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Just A Summer Fling (Boys Of Rose

Briar Hill) Alisha Williams

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Just A Summer Fling (Boys Of Rose Briar Hill) Alisha


Just A Summer Fling (Boys Of Rose Briar Hill) Alisha


NOAH A. Briar

Crestfire Hill 2 Summer Aspen
Crestfire Hill 2 Summer Aspen

The Summer Villa Melissa Hill

His Witness To Protect: A Friends To Lovers Romance

(Destiny Falls Book 1) Summer Rose

The Ghosts of Rose Hill R. M. Romero

Entangled Love: Steamy Romance (Takes Two to Tango Book

3) Summer Rose
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents
are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2023 by Alisha Williams

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used
in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner,
except for the use of quotations in a book review.
For more information, please address:
Book Cover Design: Kismet New Mood Graphics And Designs
Table of Contents
Copyright Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9



To anyone who just wanted to have a wild summer with sexy hot
strangers, this ones for you.
Just A Summer Fling is a prequel to an upcoming series, Boy’s Of
Rose Briar Hill. It is recommended that you read this book before the
first one.
This book is an over all sweet and steamy read, however, the series
that follows will be a dark college romance and deal with some
darker topics.
Chapter 1
“Delaney, sweetie, we better get going!” Mom’s voice drifts through
the open window where she waits in the driveway, car packed and
ready to go.
Taking one last walk through my childhood room, I close the
window and look around. It’s so strange to see it empty, like all the
years that I’ve spent in here didn’t happen.
“Sorry, just wanted to make sure we didn’t forget anything,” I tell
her as I jog down the front steps.
“If we did, Mrs. Randell will make sure we get it.” My mom
smiles, her chestnut hair, the same shade as mine, blows in the
wind. She brushes it out of her face as she looks up at the house.
“I’m gonna miss this place.”
“Me too,” I sigh, wrapping my arm around her waist and placing
my head on her shoulder as I look up to take in as many details as I
can. Change is a big thing for me, because it’s not something I’m
used to. But this is the good kind, something we both need.
“Dede!” That voice has my body going stiff.
“Want me to get rid of him?” My mother’s voice is full of the
same disdain I feel.
“No, I got this. Get in the car, I’ll join you in a second.” I give her
a weak smile before turning around to face my boyfriend. Sorry, my
“What the fuck do you want?” I snarl, crossing my arms over my
chest while giving him a death glare.
“Please, don’t leave.” He looks rough. His hair is a mess, and the
dark rings under his eyes make it look like he hasn’t slept in days.
“Nope.” I shake my head. “You don’t get to do this, Kyle.”
“I said I was sorry!” He raises his arms in the air. “What more do
you want?”
“How about you don’t stick your dick in my best friend!” I shout
back, anger rising within me. “I loved you. I wanted to spend the
rest of my fucking life with you. And you go and fuck my best friend.
Someone who’s been my person since we were four!”
“Delaney, please,” Lora steps out of Kyle’s car.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” I snort out a humorless
laugh, shaking my head. I haven’t seen her since the night I found
her underneath him, moaning his name like a bitch in heat. “You
brought her, really?”
“She wanted to see you too. We both wanted to apologize. It
was a mistake. We were both drunk. Please.”
I don’t know what I ever saw in him. Maybe it was the surfer-boy
good looks with his blond hair and sun-kissed skin. Funny thing was,
Lora was the one who told me not to date him, that he was a player
and would break my heart. Fucking pathetic.
“How long?” I ask her. “How long were you fucking him behind
my back.”
Her face pales as she looks from Kyle back to me. “I don’t
I take a step toward her, getting in her face. “I asked. How.
Long.” I don’t have time for people who betray me. I have a new life
that I’m about to start and just want to make sure I get the closure
of this one.
“Two years,” she whispers, casting her eyes to the ground.
“So, our whole relationship?” I ask Kyle.
“It’s not like–”
He doesn’t get a chance to finish because I pull my fist back and
punch him right in his stupid, cheating face. “Fuck!” we both shout.
He clutches his nose, blood gushing out as I shake my hand. “We’re
done. Lose my number, forget we ever met. You're dead to me. Both
of you,” I spit. Lora starts to cry, rushing to Kyle’s side as he oozes
My chest heaves, anger vibrating through my body as my hand
throbs in pain. I don’t care. It felt good to make that fucker hurt.
Walking in on him pumping deep into my best friend at a party
he brought me to, it hurt bad. I cried for days, did all the stages of
grieving a break up.
Then my mom came into my room and reminded me he wasn’t
worth it. That I was worth more. She told me to break up with him,
delete his number, and find me someone who would love and
respect me, like I deserve.
And she’s right. I would never have thought to ever cheat on
him, but he could so easily do that to me. He doesn’t deserve me.
But what hurt more, was the fact he cheated on me with my best
friend. Someone who I did everything with, spent the most time
with, and shared all my secrets with. Fifteen years of friendship gone
over dick. How fucked up is that?
“Let me see that,” Mom says, taking my hand as I get into the
car. She lets out a little hiss. “That’s going to need some ice. We can
get something at a gas station on our way out of the city.”
“Worth it,” I mutter as she starts up the car.
She gives me a cheeky grin. “It was a good punch.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” I chuckle. She gives me a high five before
pulling out of the driveway. She stops, rolls down the window, and
flips off my ex.
“Take that, you little prick!” she shouts before taking off down
the road.
I burst out laughing, and she joins me.
My mom is my number one person in my life. She’s the best.
Never once has she let me down. Always there for me when I
needed her. If anything, she’s my best friend.
It sucked that her job caused her to spend a lot of time travelling
as a pharmaceutical rep. But she’s sacrificed so much to be a single
mom and raise me, that I couldn’t complain when she took a job
that paid amazingly. Sometimes I’d get to go on trips with her if it
didn’t interfere with school. But I’ve been staying on my own for
weeks at a time since I was sixteen. Our neighbor, Letty, would keep
an eye on me for my mom.
I was the kind of teenager who would go to parties but never
had them, even if my mom was out of town. I didn’t ever think to
break her trust by throwing one just for a drunken night of fun. So it
was mostly spent with Lora coming over and eating a lot of junk
Something amazing happened to my mom because of this job.
She met a man. A good man who treats her how she deserves. Only
thing is, he lives on the other side of the country in Rose Briar Hill,
Florida, and we live in San Francisco, California.
They have been dating long distance for the past year. I haven’t
had a chance to meet James yet, but we’ve talked a few times on
video chat. I’d say he sounds like a good guy.
Now that I’ve graduated high school, she felt like it was time to
move closer to be with him, and of course, I fully supported her.
I did plan on staying here for college, but after everything with
Kyle and Lora, I chose to move with Mom. Mostly because I don’t
think I could live that far away from her. I wasn’t set on any specific
school, so it was a no brainer to start over somewhere new.
The moving trucks took everything this morning. Mom wanted to
take the chance to have a fun cross country trip, so we’re doing a
summer sightseeing road trip for the next few weeks.
I’m excited. With the windows down, music blasting, and a
summer to remember just waiting for me, there’s nothing stopping
me from living my best life.
But before we get to Rose Briar Hill, we’re spending a few days
at James’ resort. Yeah, his resort. The man is loaded. He and Mom
actually met because he’s my mom’s boss. He owns the
pharmaceutical company and then when he made his first million, he
started building resorts to expand his empire. It happened on one of
the business trips; the way she talks about it, it sounds like
something out of a romance book. She deserves that kind of love.
We pull up to a gas station and Mom gets out. My phone is going
crazy with text messages from Kyle and Lora. First, it’s him calling
me a crazy bitch, then switching it up to he’s sorry and he loves me.
I roll my eyes and look at Lora’s. She’s saying the same bullshit
about how much she regrets it and I’m her best friend. Years
together and blah, blah, blah. Sorry, but real friends don’t fuck their
best friend’s boyfriend. I’d never do that to someone.
“Here.” Mom hands me a bag of frozen peas. I raise a brow, a
grin cracking on my lips. “What?” She laughs. “They were selling
cups of ice but some lady bought the last one.” She glares out the
window. I look over to see some older lady bending down to give
her little rat dog the ice to eat. “I tried to tell her my daughter’s
bruised hand was more important, but she wasn’t having it.”
“It’s fine,” I laugh. “This works.”
“I also got snacks,” she says excitedly, putting two full bags into
the back seat. “Can’t have a road trip without them.”
“No, you can’t.” I laugh again. She’s too cute.
Once we’re on the highway, it’s like a weight has been lifted off
my chest. I start to feel excited, rolling the windows down. We both
giggle as our hair whips around and mom blasts the radio. California
Gurls by Katy Perry is on, and we start to belt out the lyrics.
My goal is to enjoy this summer, make it the best one ever. One I
hope to never forget.
Chapter 2

