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1. In which of the following study, did participants administer electric shocks to a student whenever a
wrong answer was received?

- Monster Study

- Milgram Experiment (Correct)

2. A valid informed consent DOES NOT include which of the following?

- Disclosure of information

- Voluntary nature of the decision

- Giving subjects a limited time to make their decision (Correct)

- Competency of the patient (or surrogate) to make a decision

3. Which of the following is necessary to be clarified before the beginning of a couple therapy?

- Primary and secondary client

- Role of psychologist towards the clients

- Use of the services provided by the therapist

- All of the above (Correct)

4. A psychologist and the client reach billing agreement __________ the therapy.

- During

- In the middle of

- At the end of

- At the start of (Correct)

5. If the research participant is incapacitated, exemption can be made for _________.

- Deception

- Informed consent (Correct)

- Institutional approval

- Debriefing

6. A psychologist having multiple relations with a client develops:

- Conflict of interest (Correct)

- Boundaries of competence

- Discrimination against the client

- Interrupted psychological services

7. Client’s information should NOT be used for which of the following?

- Penalizing the client (Correct)

- Rehabilitation of the client

- Research

- Therapeutic processes

8. If the data from a previous research is republished with proper acknowledgement, this is known as:

- Duplication (Correct)

- Dispensing

- Verification

- Plagiarism

9. Which age of children cannot give informed consent?

- Below 10

- Below 15

- Below 13
- Below 17

- Below 18 (Correct)

10. The participant does not participate in the research due to the fear that the researcher might fraud
with him. This issue of informed consent belongs to:

- False expectation (Correct)

- Culture

- Layered consent

- Language
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