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 Alya Debora Panggabean (231401046)

 Hana Katharine Putri Pratama Sunmacher (231401049)
 Felicia Jennifer Febiola (231401046)
 Andre (231401040)
 Endriano Kitswanto (231401073)
 Gerti Armanda Sembiring (231401133)
 Muhammad Dzakwan Attaqiy (231401055)
 Muhammad Syukron Jazila (231401007)
 Timothy Tanawi (231401079)
 Anugrah Syahputra Sibarani (231401067)
 Fenesia Irma Wutuk (239902237)

1. What is kernel and its types in operating system ?
2. What is thread in operating system ?
3. Explain 5 state in the operating system process?
4. What is the definition of preemptive and non preemptive ?
5. What is scheduling in operating systems and name 2 examples of scheduling methods?
6. In system calls, most of them are accessed by programs via the application programming
interface (API).There are 3 most commonly used APIs. Name the 3 APIs and give example.
7. Explain the most common issue that can be caused by the priority scheduling method and what
happens to the operating system if these problems occur?
8. What is GUI and its function?
9. When might a processor be doing when CPU scheduling decision take place?
10. What processes occur in booting the operating system in general?
11. Explain how operating systems work!

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