As much fun as the past two weeks have been with my mom, I’m
over this road trip. My ass is numb, my legs are cramped, I smell like
a gas station, and I haven’t slept in a real bed in way too long.
So when we pull up to James’ massive resort, I’m both in awe
and relieved.
“Holy shit. I knew he made good money but damn, Mom, this
place is amazing. Look at you, getting yourself a sugar daddy,” I joke
as we step out of the car.
“Delaney!” she hisses, slapping me on the arm. “Stop that.”
We take everything out of the car and set it on top of the curb.
I’m about to start bringing everything inside when a man
approaches us.
“Welcome back, Miss Jones. Mr. Cross has made your stay known
to us beforehand. Anything you need, please just add it to his
account. And I mean anything at all. That goes for you too, Miss
Mom hands over the car keys to the valet. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course. It’s my pleasure.” He nods, giving her a smile. “We
will have your bags brought to your room.”
“Thank you,” Mom thanks him again.
“Seriously, Mom. This is insane.” I look around, taking everything
in as we walk into the lobby.
“James does really well for himself, but don’t let all of this fool
you. He might have money—a lot of it—but he’s a wonderful,
humble man.”
“I believe you. You wouldn’t be with a rich asshole.” I laugh.
“Never.” She laughs back.
We check in, and I shouldn’t be surprised when I hear the front
desk lady mention the penthouse suite. I know this has become a
normal thing for my mom, but this is the first time I’ve really seen
this side of her life.
“I’m going to grab a brochure,” I tell Mom as she talks to the
lady. Going over to the table where they’re all laid out, I pick up a
few that look interesting to me before turning around to head back
to my mom.
“Oh, shit. Sorry,” I curse as I crash into someone.
“No need to apologize, I should have watched where I was
going,” a voice that has my insides turning to a puddle of goo says,
as two hands land on my shoulders to steady me. I look up into a
pair of deep blue eyes that take my breath away. “Sorry about that.”
He gives me a side smile that has me stunned. Running a hand
through his dark wavy hair, he gives me a wink before leaving me
there, gaping like an idiot.
I watch him walk away. “What a wonderful time to be single,” I
mutter to myself. It’s like I’ve been so focused on Kyle, I never let
myself look at other guys. And that’s how it should be, right? When
you're with someone, they should be the only one who catches your
But that’s not the case right now. I’m single, and I’ve only ever
been with one guy sexually. I’m free to do whatever the hell I want.
“Are you ready?” Mom asks.
“Yup.” I give her an excited smile.
“We’re here for a few days, so enjoy yourself. Don’t think you
have to spend the whole time with me. Go, be a teenager, have
some fun. There’s tons to do here.”
“I think I will.” I look at one of the pamphlets. “They have a spa,
three pools, hot tubs, bars, and restaurants. Heck, they even have
surf lessons. I think I’ll try that out.”
“I thought you didn’t like to surf? You’ve never gone before, as
far as I know.”
“Because it’s warm as hell in Florida. And back home, it’s a little
too cold for me.” I shrug.
“Maybe Florida is perfect. You always seem to be cold.” She
laughs as we reach our floor.
“Yeah, I think I’d die if I wore my hoodies all the time here.”
The doors open, and my jaw drops. “Welcome to our home for
the next few days.”
“Yup, that’s it. I need to get me a sugar daddy,” I state, tossing
my purse on the kitchen counter. “Mom, this isn’t a hotel room, this
is an apartment.”
“Delaney,” Mom sighs.
“Sorry. You know I’m just joking about the money stuff, right? I
don’t care if this man has two cents to his name as long as he treats
you well. Money means nothing if you're unhappy.”
“I know.” She gives me a small smile. “I just don't want you to
think that I’m only with him because of what he can offer me. I
really couldn't care less about any of this. At first, I fought him on it.
But after a while, I came to accept this is just how he lives. He
doesn’t know any better. He grew up with money. So, I just enjoy it
now. It’s there, so why not? I don’t ask him for anything.”
“I know you don’t.” She’s engaged to a billionaire but still wears
clothes from Target and her purse is thrifted. I mean, the girl looks
good, so who cares, but it’s one thing I love about my mom. No one
can change her. She’s unapologetically herself. Something I strive to
take after her.
There’s a knock at the door and Mom answers it. It’s the bellhop
with our bags. Once we get everything in, Mom tips the man and
closes the door.
“Want to get showered and changed? Then we can go grab
something to eat? Maybe check the place out. I’ve been here before,
but I know you're dying to take a look,” she laughs.
“Sounds perfect. I could use a shower to wash all this car smell
off me.” I grab my bags and take them to one of the rooms. “A king-
size bed,” I sigh happily, dropping everything and launching myself
onto the mattress. I giggle as I sink in, it’s so comfortable that If I
close my eyes right now, I’d fall asleep.
“Delaney, honey, don’t fall asleep. You're going to be up all night
if you do,” my mom’s voice comes from the doorway of my room.
“I won’t,” I murmur sleepily. “Promise.”
“Delaney Jones! Go shower.”
I let out an umph as my mom hits me with a pillow. “Hey!” I
burst out into giggles. “Alright, I’m going, I’m going!”
Sighing, I drag myself out of the cloud of a bed and into the
bathroom connected to my room. “We each get our own,” Mom says
just as I flick on the light.
“Holy fuck,” I whisper, eyes widening as I take in the massive
“Language,” Mom huffs.
“Sorry, but Mom, do you see this?!” I gasp, flinging my hand
toward the lavish room. “It’s almost the size of the whole top floor of
our old house.”
Mom rolls her eyes. “It’s not that big. Just shower.” She closes
the door, and I take an extra minute to look around.
“Rich people,” I say as I strip out of my clothes and grab a towel,
placing it on the sink.
Turning on the shower, I step inside and sigh as the water cools
my body. Using the amazing smelling shampoo and body wash they
provide, I clean up, feeling the travel grime wash away.
When I’m done, I step out, smiling as my eyes catch the tattoo
I’d gotten on the second day of our trip. It’s the smallest thing, a
little cupcake right on my hip. It’s only the outline of one, so I’m
happy that it’s already healed. It was a spontaneous thing to do, still
riding on the high of punching Kyle the previous day.
I don’t regret it though. It’s cute, and it means something to me.
The start of my new life. A new adventure. I’d like to get more
tattoos, but I think I’ll wait until I find something a little more
Grabbing the towel, I wrap the plush softness around me. Even
the towels are fancy as fuck. If this is what my new step-dad’s resort
were like, what is his house like? I bet he lives in a mansion.
Mom said I could live in the house, seeing no point in staying on
campus when I could have everything I need in one place.
If this is how the rich live, then maybe it’s not so bad. I mean, if
it’s there, why not?
James called my mom about halfway through our trip to tell her
that I got accepted into Rose Briar Hill University and will be starting
in the fall.
A part of me doesn’t like the fact that Mom used her connections
to get me in, but another part is grateful because I don’t think I’d
have been accepted otherwise. My grades weren’t the worst, but this
school was insanely hard to get into; one of the best in the country,
alongside Silver Valley University. That was my next choice in
schools, if I couldn’t get into Rose Briar Hill. But it would have been
an eight-hour drive from Mom, and while it’s still closer than San
Francisco, it’s still too far from mom.
It’s one less thing I need to worry about, leaving me to be able
to really enjoy my vacation. And I did. Mom and I stopped at every
cheesy tourist place along the way, and we loved every moment of
it. Mom took so many photos, she’s almost out of storage on her
It’s nice to see her smile, to be happy and carefree. She’s always
worked herself to the bone to make sure I wanted for nothing. And I
love her for it. But it’s her time now. Her time to be loved by a good
man, to be the one who’s getting taken care of.
My dad left before I was born, and I don’t know anything about
him really. He seems to always be a sore subject for my mom, so I
never asked about him, respecting her feelings.
It’s okay, I didn’t need him. My mom was enough. She’s all I ever
Grabbing a smaller towel, I dry my hair and head back out to my
room, going straight to my suitcase.
Once I’m done digging through it for something to wear, I get
dressed and do my hair.
“Ready,” I tell my mom, stepping out into the living room area.
I’m in a cute yellow romper, and my hair is braided to one side. I
was going to change into a swimsuit, but I think after we eat, I’m
going to call it an early night. I’ll start my fun here tomorrow.
“Don’t you look cute,” Mom says, her hair still wet from her own
shower. She doesn't need makeup or fancy hair. For being in her
early forties, you could never tell. You would be surprised at the
amount of times we’ve been mistaken for sisters.
“As do you.” I grin. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”
“Now you're speaking my language.” She laughs.
The restaurant is packed when we step up to the hostess booth.
I looked the place up online to see the menu to try and save time
when ordering. I found out this place is so popular, it’s booked out
months in advance, making it nearly impossible to get a reservation.
“Did you book a table?” I ask my mom.
“No.” She laughs lightly. “Honey, my future husband owns the
place, I don’t have to.”
“Right.” I nod. “Yeah, this is going to take some getting used to.”
The hostess greets us, being extra nice to my mom as she leads
us to a really nice booth with an ocean view. We order our drinks
and food. Once the waiter leaves, my mom speaks.
“How are you doing with everything?” she asks me, her eyes
searching for any sort of lies I might tell to please her.
“Well, it still hurts,” I admit. “Being cheated on isn’t fun. But life
is short, and I’m not going to waste my time on some asshole who
didn’t see what he had.”
“That’s my girl.” My mom smiles brightly. “You're too good for
him. You can do way better. I just know there’s a good man out
there who will treat you right, with love and respect. Who will see
the good woman he has and not need to step out on you.”
“I hope,” I mumble, taking a sip of my soda.
“And what about the move? It’s a big change.”
“That I’m excited for.” She gives me a look that says she doesn’t
really believe me. “Really,” I say with a laugh. “I only really had one
friend, and well, she’s not in my life anymore. I didn’t grow some
emotional ties to the place. This is a chance to experience new
things. And I’m going to an amazing school. I’m getting an
opportunity so many dream about. I’m not going to be a fool and let
my pride make me miss out on some amazing things in life.”
“I like your outlook on all this, Delaney. I’m so proud of you.” She
takes my hand, tears welling in her eyes, as she gives me a smile.
“Mom, you're going to make me cry.” I laugh, feeling the back of
my eyes sting.
“Sorry. I just want you to know that I love you so much,
sweetheart. You're my whole world. And I promise you, if James
wasn’t a good guy, I would never have brought him into your life.
I’ve met his sons only once, but they seem like good boys. I think
you will get along well.”
This was one of the first times mom has mentioned James’ sons.
She told me their names before, but I don’t remember. I’m about to
ask when the waiter brings us our food.
The rest of the night is spent eating good food and laughing with
Mom before I take her tipsy ass up to the room. Tucking her in, I
giggle as she murmurs James’ name, saying something about his
sexy ass, and leave her to get a good night’s sleep.
Me? I’m still too wide awake, so I head down to the beach. It’s
nighttime now, the bright stars filling the sky.
I smile as the cool ocean breeze feels good against my warm
skin. I walk along the beach barefoot, my feet dipping into the
shallow waters.
Laughter has me looking over at a group of guys sitting around a
