidays are
the songs of prayer that we joyously sing to God. In fact, with the aid of the codes we see
an allusion to this. If we take the acronym of the encircled letters (rearranged) it spells the
term vrha, shirah, meaning song. Moreover, it ties in with prayer as vrha and vkp,,
tefilah or prayer share the same Gematria of 515.

The first holiday that we celebrate is jxp, Passover, which is the symbol of our
redemption and freedom. The Torah says the following, vk jxp ohcrgv ihc, ”towards
evening it is a Pesach to God” ( Leviticus 23:5). If we take the acronym of the encircled
letters (rearranged), it spells the term, vnjb , nechama, comfort. It was the first holiday
that we celebrated after our freedom of 400 years of slavery. Indeed, as Allan Miller, a
fellow congregant pointed out to me, we sit reclined at our Passover Seder as we must
celebrate the festivities in comfort. The holiday of the New Year is celebrated on the first
day of the seventh month . The Torah says, asjk sjtc hghcav asjc , “in the Seventh
month and in the first of the month”(Leviticus 23:24) The encircled letters spells the term
h-s-a- Shaddai, This name of God represents the aspect of His control in the world. It’s
mispar kattan is 8, which is also a circle. Another holiday that we celebrate is Succos or
the festival of the booths.

The Torah says vk ohnh ,gca ,ufxv dj, “the holiday of Succos , a seven day period for
God”(Leviticus 23:34). If we take the acronym of the encircled letters, it spells the term,
vkha, Shiloh. It was at Shilo that the tabernacle rested for a period of approximately 369
years. According to the Midrash Rabba, Shilo is a reference to the Messiah. With
Gematria we can see an allusion to that as Shilo shares the same Gematria as Moses,
which is 345, as just like Moses redeemed the Israelites from Mitzrayim, the Messiah will
redeem the people from today’s Mitzrayim. Let us hope and pray that as we live on the
circular planet earth, let us always focus our thoughts on the One Above, who has no
beginning or end.

A refuah shlaima to my father Yaackov Zev Ben Malka Blimah who is recovering from
stroke at Vanderbilt Nursing Home, SI, NY

Shabbat Shalom ouka ,ca

The Shabbos is our source of Sustenance

In this week’s Parsha, we are reminded about the seventh day, which is our Shabbos.
The Torah says, ofh,caun kfc vk tuv ,ca ,uag, tk vftkn kf, 2 U “You shall not do
any work; it is a Sabbath day for Hashem in all your settled places.” Throughout the
generations, and especially the 20th Century (enlightened times), there has always been a
struggle for the Jewish individual to abstain from work on the Sabbath day. The struggle
is not from knowing what Hashem wants. We all read what the Torah says. The struggle
is between the non Jewish employer or non religious employer with the employee who
wants to observe the Seventh day. Many employers insisted that their employees work
on the Seventh day or risk being fired or laid off. For some, it was a battle between their
faith in G-d or faith in man. Many people also had and have the mistaken belief that if
they do not work on Shabbos, they will lose a lot of business. Thankfully, for those who
want to observe the Seventh day, there have been many laws passed in the United States
protecting one’s religious practices. Moreover, the work week has evolved into a five day
week with weekends being off. This has made it much easier for the Orthodox Jewish
person to observe the Seventh day in the proper spirit in refraining from any work.
Moreover, with the aid of Gematria, we even see that it is a blessing not to work on the
Sabbath. From the negative, we find a positive. The Gematria of the term
uag, tk vftkn kf is 953. There are only two Passukim with the same Gematria in the
entire Tanach. We will focus on one Passuk which is found in Psalms. King David says,
vagh tuvu uhkg jycu lfrs v kg kud, 3 “Cast your way upon Hashem, rely on him and He
will act.” This teaches us that if we trust in Hashem by refraining from work, Hashem
will work for us. Indeed, the Gematrias of vobrp Parnasah(sustenance) and ohnav
Hashamayim (Heaven) are the same which is 395. This alludes to the fact that it is not
only our efforts that counts, but what Hashem desires. If we want Hashem to work for us,
then we must commit ourselves to Hashem. As noted above, with the aid of the Roshei
Tevot skip code, the encircled letters spell lkn,, meaning “you reign.” Does this word

Leviticus 23:3
Pslams 37:5
sound familiar ? Yes, as we say it every Shabbos in the Shacharis Kedusha, where it says,
iuhmc lkn, h,n, When will you reign in Zion? The answer is when we observe the
Shabbos by refraining from any work.

A refuah shlaima to my father , Yaacov Zev Ben Malka Blima who is recovering from stroke.

Shabbat Shalom ouka ,ca

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