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Journal of Insect Science, (2024) 24(2): 4; 1–9

Mitochondrial genomes of Nemourinae species

(Plecoptera: Nemouridae) and the phylogenetic
Ying Wang*, Caiyue Guo, Xiaoxiao Yue, Xing Fan, Yuying Fan, Jinjun Cao
Department of Plant Protection, Henan International Joint Laboratory of Taxonomy and Systematic Evolution of Insecta, Henan

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Institute of Science and Technology, Hualan Road, Xinxiang 453003, China *Corresponding author, mail:

Subject Editor: Ren-Huai Dai

Received on 30 November 2023; revised on 22 December 2023; accepted on 22 February 2024

Currently, the classification system of 2 subfamilies within Nemouridae has been widely accepted. However,
monophyly of 2 subfamilies has not been well supported by molecular evidence. To date, only mitogenomes
from genus Nemoura of the subfamily Nemourinae were used in previous phylogenetic studies and produced
conflicting results with morphological studies. Herein, we analyzed mitogenomes of 3 Nemourinae species
to reveal their mitogenomic characteristics and to examine genus-level classification among Nemouridae. In
this study, the genome organization of 3 mitogenomes is highly conserved in gene order, nucleotide compo-
sition, codon usage, and amino acid composition. In 3 Nemourinae species, there is a high variation in nucle-
otide diversity among the 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs). The Ka/Ks values for all PCGs were far lower than 1,
indicating that these genes were evolving under purifying selection. The phylogenetic analyses highly support
Nemurella as the sister group to Ostrocerca. Meanwhile, Nemoura is recovered as the sister group of Malenka;
they are grouped with other Amphinemurinae and emerged from a paraphyletic Nemourinae. More molecular
data from different taxonomic groups are needed to understand stoneflies phylogeny and evolution.

Key words: Plecoptera, Nemourinae, mitochondrial genome, phylogeny

Introduction (Sphaeronemoura, Tominemoura, Nanonemoura, and Sinonemura)

have been added, bringing the total number of genera in this family
Plecoptera, commonly known as stoneflies, is an ancient group of
to 21 (Baumann and Fiala 2001, Shimizu and Sivec 2001, Sivec and
insects with fossil records dating back to the Triassic period (Zwick
Stark 2009, Mo et al. 2020). Although Baumann (1975) proposed
2000, DeWalt et al. 2023). There are over 4,000 known species of
a widely accepted classification system for the family Nemouridae
stoneflies worldwide, distributed across most continents, with the
based on morphological data, the monophyly of 2 subfamilies has
exception of Antarctica (Zwick 2000, DeWalt et al. 2023). Stoneflies
not been well supported by molecular evidence, and conflicting
are particularly abundant in regions with cooler, clean mountain
results have been produced (Terry and Whiting 2003, Gamboa et al.
streams and rivers (Zwick 2000). Their nymphs are sensitive to
2019, South et al. 2021).
changes in water quality and habitat health, making them valuable
Insect mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are of particular
bioindicators for monitoring freshwater ecosystems (Fochetti and
interest to biologists due to their compact size, rapid evolution, and
Figueroa 2008, Stewart and Stark 2008, Qian et al. 2014).
unique genetic features, making them useful tools for studying com-
Nemouridae species are commonly known as spring stoneflies
parative and evolutionary genomics, phylogenetics, and population
due to their emergence in late winter and early spring. It is one of the
genetics (Wilson et al. 2000, Lin and Danforth 2004, Gissi et al.
largest families of Plecoptera with over 600 species founded world-
2008, Salvato et al. 2008, Cameron 2014).
wide (DeWalt et al. 2023). For a long time, the classification system
To date, there are 9 complete or nearly complete Nemourinae
of Nemouridae has been in constant flux. Newman (1853) first
mitogenomes available in the NCBI database (Table 1). Most
erected Nemouridae and included most of the present Euholognatha
mitogenomes were from species of the genera Nemoura, whereas
in this family. Later, this large diverse grouping was divided into 5
only 2 of them were from genus Nemurella and Lednia. For
families of the present superfamily Nemouroidea (Klapálek 1905,
those Nemourinae mitogenomes, only mitogenomes from genus
Zwick 1973). After revising most of the genera of Nemouridae,
Nemoura were used in previous phylogenetic studies because of an
Baumann (1975) divided this family into 2 subfamilies (Nemourinae
unannotated sequence of Nemurella pictetii (GenBank accession
and Amphinemurinae) and 17 genera. Recently, 4 more genera

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2 Journal of Insect Science, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 2

Table 1. Species used for phylogenetic analyses in this study.

