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Name : Ketaki Bharati

Roll no : 312006
PRN: 22110723

Part 1 : Golden Rules of web development

1. A good website should be easy to navigate.

A website that is easy to use is crucial because if the visitor finds

it difficult to navigate from one page to another, he or she will get
frustrated and leave the website. Attracting frustrated visitors to
come back to visit the site is extremely difficult. User-friendly
website navigation is paramount as it directly impacts visitor
retention, frustration due to poor navigation deters return visits,
posing a significant challenge in re-engaging disheartened users.

2. Use high-quality visuals and images

Using high-quality graphics and images on your website enhances

its appeal, maintains visitor engagement, and reinforces your
brand's credibility, all while ensuring smooth website
performance. Your website can encourage visitors to stay on the
website longer while contributing to the legitimacy and identity of
your business. Hence, your website should employ high-quality
graphics and images that are appropriate for your brand and
content, without affecting the website operation’s speed.

3. Eliminate Clutter

Another common mistake that many people make is placing as

much content as they can, on one page. Often, many people place
so much information together that the visitor has an information
overload. Overflowing a single page with excessive content can
overwhelm visitors, leading to information overload and hindering
their ability to absorb key messages effectively.

4. Keep Hick’s Law in Mind

Hick’s Law states that increasing the number of choices will

increase the time it takes for an individual to make a decision.
Make sure your visitor’s attention isn’t drawn elsewhere on the
web by limiting the options at each stage of the user experience.
One call-to-action button is much more effective than lengthy
menu options. It suggests that the more choices presented, the
longer it takes for a person to decide. To keep visitor attention
focused, limit options in each stage of the user experience, favoring
a single, clear call-to-action button over complex menus.

5. Type Should Be Legible First, Stylish Second

Have you ever landed on an achingly-hip website only to find your

neck craning while you attempt to read an illegible italic serif?
There are plenty of beautiful web fonts, but many of them don’t
belong on websites.Legible, clear-to-read text offers no distractions
and ensures key information is readable on a range of screen sizes.
Clean, geometric sans serifs or chunky display types are the best
fonts for websites, compared to serifs or italics.

6. Design for Everyone

Color is an instant way to inject your website layout with a

particular mood and personality. What’s more, the right color
choice can also influence how users respond to your site. Did you
know that orange can communicate good value to customers? Or
that blue is associated with intelligence and imagination (making
it a perfect fit for creative agencies)? Read up on the psychology of
color, and make the color choice that will give your visitors the
right impression. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies
that at least 2.2 billion people globally have a vision impairment
or blindness, which means that 28.5% of the world’s population
have some form of vision impairment. Improving color contrast on
your layout, such as pairing black text with a white background,
and opting for large-scale sans-serif fonts are two simple ways to
help make your site design as accessible and inclusive as possible.

7. Website should be quick to download

In today’s fast paced world, patience is slowly becoming a thing of

the past. Website visitors want the website to load fast and want
to be able to look at photos, articles, and watch videos
immediately. When a website has too many large images within it,
it will take longer to load. This leads to frustrated visitors who end
up leaving your site.

8. Content should be updated often

The real factor that drives a website towards becoming successful

is the content. If content is not updated often, visitors of the
website have no reason to visit the site often. Updating content on
a regular basis becomes difficult if one does not know HTML and
has to rely on a webmaster, which may not always be available.
Keeping content up-to-date makes users feel more engaged and
relevant to the website. By regularly updating your website with
fresh content, including blog posts, new articles, product
updates, or upcoming businesses-relevant events, you may
improve the reputation level and keep the users to revisit your

In conclusion, optimizing the website interaction is crucial for
business, as it creates a positive user experience and increases
engagement and conversions to the website. By following these
golden rules, your website will be more visually appealing, and
user-friendly, and ultimately become one of the key factors to your
business success. Making your website easy to use and attractive
is super important for your business. It keeps visitors happy, gets
them interested, and helps turn them into customers. By sticking
to these basic rules, your website becomes a key player in your
business success, drawing in more people and keeping them
coming back for more.

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