CT Evaluation of Appendicitis

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Pinto Leite Abdominal Imaging • Review

et al.
CT of

CT Evaluation of Appendicitis
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and Its Complications:

Imaging Techniques and
Key Diagnostic Findings
Nuno Pinto Leite1 OBJECTIVE. This article reviews various CT protocols for appendicitis, identifies key CT
José M. Pereira1 findings for diagnosing appendicitis, discusses unusual manifestations such as chronic and re-
Rui Cunha1 current appendicitis, and profiles imaging features that differentiate appendicitis from other in-
Pedro Pinto1,2 flammatory and neoplastic ileocecal conditions. Patients were studied with helical CT.
Claude Sirlin1,3 CONCLUSION. CT is a highly accurate, noninvasive test for appendicitis, but the opti-
mal CT technique is controversial. Major complications of appendicitis (perforation, abscess
Pinto Leite N, Pereira JM, Cunha R, Pinto P, formation, peritonitis, bowel obstruction, septic seeding of mesenteric vessels, gangrenous ap-
Sirlin C pendicitis) and their management are discussed. Abdominal CT is a well-established technique
in the study of acute abdominal pain and has shown high sensitivity and specificity for diag-
nosing and differentiating appendicitis, providing an accurate diagnosis in the early stages of

cute appendicitis is one of the pendicitis, especially in children [11–18].

A most common causes of acute ab-

dominal pain, the most common
condition that requires abdominal
Sonography is a noninvasive, rapid, widely
available, and relatively inexpensive tech-
nique. Most important, sonography does not
surgery in childhood, and the most common involve the use of ionizing radiation, a key
condition associated with lawsuits against consideration when imaging otherwise
emergency physicians. healthy pediatric and young adult patients,
Acute appendicitis occurs when the appen- who are up to 10 times more sensitive to the
diceal lumen is obstructed, leading to fluid effects of radiation than are middle-aged and
accumulation, luminal distention, inflamma- elderly adults [19–21]. On the other hand,
tion, and, finally, perforation [1–4]. Classic sonography is highly operator-dependent, re-
symptoms of appendicitis are well described quires a high level of skill and expertise, and
[5]. However, up to one third of patients with may be difficult in some situations (severe
Received September 22, 2004; accepted after revision
acute appendicitis have atypical presentations pain, overlying gas). Sonography is particu-
December 6, 2004. [6]. Moreover, patients with alternative ab- larly challenging in large and overweight
dominal conditions may present with clinical adults, which is a major limitation to its use in
Presented at the 2004 annual meeting of the American findings indistinguishable from acute appen- North America and parts of Europe. More-
Roentgen Ray Society, Miami Beach, FL.
dicitis [7]. Thus, although appendicitis tradi- over, sonography frequently does not allow
Dedicated to our friend and colleague, Pedro Pinto tionally has been a clinical diagnosis, many the detection of normal or perforated appen-
(1969–2004). patients are found to have normal appendixes dixes [12, 17, 22–29]; thus, sonography may
at surgery. The misdiagnosis of this acute be of limited benefit in evaluating patients at
1Department of Radiology, Hospital São João, condition has led to the inappropriate removal the extremes of the disease spectrum. The re-
Oporto Medical School, Oporto, Portugal. of a normal appendix in 8–30% of patients ported diagnostic accuracy of graded com-
[8]. A rate of unnecessary removal as high as pression sonography varies widely; reported
20% has been considered acceptable in the sensitivity of sonography in children ranges
3Present address: Department of Radiology, University of surgery literature [9, 10]. However, negative from 44% to 94%, and specificity, from 47%
California, San Diego, 200 W Arbor Dr., San Diego, CA laparotomy can be avoided in many patients if to 95% [11–13, 16–18, 25, 30]. In 1995, Orr
92103–8756. Address correspondence to C. Sirlin. modern diagnostic methods are used to con- et al. [31] performed a meta-analysis of pediat-
AJR 2005; 185:406–417
firm or exclude acute appendicitis. ric and adult studies published between 1986
In the mid 1980s, graded-compression and 1994, showing an overall sonography
sonography emerged as a promising imaging sensitivity of 85% and specificity of 92%.
© American Roentgen Ray Society technique for the evaluation of suspected ap- Anecdotally, our personal experience with