One of them looks over at me, grinning. He’s insanely handsome,
with a smile that screams trouble. His hair is short, close to his
head, and he runs a hand over it, shooting me a wink before talking
to his buddy next to him.
Smiling, I shake my head. I’m single and this place seems to be
full of cute guys. Fuck it. I’m going to have a fun, no strings
attached summer if the opportunity presents itself.
YOLO and all that bullshit, right?
Chapter 3
Mom was gone by the time I woke up. She left a little note on the
counter letting me know that she was going to get coffee with one
of her work friends who was in for a conference, and told me to
enjoy myself and take advantage of what the resort had to offer.
It’s weird that all I have to do is say my name and I can do
anything I want for free. I’d be stupid not to. So, I change into my
teal bikini and throw on a black sundress before heading down to
the front desk. “Hi. I was wondering if you could point me in the
direction of the pool?” I ask the young lady working.
“Of course. Which one are you looking for?” she asks with a
polite smile. Right, this place has three.
“I actually don’t know.” I laugh.
“On the west side of the resort, we have a family area, consisting
of a big pool and splash park. On the east side we have an adults
only with a swim up tiki bar, and on the south side we have a
smaller wading pool with some hot tubs.”
“East side it is.” I laugh. I like kids, I do, but I don’t feel like
listening to a million of them running around screaming. I want to
relax, tan, swim, and drink.
Only thing with that last part is, I’m only nineteen, so I’m not
legal. But I may have stolen my mother's red wristband that people
over twenty-one wear when drinking, and put it on in hopes that
people might think I’m of age. I mean, what’s the worst that could
happen? I get banned from drinking? Who would kick the soon-to-be
stepdaughter of the owner out?
God, I really hope this doesn’t end badly.
The lady gives me a better explanation of the map and sends me
on my way. I take my time, looking around and soaking up my
surroundings. After about a ten-minute walk, I find the pool. “Name
please?” a man at the door says, looking up from his iPad.
“Delaney Jones.” I give him a bright smile.
He types it in before smiling back. “Enjoy your time, Miss Jones.”
He opens the gate and lets me in. Mom told me that there's a lot of
security because the restaurant and most of the bars are open to the
public, and they try to avoid anyone who isn’t a paying guest here
sneaking in and gaining access to parts of the resort that aren’t
public. Another perk, all the drinks are free; people who stay here
pay a pretty penny a night. Fucking Wild.
As I walk past the customer service desk, I take a towel and
bottle of water, then head over to one of the open deck chairs.
The place isn’t very crowded, just a few people lounging around
and a few in the pool. There’s music playing, giving the place a nice
relaxing feel.
Stripping out of my sun dress, I slip off my flip-flops and walk
over to the pool. I take a seat on the edge, letting my legs slide into
the water. “Ah, that’s nice,” I sigh, leaning back on my arms, head
tipped back, eyes closed as the sun warms my face and the pool
cools my body.
Wanting to take a swim, I shimmy off the edge, and allow myself
to fully slip into the pool. Smiling, I dive under, staying there, sinking
to the bottom and just enjoying the moment of peace before
popping back up to the surface.
I lazily swim around the pool for a while before I decide to try
this wristband out. I swim toward the tiki bar, noticing the bartender.
It’s the guy I bumped into in the lobby last night. Shit, I guess he
was an employee, a really hot one. He’s dressed differently today.
His shirt has wide armholes, showing off two sleeves of tattoos.
He grins at a customer, and fuck me, he looks sexy doing it. His dark
hair looks like it’s styled messily. Not too long, not too short. But I
find myself wondering what it would feel like to run my hands
through it.
Maybe drinking isn’t such a good idea.
As if he can feel me watching him, his eyes flick over to mine. He
pauses, giving me a once over as I stand, water dripping down my
body. He licks his lips, and I give myself a silent praise.
Maybe this man would want to make my summer a little bit
better. I plan on shooting my shot and seeing where it gets me.
“Hey.” I smile sweetly as I sit on the stool, my lower half still
submerged in the water.
“Hey.” He nods back, a grin of his own taking over his handsome
face. “What can I get you?”
“I don’t know. How about you surprise me?” I raise a brow
“Alright.” He chuckles. “A girl who likes to try new things. I like
“You have no idea.” I bite my lower lip, loving how his eyes grow
He takes a moment before moving to make me something. It
doesn’t take long before he’s placing some kind of slushy drink in
front of me with a cute little umbrella.
“What is it?” I ask, taking the straw and giving it a little mix.
“It doesn’t have a name, something I’ve made up myself, but
trust me, it’s good.” He grins again, leaning forward on the bar top,
resting on his arms.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” I tease with a grin before placing the
straw between my lips. I make sure to keep eye contact as I suck,
taking a sip before moaning as the coconut flavor hits my tongue.
His nostrils flair as his pupils dilate. “You're right,” I say, swallowing
the mouth full. “It’s good.”
“Told you.” His words come off cocky.
“So, you got a name?” I ask, not seeing a name tag.
“I do.” His husky chuckle makes my belly flutter. “It’s Logan.
What about you?”
“Delaney,” I offer up. “But my friends call me Laney.” I take
another sip, watching him with curious eyes.
“Well, Laney, I’m glad I could make you something you enjoy.”
“I said my friends call me Laney.” I grin before downing the rest
of the drink. “We’re not close enough for you to call me that... yet.”
Biting my lower lip, I slip off the stool and step backward, letting
myself sink into the water until it’s up to my neck.
He’s watching me as I go, like he’s about to follow after me, not
ready for our little conversation to end.
With a wink, I duck under the water and swim to the other side
of the pool. When I surface, wiping the water away, I look back
toward the bar and find him still watching me.
I can feel Logan’s eyes on me as he watches me swim for the
next little while. After a bit, I get hungry and tired of swimming. Not
quite ready to leave and lose the attention of this sexy man, I swim
back over to the bar.
“Having fun?” he asks, fixing another guest's drink.
“I am, actually. It’s nice to just relax. Being so focused on school
left me little to no time to just enjoy my downtime.”
“School?” he asks, raising a brow, and I curse myself for the slip
up. “You a senior in college?”
“I will be,” I lie through my teeth. Doesn’t matter, I’m never
going to see this man after I leave this hotel.
“Nice. What school?”
“I’m in between,” I tell him. That much isn’t a lie.
“Couldn’t decide?” He chuckles, fixing me another drink, then
placing it before me.
“Something like that.” I smirk, taking a sip of the drink.
“So, what brings a pretty girl like you here all alone?”
“What makes you think I’m here all alone?” I laugh, cocking a
“Sorry, my mistake. Is your boyfriend around here somewhere?”
he asks, looking around, an expression on his face like he hopes he
doesn’t find my nonexistent boyfriend.
“No boyfriend. I’m here with my mom.” I shake my head, a smile
tugging at my lips. “She’s off somewhere with her friends. We’re
having a girl's summer. Cross-country trip. Some good memories to
replace some bad ones.” I shrug, playing with the condensation on
the side of my cup.
“Bad? What happened?”
I look up at him. “Walked in on my boyfriend fucking my best
His brows jump. “Ouch.”
“Yup,” I say, popping the P.
“Well, he’s an idiot for not seeing what he had and losing it.”
Licking my lips, I ask, “And what would that have been?”
Logan gives me a devilish grin as he leans forward. He tucks a
piece of my wet hair behind my ear, his fingers brushing against my
cheek slow and soft as he brings it back. Goosebumps erupt over my
skin as I try to repress a shiver, my heart pounding wildly in my
chest. “A stunning woman any man here would fight for a chance to
talk to. I just so happen to be lucky enough to share your company.”
We hold each other’s stare, the lust unmistakable between us. “I
don’t know about that,” I breathe out, huffing out a little laugh.
“I do,” he says. When he steps back I feel like I can breathe
again, but at the same time miss the feeling of his touch. “Are you
“Starving,” I breathe out, clenching my thighs together.
I swear he lets out a little growl before turning away to grab me
a menu.
It takes me forever to find something, reading the same thing
over and over as I try to concentrate instead of looking up to see if
Logan is watching me. Because I already know he is, I can feel his
hungry stare on me as he waits on others.
Finally, I just choose something simple, fries.
For the next hour, I sit and have small talk with him, ordering
something new to nibble on whenever I’m done with the previous.
“Where are you going?” Logan asks as I finally get up to use the
bathroom. I’ve avoided it long enough, not wanting to miss a
moment with this man who I’ve found myself wanting more than I
should since he's a stranger.
“I’m gonna be blunt.” I grin. “I’ve had to piss like a racehorse for
a while now, but I’ll be back to finish that,” I tell him, pointing at the
drink on the counter. “Make sure no one touches it, okay?”
Logan’s eyes widen in surprise as he barks out a laugh. “Alright
then.” He nods. “And you don’t have to worry, no one will touch your
drink. I’ll make sure of it.” He says that like it’s a dark promise.
Not wanting to leave, but needing to pee, I take off toward the
bathroom. I smile like an idiot as I walk there, finding myself giddy
and excited for the first time in a while.
Logan is undoubtedly sexy. And I did say I wanted to have a fun,
no strings attached kind of summer. He would be the perfect person
to have that with.
Looking up at the sky, I just notice how dark it’s getting. I’ve
been here all day. I left my phone on the chair that had my towel. I
should probably check it.
Using the bathroom, I stop at my chair before I head back to
Logan, thankful that no one stole my phone. I look at my text
messages, seeing a few from my mom. I text her back, telling her
I’m still at the pool and to go have a fun night out on the town with
her friends. If everything goes well, I’m hoping not to go back to my
room any time soon.
Before I’m about to put my phone away, a text message pops up.
Kyle. I scowl, ready to ignore it like all the others. I blocked his
number, but he seems to keep getting new ones. Stalker much?
Then I see another message popping up with the words, never
My heart drops, and I stupidly click on it. I don’t bother with the
million texts before, only reading the newest one. “Fine. Don’t talk to
me. You're not even worth it. You were never enough for me and
never will be. Your best friend's pussy is better anyway. No one is
going to want you.”
“Fucking asshole,” I growl, gripping my phone tight in my hand.
Like the fucker has any room to talk. He never once got me off and
came in under three minutes every time, moaning like a dying
whale. Lora can have his shrimp dick.
Damn him, and damn her too. I’m free from their bullshit and
betrayal. I can do better than him, and I will find better than him.
Hopefully, starting tonight.
Chapter 4
“I thought you left,” Logan comments as I get back to the bar.
“Sorry,” I sigh, taking a seat. “I was checking messages on my
He stops wiping down the bar top. “What happened?” he asks,
his voice lower.
“Stupid ex being a fucking asshole.” I shrug. That's when I realize
we’re alone. Looking around, I see no one, just the music playing
from the speaker over head. “Where is everyone?”
“We closed about five minutes ago.” He chuckles. “But if you
want to keep swimming, the other adult pool with the hot tubs is
open for another hour, and the other bars are open until one.”
“Oh.” I find myself disappointed, not wanting my time with Logan
to end already. “Well, I definitely don’t want to swim anymore.” I
laugh. “And I think I’ve had enough to drink. I don’t wanna get
drunk. That’s not very fun when you’re on your own.”
