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Curr Geri Rep (2017) 6:15–19

DOI 10.1007/s13670-017-0197-x


Geriatric Orthopaedics: a New Paradigm for Management

of Older Patients
Carmen E. Quatman 1,2 & Julie A. Switzer 1,2

Published online: 13 February 2017

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017

Abstract patients. While orthopaedics has a large subspecialty base

Purpose of Review Fragility fractures have become a world- including hand, spine, sports medicine, trauma, musculoskel-
wide epidemic that has necessitated a paradigm shift in how etal oncology, foot and ankle, pediatrics, and shoulder and
we approach the care for elderly orthopaedic patients. There is elbow, the current approach to geriatric orthopaedics is rela-
a great need for subspecialty trained orthopaedic surgeons to tively generalized. In 2003, over 51% of orthopaedic surgery
help bridge the gap and help with transition of care in geriatric work was in people 65 years of age or older [1]. Population
orthopaedic patients. demographics are shifting in the USA, with 43 million people
Recent Findings Not only are the surgical needs of elderly age 65 or older in the USA projected to nearly double to 84
patients different than younger patients but often the complex- million by 2050 [2, 3]. The total number of orthopaedic cases
ity of co-morbidities and bio-psychosocial needs are impor- in the elderly has increased dramatically over the past decade,
tant considerations for patient care and outcomes. which dictates the need for a paradigm shift in our approach to
Summary Geriatric orthopaedic fellowship training is a cru- orthopaedic care for elderly patients.
cial paradigm shift to provide the most efficient, safe, support- In response to the growing elderly population and concom-
ive, and cost-effective musculoskeletal healthcare for elderly itant increase in fragility fractures, the American Orthopaedic
patients. Association created the “Own the Bone” program to encour-
age hospitals and medical centers to identify, evaluate, and
Keywords Geriatric orthopaedics . Fragility fracture . treat fragility fracture patients over the age of 50 years for
Orthopaedic fellowship training . Bone health . Osteoporosis osteoporosis. The “Own the Bone” program’s goal to change
physician and patient behavior to reduce incidence of future
fractures and the impact of osteoporosis is one important step
in addressing the unique musculoskeletal needs in older pa-
Background on Need of Subspecialty Training tients [4]. However, the time sequential deterioration in
of Orthopaedic Surgeons strength, mobility, and agility with increased susceptibility to
disease and injury associated with aging is an important con-
Fractures in the elderly population can lead to profound mor- cept to acknowledge in the medical treatment of patients. In
bidity, mortality, and social and financial consequences for particular, older individuals have a decreased ability to re-
spond to physiologic stress and often multiple morbidities that
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Geriatric Orthopedics
make treatment and recovery from illness or injury more chal-
* Julie A. Switzer
lenging than in the younger patient. Coincident with the bio- logical aging process, the bio-psychosocial needs of the older
patients are often different than younger patients and the out-
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Regions Hospital, 640 Jackson come expectations following injury and disease may often
St., St. Paul, MN 55101, USA have to be tempered from thoughts of “cure” to thoughts of
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, disease management, maintaining quality of life, and meeting
Minneapolis, MN, USA goals of care [5].
16 Curr Geri Rep (2017) 6:15–19