406 AJR:185, August 2005

CT of Appendicitis

Fig. 1—CT scan after oral contrast administration in 32-year-old woman with normal
appendix. Note normal appendix with intraluminal enteric contrast material and gas
(arrows). Appendix wall is nearly imperceptibly thin.
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Fig. 2—6-year-old girl with acute appendicitis.
A and B, CT scans obtained before (A) and after (B) IV contrast administration illustrate benefit of IV contrast material in difficult cases. Unenhanced scan is indeterminate
because appendix is not confidently visualized. Enhanced scan shows dilated appendix with thickened, hyperenhancing wall (arrows, B). Notice mural stratification of appen-
dix wall.

sonography in the diagnosis of appendicitis presentations, but if the sonographic results citis, with reported sensitivities of 88–100%,
has been disappointing. We reserve sonogra- are negative or inconclusive, we generally specificities of 91–99%, positive predictive
phy as the initial examination in children, ad- proceed with CT. values of 92–98%, negative predictive values
olescents, thin adults, and women of repro- CT has high accuracy for the noninvasive of 95–100%, and accuracies of 94–98% [8,
ductive age with possible gynecologic assessment of patients with suspected appendi- 32–34], and has emerged as the technique of

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Pinto Leite et al.
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Fig. 3—38-year-old man with early, acute appendicitis. Unenhanced CT scan shows Fig. 4—20-year-old man with acute appendicitis. Oral and IV contrast-enhanced CT
inflamed appendix measuring 10 mm in transverse diameter (arrows). Note low- scan shows thickened, fluid-filled appendix (arrows).
attenuation edema in submucosal layer of appendix. No appendicoliths, free air,
adjacent fluid collection, or fat stranding is seen. Surgery confirmed early, nonper-
forated appendicitis.

choice in many centers for imaging evaluation nique is important. Nevertheless, the optimal ing the risk of appendiceal perforation before
of these patients [35–37]. More recently, sev- CT technique for appendicitis remains contro- scanning—and also eliminates the risks asso-
eral authors have also reported the accuracy of versial, and a variety of methods have been ad- ciated with IV contrast injection. Ege et al. [41]
helical CT for the diagnosis of acute appendi- vocated. It is generally accepted that appen- reported a sensitivity of 96%, specificity of
citis in children [11, 36, 38–40]. Important ad- diceal CT should incorporate thin-section 98%, positive predictive value of 97%, and
vantages of CT are that it depicts the appendix, scanning (5 mm) through the right lower quad- negative predictive value of 98%. On the basis
the periappendiceal tissues, and other intraab- rant (RLQ) to improve identification of the ap- of these results, the authors recommended that
dominal structures. Thus, CT allows the radi- pendix, but debate exists regarding the need for if no definite inflammatory changes are de-
ologist to confidently exclude appendicitis if a IV contrast material, the use and route of en- tected with unenhanced CT, patient clinical
normal appendix is visualized and to diagnose teric contrast agents, and the necessity for monitoring could be done [43]. However,
appendicitis if the appendix is abnormal. Im- scanning the entire abdomen and pelvis versus other authors found less promising results for
portantly, by depicting the severity and exten- performing a focused data acquisition through unenhanced CT. Heaston et al. [3] showed a
sion of the inflammatory process, CT can also the RLQ. The most commonly used CT tech- sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 92%.
help guide appropriate management. CT has nique for studying the appendix is a scan of the Our anecdotal experience is that unenhanced
several important disadvantages, however. entire abdomen and pelvis after both oral and CT accuracy probably depends on the patient’s
The most serious is that it uses ionizing radia- IV administration of contrast material [42], but body habitus (particularly visceral fat content),
tion. Radiation dose depends on CT technique. several other approaches are possible. We de- although to our knowledge this hypothesis has
This article reviews CT technique, key CT scribe the most commonly used CT techniques not yet been tested.
findings, complications, unusual manifesta- in the evaluation of appendicitis.
tions, and differential diagnosis. Focused CT
Unenhanced CT Some authors advocate a focused CT exam-
CT Technique Some centers advocate examination without ination from the right renal lower pole through
Because visualization of both the normal oral or IV contrast material [8, 32]. Unen- the entire pelvis with various combinations of
(Fig. 1) and the inflamed appendix can be chal- hanced scanning eliminates patient prepara- oral, rectal, and IV contrast media. Focused CT
lenging, especially in asthenic patients with a tion time to receive enteric contrast material— has the advantage of decreasing patient radia-
paucity of visceral fat [41], meticulous tech- thus expediting the examination and diminish- tion dose, which is especially desirable in pe-

