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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.

5. Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming eLearn.Punjab 5. Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming eLearn.Punjab

Fig. 5.21
Many real life problems involve linear inequalities. Here we shall consider those We conclude that the solution set of an inequality consists of all solutions of the
problems (relating to trade, industry and agriculture etc.) which involve systems of linear inequality.
inequalities in two variables. Linear inequalities in such problems are used to prescribe
limitations or restrictions on allocation of available resources (material, capital, machine 5.2.1 Graphing of A Linear Inequality in Two Variables
capacities, labour hours, land etc.). In this chapter, our main goal will be to optimize
(maximize or minimize) a quantity under consideration subject to certain restrictions. Generally a linear inequality in two variables x and y can be one of the following forms:
The method under our discussion is called the linear programming method and it ax + by < c ; ax + by > c ; ax + by 7 c ; ax + by 8 c
involves solutions of certain linear inequalities. where a, b, c are constants and a, b are not both zero.
We know that the graph of linear equation of the form
5.2 LINEAR INEQUALITIES ax + by = c is a line which divides the plane into two disjoint regions as stated below:
(1) The set of ordered pairs (x, y) such that ax + by < c
Inequalities are expressed by the following four symbols; (2) The set of ordered pairs (x, y) such that ax + by > c
> (greater than); < (less than); 8 (greater than or equal to); 7 (less than or equal to) The regions (1) and (2) are called half planes and the line
For example (i) ax < b (ii) ax + b 8 c (iii) ax + by > c (iv) ax + by 7 c are ax + by = c is called the boundary of each half plane.
inequalities. Inequalities (i) and (ii) are in one variable while inequalities (iii) and (iv) are in Note that a vertical line divides the plane into left and right half planes while a non-
two variables. vertical line divides the plane into upper and lower half planes.
The following operations will not afect the order (or sense) of inequality while changing A solution of a linear inequality in x and y is an ordered pair of numbers which satisies
it to simpler equivalent form: the inequality.
(i) Adding or subtracting a constant to each side of it. For example, the ordered pair (1, 1) is a solution of the inequality x + 2y < 6 because
(ii) Multiplying or dividing each side of it by a positive constant. 1 + 2(1) = 3 < 6 which is true.
Note that the order (or sense) of an inequality is changed by multiplying or dividing its There are ininitely many ordered pairs that satisfy the inequality x + 2y < 6, so its graph
each side by a negative constant. will be a half plane.
Note that the linear equation ax + by = c is called “associated or corresponding
Now for revision we consider inequality, x <
(A) equation” of each of the above mentioned inequalities.
All real numbers <
are in the solution set of (A). Procedure for Graphing a linear Inequality in two Variables
 3
(i) The corresponding equation of the inequality is irst graphed by using ‘dashes’ if the
Thus the interval  - ∞,  or - ∞ < x <
 2
is the solution set of the inequality involves the symbols > or < and a solid line is drawn if the inequality involves
the symbols 8 or 7.
inequality (A) which is shown in the igure 5.21 (ii) A test point (not on the graph of the corresponding equation) is chosen which
determines that the half plane is on which side of the boundary line.

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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
5. Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming eLearn.Punjab 5. Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming eLearn.Punjab

Example 1. Graph the inequality x + 2y < 6.

Solution. The associated equation of the inequality Note: 2 All points on the line (ii) and above the line (ii)
x + 2y < 6 (i) satisfy the inequality x + 2y 8 6 .... (v). This means that
is x + 2y = 6 (ii) the solution set of the inequality (v) consists of all points
above the line (ii) and all points on the lines (ii). The graph
The line (ii) intersects the x-axis and y-axis at (6, 0) and of the inequality (v) is partially shown as shaded region
(0. 3) respectively. As no point of the line (ii) is a solution in igure 5.22(d)
of the inequality (i), so the graph of the line (ii) is shown by Note: 3 that the graphs of
using dashes. We take O(0, 0) as a test point because it is x + 2y 7 6 and x + 2y 8 6 are closed half planes.
not on the line (ii).

Substituting x = 0, y = 0 in the expression x + 2y gives

0 - 2(0) = 0 < 6, so the point (0, 0) satisies the inequality (i).
Example 2. Graph the following linear inequalities in
Any other point below the line (ii) satisies the (i) 2x 8 - 3 (ii) y 7 2
inequality (i), that is all points in the half plane containing Solution. The inequality (i) in xy-plane is considered as
the point (0, 0) satisfy the inequality (i). 2x + 0y 8 - 3 and its solution set consists of all point (x, y)
Thus the graph of the solution set of inequality (i) is the a
such that x, y d R and x ≥ -
region on the origin-side of the line (ii), that is, the region 3
below the line (ii). A portion of the open halfplane below 2
The corresponding equation of the inequality (i) is
2x = -3
the line (ii) is shown as shaded region in igure 5.22(a)
All points above the dashed line satisfy the
which a vertical line (parallel to the y-axis) and its
inequality x + 2y > 6 (iii)
graph is drawn in igure 5.23(a).
The graph of the inequality 2x > -3 is the open half
A portion of the open half plane above the line (ii) is
shown by shading in igure 5.22(b)
plane to the right of the line (1).
Thus the graph of 2x 8 -3 is the closed half-plane to
the right of the line (1).
Note: 1. The graph of the inequality x + 2y 7 6 ..(iv)
(ii) The associated equation of the inequality (ii) is
includes the graph of the line (ii),’ so the open half-plane
y=2 (2)
below the line (ii) including the graph of the line (ii) is the
which is a horizontal line (parallel to the x-axis) and its
graph of the inequality (iv). A portion of the graph of the
graph is shown in igure 5.23(b) Here the solution
inequality (iv) is shown by shading in igure 5.22(c)
set of the inequality y < 2 is the open half plane below
the boundary line y = 2. Thus the graph of y 7 2 consists
of the boundary line and the open half plane below it.
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