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Fluid Flow- LAB OF



Group No. A2 Exp. No.

Experiment Name:
Open channel flow over weir
Assaying Report

A dab Jago-4


Date of Performance /2022

Date of Submitting: /2022

Name of Instructor: Signature:

Fluid flow lab

The name of the experiment:- Open channel flow over weir

The objective of the experiment:-

1. To determine the relationship between the head over weirs and the
rate of discharge.
2. To determine the coefficient of discharge ( Cd) for each weir by
comparing the measured flow with the ideal flow .

A passage through which water flows with its free surface in
contact with the atmosphere is known as "Open Channel". The
water therefore runs under the atmospheric pressure throughout
the open channel open at the top.
Weir: A weir is a concrete or masonry structure which is
constructed across the open channel (such as a river) to change
its water flow characteristics. Weirs are constructed as an
obstruction to flow of water. These are commonly used to measure
the volumetric rate of water flow, prevent flooding and make rivers
Types of Weirs:
Weirs are classified according to:
1. Types of Weirs based on Shape of the Opening
Rectangular weir
Triangular weir
Trapezoidal weir
2. Types of Weirs based on Shape of the Crest
Sharp-crested weir
Broad- crested weir
Narrow-crested weir
Ogee-shaped weir
3. Types of weirs based on Effect of the sides on the emerging
Weir with end contraction (contracted weir)
Weir without end contraction (suppressed weir)

Classification Based on Shape of Opening

Rectangular weir:
It is a standard shape of weir. The top edge of weir may be
sharp crested or narrow crested.
It is generally suitable for larger flowing channels.
Flow over rectangular weir:
To find the discharge over rectangular weir, consider an
elementary horizontal strip of water thickness dh and length L at a
depth h from the water surface.
Area of strip Lx dh
Theoretical velocity of water

Therefore, discharge through strip
dQ=Cx area of strip x V2gh = CxLx dhx V2gh
Where Ca = coefficient of
discharge By integrating above equation with limits O to H we can
get the total discharge Q.

a-CdxL dh x /2gh

Finally discharge over the weir -CaxLx

/2g x HE

End iew

Triangular weir
The shape ofthe weir is actually reverse triangle like V. so, it
is also called V-notch weir.
This type of weirs are well suitable for measuring
discharge over small flows with greater accuracy.
End View

Flow over triangular weir

(b) a)

Here also consider an elementary horizontal strip of water of

thickness dh at a depth h from the water surface.
dh x 2AC = 2 (H-h) Tandh
Therefore, area of stripdh
x Width of strip AB =

Theoretical velocity of water49 Therefore, discharge through

strip dQ = Cox area of strip xvelocity of water
da=Cx area of strip x/ 2gh
dQ=Cx 2(Hh) Tan dh x 29h By integrating the above equation with
limits 0 to H we can get the total discharge Q. Therefore,
Q cdx 2(H-h) Tan dhxy2gh Finally, we get

Q-Ca x Tanx 2g xH
First Sample Is Rectangular Notch

1-Actual Volumetric Flow Rate.

3 xm 3 x 1000g cm
act = 100
pt 1 Cm x30 sec sec

2-The Head Above The bottom Notch.

H h-Zo
H 28mm -16.82mm = 11.18mm = 1.118cm

3-Theoritical Volumetric Flow Rate.

2(981zx3cm(1.118cm) 104.723

4-Discharge Coefficient.

Qact 100 cm3/sec

-= 0.954
dQtheo 104.723 cm3/sec

Second Sample Is Triangular Notch

1-Actual Volumetric Flow Rate.

3 x m 3x 1000g cm
Qact 54.545 sec
pt 1cm3 x 55 sec

2-The Head Above The bottom Notch.

H 42mm - 20.41mm = 21.59mm = 2.159cmn

3-Theoritical Volumetrie Flow Rate,.

30 (H)2
Qtheo152g x tan
8 Cm. 30° 5 cm3
Qtheo52(981er2) x tan)2.159cm)2 = 43.346

4-Discharge Coefficient.