408 AJR:185, August 2005

CT of Appendicitis

diatric patients [34, 42, 44, 45]. In one study, those with peritoneal signs or other evidence ologist. This approach permits immediate im-
Fefferman et al. [44] reported high sensitivity of gross perforation. aging assessment of patients with suspected
(97%), specificity (93%), positive predictive Oral administration—Distal small-bowel appendicitis and rational choice of contrast
value (90%), and negative predictive value and cecal opacification may be achieved by material tailored to a particular patient if the
(98%). However, the focused CT technique oral administration of 800–1,000 mL of con- preliminary unenhanced scan is inconclusive.
has some limitations. In one study of 100 pa- trast material in small increments over 1.5–2 Disadvantages of this approach are that it re-
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tients presenting to the emergency department hr. Opacification of these structures is often quires monitoring by the radiologist to deter-
with RLQ pain, Kamel et al. [45] showed that helpful because otherwise they may mimic or mine whether contrast administration is
if only focused CT had been performed, 7% of obscure an abnormal appendix. Unfortunately, needed and that it results in additional scan-
patients with abnormalities outside the pelvis oral contrast administration delays the exami- ning in patients in whom unenhanced images
(4% of whom required surgery) would be un- nation. Moreover, optimal opacification of the are inconclusive, thereby increasing radiation
diagnosed. They concluded that both abdomi- ileocecal region is often not achieved because exposure and potentially delaying diagnosis.
nal and pelvic CT examinations are necessary of variability in gastrointestinal transit time Tamburrini et al. [56] found that in 25% of pa-
because there are many possible upper abdom- and patient compliance; patients with abdomi- tients, the preliminary images were inconclu-
inal causes of RLQ pain in patients with clini- nal pain are often nauseated and may not toler- sive and additional scanning with contrast ma-
cally suspected appendicitis. ate oral contrast material [51]. In our experi- terial was necessary. The frequency with
ence, oral contrast material is not usually which additional scanning is necessary may be
Use of Enteric Contrast Material beneficial except in cases of perforation, when influenced by patient demographic factors
Most investigators recommend the use of oral contrast material can help identify extralu- (age, sex) and visceral fat content; this is under
enteric contrast material, either oral or rectal minal fluid collections. active investigation.
[33, 46–49], claiming that positive enteric
contrast material decreases the number of Use of IV Contrast Material Our Approach
false-negative cases and improves character- Although some authors believe that the The large number of proposed CT tech-
ization of appendicitis and detection of its use of enteric contrast material alone is ade- niques presents a challenge to radiologists
complications. quate to diagnose appendicitis, other authors who wish to start using CT for diagnosis of
Rectal administration—Cecal opacifica- believe that IV contrast material is neces- appendicitis at their institution. The simplest
tion and distention may be achieved by rec- sary. IV contrast material can be especially and most widely used technique is CT with
tal administration of 800–1,500 mL of con- helpful in subtle cases and in patients with both oral and IV contrast material. However,
trast material [33, 43, 49]. The contrast agent minimal intraabdominal fat by showing en- as discussed previously, we find that positive
