Future Olympiad

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 Vidya Jyothi School

 English Olympiad Model Questions

 Grade – (Viii)
 Topic – Future Tense and its subtypes

Answer the following questions using correct forms of Verb

1. **Which sentence correctly uses the Future Perfect Tense?**

a) She will be studying all night.
b) By the end of the year, he will have completed his degree.
c) They will go to the park tomorrow.
d) I am going to the gym later.

2. **Identify the sentence that uses Future Continuous Tense.**

a) I will finish my homework by 8 PM.
b) She will be traveling to France next month.
c) We will buy groceries tomorrow.
d) He will have read the book by then.

3. **Which of the following sentences is in the Future Perfect Continuous Tense?**

a) By next year, I will have been working here for five years.
b) She will visit her grandmother next week.
c) They will have finished their project by Monday.
d) I will be going to the market in the evening.

4. **Choose the sentence that is NOT in the Future Simple Tense.**

a) They will start the meeting at 9 AM.
b) He will be starting the meeting at 9 AM.
c) She will arrive by tomorrow morning.
d) I will call you later.

5. **Which of these sentences uses 'going to' for a planned future action?**
a) She is going to become a doctor one day.
b) We will have eaten by then.
c) They will be watching a movie tonight.
d) He will go to the concert.

6. **Identify the sentence that uses the Future Simple Tense to express a spontaneous
a) Look at those clouds! It is going to rain.
b) I will help you with your homework.
c) She is going to start her new job next week.
d) They will have completed the assignment by tomorrow.

7. **Which sentence correctly uses Future Perfect Continuous Tense?**

a) I will have been completing my project by next week.
b) She will be completing her project by next week.
c) By next month, I will have been working on this for two years.
d) He will complete his project by next week.

8. **Which of the following sentences is in the Future Continuous Tense?**

a) They will have completed the construction by next year.
b) I will be running a marathon this time next year.
c) She will read the book by tomorrow.
d) We will have been preparing for the exam.
9. **Choose the sentence that correctly uses the Future Perfect Tense.**
a) By the time you arrive, I will have finished cooking.
b) I will be waiting for you at the station.
c) She is going to visit her aunt next week.
d) They will be arriving at the airport soon.

10. **Which of these sentences uses 'will' to make a prediction?**

a) I think she will win the competition.
b) She is going to win the competition.
c) They are winning the competition.
d) He will be winning the competition.

11. **Identify the sentence in the Future Simple Tense.**

a) They are going to visit the museum tomorrow.
b) I will finish my essay by tonight.
c) She will have been working there for a year by December.
d) We will be visiting the museum next week.

12. **Which sentence uses the Future Perfect Tense correctly?**

a) He will have been waiting for you for two hours by the time you arrive.
b) She will have finished her homework by the time her friends arrive.
c) We will be traveling to Italy next summer.
d) I will finish my project next week.

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