“True,” he chuckles. “If you want to wait until I’m done cleaning
and locking up, we can go out so that you don’t have to get drunk
A thrill rushes through me. “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
“Awesome.” He grins. Finishing my drink, I hop up on the bar
top, swinging my legs over. “What are you doing?” he chuckles.
“Helping you clean up. Two people are faster than one.” I wiggle
my eyebrows.
“Got me there.” He laughs again.
Logan lowers the security shutters, blocking us from the rest of
the world. The storm in my belly starts off slow, a low simmer as we
work side by side cleaning up. But with every brush over Logan’s
arms, the feeling of his breath against my neck as he steps behind
me to put something away, it turns into a tsunami as lust fills my
“What did he say?” Logan asks, his voice husky as he steps up
behind me, trapping me against the bar top.
“W-what?” I ask, my heart stuttering along with my breath.
“In his text message, the one that upset you.” His fingers brush
against my neck as he moves my hair out of the way. My eyes flutter
closed, my breathing coming out in short pants.
“H-he said I wasn’t worth it. That I wasn’t enough,” I whisper,
and Logan growls.
“Fucking fool. He’s wrong, Delaney. You're fucking stunning. I
haven’t been able to keep my eyes off you all fucking day.”
“Same,” I breathe, sucking in a breath as he places his hands on
my hips, giving them a little squeeze.
He steps closer, his cock pressing against my ass. I whimper as I
feel how big and hard he is. “I want you. I can’t stop thinking about
how sexy you are, how good you would feel wrapped around my
cock,” he growls in my ear, and my pussy clenches, a moan slipping
past my lips as his press against my neck.
“Logan,” I whimper as he rocks forward.
“Tell me no, and I’ll walk away right now.”
“No,” I breathe, and he pauses. “No, I mean yes. I want you. I
want to forget all about him.”
“I can help you with that. I can make you forget about him for
tonight, show you that any man would want you.”
“One night of fun can’t hurt, right?” I laugh breathlessly.
“That’s what summer flings are for.” He kisses my neck, making
me melt into his arms.
“Just a summer fling,” I murmur, nodding along.
“So, is that a yes? Will you let me have my way with you tonight,
Delaney? Let me give you something good to remember when you
leave here?”
“Yes,” I moan as he sucks on my neck.
That’s all he needs to hear before he’s spinning me around,
gripping my hips, and lifting me on the bar top.
I gasp as I brace myself, leaning back on my arms. “I’m going to
eat your pussy so good you're going to scream my name as you
cum,” he growls, pulling my bikini bottom down my legs. “Then I’m
gonna fuck you until the only thing you can remember is the feeling
of my cock deep inside your tight cunt for weeks to come.”
“Oh, god,” I moan as he grips my legs and pulls them apart, as I
let myself fall back.
“Fuck,” he growls, his eyes locking on my pussy. He chuckles,
swiping a finger through my wet folds. “Already dripping for me,
aren't you, my naughty little siren?”
I whimper as he sucks his finger into his mouth, tasting my
arousal with a low rumble in his chest. “Please,” I beg him, needing
him to touch me more.
He chuckles. “Needy little thing too.” He bends over, swiping his
tongue up my slit. “Fucking hell,” he snarls before doing it again and
again. I cry out, slapping a hand over my mouth to smother the
sounds in case someone was outside.
Logan feasts on my pussy until I’m a sobbing mess. My legs
tremble as I feel a growing pleasure I’ve never felt with Kyle before.
It’s similar to what I feel before I get myself off, but never this
Who knew a stranger would be able to bring me to heights my
own boyfriend never could?
It’s crazy, I’m letting some tall, dark, and handsome man I’ve just
met today go down on me, but fuck, it feels too damn good to care.
“Cum for me, Siren,” Logan murmurs against my clit before
sucking it into his mouth.
“Oh fuck!” I cry out, gripping his hair. My back arches as I push
my pussy against his face.
“That’s it,” he growls, and my eyes roll back when he thrusts two
thick fingers into my slick entrance. “Cum for me,” he demands as he
pumps his fingers in and out. How sad is it that this man's fingers
feel better than my ex’s dick ever did? God, I really have been
missing out. And I know his cock is going to feel even better.
“Yes,” I pant out, the unfamiliar pleasure growing fast. “Yes, like
that... please, don’t stop.”
Logan sucks and laps at my clit, fucking me with his fingers. And
when he crooks his fingers at just the right angle, I lose it. He hits a
spot I’ve never been able to, making me explode.
“Oh god!” I cry out as my thighs lock around his head, holding
him there as I grind my pussy against his mouth, chasing the
euphoric feeling as my orgasm crashes over me in waves. I cum
harder than I ever have before, my eyes rolling back, and I see
fucking stars.
Logan licks and sucks until I come down from my high. Finally, I
relax, letting go of the grip my hand and legs have on him.
“Holy shit,” I breathe out with a little laugh.
“That was beautiful,” he says, standing up, his lips glistening with
my release. I blush as he wipes it off with the back of his hand. “Did
he ever make you cum like that before?”
I shake my head. “No.” I blush harder.
His eyes darken, brows rising. “Was that your first orgasm?”
“No,” I deny quickly. “I’ve gotten myself off before.”
“But never by someone else?” I shake my head. “That just won't
do,” he growls, lowering the zipper on his shorts. My eyes snap
down to watch him pull his cock free. My eyes widen as I take in the
size of him. Shit, maybe this was a bad idea. He’s big, like so much
bigger than Kyle was. He’s gonna split me in fucking two.
“Shhh,” he soothes, brushing his thumb over my clit, making me
shudder from over sensitivity and pleasure. “Stop thinking so much.
Relax. I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
He takes something from his back pocket, and I continue to
watch him stroke his hard length, mesmerised by it. Who knew a
dick could look so good? Fuck, his cock is amazing.
I watch as he rolls a condom over the tip, then down the rest of
his shaft.
“I- I don’t think you're going to fit,” I stammer out as he steps
between my legs.
“Oh, I’ll fit.” He chuckles darkly. “I’ll make it fit.”
I whimper partly in fear, but mostly because I’m turned on. He
leans over me, rubbing his cock against my clit as he pulls my breast
free from my bikini top.
I moan as he locks his lips around my nipple. His hot, wet tongue
sucking and nibbling.
“Oh,” I breathe, my hands finding his dark locks once again.
My body starts to hum again as he rubs against me. I like it, the
way it feels as he sucks on my nipple. When Kyle played with my
breasts, he would always grope them roughly. But Logan is soft,
sensual, and all I feel is pleasure with each suck, each bite.
“Fucking hell,” he growls against my breast. “I need you, Siren.”
The blunt tip of his cock presses against my entrance. “Please.” I
push my hips forward, making him sink into me an inch.
He hisses as I gasp. And in one thrust, he’s buried deep inside
me, releasing a low snarl from deep in his chest.
He puts his forehead to mine, not moving as he lets me adjust to
It burns a little, the stretch of something new. But as he pulls
back before pushing inside me again, the burning goes away,
replaced by something much, much better.
He starts to fuck me slow, but quickly picks up his pace, like he’s
unable to hold back anymore.
Logan doesn’t kiss me, but tucks his face into my neck, grunting
and groaning as he thrusts into me.
“Yes. Oh, oh, yes!” I moan, my nails digging into his back as a
different feeling from before fills me.
Standing up, he adjusts me, bringing my knees to my head. I’ve
never done this position before, and I cry out in pleasure as his cock
pounds into me, hitting me in that sweet spot from before with his
new angle.
“That’s it,” he grunts. “Fuck, you feel so damn good. So wet and
I watch as he loses himself, his face full of satisfaction as he
fucks into me. Sweat lines his brows, his arms flexing as he keeps a
hold of me. He’s still mostly dressed while the only thing covered on
me is one of my breasts.
As if that won't do, Logan pulls the other one free. His eyes lock
on them, watching them bounce as he fucks me harder. “Fuck. I’m
close. Tell me you are too.”
I am. The burning from before makes another appearance. I’ve
never cum during sex, and the thought excites me, amping up the
feeling building inside of me.
“I am.” I nod frantically. “Oh fuck!” I shout as his thumb starts to
rub against my clit. “Logan, it’s too much,” I whimper.
“No.” He shakes his head. “It’s okay, give into the feeling. I
promise you won't regret it.”
The pleasure is overwhelming. Everything in me wants to pull
away from him, that it’s too much.
But I don’t, wanting to know what it will feel like.
“That's it, Siren. Look at you, taking my cock so good. I bet he
never made you feel this way, did he? Never filled you so good that
you lost your mind.”
“No.” I shake my head.
“Fuck, shit!” he growls.
And then he pinches my clit, and I’m a goner. This time I don’t
smother my scream as my back bows off the bar top, my nails
digging into his arms as I cum so fucking hard I almost pass out.
“God dammit!” he roars, pounding into me a few more times
before stilling, his cock jerking inside me as he follows me over the
edge, cumming just as hard.
We both stay still, chests heaving as we recover.
Licking my lips, I wonder if he’s just going to pull out of me and
call it a night. But he doesn’t. He smiles, leaning over to kiss my
forehead. “You really are a siren, Delaney. Pulling me in with your
beauty. And perfect pussy.” He grins.
I blush and smile back. “Thanks?”
He chuckles, pulling free. Taking off the condom, he tosses it into
the trash before grabbing my bottoms off the ground. He doesn’t
hand them to me so that I can get dressed, but puts them over my
feet and pulls them back into place before covering my breasts with
my top.
He’s sweet. I know this is meant to be a one-night stand, but I
like that he’s not just dismissing me now that we got what we
wanted. Holding out his hand, I take it, letting him pull me up right.
Stepping between my legs, he brushes my now drying hair out of
my face. “Still wanna go for that drink?”
“Yeah.” I smile. “Just let me go change.”
“Sounds good. I’ll finish up and meet you in the lobby.”
He kisses me on the forehead again before helping me off the
bar top. Just as I’m about to open the door, I look back over at him.
His sexy smirk makes my heart skip a beat. He’s so fucking sexy
standing there looking freshly fucked. His hair a mess, his tattooed
arms looking like some damn good eye candy. I wish he took his top
off because I would have loved to look at him fully as he fucked me.
Grinning when he gives me a wink, I laugh as I head out.
Not wanting to make Logan wait, I grab my stuff and rush up to
my room, quickly showering and changing into something cute.
I wait in the lobby for him. When he doesn’t show up within
fifteen minutes, I decide to go looking for him at the tiki bar to see if
he needs any more help.
But when I get there, the lights are off, and the place is locked
“Well, fuck,” I sigh. Guess I got stood up. I can’t be too upset
about it. It was only meant to be a night of fun. I got what I
wanted, and a drink was just going to be a bonus.
But, not wanting to get too ahead of myself, I go to the bar next
to the lobby and order myself a drink.
I sit there for the next hour, making my way through three
drinks. When I look at the time, I see that it’s one a.m. He’s not
Tipsy and tired, I head back up to my hotel room, disappointed
but determined to enjoy the rest of my trip.
Tonight was amazing, and just what I needed. If the opportunity
presents itself for another night of fun—with Logan or someone else,
—I’m going to take it.
Because tonight, I felt amazing, free, and fuck Kyle because
Logan wanted me. Even if it was for my body. The way he looked at
me made me feel powerful. A feeling I could get used to. I’m young,
my life is just getting started. Why settle down before I’ve really
gotten a chance to live?
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of playing the
field, at least for the first year of college. If the right person finds