is given with the patient on the CT gurney as hancement of the appendiceal wall [49, oral and IV contrast material are not helpful in
a bolus under gravity control without fluoro- 52–54] (Fig. 2). Complications such as ap- most patients.
scopic visualization. Several studies have pendiceal perforation, extraappendiceal On the basis of our personal experience
shown high accuracy of appendicitis CT in fluid collections, abscess formation, and and to satisfy the needs of our emergency de-
both adults and children after rectal contrast septic seeding of the mesenteric–portal partment colleagues, we tailor our protocol
material administration [34, 43, 50]. In one venous system are also better characterized according to the patient’s clinical presenta-
study, helical CT with rectal contrast mate- after IV contrast administration [52, 55]. tion and other factors. If the patient is a
rial was as accurate (98%) as helical CT with Furthermore, IV contrast material is useful child, adolescent, thin young adult, or repro-
both oral and rectal contrast material [33]. to diagnose and assess other causes of ab- ductive-age woman with a possible gyneco-
Rectal contrast material distends the cecum, dominal pain, including pancreatitis, inflam- logic source of pain, try sonography first; if
delineates the thickness of its wall, and matory bowel disease, and pyelonephritis that is inconclusive, perform CT with IV
opacifies an unobstructed appendix. By dis- [49, 52–55]. Disadvantages include possible contrast material. If the patient is a large
tending the cecal lumen, this technique de- adverse reactions and costs. adult, try unenhanced CT with selective use
picts several cecal signs of appendicitis, in- of contrast material. This method expedites
cluding the arrowhead sign, the “cecal bar” Unenhanced CT with Selective the CT examination, which is critical for our
sign, and focal cecal apical thickening Use of Contrast Material emergency department physicians. If the
[46–49]. These signs are discussed further in An alternative, theoretically more elegant symptoms have persisted for more than 72
the subsection Cecal Changes under Key CT approach, is unenhanced CT with the selective hr, try CT with oral and IV contrast material
Findings. An important advantage of rectal use of contrast material. In this approach, pa- because of the high probability of perfora-
contrast administration is that it is relatively tients with suspected appendicitis are initially tion. If the patient has a history of cancer,
fast to perform and the patient does not need evaluated with unenhanced CT. If unenhanced inflammatory bowel disease, immune defi-
to wait the 1–2 hr usually required with the images are conclusive (i.e., positive or nega- ciency, or lower abdominal or pelvic sur-
oral route for terminal ileal and cecal visual- tive for appendicitis), no further imaging is gery, try CT with oral and IV contrast ma-
ization. Disadvantages of routine rectal con- necessary. However, if findings are inconclu- terial because there is a high pretest
trast administration include patient discom- sive, a repeat scan is performed with contrast probability of disorders other than appendi-
fort, inconsistent opacification of the material. The type of contrast material (IV, citis and possibly distorted anatomy.
terminal ileum, and logistical or procedural oral, rectal) and the imaging volume (e.g., fo- The individualized approach advocated
difficulties. Rectal contrast material is con- cused RLQ scan or scan of the entire abdomen here may be impractical in nonacademic in-
traindicated in neutropenic patients and and pelvis) are chosen by the interpreting radi- stitutions or in institutions that rely on remote

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Pinto Leite et al.

