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Past simple

Past simple
Subject +verb + ED
I waited outside the class
She watched TV yesterday.
They visited London in 2016.
Con los verbos que acaban en E, añadimos -D

Describe- Described
Phone- Phoned
Con los verbos que terminan en vocal +consonante,
doblamos la consonante

Rob- Robbed
Travel- Travelled
Con los verbos que terminan en Y, eliminamos la Y
añadimos i

Carry- Carried
Try- Tried
Past simple
Subject +DIDN'T+verb
I didn't wait outside the class
She didn't watch TV yesterday.
They didn't visit London in 2016.
Cook dinner Walk the dog

Play hockey Wash her hair

Finish homework Clean her room

Play board games Paint a picture

Watch videos Travel by bus

Listen to music Chat online

Past simple
Affirmative- irregular verbs
Subject +verb in the past
The class began at six
She swam in the sea
They bought some cheese.
Present Past Meaning Present Past Meaning
Begin Began Empezar Have Had Tener
Buy Bought Comprar Make Made Hacer
Come Came Venir Meet Met Quedar
Fall Fell Caer See Saw Ver
Find Found Encontrar Sell Sold Vender
Get Got Conseguir Swim Swam Nadar
Past simple
Subject +DIDN'T+verb
The class didn't begin at 5 o'clock
She didn't swim in the swimming pool
They didn't buy cheese.

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