Despite improvements in surgical techniques and medical focused apprenticeship that allows for a deep dive into the
management of co-morbidities such as osteoporosis through health, wellness, and medical competencies necessary to pro-
concepts like “Own the Bone,” up to 50% of fragility fracture vide optimal care of older patients could potentially positively
patients show substantial decline in activities of daily living impact the morbidity and mortality of geriatric orthopaedic
compared to pre-injury status, and have a 15–30% risk of patients.
mortality within 1 year after fracture. It is paramount that Goals of specialty training in geriatric orthopaedics include
our orthopaedic specialty leads the way in determining how exposure to and participation in the evidence-based clinical
to provide the most efficient, effective, safe, and supportive care of elder fracture and trauma patients. It emphasizes com-
musculoskeletal healthcare possible for older patients, while prehensive care of elderly orthopaedic patients in the hospital,
continuing to focus on minimizing healthcare system costs. clinic, and nursing facilities. In particular, fellows should de-
This calls for a paradigm shift in the current practice of ortho- velop an understanding of the entire course of care for the
paedic medicine in older patients [6•]. As awareness of the elderly patient from pre-hospital care, hospitalization, and
complex musculoskeletal needs of the aging patient continues post-hospitalization care. Both prevention and intervention
to grow, it is time that the field of orthopaedics follows in the are key components for fracture care in the elderly patient.
footsteps of other specialties such as internal medicine, neu- At the completion of fellowship, it is expected that the fellow
rology, psychiatry, nephrology, oncology, dermatology, and has mastery of key concepts and principles in the basic sci-
emergency medicine, to create a subspecialty of geriatric or- ences and clinical disciplines in areas of geriatric trauma and
thopaedics designed to address the unique needs of the aging elder fracture care. In addition, the fellow is expected to mas-
population. This report will outline the motivation and an ter surgical skills necessary for the management of complex
innovative approach to creating fellowship training for ortho- fractures in the elderly, periprosthetic fractures and
paedic surgeons in order to create, promote, and evolve the arthroplasty in the geriatric fracture population. Key compo-
field of Geriatric Orthopaedics. nents of geriatric orthopaedic fellowship training are to obtain
the necessary knowledge base to create and manage a com-
prehensive geriatric fracture program with focused care con-
Geriatric Orthopaedics cepts in bone metabolism, perioperative care, rheumatology,
and palliative care and provide community medical education
The field of orthopaedics aims to promote health by related to best practices in geriatric orthopaedic care and frac-
preventing and treating diseases and disabilities associated ture prevention methods.
with the musculoskeletal system. Within this framework, the
impairments that orthopaedic surgeons often address are relat-
ed to mobility and function. Musculoskeletal changes associ- Interdisciplinary Team Exposure
ated with aging include decreased muscle mass and strength,
decreased bone density, loss of skeletal height, joint pain and Important considerations while treating older orthopaedic pa-
stiffness, increased fracture risk, and alterations in gait, bal- tients include iADLs and ADLs (independent activities of
ance, and posture [5]. Combined with sensory losses in visual daily living and activity of daily living), frailty, expected out-
acuity, depth perception, hearing acuity, and proprioception, comes versus optimal outcomes, pre-injury or baseline func-
the aging population is at high risk for falls and subsequent tional status, quality of life, and social support. Several “geri-
injury with high morbidity and mortality [7•]. Approach to an atric giants” of impairment that appear in the elderly have
elderly patient often necessitates special attention to these im- been established including immobility, instability, inconti-
pairments and it is imperative that we develop a more elder- nence, and impaired memory/intellect [5]. These often lead
oriented orthopaedic approach for best practices in the geriat- to a loss of independence, higher risk for falls, and increased
ric population. frailty. Optimal care of the older orthopaedic patient depends
on a well-coordinated, collaborative team of experts along the
entire continuum of care.
Geriatric Fellowship Goals Coordination and cooperation among a large interdisciplin-
ary team is critical to the care of older patients, particularly in
Orthopaedic specialty training that enriches and promotes the the setting of acute orthopaedic injury. Transition of care of an
understanding of palliative care, multi-morbidity, frailty, and older patient is critical to outcomes and may be a time of
general geriatric competencies helps to ensure optimized care particular vulnerability to older fracture patients [8].
for older patients. Orthopaedic residencies prepare surgeons to Interdisciplinary care is an important part of care for older
perform fracture care in a variety of settings. However, it is patients, and fellowship training in geriatric orthopaedics ne-
challenging to incorporate extensive training in bone health cessitates a broad appreciation for the collaborative benefits of
and wellness into the current model of training. Instead, many different disciplines (Fig. 1). Exposure to palliative care,
Curr Geri Rep (2017) 6:15–19 17