coverage of after-hours cases. A uniform pro- gorithm for the interpretation of CT find- ening of the lateral conal fascia (Fig. 7) and
tocol may be preferred. The chosen protocol ings. This algorithm is based on personal ex- mesoappendix, extraluminal fluid (Fig. 7),
must satisfy the needs of referring clinicians perience and the authors’ interpretation of phlegmon, abscess (Fig. 10), ileocecal mild
and be appropriate for the patient population. presented and published data. It has not been lymph node enlargement, and inflammatory
Our emergency department colleagues, for tested. Testing and refinement of the pro- thickening of contiguous structures. Struc-
example, place a premium on expediting the posed algorithm will require further study. tures that may be secondarily inflamed de-
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examination, and most of our patients are Additional appendiceal signs include ap- pend on the anatomic location of the appendix
overweight adults. For this reason, we per- pendiceal wall thickening (wall ≥ 3 mm) and include the ascending colon, terminal il-
form unenhanced CT with the selective use of (Figs. 5 and 6), appendiceal wall hyperen- eum, sigmoid, and urinary bladder (Fig. 6).
contrast material in most patients. hancement (Figs. 2 and 4–6), mural stratifica- Periappendiceal signs are not specific for ap-
tion of the appendiceal wall (Fig. 2), appendi- pendicitis [4], however, because they are
Key CT Findings colith(s) (Figs. 5 and 7), and intramural gas. present in a wide spectrum of other RLQ dis-
CT findings of acute appendicitis are di- Appendicoliths are present in one third of pa- orders. Moreover, the sensitivity of these
vided into appendiceal, cecal, and periappen- tients with appendicitis. Although associated signs may be decreasing because CT is being
diceal changes [4, 34, 46, 57]. with appendicitis, appendicoliths are not di- performed earlier in the course of acute ap-
agnostic and have low specificity as isolated pendicitis. This gradual change in practice
Appendiceal Changes findings because they are commonly present has reduced the prevalence and severity of pe-
One of the CT hallmarks of acute appen- in asymptomatic subjects. Appendicoliths riappendiceal fat stranding and other inflam-
dicitis is appendiceal thickening (Figs. 3 and may have prognostic importance, however, matory changes on CT [57].
4). Most authors have extrapolated from the because their presence increases the likeli-
sonography literature on appendicitis [27] hood of appendiceal perforation (Fig. 5; also Comparison of Individual CT Signs
and define appendiceal thickening on CT as see the following text). In a recent study, Choi et al. [57] per-
outer-wall-to-outer-wall transverse diameter formed a statistical analysis of the individual
greater than 6 mm. Unfortunately, sono- Cecal Changes CT findings and concluded that appendiceal
graphic data of appendiceal diameter were Key CT findings involving the cecum enlargement, appendiceal wall thickening,
based on images obtained with graded involve the cecal apex and include cecal api- periappendiceal fat stranding, and appen-
compression of the RLQ, which may alter cal thickening (Fig. 8), the arrowhead sign diceal wall enhancement were significantly
appendiceal diameter, whereas CT images are (Fig. 9), and the cecal bar sign. Diffuse as op- more associated with acute appendicitis than
obtained without compression. Thus, extrapola- posed to apical cecal thickening is also possi- with other findings.
tion from sonography to CT may not be valid. ble, but this is less specific for appendicitis.
For this and other reasons, some authors define The arrowhead sign refers to focal cecal wall Major Complications
appendiceal thickening on CT as transverse thickening centered on the appendiceal ori- Perforation
diameter greater than 7 mm [11]. However, fice: enteric contrast material in the cecal lu- If appendicitis is allowed to progress, por-
even a diameter threshold of 7 mm may be men points to the abnormal appendix and as- tions of the appendiceal wall eventually be-
inappropriate. Brown et al. [58] showed that sumes a triangular configuration, mimicking come ischemic or necrotic [1, 59] and the ap-
the normal appendix measures greater than an arrowhead. The cecal bar sign refers to in- pendix perforates. On CT, perforation is
6 mm in 42% of asymptomatic outpatient flammatory soft tissue at the base of the ap- suggested by the presence of localized peri-
adults; they defined the upper limit of nor- pendix that separates the appendix from the appendiceal inflammation, although this is a
mal as 10 mm. On the basis of these results, contrast-filled cecum. The cecal arrowhead nonspecific finding. Interestingly, visualiza-
an appendiceal diameter of 6–10 mm is in- and bar signs are applicable only in patients in tion of appendicoliths on CT increases the
determinate. Because of considerable over- whom enteric contrast material distends the probability of appendiceal perforation [1,
lap between the normal and abnormal appen- cecum; these signs are best visualized after 27, 60], possibly because appendicoliths ac-
dix, we believe that any single-diameter rectal contrast administration. celerate the rate at which perforation occurs.
threshold is too simplistic. Instead, the ap- Thus, the presence of one or more appendi-
pendiceal diameter probably should be inter- Inflammatory Changes in RLQ coliths in association with periappendiceal
preted in the context of clinical and other CT Periappendiceal inflammation includes pe- inflammation is virtually diagnostic of per-
findings. Table 1 summarizes a proposed al- riappendiceal fat stranding (Figs. 5–7), thick- foration [60] (Figs. 5 and 7). Even in the ab-