Subfamily Species Length Accession number

Nemourinae Nemoura avicularis 15,590 MT410776a

Nemoura cinerea 15,640 MT410849a
Nemoura flexura 15,780 MT584119a
Nemoura longicercia 15,728 OM287982
Nemoura meniscata 15,895 MN944386
Nemoura nankinensis 16,602 KY940360
Nemoura papilla 15,774 MK290826
Nemurella pictetii 15,934 OR601702
Lednia tumana 15,294 OR601701a
Ostrocerca truncata 15,971 OR398225
Amphinemurinae Amphinemura bulla 15,827 MW339348

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Amphinemura claviloba 15,707 MN720741
Amphinemura longispina 15,709 MH085446
Amphinemura sp. 15,176 KX091847a
Amphinemura yao 15,876 MH085447
Indonemoura auriformis 15,718 MN419915
Indonemoura jacobsoni 15,642 MH085448
Indonemoura nohirae 15,738 NC_044751
Malenka flexura 15,744 ON411527
Mesonemoura metafiligera 15,739 MH085450
Mesonemoura tritaenia 15,778 MH085451
Protonemura datongensis 15,756 MT276842
Protonemura kohnoae 15,707 MH085452
Protonemura meyeri 15,695 NC_050322
Protonemura orbiculata 15,758 MH085453
Sphaeronemoura acutispina 15,016 MH085455a
Sphaeronemoura elephas 15,846 MN944385
Sphaeronemoura grandicauda 15,661 MH085454
Sphaeronemoura hainana 15,260 MK111420a
Perlidae (outgroups) Caroperla siveci 15,353 MG677942a
Kamimuria klapaleki 16,077 MN400755

Nearly complete genome sequence.

no. OV121127) and an uncompleted sequence of Lednia tumana Genome Sequencing, Assembly, and Annotation
(GenBank accession no. MH374046). Most of these studies Mitogenomes were sequenced and assembled as described in our
proposed a sister group of Nemoura and Amphinemura, leading a previous studies (Wang et al. 2018a, 2018b, 2019, Cao et al. 2019,
paraphyletic Amphinemurinae (Chen and Du 2017a, 2017b, Cao et 2021). Genomic DNA with qualified concentration was submitted
al. 2019, 2021, Chen et al. 2020, Guo et al. 2022). Therefore, to to Berry Genomics Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China) for library construction
obtain a more precise phylogenetic relationship, it is necessary to and high-throughput sequencing. An Illumina TruSeq library with
incorporate mitogenomic data, especially the data from other genera an average insert size of 350 bp was generated and sequenced with
of Nemourinae. 150 bp paired-end reads on the Illumina Hiseq 2500 platform. The
In this study, we sequenced the complete mitogenome of mitogenome was assembled using Trimmomatics v0.30 (Lohse et al.
Ostrocerca truncata and completed the missing rRNA sequences in 2012) and IDBA-UD (Peng et al. 2012). MitoZ was used to annotate
L. tumana mitogenome. In addition, we annotated the mitogenome the obtained mitogenome (Meng et al. 2019).
of N. pictetii for further analysis. We characterized and compared The transfer RNA (tRNA) genes of O. truncata were identified
the mitogenomes of these 3 Nemourinae species and revealed by using the MITOS Web Server (Bernt et al. 2013). Protein-coding
mitogenomic characterizations of this subfamily in the present study genes (PCGs) and 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes were identified
for the first time. Finally, phylogenetic analysis is provided to eval- by alignment with homologous genes from other published stonefly
uate feasibility of mitogenome data to resolve relationships at the mitogenomes. Base composition and codon usage were analyzed by
genus level in Nemouridae. MEGA v.6.0 (Tamura et al. 2013). Composition skew analysis was
carried out with the formulas AT skew = [A − T]/[A + T] and GC
skew = [G − C]/[G + C], respectively (Perna and Kocher 1995).
Materials and Methods
Sample Collection and DNA Extraction Phylogenetic Analysis
Specimens of O. truncata were collected from Hidden Valley, Phylogenetic analysis was carried out based on the 30 complete or
Virginia. Specimens were soaked in 100% ethanol and stored at nearly complete mitogenomes from the family Nemouridae. Two
−20 °C. Total genomic DNA was extracted from muscle tissue using species (Kamimuria klapaleki and Caroperla siveci) from Perlidae
the DNeasy Extraction kit (Qiagen, Germany), according to the were selected as outgroups (Table 1). Each PCG was individually
manufacturer’s instructions. aligned using the MAFFT algorithm (Katoh and Standley 2013)
Journal of Insect Science, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 2 3

