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mó fǎ chéngbǎo

魔法 城 堡 Magic Castle 2DCA 2SOS

tóng huà zhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo yǒu mènghuàn de wèi dào
童话 中 魔法的 城 堡有 梦 幻 的味道
Magic castle in legend in the fairy tale is full of fantacy

sì yì de mó lì quán yǔ zhòu dōu màn yán dào

四溢的魔力 全 宇 宙 都蔓延到
The flowing magic spreading into every corner of universe

chuánshuōzhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo shǒu hù měi gè wēi xiào

传 说 中 魔法的 城 堡 守 护每个微笑
Magic castle in legend will protects every smile

fā dòng jié jiè ràngchōng jǐng dōu kuài kuài cháng gāo
发 动 结界让 憧 憬都快快 长 高
Do a magic spell to make wishes come true*

cǎi sè de yángguāng sǎ mǎn le chéngqiáng gōu lè zhe xī wàng de mú yàng

彩色的 阳 光 洒满了 城 墙 勾勒着希 望 的模 样
Colorful sunlight paints on the wall, drawing the shape of hope

jīng líng fēi wǔ bàn téngmànshēngzhǎng hé shēng jī yì qǐ bèi wú xiàn lā

精灵飞舞 伴藤蔓 生 长 和 生 机一起被无限拉
长 Fairies fly around, they grow up with vines lively and been stretched vigorously
shǒu xīn nǐ de ài huà zuò yuánnéngliàng

Your love in hand become the original energy of mine;
wǒ zhàn zài mó fǎ zhènzhōngyāng

我站在魔法阵 中 央
I am standing in the middle of the magic spell

tiáo pí de jù jí zài dà diàn tīng táng yuán sù

Naughty elements gathered in the hall

bǎ xīn zhōng de hēi àn zhàoliàng

把心 中 的黑暗照亮
To light up the darkness in our heart

xuān xiāo yǐ yàn juàn le ma

喧嚣已厌倦了吗 Have you been tired of all noise?

nà jiù qī dài ba

那就期待吧 Hope and expect

dǎ pò fá wèi yǒu suǒ biàn huà xiāng xìn ba

打破乏味有所变化,相 信吧
To break all the boredom and make a change, believe it.

bú yào hài pà yǒng qì wú xiàn dà

don’t be afraid, your courage is infinite;

fán nǎo fàng xià kuài xiàng mó fǎ chéng bǎo jìn fā

烦恼放下快 向 魔法 城 堡进发
Take all your trouble away and come to the magic castle*repeat*

tóng huà zhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo yǒu mènghuàn de wèi dào

童话 中 魔法的 城 堡有 梦 幻的味道
Magic castle in legend in the fairy tale is full of fantasy

sì yì de mó lì quán yǔ zhòu dōu màn yán dào

四溢的魔力 全 宇宙都蔓延到
The flowing magic spreading into every corner of universe

chuánshuōzhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo shǒu hù měi gè wēi xiào

传 说 中 魔法的 城 堡守护每个微笑
Magic castle in legend will protects every smile

fā dòng jié jiè ràng chōng jǐng dōu kuài kuài zhǎng gāo

发 动 结界让 憧 憬都快快 长 高
Do a magic spell to make wishes come true

shǒu xīn nǐ de ài huà zuò yuánnéngliàng

Your love in hand becomes the power of mine

wǒ zhàn zài mó fǎ zhènzhōngyāng

我站在魔法阵 中 央
I am standing in the middle of the magic spell

tiáo pí de jù jí zài dà diàn tīng táng yuán sù

Naughty elements gathered in the hall

bǎ xīn zhōng de hēi àn zhàoliàng

把心 中 的黑暗照亮
To light up the darkness in our heart

xuān xiāo yǐ yàn juàn le ma

Have you been tired of all noisy thing
nà jiù qī dài ba dǎ pò fá wèi yǒu suǒ biàn huà huì yǒu suǒ biàn huà

To break all the boredom and make a change (something is about to change)

xiāng xìn ba bú yào hài pà yǒng qì wú xiàn dà

相 信吧 不要害怕勇气无限大
Believe it and don’t be afraid, your courage is infinite

fán nǎo fàng xià kuài xiàng mó fǎ chéng bǎo jìn fā

烦恼放下快 向 魔法 城 堡进发
Leave your trouble behind and come to the magic castle*repeat*

tóng huà zhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo yǒu mènghuàn de wèi dào

童话 中 魔法的 城 堡有 梦 幻的味道
Magic castle in legend in the fairy tale is full of fantacy

sì yì de mó lì quán yǔ zhòu dōu màn yán dào

四溢的魔力 全 宇宙都蔓延到
The flowing magic spreading into every corner of the universe

chuánshuōzhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo shǒu hù měi gè wēi xiào

传 说 中 魔法的 城 堡守护每个微笑
Magic castle in legend will protects every smile

fā dòng jié jiè ràng chōng jǐng dōu kuài kuài zhǎng gāo

发 动 结界让 憧 憬都快快 长 高
Do a magic spell to make wishes come true
tóng huà zhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo yǒu mèng huàn de wèi dào

童话中魔法的 城 堡有梦幻的味道
Magic castle in legend in the fairy tale is full of fantasy
sì yì de mó lì quán yǔ zhòu dōu màn yán dào

四溢的魔力 全 宇宙都蔓延到
The flowing magic spreading into every corner of the universe

chuánshuōzhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo shǒu hù měi gè wēi xiào

传 说 中 魔法的 城 堡守护每个微笑
Magic castle in legend will protects every smile

fā dòng jié jiè ràng chōng jǐng dōu kuài kuài zhǎng gāo

发 动 结界让 憧 憬都快快 长 高
Do a magic spell to make wishes come true

nǐ jiù shì mó fǎ de chéng bǎo

你就是魔法的 城 堡
You are the magic castle
xīn tiào dòng dé gāng hǎo

The heart is beating with the rhythm

dǎ kāi rèn yì mén jiē shòu wǒ men de xùn hào

Open the Dimension Door to receive our signal

nǐ xīn zhōng mó fǎ de chéng bǎo yǐ jiān gù ér kě kào

你心 中 魔法的 城 堡已坚固而可靠
The magic castle in your heart has already been firm and reliable

zuì hòu bié wàng diào shí kè yào wēi yáng zuǐ jiǎo

最后别 忘 掉时刻要微扬嘴角
Finally don’t ever forget to keep smiling at anytime

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