TABLE 1: Proposed Algorithm for Interpretation of Appendicitis CT in Symptomatic Patients

Interpretation CT Findings Recommendation
Excludes appendicitis < 6-mm appendix or > 6-mm appendix completely gas-filled Work up other causes of RLQ pain
Possible appendicitis 6- to 10-mm appendix without any other CT signs Observation if symptomatic
Probable appendicitis 6- to 10-mm appendix + WT + WHE (no FS) Surgery if symptomatic
Definite appendicitis > 10-mm appendix or 6- to 10-mm appendix + WT + WHE + FS Surgery if symptomatic
Note—This algorithm is based on authors’ personal experience and interpretation of published data from their and other institutions. Accuracy of the proposed algorithm
has not been tested. RLQ = right lower quadrant, WT = wall thickening (appendiceal wall ≥ 3 mm), WHE = wall hyperenhancement, FS = fat stranding.

410 AJR:185, August 2005

CT of Appendicitis
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Fig. 5—33-year-old man with acute appendicitis. Axial oblique reformatted image of Fig. 6—27-year-old woman with acute appendicitis. Axial CT image after IV and oral
CT study after administration of oral and IV contrast material shows distended contrast administration shows thickened appendiceal wall, with wall enhancement
appendix with wall enhancement (arrow) and appendicolith (arrowhead). Note peri- (arrow) and fat stranding. Note thickening of adjacent bladder wall (arrowheads)
appendiceal fat stranding. Surgery confirmed perforated appendix. caused by inflammatory process.

Fig. 7—32-year-old man with acute appendicitis. Unenhanced CT shows appendi- Fig. 8—17-year-old boy with acute appendicitis. CT with oral contrast material
colith (arrowhead), periappendiceal fat stranding (black arrows), lateral conal fascia shows cecal apical wall thickening (arrowheads).
thickening (white arrow), and periappendiceal fluid.

sence of periappendiceal changes, a CT find- study, Horrow et al. [61] showed that a ded- enhancing appendiceal wall—allows excel-
ing of a thickened appendix and one or more icated search for five specific CT findings— lent sensitivity (95%) and specificity (95%)
appendicoliths is suspicious for perforation extraluminal air, extraluminal appendi- for perforation in patients with known ap-
or impending perforation. In a retrospective colith, abscess, phlegmon, and a defect in the pendicitis who underwent preoperative CT.

AJR:185, August 2005 411

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Fig. 9—16-year-old girl with acute appendicitis. Axial CT after oral and IV contrast Fig. 10—47-year-old man with periappendiceal abscess. Helical CT after IV contrast
material shows cecal wall thickening around appendiceal orifice. Enteric contrast injection shows periappendiceal abscess extending into psoas muscle (arrow-
material in cecal lumen points to enlarged appendix (arrow) and assumes triangular heads).
configuration (arrowhead sign [arrowhead]).