me, I won’t push them away; but until then, I’m gonna have fun.
Chapter 5
Maybe staying at the bar after Logan didn’t show was a bad idea.
Because as I walk to the bathroom the next morning to pee, my
head feels like someone played baseball with it.
“How was your day yesterday?” my mom asks me, raising a brow
as her eyes fall to the red wristband still cuffed around my wrist.
Fuck. Busted. “Sorry,” is all I can really say as I take it off and
hand it to her.
“Delaney, you know I don’t mind if you have a few drinks, as
long as you're doing it responsibly. You're going to be in college
soon, and I’d be a fool to think you're not going to be drinking at
some point there before you're twenty-one. I just don’t want you to
get in trouble.”
“I know,” I sigh, taking a seat next to her on the couch, I pull my
knees up so that I can hug them as I talk to her. “I only had a few
drinks, but they were spaced throughout the day.”
“Then why does it look like you're hungover?” She smiles
“Ok, so I had a few more before coming up to bed, but I wasn’t
drunk. Just maybe too much sun.” And a few orgasms that will be
replaying in my mind over and over again for the next long while.
“Why can’t the law be like Canada’s? Most places there, they can
drink at eighteen, some nineteen.”
“Well, this isn’t Canada, and here the law is twenty-one.” Mom
laughs. “Any plans for the day?”
“I was thinking maybe we can go to the spa together, get a
massage and our toes and nails done?”
“I’d love that.” She beams.
“How was your night? Drink too much?” I ask, wiggling my
“You know I didn’t,” she replies with amusement. “But I did have
a few drinks, talked business, and even did a little karaoke.”
“What!” I fake gasp. “Without me? I’m hurt, Mom. You wound
me.” I clutch my heart and fall backward making her laugh.
“Next time, I promise you will be there with me.”
Karaoke is something Mom and I do, it’s our thing. There was
this little family-run restaurant down the street from our house, and
every Tuesday night they had karaoke. Mom and I would spend
hours just filling in the blank time slots, singing our hearts out. I’m
not too bad, but Mom, poor thing can’t carry a tune. But she never
let it stop her from having fun. By the end of the night, we left with
smiles on our faces and a belly ache from laughing so much.
That’s something I hope doesn’t change too much with this new
start in a new place. She will always be my best friend, if I can help
“Good,” I growl playfully.
We chat a bit while we get dressed. Her in a sundress, me in a
bikini with a pair of shorts and a loose top.
After breakfast at the restaurant by the lobby, we head to the
spa. I feel really bad for the poor woman who gives me my
massage, because it feels too good and the sounds leaving me are
very... sexual. I can’t help it!
I end up leaving with a blush on my face, unable to meet her
eyes as I thank her and meet up with Mom. “Don’t,” I warn her as
she starts to giggle.
“Sorry, it’s just that poor girl.”
“This is why I don’t get massages often. As amazing as they feel,
I can’t help the sounds,” I grumble as she pats my arm.
“I know, sweetie.” She giggles again. “It’s alright. I’m sure it’s not
the worst thing they have to deal with.”
“At least it wasn’t a guy.” I grin as we walk to the salon. “I bet
he’d be sporting something hard the whole time.”
“Delaney!” Mom gasps, swatting at me playfully.
“Oh, don’t act all innocent now. I heard you on the phone with
James once. You naughty girl.”
Mom’s expression turns to one of horror, and I burst out
laughing. “We will never speak of this again, young lady.”
“My lips are sealed.” I mimic the motion, snorting when she
shoots me a glare.
By the time we're done getting our toes and nails done, the tech
knows our whole life story. They’re sweet and didn’t mind the over-
sharing. Sometimes, I just start talking and there’s no stopping me.
“Wanna come for a swim? I’m gonna check out a different pool
“No,” Mom says. “I think I’m just going to call James. Maybe take
a nap.”
“Call James, hey? I’ll make sure not to come back to the room
anytime soon.” Wink.
“Dear god, child. You're going to give me grey hair,” she huffs,
giving me the stink eye.
“You love me.” I give her a hug. “And you would look hot as fuck
with grey hair.”
“I do love you.” She laughs, hugging me back. “And you're crazy.
Go, have fun. Be a teenager. But be safe.”
“Safe?” I ask, pulling back from the hug to look at her. “Isn’t this
place, like guarded?”
“Not what I mean.” She gives me a knowing look, and I blush.
Does she know? How would she know? God, were there cameras?
This is my stepdad's resort after all. Did he call her? Fuck.
“No,” I say slowly.
“I see how the young men around here have been looking at
you.” She laughs. “And you just got out of a bad break up. If you're
going to... live a little, just be safe, please.”
Mom knows I’ve been having sex since I was sixteen. Even if the
sex was trash. Not like last night, though.
“I promise,” I tell her. “I always am.”
“I know you're on birth control, but sometimes it doesn’t work.”
“Mom,” I groan. “I’ll be fine.”
We’re close, we’ve talked about sex, but I have not and will not
ever go into detail with her.
“Alright, go have fun.”
“Bye.” I kiss her on the cheek and leave with a smile.
When I get to the pool, I notice there’s a bit more people than
yesterday. Thankfully, no kids.
This pool is bigger and has no swim up bars. Good, because as
much as I wanted more time with Logan last night, I don’t want any
awkward encounters after being stood up.
It was just a one night thing for the both of us, and I’d rather our
last face to face interaction be what it was.
Since I did a lot of swimming yesterday, my legs and arms are
still a little sore, so I decide to work on my tan. Picking a lounge
chair, I put my bag down next to it.
It’s only when I have my tank top off, I realize there’s a few older
men watching me. Gross. Quickly, I take my shorts off and sit down,
grabbing my sunscreen.
After I get my arms, legs, and front done, I reach behind me,
trying to get my back, but my arm muscles scream. Yeah, that’s not
going to work.
Sighing, I look around to see if there’s anyone I could ask for
help. The older men give me creepy smiles, and I disregard them
right away.
A blue shirt of the resort uniform catches my attention, and I
rush to ask the worker. “Excuse me!” I call out, making the person
stop. Then I realize it’s a man. And as he turns around, my mouth
dries up.
Holy shit, what is it with this resort and tall men with dark hair
who are hot as sin? He looks at me with a sweet smile, his blue eyes
bright in the sunlight. “Yes?”
“I–ah– Do you mind helping me?” I ask, holding up the bottle of
His brows jump at my request, but after a moment he takes a
step toward me. “Yeah, sure, no problem.”
“Thanks.” I give him a grateful smile and hand him the bottle. He
takes a seat next to me, and I turn around so that my back is to
him. Gathering my hair, I pull it to the side to get it out of the way.
“Any chance I can get the name of the pretty woman I’m about
to feel up?” he asks, chuckling as he cracks the lid open.
“Delaney.” I laugh, a genuine smile gracing my lips.
“Delaney,” he repeats in a whisper.
“How about you?”
I suck in a gasp as the cold lotion hits my back. He chuckles
softly. “Elijah.”
My heart pounds in my chest as he carefully, but slowly, rubs my
back. When he gets to my shoulders, his thumbs press into the
muscle, and a surprise moan slips past my lips.
He pauses, and I die of embarrassment. “All done,” he rushes
out, his voice a little husky. Way to go, Laney.
“Thanks,” I say, not able to meet his eyes as I turn back around.
He laughs again, making my cheeks grow hot. I’ll blame it on the
sun to save myself from embarrassment.
“Enjoy your day,” he says, handing me the bottle back.
I let out a breath as he walks away.
Laying down on my belly to tan my back first, I close my eyes,
listening to the activity around me. After a while, it starts to pull me
into sleep. Not letting it, because I don’t want to end up with a burnt
back, I turn around.
I’m laying there for a few minutes when I hear someone clear
their throat. Covering my eyes with my arm, I squint up to see who
it is.
Smiling down at me is the handsome worker from before. His
shaggy brown hair flopping over his eyes. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He chuckles. “Thought you could use a drink.” He holds up a
bottle of water.
“Oh.” I blink, sitting up. “Thank you.” I take the cold water and
crack it open, finding myself a lot thirstier than thought. “That was
He shrugs. “It’s hot out here. Didn’t want you to get dehydrated.”
I grin at his shy, boyish charm showing. “I wouldn’t want that.” I
“If you, ah, need anything else, just let me know.”
“Thanks.” I smile, biting my lip. “I will.”
Over the next hour, Elijah keeps finding reasons to come over to
me. We don’t talk, he just gives me more water, or one time he
brought me some fruit because he thought I might be hungry.
This time he asks if I need any more sunscreen. I tell him no, but
he’s so adorably awkward as he rocks back on his heels. It’s like he
wants to say more but doesn’t know what to say.
“Wanna sit?” I ask, putting the poor guy out of his misery, pulling
my legs into a criss-cross position and pointing to the chair.
His brows jump. “Really?”
“I mean, if you're not busy.”
“Nope,” he answers, eagerly taking the spot and making me
laugh. “So, Delaney, what brings you to the resort?”
“My mom and I are doing a cross-country trip. This is our final
stop before heading to our new home.”
“Oh, wow.” He nods. “That’s a big change.”
“Yup. But it’s one I’m excited for. Not much left for me back
home anymore.”
“Why not?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.
I mean, I told Logan about my past, so why not tell another
stranger? Not like I’m ever going to see him after this trip.
“Well, my boyfriend—sorry, ex-boyfriend—cheated on me with
someone I thought was my best friend.”
“What an asshole,” he mutters.
“Tell me about it,” I huff out a laugh. “But it’s for the best. I’d
rather be with someone who wants me, than someone who’s too
much of a coward to just break up with me first.”
“I agree.” He nods. “Has your summer been good, then? You
know, after the whole thing with your ex.”
“Yeah, it has.” I smile. “Mom and I are close, so we had a lot of
fun on our trip. But it’s nice to just relax and enjoy the rest of it.”
“What have you done so far since you’ve been here?”
“Well, I went swimming all day yesterday, went to the spa with
my mom, and now here.” I shrug. “We’ve only been here for a few
days, so I haven’t gotten a chance to do much.”
“Really?” he grins. “Would you turn me down if I asked if you
wanted to hang out with me today? I can show you around the
place, do some fun things.”
“I’d like that.” I laugh. “But don’t you have to work?” It’s only
noon and the pools have only been open for a few hours.
“Work?” he asks, then looks down at his shirt. “Ah, right. Yeah,
no I’m done for the day.”
“Okay.” I narrow my eyes in suspicion but keep the smile on my
face. “Well, Elijah, be my tour guide and let's do some fun stuff.”
After I get dressed, I say fuck it and follow this handsome
stranger. At first, I wonder where he’s taking me, but my eyes widen
in surprise when I hear the sounds of an arcade.
“I know mostly the kids come here to play. But honestly, the
things to do here are a lot of fun.”
“Are you kidding? I love arcades,” I gush, excitement filling me.
He gives me a pleased smile. “Well, let's have some fun.”
And we do. At least I do. We play some Pac-Man and other
arcade games before heading over to the basketball game. We have
a race to see who can get the most points. I cheer, fist pumping the
air as I beat him.
“You're good.” He chuckles as he hands me the tickets.
“Thank you.” I take them from him with a massive grin. “What
else can I beat your butt in?”
He narrows his eyes, giving me a smirk. “You're a little ahead of
yourself there, cupcake.”
“Cupcake?” The name makes me laugh.
“Yeah, like the tattoo on your hip.”
My eyes drop to the new tattoo, completely forgetting it was
there. “Right.”
“You are pretty sweet like one too.” He winks.
This man makes me giddy, giving me a carefree, fun feeling I
haven’t had in a while. Elijah is just so easy to be around. I don’t
want my time with him to end.
“Ping pong? The loser buys the winner dinner.”
“You're on.”