Fig. 1 Diagram of the continuum

of care in geriatric orthopaedic

hospitalists, geriatricians, physical therapists, anesthesiolo- helps facilitate patient care and communication but can lead
gists, case managers, and emergency physician strategies for to significant loss of time at work and financial hardships for
care of elderly patients enhances an orthopaedic surgeons un- family members. Often, transportation barriers or inability to
derstanding of optimized care for older patients. In fellowship attend clinic visits due to transportation or physician availabil-
training, the orthopaedic fellow should engage with many of ity leads to unnecessary emergency department visits and even
the other specialties and learn about CMS, Medicare require- readmissions to the hospital due to complex care needs. Under
ments, and postacute care facilities. current Medicare guidelines, a hospital stay of 3 days may be
required in order to get a patient into a skilled nursing facility
to provide supervised care, even if the patient was sent from a
Mobile Outreach skilled nursing facility for evaluation of a non-urgent issue.
Utilization of emerging technologies in telemedicine and cap-
With over 70% of people over the age of 65 requiring long- italizing on the specialty expertise and training for advanced
term assisted living or nursing home healthcare, this has sub- practice providers could help overcome many barriers to or-
stantial societal and financial consequences [9]. It is impera- thopaedic care for older patients. Mobile outreach could pro-
tive that we transform our current healthcare practices to ac- vide a unique bridge to older patients in society by providing
commodate this dramatic shift in demographics and provide efficient, effective specialty orthopaedic care and research
the best healthcare possible to allow for the “baby boomer” with the potential to transform the way we practice musculo-
generation to preserve functional independence and a high skeletal care for older patients.
quality of life. Despite the societal concerns for the barriers In order to build and maintain a successful outreach prac-
to healthcare for the older population, the question still re- tice, strategic planning, business acumen, and specialty ad-
mains—how will we transform health care practices to over- vanced practice provider training is necessary. Geriatric ortho-
come the barriers to provide efficient, effective, safe, and sup- paedic surgeons could be uniquely positioned to help organize
portive healthcare for older patients while continuing to focus and lead mobile outreach and telemedicine clinics for muscu-
on minimizing healthcare system costs? loskeletal care. Bringing care to the patient instead of the
There are many barriers to healthcare for older patients, not patient coming to the provider may help alleviate many of
only for patients but also for their family members and care- the barriers to caring for older patients both for acute trauma
givers out in the community. Travel to physician visits and such as fractures and for more chronic care such as osteoar-
emergency departments for health care and follow-up visits thritis management. It also offers a tremendous opportunity
can be a significant disruption to patient’s environment, lead for education and easier communication among care providers
to delirium, missed medication doses, and significant financial and family members. Fellowship-trained geriatric orthopaedic
costs for transportation or dependence on family members for surgeons may be pivotal to help bring this type of treatment
communication/cognitive needs. At the same time, helping paradigm to the forefront of musculoskeletal care in elderly
transport or attend clinic visits with older family members patients.
18 Curr Geri Rep (2017) 6:15–19