within the TranslatorX online platform (Abascal et al. 2010). Two model was optimal for analysis with nucleotide alignments according
rRNA genes were independently aligned with the MAFFT online to the Akaike information criterion. For BI analyses, 2 simultaneous
service with G-INS-i strategy (Katoh and Standley 2013), and un- runs of 10 million generations were performed for each dataset, and
reliably aligned regions were removed using Gblocks (Talavera and trees were sampled every 1,000 generations, with a burn-in rate of
Castresana 2007). One dataset was concatenated for phylogenetic 25%. For ML analyses, phylogenetic trees were conducted using an
analyses: PCG12R matrix, including the first and second codon ultrafast bootstrap approximation with 1,000 replicates.
positions of the 13 PCGs and 2 rRNAs (9,490 bp).
Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) analysis
Results and Discussion
were conducted using MrBayes 3.2.6 (Ronquist et al. 2012) and
IQ-TREE web server (Trifinopoulos et al. 2016), respectively. The best- Mitogenome Organization and Base Composition
fit model of nucleotide sequences for ML and BI method was selected The complete mitogenomes of O. truncata and N. pictetii are 15,971
by ModelFinder (Trifinopoulos et al. 2016), and the GTR + I + G and 15,934 bp in size, respectively (Fig. 1, Table 1). The partial

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Fig. 1. Mitochondrial genome maps of Ostrocerca truncata, Nemurella pictetii, and Lednia tumana. Genes shown on the inside of the map are transcribed in a
clockwise direction, whereas those on the outside of the map are transcribed counterclockwise. Different gene types are shown as filled boxes in different colors.
4 Journal of Insect Science, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 2

mitogenome of L. tumana is 15,294 bp in length (Fig. 1, Table 1). has the highest A + T content value (82.4% and 85.8%), followed
The length of completely sequenced mitogenomes was medium sized by rRNAs (73.5% and 73.2%), tRNAs (71.6% and 71.5%), and
when compared with the mitogenomes of other nemourid species PCGs (70.7% and 68.7%). Similarly, the high A + T content value
(Table 1). Differences in gene length among 3 Nemourinae spe- among the 3 partitions also occurs in the partial mitogenome of L.
cies were primarily caused by insertions/deletions in the intergenic tumana (Table 2). As with published stoneflies (Chen and Du 2017a,
spacers and control region (Supplementary Tables S1–S3). The 2017b, Wang et al. 2017, 2021, Cao et al. 2019, 2021, Chen et al.
gene order of 3 Nemourinae mitogenomes is the same as all previ- 2020, Zhao et al. 2020, Guo et al. 2022) and other insects (Wei et
ously published stonefly mitogenomes 22–30 (Chen and Du 2017a, al. 2010a), all 3 species showed a positive AT-skew and negative
2017b, Wang et al. 2017, 2021, Cao et al. 2019, 2021, Chen et al. GC-skew in the whole mitogenome (Table 2).
2020, Zhao et al. 2020, Guo et al. 2022), as well as the ancestral There are 22 traditional tRNAs, which ranged from 63 to 71 bp
gene order of Drosophila yakuba (Clary and Wolstenholme 1985). in the 3 mitogenomes (Supplementary Tables S1–S3). All tRNAs can
There are 10, 11, and 10 intergenic spacers in the mitogenomes be folded into the typical clover-leaf structure with the exception
of O. truncata, N. pictetii, and L. tumana, respectively, ranging in of tRNASer(AGN) due to the lack of a stable dihydrouridine (DHU)
size from 1 to 137 bp (Supplementary Tables S1–S3). The longest arm. Like other published stoneflies (Wang et al. 2017, 2021, Cao