“You cheated!” I gasp as I watch the ball go flying.

“Nope. Just that good,” he counters in a cocky tone as he dusts
off the tops of his shoulders.
“Fine. You win. But I’m not buying your dinner.”
His face drops. “Oh, well, that’s fine. I wasn’t going to make
you,” he says, scratching the back of his head.
I laugh. “Only because it’s free for me, thanks to my mom and
you work here, right? I heard it’s free for you too.”
“Right,” he says, his smile finding his face. “Free. You're right.”
“I am hungry,” I tell him, just as my belly growls, making Elijah
and myself laugh.
“Then let’s go get you fed, cupcake.” He holds out his arm, and
my belly fills with butterflies as I loop mine with his.
Supper is amazing, the food to die for. We laugh and talk the
whole time.
“Shit,” he sighs as he looks at his phone. “I need to deal with
“Oh.” My face drops, not ready for the night to be over.
“I’ll be back, I promise. It’s for work. I’ll be quick.”
“Okay,” I say, watching him rush out of the booth. He’s halfway
across the restaurant before he stops and turns around, coming
back over. “Almost forgot.”
“Forgot wh–” He kisses me, his soft lips hot against mine. I
whimper, letting his tongue slip in as he cradles my face. It’s quick,
but holy shit... what a kiss.
“I’ve been dying to do that all night, but in case you don’t wait
for me, I didn’t want to miss my chance.” He grins before pecking
me real quick again and rushing off.
I watch him go, a stupid grin on my face as my heart races, core
Best. Vacation. Ever.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
A király az ostábla köveit rakosgatta:
– Ó, Mária, te nem tudod, hogy mit jelent Magyarországon a
pénz! Egy gazdag országból jöttél ide, ahol a császárnak van
legtöbb pénze, de itt viszont a király lát legkevesebbet azokból az
aranytallérokból és ezüstgarasokból, amelyek az ő arcképével
vannak diszitve. Van nekem olyan aranyom is, amelyen lóháton ülök,
de ebből aztán igazán nem láttam még mutatóban sem. Az
ezüstgarasok vetődnek ide, hogy darabig csörgedezzenek, amig
valaki el nem viszi őket.
Mária elhatározottan felelt:
– Majd uj pénzt fogunk veretni, amelyre mindketten ráüttetjük az
arcképünket, mint az apám és anyám tették Németalföldön. Ha
elfogyott az apám pénze, az anyámnak mindig maradt az ő
tallérjaiból. Meglátod, felség, a királynénak mindig lesz a maga
A király mosolyogva hallgatta Mária ábrándjait, jobban ismeré az
életet már ebben a korában is, mintsem hiu reményekben bizakodott
– Van egy lótenyésztőtelepem Féltoronyban, ahol az udvar lovait
nevelik, majd zálogba teszem ezt, hogy pénzhez jussak.
– Csak a lovakat ne, felség. Inkább majd körülnézek, hogy mi
nélkülözhető a kelengyémből, – kiáltott fel őszinte ijedelemmel
Mária. – Ló nélkül én nem tudnék meglenni, mert az egészségem
megkivánja, hogy mindennap lovagoljak. Csak akkor érzem az
életem pezsgését, a lelkem bátorságát, a szivem elszántságát,
amikor lovam a széllel versenyt fut és ereimben lobogni kezd a vér,
mintha az égbe repülnék. Nem, felség, a lovakat nem adjuk zálogba
sem a zsidóknak, sem a pannonhalmi főapátnak.
– Hát valóban szeretsz lovagolni? – örvendezett a király, mintha
valami nagyon kedves meglepetést hallott volna.
– Inkább a kelengyémet teszem zálogba, mint a lovakat, – felelt
Mária. – Igaz, hogy a kelengyémre itt nagy szükség van, mert
nagyon sok mindent kell pótolni Anna királyné halála óta, ami
boldogult anyósom életében bizonyosan meg volt. Igy nagy
hiányosságot veszek észre az asztalnemüekben, különösen az
asztal ezüst felszerelésében. De nem baj, majd mindent kipótolok,
hisz hoztam magammal bőven mindenből.
Az ostáblajátéknak vége lőn, megint csak Lajos nyert, mint
hajdanában a bécsi udvarnál, amikor Miksa császárral és Zsigmond
lengyel királlyal az eljegyzése napján ostáblázott. Igen ügyes volt
ebben a játékban, hála velencei nevelőinek, akik korán megtanitották
a játék furfangjaira.
A köveket beleseperte a szekrénykébe és hosszadalmasan
nézett a lábai előtt ülő Máriára:
– Tehát, te valóban azért jöttél ide, hogy velem a gondokat
megosszad? Te akarsz pénzt szerezni a királynak?
– Még pedig nem olyan kamatra, mint Fugger, vagy Fortunátus,
ha jól hallottam a helybeli uzsorások neveit.
– Ó, te máris mindent tudsz… Mária, a kihallgatásnak mára vége
van. Holnap ismét elvárlak ebben az órában, amikor alkonyodik és
már békében hagynak urak, papok és zsidók.
Mária megint csak csodálkozva emelte a két szemét Lajos
királyra. Hát ez igy lesz most már mindig, hogy a király akkor
szünteti meg a vele való beszélgetést, amikor akarja? Őt, Miksa
császár unokáját: akkor lehet kiküldeni a trónteremből, amikor a
királynak szeszélye ezt igy akarja? Ámde nem hiában részesült
humanisták és apácák nevelésében, hogy meg ne tudott volna
alkudni a sors változataival. Majd elhivatja magához Logus Tamást,
a humanistát, akitől megtudja, miért akar Lajos király a nap bizonyos
órájában magára maradni.
Azt pedig Logus Tamáson kivül is bárkitől megtudhatta volna az
udvarnál. A király alkonyattal szokta venni ama langyos fürdőit,
amelyekhez a vizet a budai forrásokból szállitották fel a hordós
kocsik. A király minden alkonnyal ezeknek a kocsiknak zörgésére
figyelt a várudvaron és még a hatalmas Velence követének is abba
kellett hagyni a mondókáját, amikor a király fürdéshez készülődött.
Honnan örökölte Lajos király ezt a fürdési szenvedélyét? Atyja,
Ulászló még arcára is ritkán vett vizet, mert nem szerette a
felesleges testimozgásokat. Lajos fürdőmestere ugyancsak
Brandenburgi volt, aki idős lovag létére igen jól kitanulta az élet
– De nem elég magában a fürdés, hogy testünket felüditsük, –
mondogatta a Brandenburgi – hanem fürdésközben enni is kell, hogy
a forrásvizek által kiszivott erőket helyrepótolhassuk.
Ugyanezért, amikor Lajos király elindult ama biborszinü
márványból épült kád felé, amely még Mátyás király idejében került
a budai palotába: a konyhában is megszólalt a harang, amely a
konyhamestert figyelmeztette, hogy a király szokásos étkezési ideje
elkövetkezett. A konyhamester kardosan és ércből font kanálnyéllel
megjelent a király fürdőszobájában:
– Felség, felolvasom mai étkezésünk rendjét, hogy az ezután
következőket megállapithassuk, – kezdte a konyhamester azzal a
szapora beszéddel, amellyel a világ fennállása óta a szakácsok
beszélnek. – Első reggelije volt felségednek: töltött vadkanfő,
amelyet angliai módszer szerint készitettünk, a Kendali grófok
szakácsának irásban megküldött receptje szerint. Észrevételem
szerint, felséged, már unja a töltött vadkanfőt és ezután más
reggelivel szolgálok.
– Meglátom, meddig terjednek képességeid, – felelt Lajos király a
– Második reggelije volt, felségednek, az az ökörcimer, amelyet
mindennap elhoznak a budai mészárosok, amely ökörcimerből,
miután azt kellően megfőztük: felséged sajátkezüleg szokott vágni
magának és asztaltársainak.
– Ezt nem fogom ezentul sem elmulasztani, mert ennek az
ételnek a tápláló hatásáról megvagyok győződve.
– Ebédje, felségednek, ama harcsa volt, amelyet óbudai
halászaink mérföldnyire huzódó hajsza után csak ugy tudtak kihuzni
hálójukkal a Dunából, hogy egy bátor halász versenyt uszott a
harcsával és fakalapáccsal addig verte a fejét, amig a hal megadta
magát sorsának.
– A hal kövérebb is lehetett volna, – felelt a király.
– Pedig a legfelségesebb V. Károly római császár
főszakácsmesterének a receptje szerint készitettük, finom
süteménymorzsával és tiszta vajjal kirántva, a rántásba csak éppen
annyi zöldséget tördelve, hogy valami mezei illata legyen a halnak
ama partokról, amelyek mellett életében eluszott. Burgio, pápai
nuncius ur, aki ebédután aludni szokott: tudomásom szerint igen
könnyü álmot szerzett ettől a haltól. Massaro ur, a velencei követ,
akinek legbensőbb inasát ugyancsak van szerencsém ismerhetni:
nagyon meg volt elégedve a harcsával. Szerémi uram, az udvari
káplán sem panaszkodott az ebédre, pedig éppen elég
mondanivalója van máskor arról a szegénységről, amelyben itt
élünk. Csak éppen Brandenburgi őrgróf nem volt megelégedve, mert
azt mondá, hogy ugyanekkor Thurzó uram budai palotájában is
megsütöttek egy harcsát, amely egy mázsát nyomott.
– Brandenburginak van igaza. A kincstárnok eltehette volna
máskorra is az ő mázsás harcsáját. Képzelem, most mind erről
beszélgetnek a Budán időző külföldi követek és már irják is javában
leveleiket. Mondd, Bosnyák Mátyás, derék főszakácsom, ki adott
neked pénzt a mai udvari koszt ellátásához?
– Tegnap is, ma is a királyné őfelsége! – felelé a konyhamester.
Lajos király elgondolkozva ült a vizben. Gondolatai oly
változékonyak voltak, hogy azokat még legbizalmasabb embere,
Bosnyák Mátyás konyhamester előtt sem merte elárulni. Hál’
Istennek, nem Mátétól, a pannonhalmi főapáttól, sem Széchy
Károlytól nem kellett az ebédrevalót megszerezni.
Bosnyák Mátyás igy folytatta:
– Most pedig, miután felséged esteli étkezésének ideje
elkövetkezett: gondoltam nyirfajdokra és fürjekre, amelyeket
Burgundia királyának előirása szerint vörösborban fagyasztottam
meg, miután elég jegünk maradt a vermekben. Olasz gesztenyével
töltöttem őket, mert talán ez a legfontosabb.
– Ezeket a madarakat hol szerezted?
– Nagy dinom-dánom volt tegnap a pécsi püspöknél, ott kértem
kölcsön a palotai szakácstól a feleslegből.
– Hát hozzad a fagyasztott fürjeket, mert valóban szükségét
érzem annak, hogy magamat valamivel felüditsem.
A konyhamester bizalmasan mosolygott, mint aki belát a királyok
gyomrába, mint akár másokéba.
– Volna még egy örvendetes hirem felséged számára. Itt van
Csepelről a sólyommester és jelenti, hogy az a jó sólyom, amely
felségednek kedvence volt: megkerült. A Mátrában fogták el.
– Adjatok neki hatvan aranyat! – kiáltott fel élénken Lajos király. –
És hozd a fajdokat, amelyeket most már magunk vadászunk, miután
jó sólymom megkerült.
… A király sokáig időzött ezután a langyos fürdőben, amig ama
burgundiai módra készült pecsenyéket elfogyasztotta, amelyekkel
meghitt konyhamestere kedveskedett.
Mária másnap a szokott időben ismét megjelent a trónteremben,
– megint csak Mátyás király tróntermében, mert Lajos királynak
jóformán egész napját a trónuson kellett töltenie. Külföldi követek,
magyar főpapok és magyar urak zaklatták… A király fáradtan
mosolygott Máriára, amikor az a trón lépcsőjén szokásos helyét
– Rólad volt szó egész nap, Mária. A veled való egybekelésemet
beszéltük meg.
Mária megint csak váratlanul felemelte a tekintetét:
– Hát nem elintézte azt már Miksa császár?…
– Leghatalmasabb pártfogóm, I. Miksa császár már nincs az élők
sorában. Márványba vésetten térdepel immár az idők végtelenjéig az
innsbrucki vártemplom bolthajtásai alatt, – felelt Lajos lemondó
– De él a testvérem, V. Károly, a római császár, aki tiszteletben
tartja nagyapja szerződéseit, – szólt most erőteljesen Mária.
Lajos király erre a hangra felemelkedett trónusáról. Lelépett a
lépcsőn és két kezét áldólag és bocsánatkérően Mária barna fejére
– Ó, Mária, hát nem hiszed, hogy az lesz életem legboldogabb
napja, amikor feleségemmé tehetlek? Még mindig kételkedsz
szivemnek érzelmeiben, amelyek együtt születtek zsenge
ifjukorommal, amikor eszmélni kezdtem? A királyoknak éppen ugy
vannak csillagaik, mint a hajósoknak. Gyermekkorom óta a te
csillagod vigyázott reám, miután se anyám, se apám nem volt.
– Árva király! – sóhajtotta Mária és megcsókolta Lajos király
kezét. – Én is árva vagyok. Se apám, se anyám, – most már
nagyapám sincs – csak testvéreim vannak, akiknek legkisebb
gondjuk én vagyok. Mit törődik velem Eleonóra, a boldog portugál
királyné, vagy a még boldogabb Izabella, a dán királyné? Mi
egymásra vagyunk utalva és egymásra hagyatva: Ludovicus, ezért
kell összetartanunk.
Mária ekkor először hagyta el a felség cimzést és a királyt
Ludovicusnak nevezte. A király borusan bólintott Mária felé, – nem
szerette, ha elszomorodnak azok, akik vele beszélgetnek, elég
szomoru volt ő magának.
– Tehát miért volt szó éppen én rólam, akit alig ismernek a
magyar urak?
Lajos még mindig bólintgatott:
– A házasságunkról beszéltünk, amely házasság csak akkor
jöhet létre, ha előbb téged megkoronáznak, valamint engem
nagykorusitanak. Burgio, a pápai követ, valamint Massaro, a
velencei követ mindenben pártolják ügyünket, de a magyar urak
közül néhányan, akik Szapolyaival fujnak egy követ, már megint
csapdosni kezdték a kardjuk tokjával a pádimentumot. Az egyik még
azt is merészelte mondani, hogy minek a királynak feleség, mikor
még a szakálla sem nőtt ki. Pedig, ugy-e, Mária, van már nekem
olyan szakállam, amelyre megházasodhatok.
Mária a két tenyerébe hajtotta gyönyörü homlokát, amig a király a
trónuson beszélt. Élesen gondolkozott valamin és nem felelt mindjárt
Lajos szavára.
– Mária, te is azt hiszed talán, hogy korai még nékem a
Mária összerázkódott:
– Felség, én azért jöttem Budára, hogy minden poklokon
keresztül a felesége legyek, hogy megmenthessem a magyar
koronát, amely után kapzsi kezek nyulnak ki itt az országban. Látom
én már jól, hogy itt mindenki király akar lenni, akinek sikerült a
rablás. Pénzt kell szereznünk, mert addig nem tisztelnek a magyar
urak. Amikor pénzünk lesz: ugy táncolnak, ahogyan mi fütyülünk.
– Egész nap ezen töröm a fejemet én is, – felelt borongósan
Lajos. – Amikor a követekkel beszélek és ravasz nyájaskodásaikra
még ravaszabb nyájaskodásokkal felelek, mert jól tudom, hogy
minden szavamat a kalapja bélésébe irja titkos jelekkel különösen a
velencei: akkor is azon gondolkozom, hogy mennyivel is tartozom a
budai kereskedőknek, akik már nem akarnak többé hitelezni. Mialatt
ma, Dubravszky János, az olmützi püspök beszélt cseh hireket:
hallom, hogy egy budai kereskedő, akinek már régebben tartozunk
bélésáruért, nagyban kiabál az ajtó előtt, alig lehetett őt elküldeni.
– Máskor csak küldd hozzám a türelmetlen hitelezőket, –
ajánlkozott Mária – én tudok a nyelvükön.
– Ó, Mária, attól kiméljen meg a jósors, hogy valaha is meg
kellessen ösmerned a tiszteletlen, közönséges embereket, akik már
a királyuknak sem hisznek, a királyi szóban kételkednek és
mindenféle zálogokat követelnek biztositékul, – kiáltott fel Lajos
király. – Miután aranyom és ezüstöm nincs, amit zálogul
odadobhatnék nekik: kénytelen vagyok azokat az adókat nekik
ajándékozni, amelyek a biztosok hanyagsága miatt nem folytak be a
királyi kincstárba. Ők be birják hajtani az ilyen elmaradt adókat, mert
a vérét veszik a parasztnak és városi polgárnak a dézsmával együtt.
Mária félig felemelkedve hallgatta Lajos szavait, aztán a
hüvelykujjával „fügét“ mutatott:
– Adnék én nekik adókat! – küldd hozzám a hitelezőidet,
Ludovicus. Én majd beszélek velük, hogy hagyják nyugodni régi
követeléseiket és ujabb hitelt nyissanak részedre. Ne hidd, hogy az
én eszemen tuljár akár Fugger, akár Fortunátus, vagy az a budai
rőfös, aki lármázni merészkedik Mátyás király trónterme előtt!
A király bágyadtan mosolygott, mint aki már nem hisz sorsának
– Bizonyos, hogy az olmützi püspök, akinek jó fülei vannak, mert
hiszen a legtitkosabb gyónásokat is meghallgatja, még a mai nap
folyamán levelet ir a lengyel királynak a budai kereskedő lármás
Mária vállat vont:
– Fizesse ki a lengyel király a budai kereskedőt! Nem
törődhetünk minden csekélységgel, ami körülöttünk történik. Az
emberek többsége gonosz, alattomos, rosszakaratu, aki szivesen
kivánja még királyának vesztét is, ha a maga rongyos életét azzal
meghosszabbithatja. Hiveink közül nem járt nálad senki, Ludovicus?
– Igen, itt volt Burgo, a római császár megbizotta, aki elhozta azt
az udvari szabályzatot, amely szerint a magyar királynak ezentul
élnie kell, ha azt akarja, hogy alattvalói tiszteljék és megbecsüljék, –
mondá most Lajos félig tréfásan, félig gunyosan. – Vajjon honnan
tudja a római császár, hogy Magyarországon miért becsülik meg a
– A pénzéért! – szólt keserüen Mária.
Lajos a dolmánya zsebébe nyulott és egy összegöngyölitett
hártyapapiros ivet vont elő, amelyet térdén kiteritett. Mária az állát a
tenyerébe hajtotta, amint a trón lépcsőiről a király szavait ügyelte.
– Hát elsősorban azt akarja V. Károly császár, hogy tiltsák el
Budán a vadászebeket attól, hogy ellepjék a király szobáját,
ebédlőjét, mert a kutyák nem valók a palotába.
– A vadászaton kivül magam sem szeretem a kutyákat! –
helyeselt bátyja levelén Mária.
– Másodsorban nem helyesli a római császár, hogy a magyar
király bizalmas udvarnokai, tanácsosai előtt akár mezitelenül is
megmutatkozik, mert bárki szabadon beléphet a termeibe, bárki
meghivás nélkül is letelepedhetik vendégasztalához, ha van bőviben
a konyhán…
Látszik, hogy V. Károly nem ismeri Magyarországot, ahol a
jóbarátokat fesztelen érintkezéssel, valamint fehérasztalnál lehet
– No, már az én asztalomnál nem ülhet le más, mint akit
meghivok, – szólt most Mária. – Az embernek meg kell magát
becsülni, mert ugyan ki becsülje meg az embert, ha még saját maga
– Nem ismered még a magyarokat. Halálos, engesztelhetetlen
gyülöletek fakadhatnak abból, hogy a király nem ültet le valakit
asztalához, aki véletlenül éppen ebédidőben jött látogatóba. Vajjon,
miért szálljak szembe a feldühitett vaddisznóval, ha annak
pecsenyéjéből még csak meg se kinálhatok senkit? Vajjon, miért
öltözzek fel azért, mert udvarnokomnak valamely mondanivalója van
az időjárásról, vagy pedig valamely friss tréfáról, amelyet a
palotában elkövettek?
– Mit akar még bátyám szabályzatba venni?
Lajos az ujjaival követte a latinnyelvü irat sorait.
– Azt irja, hogy a király a templomban nem imádkozik, hanem
szórakozottan ül helyén és látszólag máshol jár az esze, mint az
ájtatosságon. A királynak jópéldával kell előljárni az áhitatban, neki
kell legjobban verni a mellét alattvalói vétkeiért is, amelyekért Isten
és a világ előtt felelős.
Mária erre nem válaszolt, mert ugyancsak az volt a véleménye,
hogy az imádkozás a sirjuk felé közelgő öregembereknek való, –
Szerémi György, az udvari káplán már harmadik napja hiába invitálta
Máriát a szentmiséhez a budai várkápolnába. „Én akkor megyek
templomba először Magyarországon, amikor királynévá
koronáznak“, – üzente Mária a káplánnak, aki, persze, nyomban
jelentést tett erről a pápai nunciusnak.
– Mit kiván még császári bátyám? – kérdezte Mária az iratba
– Azt kivánja, hogy mostani udvarnokaimat, akik mit sem értenek
a királyi szertartásokhoz: bocsássam szélnek, majd küld ő Budára a
maga hiveiből, akik a királyt megtanitják uralkodni. A királyné
számára pedig gondoskodik udvarhölgyekről, akik a Dunán már
utban is vannak egy hajórakománnyal.
– Az bizony nagyon jó lesz, mert már végtelenül unatkozom
ezeknek a vén skatulyáknak a társaságában, akik még az öreg
királyné idejéből maradtak itt, akik olyan nyelven beszélnek, amit
nem értek.
– Milyen nyelven?
– Azt hiszem tótul vagy lengyelül.
A király elnevette magát:
– Igen, ők még a nagybátyám, a lengyel király küldeményéből
valók, – azokból a hölgyekből, akiknek már az ó-hazai kolostorokban
sem tudtak megfelelő alapitványi helyet biztositani, idejöttek tehát az
apám udvarába.
– Csak azt szeretném tudni, hogy miért nevetnek, amikor
pirossarku facipőt huzok fel? – mormolta Mária.
– Bizonyára azért, mert azelőtt sohasem láttak olyant. De
folytassuk a császár levelének tartalmát, – szólott Lajos, mert
nyilván csak most vette magának azt a fáradtságot, hogy a
napközben átnyujtott iratot áttanulmányozza. Magában olvasta a
latin mondatokat, amelyeket németre forditva közölt Máriával:
– Az uj szabályzat szerint a királynak nem szabad ünnepnapokon
vadászni, se madarászni, mert amugy is sok időt fordit a király a
vadászatokra. Mise előtt tartózkodni kell az evéstől, bármilyen
étvágyas volna is a király. Nem szabad kerülni a komoly és unalmas
emberek társaságát, mert azoktól bölcsebb dolgokat hallhatni, mint a
részegeskedőktől és poharazóktól. Nem szabad puhitó és gyengitő
fürdőket használni. Távol kell tartani a könnyelmü embereket, akik
akár szakállasak, akár szakálltalanok, mindig csak szórakozások,
tivornyák és más becstelen dolgok felől beszélgetnek.
Lajos mondatról-mondatra derültebb hangon olvasta a részére
megszabott uj életrendet. Végül is összehajtani készült az iratot:
– Az uj szabályzat intézkedik a kutyáimról, csak arra nézve nincs
semmi mondanivalója, hogy honnan szerezzen pénzt a király.
– Olvassuk csak tovább, hátha erről is találunk valamit, –
sürgette Mária a királyt.
Lajos végigböngészte a levelet:
– Nincs, erről egyetlen szó nincsen. Az van még itt, hogy a
szabályzat pontos betartására Kozicki Mihály, a pozeni püspök és
alkancellár öccse, valamint Wirth György orvos Budára
érkezendenek. Most már nem csodálom, hogy Burgo gróf miért adta
át térdreborulva a levelet, esetleg az arcába vághattam volna, mint
Bornemissza uram szokta tenni az én adósleveleimmel, amikor a
zsidók bemutatják őket.
Mária elgondolkozva ült a trón lépcsőin. Nem mondta meg
Lajosnak, hogy a császári követ, mielőtt a királynak átadta volna az
uj udvari szabályzatot, előzőleg nála is járt és közbenjárását kérte,
hogy Zsigmond és V. Károly császár kedvéért birja rá a királyt, hogy
pecsétét ráüsse az uj udvari törvényekre. Mária látván a király
indulatosságát, halkan felkelt a lépcsőről és igy szólott:
– Felséged ma nagyon ki van merülve az egész napi
foglalkozástól, pihennünk kell. Holnapig gondolkozunk a dolgokon. –
És mielőtt még Lajos egyetlen szót is szólhatott volna, Mária
kisurrant a trónteremből. Lajos látván, hogy egyedül maradt
háborgásával, hangosan elkiáltotta magát:
– Hé, őrség, legénység! Bocsássátok be a kutyáimat!
A trónterem ajtaja kivágódott és egy tucatnyi különbözőfajta
vadászeb rohant be, amelyek nagy ujjongással, kutyaörömmel
vették körül a trónusán ülő királyt. Volt közöttük borjunagyságu
sinkorán, amely habozás nélkül veti magát a vaddisznó hátára, hogy
a nyakánál fogva lebirja; volt vizsla és kopó, amely abszolute nem
respektálta Mátyás király tróntermét, hanem hangos ugatással
futkározott a biborkockákon. A király megelégedetten nézte kutyái
játékát, mintha indulatossága csillapodott volna ettől a látványtól.
Megszokta, hogy többre becsülje az állatokat, mint az embereket.
A kutyaugatásra csakhamar felnyilott a szomszédos szoba
szárnyasajtaja is és a hatalmas termetü Brandenburgi György
bodorintott pofaszakállával és életvidám mosolyával belépett:
– Ezt már aztán szeretem, felséges uram, hogy a nehéz napi
munka után a játékban keressen feledést. Aki annyit dolgozik, mint
felséged, annak jussa van a szórakozáshoz is.
– Őrgróf, holnap vadászatot tartunk, mert ki tudja, meddig
engedik meg ezt a mulatságot a gyámjaim!
– A legjobb időben! – pendült fel az életkedv Brandenburgiban,
olyan erővel, hogy az csakhamar átáramlott a királyra is. –
Visegrádról itt járt a vadász és jelenté, hogy a szarvasbőgéstől
hangos az erdő. Valami fiatal aggancsos tévedt ide a hegyekből,
amely sorra elveri az öreg bikákat. Felséged ijjára vár egy szép
– Holnapután pedig lovagjátékot rendezünk, olyant, amilyent mi
szoktunk, Mária még talán ugy sem látott ilyesmit.
– Hát az bizonyos, hogy Stubitzs és Zettevirtz fene vad viadorok;
Holubár óta nem mutatkoztak ilyenek Budán.
– És Krabát, az ördög, – lelkendezett Lajos, kutyái felé
csettintgetve ujjával. – És amint Mária udvarhölgyei megérkeznek:
táncmulatságot rendezünk a palotában, ugy sem táncoltunk
kisasszonyokkal már nagyon régen.
Brandenburgi olyannak mutatta magát, mintha örömében a
bőréből akarna kibujni, – tudta ez az uriember, hogyan kell a királlyal
bánni, hogy feledtesse vele borus gondolatait.
– Valóban az utóbbi időben a folyton alkalmatlankodó külföldi
követek, valamint a szemtelen hitelezők miatt nem értünk rá még
csak arra sem, hogy a sarkunkat összeperditsük. Pedig a
buskomolysággal még senki sem tudta eloszlatni a felhőket.
Véleményem szerint csak a vigkedélyü embereknek lehet
szerencséjük. Az az ember, aki otthon tudja hagyni a gondjait:
életrevaló, mert a halál ugy is eljön mindenkiért, szomoruságban
vagy vigalomban.
Lajos már sokszor hallhatta ezeket az aranymondásokat
nevelőjétől, de az ötvenéves, életvidám lovag szavainak most is meg
volt a hatékonyságuk, hogy Lajos király apránként felvidámodott.
Csak akkor támadt ránc megint a király homlokán, amikor
Bornemissza uram egy pergament-darabbal a kezében belépett a
trónterembe és dühösen szétrugott a neki kedveskedő ebek között.
– Felség, – állott meg a trón lépcsőinél az öreg, molyette bácsi –
itt megint valamely adósságot kérnek, amelyről eddig nem tudtam.
Felséged kért kölcsön harminchat forintot a pápai nunciustól?
– Kénytelen voltam, mert nem tudtam miből elküldeni a legutóbbi
hirnököket Velencébe, – felelt elvörösödve a király. – Nem hittem,
hogy ilyen sürgetős a pénz a nuncius urnak.
– Megszokhatta volna már felség, hogy Magyarországon nincs
hitele a királynak. Azért kell vigyáznunk minden meglévő tallérunkra,
mert ujat nem kapunk helyébe, ha kiadjuk, – felelt korholó hangon
A király most felcsattant:
– Talán nekem adtad, öreg, a kincstár pénzét?
– Nem adtam és nem is fogom adni, – felelt Bornemissza az
öregek konokságával. – Csak arra akarom kérni felségedet, hogy a
kihallgatásra jelentkező külföldi követektől ne kérjen kölcsönt minden
alkalommal, mert amilyen igaz, hogy Bornemissza a nevem: nem
fizetem ki a legkisebb adósságokat sem. Rosszabb már ugy sem
lehet a hitelünk, legalább a pénzünk megmarad.
A király lemondólag legyintett:
– Csak ülj tovább is pénzesládádon, öreg, hagyjad, hogy György
őrgróf a magáéból fizesse az udvari testőrök zsoldját, mert szerinted
ezek a léhütők nem érdemelnek meg egy ezüstgarast sem. De
vajjon kik védelmeznek meg a magyar nemesek ellen, ha azoknak
egyszer eszükbe jut beváltani fenyegetésüket és a Rákosról valóban
betörnek a palotába?
– A törvények, felség, régi szent királyaink törvényei, amelyeket
megszegni nem juthat eszébe egyetlen magyarnak sem. Szent
István utóda szent és sérthetetlen. Attól ne féljen felséged, hogy
kezet emelne egyetlen kar is felségedre, még ha tárva-nyitva
volnának a palotának kapui, – felelt Bornemissza Lajos szavaira. –
Testőrökre tehát nincs szükség. Ezt a 36 forintot most az egyszer
még kifizetem, mert a nuncius urral valóban magam sem akarok ujjat
huzni 36 forint miatt. De kérve kérem felségedet, hogy hagyná
békében ezután a látogatóit. Ha már adni nem tudunk nekik,
legalább ne kérjünk tőlük.
A vén kincstárnok ezután kiballagott a trónteremből, hogy
valamely titkos helyen lévő ládafiából előkeresse a nuncius pénzét.
– Hallottad? – fordult most Lajos a Brandenburgihoz. – Hát
hogyan legyen nekem kedvem Budán maradni, mikor egész nap
csak szemrehányásokban van részem? A vadászatokra legalább
nem jönnek utánam sem a nunciusok, sem a kincstárosok.
Fuldokolnak is a méregtől, amikor egy-két napra megszököm tőlük.
– Holnap tehát megszökünk, – gurgulázott Brandenburgi, mintha
a legmulatságosabb dologról hallana.
– És Máriát is magunkkal visszük, nem hagyjuk itt őt sem
Lajos ezután felvidámodva vonult a fürdőkádas terem felé, ahol a
kőasztalra Bosnyák Mátyás már előkészitette mindazokat a
szereket, amelyek a király kellemetes fürdőzéséhez szükségesek
voltak. E napon éppen Massaro ur, a velencei követ, adott lakomát
követtársai tiszteletére. Bosnyák Mátyásnak onnan sikerült
kikölcsönözni két tucat tengeri csigát, amelyhez egy nagykancsó
ciprusi bort készitett a márványasztalkára.