Qact = 54.545
Ca = 1. 2580
Qtheo 43.346

The Results :

Run H Log(H) Qact Log(Qact) Qtheo Cd
(cm) (cm) (cm/sec) (cm/sec) (cm/sec) No unit
1.118 0.04844 100.00 2.000 104.723 0.954
1.818 0.25960 230.76 2.363 217.155 1.062
2.518 0.40106 277.72 2.444 353.967 0.770
2.818 0.44994 375.00 2.574 419.074 0.894
3.518 0.54630 428.57 2.632 584.552 0.733

Run H Log(H) Qact Log(Qact) Qtheo Cd
cm) (cm) (cm/sec) (cm/sec) (cm/sec) No unit
2.159 0.3343 54.545 1.7368 43.346 1.2580
3.159 0.4995 136.363 2.1347 112.252 1.2150
3.859 0.5865 187.500 2.2730 185.143 1.0127
4.259 0.6293 300.000 2.4771 251.066 1.1949
5.059 0.7041 333.333 2.5229 364.320 0.9149

Page 1
Q actual against The Head

Rectangular Qact against The Head








1 1.5 2.5 3.5
The Head (cm)

Page 2
triangular Qact against The Head






2.5 3.5 4,5 5.
The Head (cm)

Page 3
Log(Q actual)against Log(The Head)

Rectangular Notch Log(Qact) against Log(H)



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

The log of Head (cm)

Page 4
triangular Notch Log(Qact) against Log(H)







0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75
The log of Head (cm)

Page 5
Discharge Coefficient against Q Actual

Rectangular Notch Discharge Coefficient against Qact







100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Qact (cm /sec)

Page 6
Triangular notch-Discharge Coefficient against Qact







50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Qact (cm/sec)

The Proofof u,=2gh


2 3)

Applying Bernoulli's equation between point 1 and point 3:

P+Z+ uls
P1 = P2 = atmospheric pressure
Zg =0 at datum line and Z1 =h
u 0 large cross sectionil area relatve to ug


Then ug Uy =28gh

Discussion:- saus daab Jažo

1. Discuss the uses of weirs.

Weirs can be built to measure water flow rate, to alter the flow of rivers,
or to prevent flooding. Additionally, small-size weirs can be used in
large hydropower developments as a way to mitigate potential harm that
may come about as a result of dam development. Small weirs can help
improve fish numbers, stabilize water levels, and stabilize effects of river

2. Discuss the difference in the results of rectangular and V-notch

The Volumetric flow rates for Rectangular notch are higher than V-notch.

3. Discuss the value of (n). Compare to expected values.

The used points for Rectangular Notch are
dy=2.444-2.363, dx=0.40106-0.2596 Then n=0.5726.
The used points for Triangular Notch are:
dy=2.273-2.1347, dx=0.5865-0.4995 Then n=1.5897.
As conclusion it's clear the resulted n values are so far from the
expected values of n.
*Rec n-3/2, Tri n=5/2.

4. To what extent do your results confirm the theory?

The different values from the results of both weirs 100% confirm the
theory of weris that said"The discharge over the weir is a function of the
weir geometry and of the head on the weir"

5. What types of flows (e.g. high or low flow) are most appropriate for
each type of weir shape?
triangular notch gives more accurate results for low discharge than
rectangular notch and the same triangular notch can measure a wide
range of flow accurately. Actual discharge of V-notch is better than the
rectangular notch.
Discussion:- LèJl e ele j

1. Discuss the uses of weirs.

Weirs can help raise the water level so that boats can pass through, and
they can also reduce the flow of water to prevent flooding depa

2. Discuss the difference in the results of rectangular and V-notch

After we observe the results in the rectangular, we see that the
volumetric flow rate increases as the height increases, that is, the
relationship between them is direct and we also notice that the values of
Cd are less than one, in the V-notch we see that the volumetric flow
rate increases as the height increases, that is, the relationship between
them is direct and we also notice that the values of Cd are bigger than

3. Discuss the value of (n). Compare to expected values.

In the rectangular (n) is less but in V-notch (n) is bigger .The triangular
dam is more efficient

4-To what extent do your results confirm the theory?

