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Alicja Szymańska

Temat III: What’s your phobias? When did it start? How does it affect your life? Have you ever tried
to do something about it? What was the results?

I am very afraid of spiders. This is my phobia. My phobia started when I was a

little girl. I was playing hide and seek. I hid under the balcony and saw a large
spider there. I was really scared and i ran home. I had bad dreams about spiders.
I'm an adult and I'm still afraid of spiders. I don't like being in dark places. I
don't like cleaning my balcony or garden. I am afraid of walks in the woods and
fields. I'm trying to end my phobia, but it's not easy. When I see a spider I don't
kill it. I look at him and he wants to see a pretty creature. I think the results are
good. My fear is less. Maybe someday I will not be afraid of spiders. I would
like not to be afraid

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