Fig. 11—21-year-old man with mesenteric adenitis.
A and B, Unenhanced axial CT shows enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes (A, arrows) and normal appendix (B, arrowhead).

412 AJR:185, August 2005

CT of Appendicitis
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Fig. 12—41-year-old man with cecal diverticulitis. Helical CT after oral and IV con- Fig. 13—52-year-old woman with epiploic appendagitis. Axial IV contrast-enhanced
trast administration shows diverticulum in cecum (arrow) and mild surrounding fat CT shows small fat-attenuation lesion (arrowhead) adjacent to right colon with round
stranding. Note normal appendix (arrowhead) and engorged vasa recta. hyperdense focus in center (arrow). Note also asymmetric thickening of adjacent
colon and infiltration of mesenteric fat.

In that study, the individual finding with phrenic, and hepatorenal spaces. Fluid in the tal hypertension due to pylethrombosis have a
highest sensitivity was a mural enhancement lesser sac suggests other diagnoses, such as recent or remote history of appendicitis.
defect (64%). pancreatitis or perforated peptic ulcer. Con-
trast-enhanced CT helps differentiate bacte- Gangrenous Appendicitis
Periappendiceal Abscess rial peritonitis from ascites by showing en- Gangrenous appendicitis is the result of in-
Abscess is the most frequent complication hancement and thickening of peritoneal tramural and arterial thromboses. CT findings
of perforation. The abscess remains localized reflections, inflammatory changes in the include pneumatosis, shaggy appendiceal
if periappendiceal fibrinous adhesions develop mesentery and omentum, engorgement of wall, and patchy areas of mural nonperfusion.
before rupture. CT shows a loculated, rim-en- regional mesenteric vessels, and hyperemic
hancing fluid collection that may have mass ef- changes in contiguous bowel segments. Unusual Manifestations
fect on adjacent bowel loops [59] (Fig. 10). If In addition to acute appendicitis, appendic-
the abscess is large (> 4 cm), percutaneous Bowel Obstruction ular obstruction may occasionally produce
drainage followed by delayed appendectomy Uncommonly, patients with acute appendi- milder, more chronic inflammation. Two
is the preferred treatment [43]. citis present with mechanical obstruction, similar entities have been described, recurrent
likely secondary to entrapment of the distal il- appendicitis and chronic appendicitis. Recur-
Peritonitis eum in a periappendiceal inflammatory mass. rent appendicitis refers to repeated episodes
Bacterial peritonitis, a dangerous compli- More commonly, small-bowel obstruction is of RLQ pain that, after appendectomy, are
cation, is due to early appendiceal rupture a late complication of appendectomy and is proven to be the result of an inflamed appen-
before formation of inflammatory adhe- caused by postoperative fibrous adhesions in dix. Chronic appendicitis refers to RLQ pain
sions. This complication is more common in the peritoneal cavity. of at least 3 weeks’ duration that completely
young children because progression to per- disappears after appendectomy. Pathologic
foration tends to be rapid [59, 62]. CT and Septic Seeding of Mesenteric Vessels examination shows chronic active inflamma-
sonography show interloop fluid and Appendicitis can be complicated by pyle- tion of the appendiceal wall or fibrosis of the
free-fluid tracking along the peritoneal re- phlebitis, pylethrombosis, or hepatic abscess appendix. In both entities, clinical presenta-
flections, sometimes far from the appendix. caused by ascending infection along the tion is usually more insidious than with acute
Common locations are the pelvis; the para- draining mesenteric–portal venous system. appendicitis. CT findings are generally indis-
colic gutters; and the subhepatic, sub- Occasionally, patients with cryptogenic por- tinguishable from those of early acute appen-

AJR:185, August 2005 413

Pinto Leite et al.