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(137 bp) intergenic spacer was located between tRNASer(UCN) and et al. 2019, 2021, Chen et al. 2020, Guo et al. 2022), the anticodon
ND1 in N. pictetii (Supplementary Table S3). At the same region, the stem of tRNASer(AGN) in 3 mitogenomes has an extended nucleo-
lengths of the intergenic spacer are 36 and 20 bp in O. truncata and tide (9 pairs of nucleotides) (Fig. 2). Five types of mismatched base
L. tumana, respectively (Supplementary Tables S1 and S2). There are pairs (G-U, A-A, A-C, A-G, and C-U) are revealed in the tRNA sec-
12, 13, and 14 gene overlaps in the mitogenomes of O. truncata, N. ondary structures of 3 mitogenomes. These unmatched base pairs
pictetii, and L. tumana, respectively, ranging from 1 to 8 bp in length might be corrected by RNA editing without leading to obstruction
(Supplementary Tables S1–S3). in amino acid transportation (Bae et al. 2004). As in most other in-
The nucleotide composition of 3 Nemourinae mitogenomes is sig- sect mitogenomes, the large (lrRNA or 16S) and small (srRNA or
nificantly biased toward A and T, ranging from 66.9% in L. tumana 12S) ribosomal RNAs in 3 Nemourinae species are located between
to 71.8% in O. truncata (Table 2). Among the 4 partitions in 2 com- tRNALeu(CUN) and tRNAVal, and tRNAVal and the control region, re-
plete mitogenomes of O. truncata and N. pictetii, the control region spectively (Fig. 1).

Table 2. Nucleotide composition of the mitogenomes of Ostrocerca truncate, Lednia tumana, and Nemurella pictetii

O. truncate L. tumana N. pictetii

Full mitogenome Size 15,971 15,294 15,934

AT% 71.8 66.9 70.7
AT skew 0.03 0.07 0.04
GC skew −0.16 −0.21 −0.19
13PCGs Size 11,232 11,235 11,232
AT% 70.7 65.0 68.7
tRNAs Size 1,460 1,471 1,471
AT% 71.6 71.1 71.5
rRNAs Size 2,131 2,120 2,126
AT% 73.5 72.5 73.2
Control region Size 1,047 >462 969
AT% 82.4 — 85.5

Fig. 2. Inferred secondary structure of tRNASer (AGN) in 3 Nemourinae mitogenomes.

Journal of Insect Science, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 2 5

The mitochondrial control region is located between lrRNA and (Ojala et al. 1981, Yokobori and Pääbo 1995, Cha et al. 2007).
tRNAIle and is suggested to act on the initiation and regulation of Most PCGs employ the complete termination codons TAA or TAG,
insect replication and transcription (Sheffield et al. 2008, Wei et al. whereas COII and ND5 in 3 species have incomplete stop codon T
2010b). The control region of O. truncata and N. pictetii is 1,047 and (Supplementary Tables S1–S3). The presence of an incomplete stop
969 bp, respectively (Supplementary Tables S1 and S3). However, the codon is common in insect mitogenomes, and it has been presumed
control region of L. tumana has not been entirely sequenced, with a that the complete stop codon TAA can be generated through post-
measured length of 462 bp in this study (Supplementary Table S2). transcriptional polyadenylation (Zhang et al. 1995, Zhang and
Hewitt 1997).
The relative synonymous codon usage of the 3 Nemourinae
Protein-Coding Genes mitogenomes is summarized in Fig. 3. The codons ending with A or
The total lengths of 13 PCGs are 11,232, 11,235, and 11,232 bp, U are preferred to both the 4- and 2-fold degenerate codons (Fig. 3).
respectively (Table 2). Among 3 Nemourinae mitogenomes, most The 4 most commonly used amino acid codons, UUA (Leu1), UUU
PCGs initiate with ATN as the start codon. However, ND1 in 3 spe- (Phe), AUU (Ile), and AUA (Met), are all exclusively composed of A
and/or U (Fig. 4).

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cies uses TTG as the start codon, and ND5 in O. truncata and N.
pictetii use GTG as the start codon (Supplementary Tables S1–S3). In 3 Nemourinae species, there is a high variation in nucleotide di-
These unconventional start codons are also used in some species to versity among the 13 PCGs, with values ranging from 0.132 (ATP8)
minimize intergenic spacer and avoid overlap with adjacent genes to 0.286 (ND6). The gene ATP8 (Pi = 0.132) has the lowest value of

Fig. 3. Relative synonymous codon usage in 3 Nemourinae mitogenomes.

6 Journal of Insect Science, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 2

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Fig. 4. Amino acid composition in 3 Nemourinae mitogenomes.