The theoretical results in this experiment are very imprecise because we
the fluid to be ideal, but in reality, there is no ideal
fluid because there are friction losses.

5. What types of flows (e.g. high or low flow) are most appropriate for
each type of weir shape
A rectangular weir is generally suitable for larger flow channels A
triangular weir is well suited for measuring discharge on small flows
with greater accuracy
Discussion:- 9 Js e
1. Discuss the uses of weirs.
rectangular weir can be used in a number of ways. Flood control and
public water management policies and practices are often designed
around such data. Flow data can be used to determine whether a
hydropower project is feasible or profitable. Water flow data can also be
useful for environmental impact studies, especially in determining how
weir or other structures affect the ecosystem of a stream or river.
Irrigation and other water use projects also benefit from this type of data.
The V-Notch Weir system uses the water gravity discharge principle on
a triangular or rectangular notched wire plate.

2. Discuss the difference in the results of rectangular and V-notch

We note through the results that H values in V-Notch are higher than H
values in Rectangular Notch and Qact and Qtheo values in Reactangular
Notch higher than V-Notch, but CD values are higher in V-Notch.

3. Discuss the value of (n). Compare to expected values.

We note that the value of n of recatngular is n=0.5726. And for triangular
is n=1.5897. And that are not nearby or equal to the expected value.

4. To what extent do your results confirm the theory?

We note that the value of Qact is nearby to the value of Qtheo

5. What types of flows (e.g. high or low flow) are most appropriate for
each type of weir shape?
Rectangular: Able to measure higher flows than v-notch weirs.
Triangular (V-Notch): Suited to measuring low flows.
Discussion:- jlac a i
1. Discuss the uses of weirs.
Weirs are used in conjunction with locks, to render a river navigable and
to provide even flow for navigation. In this case, the weir is made
significantly longer than the width of the river by forming it in a 'U' shape
or running it diagonally, instead of the short perpendicular path.
A weir allows a simple method of measuring the rate of fluid flow in
small-to medium-sized streams, or in industrial discharge locations.
A weir may be used to maintain the vertical profile of a stream or
channel and is then commonly referred to as a grade stabilizer.

2. Discuss the difference in the results of rectangular and V-notch

in a rectangle The true flow velocity (Qact) is higher than the true flow
velocity in the triangle
The theoretical flow velocity is also higher in Rectangulr.
The height (H) is in the triangle
above height (H) in a rectangle
And the value of the discharge coefficient (Cd) is larger in Triangular

3. Discuss the value of (n). Compare to expected values.

The n values we extracted from the rectangular slit are (n = 0.572).
and n values of the triple slit which are (n = 1.589) not equal to the
expected values of n which are Rectangle n = 3/2, Triangle n = 5/2

4. To what extent do your results confirm the theory?

The values we extracted from the results of the two (triangle, rectangle)
100% confirm the weris theorem.

5. What types of flows (e.g. high or low flow) are most appropriate for
each type of weir shape?
Triangular (V-Notch): Suited to measuring lowflows. Provides the
best weir profile for discharges of less than 1 CFS and may be used for
flows up to 10 CFS. Availalbe in notch angles from 20-120°.
Rectangular (Contracted): Able to measure higher flows than v-notch
weirs. Discharge equation more complex than most other weir types.
Widely used to measure high flow rates in channels suited to weirs.
Rectangular (Suprpressed): Able to handle same range of flows as
Contracted Rectangular weirs but is easer to construct. Simple
discharge equation. Care must be taken to ensure proper aeration of the
nappe. Channel sidewalls act as weir ends.
Proportional: provides discharge proportional to head. Suttro: tyle
most common. Most common in man-made channels.
Circular: Designed to mount in pipes / conduits. Flow rate is
determined by open weir area and NOT pipe size.




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