Bone Health Clinic fragility fracture patients is low [7•]. Geriatric orthopaedic
surgeons may be able to have meaningful impact in the early
Metabolic bone changes occur with aging, including decreased fracture period by supervising and mentoring advanced prac-
bone mass and loss of biomechanical strength which leads to tice providers to deliver bone health education in the early
osteopenia and osteoporosis. The loss of the bone’s ability to fracture time period.
resist fracture as individuals age places older individuals at high
risk for low-energy fractures that occur when a patient falls from
standing height or low heights (fragility fracture) [10]. Surgical Experience
Osteopenia and osteoporosis is often unnoticed and untreated
in people over the age of 65 until after fracture [11]. Over 1.5 Operative treatment in older orthopaedic patients requires a
million fragility fractures occur in the USA annually, with up to well-coordinated team of experts to optimize the patient for
50% of women and 30% of men over the age of 50 sustaining early operative care and minimize unnecessary tests and con-
fractures in the remainder of their lifetime [12, 13]. Prior fragility sultations that may increase costs and lead to delays in surgery
fracture, fear of falling, and decline in mobility, coordination, [7•]. The time to surgery, particularly in hip fractures, affects
balance, and strength are some of the strongest predictors for the morbidity and mortality for the patient [20, 21].
future fragility fracture. Estimated annual costs in the USA for Everything along the continuum of care from pre-hospital
fragility fractures are over 17 billion dollars. The risk of second transportation to medical clearance, perioperative care, post-
fragility fracture is significantly higher than the risk for initial operative hospitalization, and post acute care is pivotal for the
fracture [14, 15]. Over 50% of patients with fragility hip fracture outcome of the older patient. Details regarding this are beyond
may fall at least once in the year after hip fracture and nearly the scope of this proposal; however, the geriatric orthopaedist
30% may experience recurrent falls. These subsequent falls should have broad knowledge of these optimal treatment
place them at high risk for a second fracture [16–19]. guidelines.
Orthopaedic follow-up after a first fragility fracture may offer Osteoporosis in older patients is also an important consid-
a chance for meaningful education and intervention for osteo- eration for surgical care. The microarchitecture and decreased
porosis and fall prevention. bone mass associated with osteoporosis decreases fracture
As part of the “Own the Bone” program through the healing potential and makes implant fixation difficult. As the
American Orthopaedic Association, orthopaedic surgeons are structural integrity of the bone is compromised, the ability for
encouraged to help design and manage fracture liaison services. implants to “fix” into bone requires different techniques and
This has led to a significant increase in interest and in education technology than fracture care for younger patients. Geriatric
of musculoskeletal health care providers to help manage osteo- orthopaedic surgeons need to have training about fixation
porosis. Screening labs such as calcium, vitamin D levels, and techniques for fragility fractures such as implant choice,
DEXA screens can help establish fracture risk and provide data avoidance of multiple drill holes, and careful consideration
to the patient to encourage bone health initiatives. Post injury of stress risers in high-risk regions of bone that may lead to
care visits offer an opportune time to discuss fall prevention hardware failure or subsequent periprosthetic fractures.
strategies, vitamin D and calcium supplementations, encourage Implant techniques such as locked plating technology, dual
weight-bearing exercises, poly-pharmacy discussions, and pos- plating, far cortical locking screws, and bone augmentation
sible initiation of osteoporosis medications. with cement, allograft bone, autograft bone, and bone substi-
Fractures may trigger inspiration and motivation for pre- tutes play an important role in treatment of osteoporotic bone
vention of future injury in the early setting of fracture care. [22, 23•, 24]. Intraoperative changes in plan may be necessary
However, this can be a time commitment and additional edu- if initial fixation techniques do not provide the stability nec-
cation that may not be feasible in a busy surgical practice. In essary for the fracture to heal due to fracture comminution or
addition, many orthopaedic surgeons may not feel comfort- poor bone quality [25]. In addition, meticulous soft tissue
able prescribing osteoporotic medications and although pri- handling, wound closure, and prevention of wound break-
mary care providers and endocrinologists are often motivated down are important for surgical care in older patients.
to help intervene for bone health, the timing of initiation of Dedicated fellowship surgical training techniques are impor-
screening and therapy may miss the a window of opportunity tant to help with treatment and perhaps even advance current
where the patient may be most likely to feel motivated for implant and fixation technologies.
improved bone health due to transportation to clinic visits,
mobility challenges in the setting of acute fracture [6•].
Despite the availability and well-established literature demon- Conclusion
strating the effectiveness of bisphosphonates, teripartide, and
other osteoporotic medications to prevent fragility fracture, Elderly patients require a unique approach to orthopaedic care
the prescribing and actual compliance of medication use in that accounts for the complex musculoskeletal needs of the
Curr Geri Rep (2017) 6:15–19 19

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