Pénz beszél, kutya ugat.

A visegrádi vadászatot Burgos császári követ és Brandenburgi

őrgróf vezették, ez a két főur csakhamar ugy rendezte a dolgot, hogy
Lajos király és Mária hátramaradhasson a vadászok zajongó
csapatától, az üzőbe vett vadkant a kutyapecérek észak felé
hajtották, az urak lóháton, vagy gyalogszerrel utána… Mindenki jól
tudta az udvari emberek között, hogy a vadászatnak tulajdonképpeni
célja az, hogy Lajos és Mária kedvükre beszélgessenek, – a
felesleges szemtanukat otthon hagyták Budán.
Mária is lóháton volt, – a király ajándékozott a részére a féltoronyi
lótenyésztésből két kancát, habár Mária kijelentette, hogy jobban
szereti a szilaj méneket, amelyeknek megfékezésével gond van. –
Lajos és Mária a Duna mentén kanyargó uton lovagoltak, mig a
vadászat zenebonája erdős hegységekből hangzott alá.
– Az érsek valóban férfinek látszik a talpán, – mondá Mária a
császári követre célozva, aki mellékesen érsekséget is viselt, habár
alig vetekedhetett vele valaki a tornában, vadászatban,
lovagjátékban. – Örülök, hogy a császár ilyen követet rendelt
Budára, akire büszke lehetek itt még a gőgös magyar urak között is.
– Lásd, Mária, én az érseket nem annyira testi ügyességéért
tisztelem, – mert ez feltalálható Brandenburgiban is, hanem azért
becsülöm nagyra, mert nagymestere ő a tudományoknak, – mondá
most Lajos olyan őszinte hangon, amilyent Mária az eddigi
kihallgatások alkalmával még nem hallott tőle. – Bár tudom, hogy
más a hirem, mert az emberre inkább szeretnek rosszat, mint jót
mondani: én a tudományokat becsülöm a legtöbbre a világon. Ha
nem kellene szegénységgel küzdenem, ha nem kellene örökösen
hitelezőimre gondolni és ha olyan békét tudnék kötni a török
szultánnal, hogy az nem fenyegetné állandóan országomat: – én
Budán megint ugy rendezném be a palotát, mint az Corvin Mátyás
idejében volt. Tudósokkal és költőkkel venném magam körül… A
szellem kincsében gyönyörködnék, ha módon volna hozzá, – ördög
vigye a vadászatokat. Az érsek akkor is első helyen volna a budai
palotában, ha humanista tudósok mérnék ott össze csillogó
fegyvereiket, mert az érsek tökéletes udvaronc, amilyen csak a
gazdag királyi udvarokban található.
– Ne busulj, felség, nem sokára mi is gazdagok leszünk, – felelt
Mária, amint elmerengve és uj érzésekkel szivében hallgatta a
bensőjét feltárogató király vallomásait.
A király nem felelt Mária szavaira, kezdte megszokni, hogy ettől a
nőtől mindig csak biztatásban, reménykeltésben legyen része.
Folytatta őszinte vallomásait, mert itt a dunaparti országuton,
amelyet még az Anjou-királyok épittettek, nem kellett tartani attól,
hogy valaki is kihallgatná beszédét:
– Tudod-e, Mária, mit szeretek legjobban cselekedni? A
Corvinákat forgatni a könyvtárteremben, amikor a türelmetlen
magyar urak a kihallgatási teremben a kardjuk tokjával verdesik a
pádimentomot. Én nem tudom az ő törvényeiket, mert azt
másképpen magyarázta Werbőczy is, meg a primás is, amikor
engem a törvényekre tanitottak. Mindegyiknek a kezében volt valami
ócska kutyabőr, amelyről állitásaik megerősitésére felolvastak régi
királyi leveleket. Néha azon vettem magamat észre, hogy nem is én
uralkodom Magyarországon, hanem Könyves Kálmán, vagy pedig
talán éppen Bakócz uram, aki legjobban ismerte a régi királyok
leveleit. El is neveztek a hátam mögött „árnyékkirálynak“, – de én
azzal nem sokat törődtem, ha elővehettem Corvináimat.
– Hallottam ilyesmit, – felelt Mária, megveregetve lova nyakát. –
A magyarok módfelett fel voltak mindig bőszülve, amikor rákosi
országgyüléseiken hiába hoztak mindenféle törvényeket, amelyekkel
a király nem törődött. Ugy veszem észre, hogy ebben az országban
sok a kiskirály… Ámde mindenféle törvényeik közül engem mégis
csak az a törvény érdekel leginkább, amely arról szól, hogy az
országgyülés bizottságot küldött ki, amely ezentul majd ellenőrzi a
király háztartását, hogy vajjon nem folyik-e ott felesleges pazarlás?
Megnézi a bizottság, hogy mennyi sáfrányt teszek a levesbe, hány
pogácsát sütök, vagy hány inget varratok magamnak… Itt meggyülik
a magyarok baja velem, mert én a háztartásomba belenézni nem
engedek. Unus rex, unus princeps.
– De néha még a tanácskozásban is felkelek a trónusomból,
hogy elmenjek kedvenc könyveimhez, – folytatta a király, akit
bizonyos időben ugy megleptek a gondolatok, hogy végtelenül
szórakozott lett, még Mária szavaira sem tudott ügyelni. –
Otthagyom az emberölőket, a részegeseket, a királysértőket, mert
hiszen valamennyien azok a nádortól kezdve az utolsó
csizmahuzóig. Nem hiába szokta volt mondogatni Burgio uram, a
pápai nuncius, hogy Magyarországon nincsen olyan három ember,
aki rászánná magát arra az áldozatra, hogy az országot három
forinton megmentse. Ezért aztán ott szoktam őket hagyni, mikor
azon tanakodnak, hogy milyen törvényeket hozzanak királyuk ellen.
– Ennek megint csak a szegénységünk az oka, – felelt Mária,
hogy a király gondolatait végre odaterelje, ahová szerette volna: a
pénz-szerzés módozataihoz.
De a király, ha belejött a magyarokról való panaszkodásba, nem
– Tegnap is milyen uj dologgal leptek meg a magyar tanácsurak.
Maguk között elhatározták, hogy a király ujjáról le kell huzni a
pecsétgyürüt, hogy többé adósleveleket ki ne adhasson. Salamon
Imrét pedig, aki még talán az egyetlen ember az országban, aki a
királynak kölcsönöket szokott adogatni: el kell távolitani az udvarból,
sőt példásan megbüntetni, mert a királynak olykor segitségére volt.
– Majd elbánik velük az én innsbrucki kereskedőm, akinek már
irtam, hogy jönne Budára a pénzügyeim rendbehozatalára, – kiáltott
fel Mária.
– Azzal az innsbrucki kereskedővel megint csak felingereljük a
magyarokat magunk ellen, mert a legközelebbi rákosi
országgyülésen éppen azt akarják törvénybe foglalni, hogy minden
idegent el kell távolitani a királyi udvarból, – mondá panaszosan
Lajos. – Törvényt hoznak arra, hogy a kincstáros, a főudvarmester, a
pecsétőr, de még a fővadászmester se lehessen más, mint magyar.
A várakat, földbirtokokat meg pláne el kell venni az idegenektől, még
ha fegyverrel is… Ez az utóbbi törvény éppen a jó Brandenburgi
őrgróf ellen készül, aki a minap szerezte meg Medved várát a
hozzátartozó jószágokkal.
– És felség aláirja azt a törvényt, amelyet éppen leghivebb
embere ellen hoznak? – kérdezte Mária és hirtelen s
hosszadalmasan a királyra nézett.
– Mit tehetnék egyebet? – felelt vállát vonogatva Lajos király. – A
magyarok szilaj, fékezhetetlen emberek, akik képesek dühükben
mindenre, az emberölés egyáltalában nem sokat számit náluk. Ugyis
mindig egyre fenyegetnek, hogy ugy járok majd, mint a dán király,
akit, tudvalevőleg, elkergettek. Azt fogom tenni a törvényekkel, amit
ők tesznek. Meg fogom találni a módját, hogy kijátszam őket.
Mária elgondolkozva lovagolt a király mellett. Jó darab ideig
hallgatott, amig válaszolt, mintha jól meggondolta volna minden
– Őszintén megmondom, hogy engem azok a törvények nem
nagyon érdekelnek, amelyeket a magyar urak hoznak. Az én
törvényeimet a mindnyájunkban lakozó Istenség szabja meg. Nem
hiába voltak humanisták a mestereim, megtanitottak gondolkozni.
Engem a törvények csak a pénzszerzés szempontjából érdekelnek.
Ennél a pontnál nem akarok összeütközni a törvényekkel. Tehát a
Brandenburgitól el akarják venni Medved várát?
– Nem csak Medvedet, hanem Varasdot, Rokonokat és
Lukavecet is a hozzájuk tartozó népekkel, – felelte a király. – A jó
Brandenburgi már tudja is, hogy a horvát jószágoktól meg kell válnia,
ha nem adja el idejében: elveszik tőle erőszakkal. Ezért vevőt
– És ki volna a vevő? – kérdezte hirtelen Mária.
– Az, akinek egyedül van pénze ebben az országban. A rabló
Mária negédesen hintázta magát a nyeregben:
– Bevallom, ilyen nagyurral nem konkurrálhatok, holott éppen
arra gondoltam, hogy az őrgróf jószágait megveszem én magamnak.
Tőlem, remélem, nem veszik el a lovagias magyar urak.
Lajos király nagyot nézett:
– Milyen pénzből vennéd te meg a nagyértékü birtokokat?
A királyné elnevette magát, amint az oldalán függő
vadásztáskára ütött a tenyerével:
– Van nekem pénzem, nem hiába töltöm az időmet
Magyarországon. Levél várt rám Selmecről, amelyben jelentik, hogy
az ottani bányáim, amelyeket még boldogult apósom ajándékozott
nekem: igen jól jövedelmeznek. Erre a jövedelemre csak kaphatok
tán kölcsönt bármelyik budai zsidótól. Én már kiszámitottam
magamban, hogy 40.000 arany évi jövedelmem van. Kár volna ezt
az egész jövedelmet a budai mihasznákba önteni. Lehet azon
hasznos dolgokat is vásárolni.
Lajos felkacagott:
– Még megérem, hogy te fogsz nekem kölcsönpénzt adogatni!
– Miért ne? – felelt Mária csodálkozó hangon. – A jóbarátok
között ez kötelező. Különösen, ha tervem sikerül.
Lajos a nagy érdeklődésben megállitotta hátaslovát és egészen
Mária felé fordult:
– Halljuk hát tervedet, Magyarország jövendőbeli királynéja.
– Többféle tervem is van arra nézve, hogy ebből a pénzügyi
nyomoruságból, ebből az utálatos, megalázó szegénységből
megszabaditsam mindkettőnket. Először is birtokokat, várakat,
jószágokat fogok vásárolni, mindent megveszek, ami eladó ebben az
– De hol veszed a pénzt a vásárhoz? – nevetett megint Lajos
király, aki nem tudta még akkor megérteni, hogyan lehet pénz nélkül
is vásárolni.
– Éppen ez a kérdés az, amihez a felség segitségére van
szükségem. Tudnod kell, felség, hogy a magyar forint most jobb a
rajnai forintnál. 25.000 magyar forintért bármikor könnyü szerrel
kaphatunk 31.250 rajnai forintot, 2000 magyar forintért pedig
kaphatunk 1000 morva schokot, amely most Európában a legjobb
pénz. Magyar forintot kell tehát szereznünk, hogy rajnai forintot és
morva schokot szerezhessünk. Erre nem fogunk ráfizetni.
Lajos király álmélkodva hallgatta Mária nyugodt, higgadtan
elmondott szavait, mintha valami csodát látna a visegrádi
Dunaparton. Hiszen beszélgetett ő már azelőtt is pénzről és még
többet hallott róla, amikor atyja, a csavaros észjárásu Ulászló
lábainál üldögélt, amig az mindenféle furfangokkal pénzt hámozott ki
a palotába rendelt zsidókból. Atyja módszerét követte Lajos is, bár
korántsem volt olyan találékony a zálogbaadásnál, mint Ulászló.

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