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Preparation of Standard Sodium Carbonate Solu ALR. grade it free fro (analytical reagent) sodium carbonate is heated in air-oven at 110°C for sometime 19 make Gram-equivalent weight of anhydrous NayCO3 = 23x24 12+ 48 _ 106 2x1 e="7 B= 538 ~. Weight required to prepare 250 ml of solution = 53x 250 _ = y000 x 10 ~ 1925 8 Approximately but accurately it is weighed out by a chemical bal is jon of solution, -m moisture, cooled in a desiccator and then the substance is used for preparation of $0! balance by method of transfer into a funnel fitted to the neck of a 250 ml measuring flask. NayCO3 is wash adding distilled water from a wash bottle. Funnel is removed after washit until all NaCO3 is dissolved; dist j . The volume is made up to the mark by adding distilled water drop by drop from the jet of wash bottle. The flask is stoppered and the solution is made uniform by shaking, taking care that the liquid does not leak. Weight of the bottle with NagCO3 = Wy g Weight of the bottle after transfer = W2 & Weight of NayCO3 taken = (W; - W2) 8= We : ow %) * SNaxCO3 = 1.325 (10 down completely into: the flask by ing 3-4 times. The flask is shaken led water is added until volume comes very near to the mark and finally Preparation of Secondary Standard Solution : Solutions of approximate strength of HCI and H,SO4 can be prepared by diluting the conc. acid with distilled water. Strength of conc. HCI is 12(N) N ‘Suppose, one wants to prepare 250 ml {5 HCI Vix S) (N) = V2 x S2(N) 250 2x 10 fut in a measuring cylinder; it is transferred into a 250 ml distilled water and finally made uniform by shaking. 2.08 ml Vv, = 1X 120) = 250%. 2. Vy = 2.08 ml of 12(N) HCI is measured ot measuring flask and made up to the mark by Strength of conc. H2S0, is 36(N) Volume of this acid required to prepare 250 ml N/10 solution may be similarly calculated. 7 N V1 36(N) = 250 x 75 | =—250_ , 1= 36x 19707 ml { NaOH and KOH are very hygroscopic and they absorb CO» from air. So they cannot be weighed }| accurately. Solutions of approximate strength can be prepared by dissolving their gram-equivalent weights || in definite volume of distilled water. Gram-equivalent of NaOH =—23 +16 +1 - 40 g ‘Wt. of NaOH for preparation of 250 ml (3) NaOH 40 x 250 _ 1000 x 10 1.0 g of NaOH pellets is weighed out by an ordinary balance into a beaker; the solid is dissolved in minimum quantity of distilled water by stirring with a glass rod and then transferred into a 250 ml measuring flask. The volume is then made up to the mark and the solution is finally made uniform by shaking. Solutio 10g a eae NTT rertrere: ESTIMATION OF MIXED ALKALI \d NaHCO; in a Mixture with Standard HCI : 1. Determination of NazCO3 an sation of NagCO3 by HCLoccurs in two steps : Theory : The neutralis ‘NayCO3 + HCl = NaHCO3 + NaCl NaHCO; + HCI = NaCl + CO2 + #20 ‘After half neutralisation of NagCO3, ic., after complete conversion of NagCO3 into NaHCO}, the pit of the solution falls below 8.5 and so the pink colour of phenolphthalein disappears. Methyl orange can indicate the alkaline nature of NaHCO3. So for complete neutralisation, titration is again carried out in presence of Methyl orange indicator. Titration Procedure : (a) 25 ml of the supplied solution (or solution prepared by dissolving an accurate amount of the soli¢ mixture in definite volume of distilled water) is pipetted out into a 250 ml conical flask (or beaker), 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator is added, diluted to 100 ml with distilled water. The solution is then titrated with standard (®) HCI by adding dropwise from a burette with constant shaking (or stirring) until the pink colour just disappears. Burette reading is noted (V; ml). Methy! orange indicator is then added and titration is continued and burette reading is again noted when yellow colour changes to pale red. 1. Vol. of std. acid at the first equivalence point = half of NayCO3 2. Vol. of std. acid at the second equivalence point = half of NazCO3 + full of NaHCO3 Calculation : 2V; mlof (x x) HCI 2v,x 5 ml of (N)HCI Na2CO3 in 25 ml mixture t a NY, = Vy WHC, = QV, ml of (N) Na2CO3 of 2Vix = 10 x 0.053 g Na,CO3 f 2Vi; x7 10 NaHCO; in 25 ml mixture (V2-2V}) ml of (X) Hcl f (V2-2V}) x 0 on ml of (N) NaHCO3 ml of (N) HCI Wt (V2-2V1) x f (V2-2V1) x 76 0.084 g NaHCO3

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