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Evaluate the claim that the Balkan Crisis of 1908 was caused mainly

by the rise of nationalism

The Balkan crisis in 1908 was based in the Balkan region, which consisted of the countries: Slovenia,
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria and
Romania. It was ruled by the Ottoman empire, however at the time the empire was in decline due to factors
such as poor leadership and competition of trade from India and America. Austria-Hungary, one of the
main powers in Europe in 1908, was desperate to compete with the other powers, so wanted to invade and
gain territory from the Balkans.

Some people may agree with the claim ‘the Balkan Crisis of 1908 was caused mainly by the rise of
nationalism’, because one of the main reasons why Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina was due
to nationalism. The Balkan region was made up of 10 different countries, all which had their own beliefs
and ways of life. Most of the Russian and Serbian populations were Slav, meaning the two had a natural
bond and similar patriotic feeling. However, Austria-Hungary saw Slavs as an inferior race, and opposed
Balkan nationalism. As a result, Austria-Hungary were worried that the Slavic people in its own empire
would want to break away, after some acts of terrorism against Austria-Hungary were committed.
Therefore, they wanted to shut down the threat of Slav nationalism by annexing Bosnia-Herzegovina to
make an example. However, this angered Serbia, as Bosnia-Herzegovina had a Slavic population, therefore
they claimed the provinces should belong to them as they had the same nationalism. Serbia was preparing
to go to war with Austria-Hungary, however it needed Russia’s support. However, Russia would not go to
war because Germany said it would support Austria-Hungary. All these countries had their own
nationalistic views, and as a result believed that they were better, and that the land was theirs’s to claim.

Another reason, as to why some people may agree with the claim ‘The Balkan Crisis of 1908 was caused
mainly by the rise of nationalism’, was because one of the reasons Bulgaria declared its independence was
an account of the rise of nationalism. On October 5th 1908, Prince Ferdinand I declared Bulgaria’s
independence from the Ottoman empire, and pronounced himself Tsar. As Bulgaria had very different
nationalistic views to the ottomans, they wanted to join alliances against it. Therefore, when the empire
went into decline, Bulgaria took the opportunity to declare its independence, as turkey was too weak to do
anything about it. Bulgaria managed to leave the Balkans, lead their own way of life, and freely express
their nationalism.

Lastly, another reason as to why some people may agree with the claim ‘the Balkan Crisis of 1908 was
caused mainly by the rise of nationalism’, is because of the source provided. It is a political cartoon,
published by a French magazine called ‘Le Petit Journal’ on its front cover, in 1908. In the cartoon, it
pictures Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary, snatching Bosnia-Herzegovina off a map, King Ferdinand I of
Bulgaria, pulling Bulgaria off the map, and Abdul Hamid II of Turkey, with his foot holding down turkey
on the map. The source was made by the French, who at the time had told Russia that they would not get
involved in any Balkan wars, as they did not want to fight against Germany. Therefore, this source is not
biased as France did not want anything to do with the Balkans, meaning it shows to us how the rest of
Europe who were neutral saw and felt about the war. However, the source could be less reliable, as it is a
cartoon, therefore may have been over exaggerated or not entirely factual, for comedy purposes. The
cartoon helps to convey that the Balkan crisis was caused mainly by nationalism, as in the cover, King
Ferdinand I is seen with one hand taking Bulgaria off the map, and the other, clutching on to a big crown.
This reflects Bulgaria’s nationalism, as it saw its country as more powerful and capable than being in the
Balkans, therefore, removed itself and Prince Ferdinand I made himself King.

To contrast, some people may disagree with the statement ‘The Balkan Crisis of 1908 was caused mainly
by the rise of nationalism’ and believe that the Balkan crisis was mainly caused by the competitiveness and
greed of all the countries in Europe. For example, Austria-Hungary and its empire was amongst the 6
strongest powers of the world. However, almost all its competitors (Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy)
had colonies and empires all around the world and had strong navies. Austria-Hungary, who only had land
in Europe, and had no navy as it was a land locked country, felt threatened by this, therefore was desperate
to invade and conquer land from the Balkans, as they could then expand their empire, and have a navy or
ports for trade. However, Russia, who although already had the land, also wanted land in the Balkans, as
the ports and water in Russia was too cold for any boats or navy. Therefore, it can be argued that the
Balkan Crisis wasn’t caused mainly by the rise of nationalism, but by the competitiveness of the powers in

Another reason as to why some people may disagree with the statement ‘the Balkan Crisis of 1908 was
caused mainly by the rise of nationalism’, is because they believe that the countries in the Balkans no
longer wanted to be ruled and wanted to gain territory for themselves. An example of this could be in
1908, when Bulgaria declared its independence from the Ottoman empire. Bulgaria was already the most
powerful military wise in the Balkans, therefore it made sense for them to declare their independence, as
Turkey was too weak to react effectively, and they wanted to join an anti-ottoman alliance, to then claim
more territory for themselves. Consequently, it can be argued that the Balkan Crisis wasn’t caused mainly
by the rise of nationalism, but by the competitiveness of the regions in the Balkans.

Finally, another reason as to why some people may disagree with the statement ‘the Balkan Crisis of 1908
was caused mainly by the rise of nationalism’, is because of the source provided. Although the source is a
cartoon, therefore not entirely accurate, it is pictured with two leaders taking snatching off maps for
themselves, and another leader with his arms crossed, who doesn’t look very happy about it. Without even
going into context or details about who and what is happening, it is displayed that leader’s and countries
are attempting to take all the land that they can for themselves. Hence, it can be argued that the Balkan
Crisis wasn’t caused mainly by the rise of nationalism, but by all the countries in Europe being desperate
to expand their power and empires.

Overall, I disagree with the claim ‘the Balkan Crisis of 1908 was caused mainly by the rise of nationalism’
and believe that it was half caused by the rise of nationalism, as all the regions were forming alliances and
enemies over their nationalistic views. However, I also believe that it was caused by all the countries
competitiveness and greed to have power and empires for themselves. They all fought with each other to
be the best.

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