Fig. 14—30-year-old man with omental infarction. Abdominal CT shows well-circum-

scribed region of inflamed omental fat, with streaklike areas of inflammatory strand-
ing (arrowheads).
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dicitis: mild wall thickening and mural hyper- CT findings of cecal diverticulitis include fo- of inflammatory stranding [63] (Fig. 14). De-
enhancement with minimal to no fat cal pericecal inflammatory changes, slight pending on the location, omental infarction
stranding. Surgery is curative but does not mural thickening, and visualization of one or may mimic acute appendicitis, epiploic ap-
necessarily need to be performed on an emer- more diverticula. Identifying the inflamed ce- pendagitis, or diverticulitis.
gent basis. With increasing frequency, these cal diverticulum allows accurate diagnosis of
patients are being treated with antibiotics and cecal diverticulitis [64]. The inflamed diver- Crohn’s Disease
elective surgery weeks to months later, rather ticulum contains gas, fluid, contrast material, Crohn’s disease is a chronic granulomatous
than with emergent surgery. or calcified material. Visualization of a nor- inflammatory condition that can involve any
mal appendix helps confirm the diagnosis. If segment of the gastrointestinal tract but most
Differential Diagnosis the normal appendix is not visualized, the dif- commonly involves the terminal ileum and
Several alternative conditions may mimic ferential diagnosis is difficult [63, 65] right colon. CT helps exclude appendicitis and
appendicitis clinically and on CT. Correct di- (Fig. 12). shows features characteristic of Crohn’s dis-
agnosis is important because many of these ease. Affected bowel usually shows prominent
differential entities are self-limited and re- Epiploic Appendagitis circumferential wall thickening. In acute and
spond to conservative management. Epiploic appendagitis is an uncommon con- subacute cases, IV contrast administration
dition caused by inflammation, torsion, or is- shows bowel wall mural stratification (target
Mesenteric Adenitis chemia of an epiploic appendage. On CT, there sign). Characteristically, skip lesions are
Mesenteric adenitis is the most common al- is a small fat-attenuation mass contiguous with present. Local proliferation of mesenteric fat
ternative condition identified at negative ap- the colon and having a hyperattenuating rim. A around the affected bowel, prominent vessels
pendectomy. It is a benign inflammation of the round or linear hyperdense focus in the center in the hypertrophied fat, fistulas, sinus tracts,
ileocolic lymph nodes that is usually caused by of the mass thought to represent a thrombosed and abscesses are frequently found [43, 67,
Yersinia enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis, central vein is characteristic but is not always 68]. Importantly, Crohn’s disease may involve
or Campylobacter jejuni. CT findings include present. Other possible findings are focal the appendix and cause a chronic granuloma-
enlargement (> 5 mm) of mesenteric lymph thickening of the adjacent bowel, infiltration of tous appendicitis, which is usually managed
nodes, thickening of the adjacent cecum and il- mesenteric fat, and focal thickening of the sur- conservatively.
eum, and a normal appendix [63] (Fig. 11). rounding peritoneum [66] (Fig. 13).
Infectious Terminal Ileitis
Cecal Diverticulitis Omental Infarction Bacterial, mycobacterial, parasitic, and vi-
Cecal diverticulitis is relatively uncommon Omental infarction is a rare condition in ral pathogens can cause terminal ileitis either
in North American and European popula- which there is segmental infarction of some in isolation or in association with mesenteric
tions, accounting for only 5% of all diverticu- portion of the omentum. CT features include adenitis. CT typically shows mild terminal il-
litis cases. For reasons that are not completely a well-circumscribed region of inflamed eal wall thickening (< 5 mm) and, if present,
clear, it is distinctly more common in Asians. omental fat with haziness and streaklike areas findings of mesenteric adenitis.

414 AJR:185, August 2005

CT of Appendicitis
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A and B, Axial (A) and coronal reformatted (B) CT scans obtained after oral and IV contrast administration show distended appendiceal lumen caused by abnormal mucus
accumulation (arrows).

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