Fig. 5. Nucleotide diversity (Pi) and nonsynonymous (Ka) to synonymous (Ks) substitution rate ratios of 13 protein-coding genes of 3 Nemourinae species. The Pi
and Ka/Ks values of each PCGs shown under the gene name.

nucleotide diversity among all PCGs and is the most conserved gene. other 3 genera in Nemourinae were recovered as ((Nemurella + O
In contrast, ND6 (Pi = 0.286) has the highest value of nucleotide di- strocerca) + Lednia).
versity and is the most variable gene (Fig. 5). Baumann (1975) first studied the genus-level phylogenetic
To investigate evolutionary patterns of PCGs, the nonsynonymous relationships within Nemouridae using morphological data,
(Ka)/synonymous (Ks) substitution rate ratios for each PCG were cal- confirming the monophyly of 2 subfamilies. Subsequent research has
culated (Fig. 5). The COI and ND6 exhibit the lowest (0.033) and mainly focused on describing and identifying new species and genera,
highest (0.290) evolutionary rates, respectively. However, the Ka/Ks without further investigation into the phylogenetic relationships
values for all PCGs are lower than 1, indicating that they are evolving within Nemouridae. Currently, most molecular studies have failed
under the purifying selection and are suitable for investigating phy- to support the monophyly of the subfamily Amphinemurinae (Terry
logenetic relationships within the Nemourinae. and Whiting 2003, Zhao et al. 2020, Cao et al. 2021, Wang et al.
2021, Guo et al. 2022). Previous morphological study supported
Phylogenetic Analyses Amphinemura and Malenka as a sister group (Baumann 1975).
In this study, the ML and BI analyses based on the PCG12R ma- However, it was not supported by early molecular studies (Thomas
trix generated the phylogenic trees with same topologies and high et al. 2000, Terry and Whiting 2003) and our previous mitochon-
nodal supports (Fig. 6). In the 2 analyses, relationships of 5 genera drial study (Cao et al. 2022). Although our results still do not sup-
in Amphinemurinae were recovered as follows: (((Sphaeronemoura port the sister relationships between Amphinemura and Malenka,
+ Mesonemoura) + Indonemoura) + Protonemura) + Amphinemura. the relationships among the remaining 4 genera are consistent with
In addition, the monophyly of Nemourinae and Amphinemurinae the traditionally proposed relationships (Baumann 1975) and pre-
was not recovered. Nemoura was recovered as the sister group of vious studies (Cao et al. 2019, 2021, Wang et al. 2021).
Malenka, and they were grouped with other Amphinemurinae and In our analyses, the sister group relationship between Nemurella
emerged from a paraphyletic Nemourinae. Relationships of the and Ostrocerca was supported, and then they were grouped with
Journal of Insect Science, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 2 7

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Fig. 6. Phylogenetic tree of the 31 sequenced stoneflies. BI and ML analyses inferred from PCG12R matrix supported the same topological structure. Values at
nodes are Bayesian posterior probabilities and ML bootstrap values. The tree was rooted with 3 outgroups.

Lednia. This result is consistent with that of morphological hypoth- Science & Technology Innovation Talents in Universities of Henan
esis (Baumann 1975). Although the monophyly of Nemourinae was Province (21HASTIT042), and the Key Scientific Research Project of
not recovered, the mitogenome from Ostrocerca allows us to have a Henan Province (22A210004).
more comprehensive understanding of its phylogenetic relationships
among Nemourinae for the first time. Apart from Amphinemura and
Nemoura, which are widely distributed in the Nearctic, Palearctic, Author Contributions
and Oriental regions, the majority of genera within Nemouridae are
Ying Wang (Conceptualization [Equal], Data curation [Lead],
endemic to either the Oriental and Palearctic regions or the Nearctic
Formal analysis [Equal], Funding acquisition [Equal], Investigation
region (Baumann 1975, DeWalt et al. 2023). It will also be extremely
[Equal], Writing—original draft [Equal], Writing—review & ed-
helpful to study and assign the species placed in incertae sedis to
iting [Equal]), Caiyue Guo (Formal analysis [Equal], Investigation
their proper places in the phylogenetic scheme (Baumann 1975).
[Equal], Writing—original draft [Equal]), Xiaoxiao Yue (Formal
These 3 genera belong to the subfamily Nemourinae, but all of them
analysis [Equal], Investigation [Equal]), Xing Fan (Formal analysis
are only distributed in North America. Maybe it can be explained by
[Equal], Investigation [Equal]), Yuying Fan (Investigation [Equal]),
animal geography. However, due to the limitations of mitochondrial
and Jinjun Cao (Conceptualization [Equal], Funding acquisition
genes, their relationship is still unclear, and more gene sequencing is
[Equal], Writing—review & editing [Equal])
necessary to explore this problem.

Acknowledgments Supplementary Material

This research was funded by the National Natural Science Supplementary material is available at Journal of Insect Science
Foundation of China (31801999; 32270492), the Program for online.
8 Journal of Insect Science, 2024, Vol. 24, No. 2

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