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Nama : Sintia Agustin Silalahi

NIM : 21041045

Program Studi : Ilmu Komunikasi

Mata kuliah : UAS Bahasa Inggris


A concluding sentence indicates that you are bringing closure to a paragraph. Writing a
concluding sentence may not come as easily as you may think. Many writers fail to realize that it
closes out the final thoughts about the topic on which they are writing.

1. According to you, what concluding sentences do?

 summarising the points you have made.
 repeating words or phrases (or synonyms for them) from the topic sentence.
 using linking words that indicate that conclusions are being drawn, for example,
therefore, thus, resulting
2. What is the characteristics of effective concluding sentences?
Some characteristics include:
 Reviewing main points mentioned in a paragraph
 Restating the topic sentence
 Are found at the end of a paragraph
 Do not introduce new ideas or topics
3. Mention at least 5 signal words that shows the concluding sentences?
 Finally
 Overall
 Lastly
 As a result
 In general


A paraphrase is a restatement or rewording of a paragraph or text, in order to borrow,

clarify, or expand on information without plagiarizing. Paraphrasing is an important tool to use when
writing research papers, essays, and pieces of journalism. Avoid to copying the text. "When you
paraphrase," says Brenda Spatt, "you retain everything about the original writing but the words."

1. By this explanation, paraphrase it with your own words!

 Paraphrasing is when we borrow ideas, language, or phrases from another person’s

text; you write this using our own language and sentence patterns

2. What is the reasons for using the paraphrase?

 to make it easier for readers

3. Why is paraphrasing is important?

 it allows the reader to understand the important parts without having to read all of
your sources

4. In paraphrase, you have to avoid copying the text. Describe it by your thought!

 I think that's true, because the benefit of paraphrasing is to summarize an article

5. Find the synonyms:

a. Amazing : stunning
b. Calm : quiet
c. Scared : afraid
d. Wrong : incorrect
e. Unhappy : downcast
f. Strange : astonishing
g. Quiet : peaceful
h. Sad : unhappy


In composition, cause and effect is a method of paragraph or essay development in which a

writer analyzes the reasons for—and/or the consequences of—an action, event, or decision. A
cause-and-effect paragraph or essay can be organized in various ways. For instance, causes and/or
effects can be arranged in either chronological order or reverse chronological order. Alternatively,
points can be presented in terms of emphasis, from least important to most important, or vice versa.

1. What is the purpose of “cause and effect” in writing?

 The purpose of cause and effect is to make that understanding explicit to offer a
range of strategies that will help students clearly identify the causes and effects that
are woven throughout the fabric of the texts they will read.

2. Mention the signal words that shows cause and effect (min 5 words)!

 Since
 So
 Thus
 Because
 Due to
 consequently

3. Cause is..............................

 The cause is why or the reason something happend

4. Effect is..............................

 Is the results of what happend

5. Describe these sentence, which the cause, and which the effect
a. Mary isn’t worn the raincoat so she was get sick (cause)
b. I woke up late as a result i missed the bus (effect)
c. I ate to much candy consequently I got a toothache (effect)
d. I was hungry so i ate the porridge (cause)
e. Mary studied hard for an exam therefore she got an A (cause)
f. Its too late so that we can’t go (cause)

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