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23rd International Symposium INFOTECH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2024

Automation of Nmap Scanning of Information


Slavimir Stošović, Nikola Vukotić, Dušan Stefanović, Nikola Milutinović

Department of Information and Communication Technologies
The Academy of Applied Technical and Preschool Studies
Nis, Serbia,,,

Abstract—One of the key factors in the security and protection of scanning of open ports and identification of services, the Nmap
2024 23rd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH) | 979-8-3503-2994-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/INFOTEH60418.2024.10496014

modern information systems involves the complete elimination or script vulners.nse enables the detection of vulnerabilities of
reduction to a minimum of the risk of compromising them through individual system components, assessing the severity of each, a
attacks by malicious actors. System vulnerabilities of hardware link to a website with a detailed description and mitigation
components, as the basic building blocks of information systems, method, as well as information on whether an exploitation
represent the main "points of penetration" of hackers into the method is already known.
system. This paper describes the method of automating the
scanning of information system components, by integrating the The topic of this paper is precisely the automation of the
Nmap script vulners.nse into the PowerShell and Bash process of scanning information systems for vulnerabilities
environments, to find and eliminate these weaknesses promptly. through the integration of Nmap scripts in PowerShell and Bash
Newly created scripts will be automatically executed at defined environments. These scripting languages were chosen for their
time intervals, providing the administrator with information on powerful functionality and wide use for administrative and
the total number of detected vulnerabilities for which the automation purposes. Syntegrating aims to speed up the
exploitation method is known, and automatically generating an e- scanning process, improve efficiency, and facilitate the analysis
mail message with details of all detected flaws. of the results.
Keywords-component; information systems; Nmap; In the final instance, through a deeper understanding of the
vulnerabilities; PowerShell, Bash mentioned technologies and their functionalities, the work
should contribute to a better understanding of how the
I. INTRODUCTION integration of Nmap scripts in popular Windows and
In today's digital age, information systems represent the vital Unix/Linux environments can improve the security of
foundation of organizations and companies, making them a information systems and facilitate the work of cyber security
pillar in all aspects of business. Preserving the integrity, security, teams.
and performance of these systems is becoming increasingly
important and given the continuously growing number of threats II. IMPLEMENTATION MODELS
and vulnerabilities, it is imperative to develop effective tools and When implementing and considering network automation
techniques for monitoring and protection. One of the key aspects and programming, we can come across many trends and
of this protection lies in the ability to timely detect, analyze, and technologies in the network industry that have emerged recently.
remediate security vulnerabilities of systems, services, and Many of them are considered SDN (Software-Defined
applications. Networking) or can be viewed as such, but it should be noted
that in addition to the characteristics of the SDN paradigm that
Among the numerous tools for detecting security
bring the separation of the control level from the data level,
weaknesses and deficiencies in information system components,
controller-based networks, APIs on network devices, network
Nmap (Network Mapper) [1] will be used in this work for
automation tools (framework), there are also approaches that
several reasons: a wide range of functionality and versatility in
share the same general idea of software running on top of the
this sense, adaptability through NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine)
network infrastructure, and are used to automate tedious
scripts, speed and efficiency, large community and support, the
repetitive tasks, centralize and simplify network management,
ability to integrate with other tools, open-source implementation
abstract and hide interactions with network devices at "low
and, finally, the advanced settings options for fine-tuning scans
level". The concept behind these trends aims to create hybrid
that it offers users. The listed items make Nmap a powerful tool
newer solutions and approaches, depending on the environment
for detecting vulnerabilities in information systems, allowing
as well as the network devices themselves, to automate
users to effectively identify potential weak points and take
configuration management and the implementation of daily
adequate steps to improve system security. Through precise
tasks, on both traditional and newer networks. This leads to the

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Airlangga. Downloaded on May 05,2024 at 11:12:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
23rd International Symposium INFOTECH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2024

fact that strategies for implementing network automation and Figure 3 illustrates the general idea of Ansible workflow with a
programming differ from case to case [2]. network element.
Three common approaches and ways of realization - USE
CASES of automation of management level and online
operations, which is illustrated in Figure 1, will be briefly

Figure 3. Ansible workflow with the network element

One of the main factors that make network automation and

Figure 1. Implementation models programming possible, and also enables further development,
Cisco DNA Center is a network management software are application programming interfaces - APIs, on network
solution that provides a centralized platform for automating devices. API is a way for a program (software) to communicate
network operations, managing network devices, and enforcing or obtain variables and data structures (often JSON/XML),
network-wide policies. It aims to simplify network operations, which are used by another program, making logical choices
improve network performance and security, and provide easier based on the obtained values, by changing the values of those
insight into network behavior and performance in real-time [3]. variables, creating new ones or deleting variables. APIs allow
programs, running on different computers, to communicate with
Cisco DNA Center, as a network management controller, is each other, exchanging data to perform a specific task. There are
based on the foundations of Cisco Digital Network Architecture several types of network device APIs, each with a different set
(DNA) and Intent-Based Networking (IBN), following the same
of standards to meet different needs, for example, OpenFlow
general concepts of SDN controller architecture. Figure 2 shows
the general concept of the Cisco DNA Center. protocol, REST, and NETCONF protocol. Even the command-
line interface (CLI), in an automated network management
system, is considered an API (although it is a user interface,
designed more for human use). Here we will provide a brief
specification for the common types of APIs found on network
devices, with the corresponding Python modules provided.
Figure 4 shows different Python libraries on one side, which
through transport protocols, can use device APIs on the other
side [4].

Figure 2. The general concept of the Cisco DNA Center

Ansible and other tools, intended for automating server IT

infrastructure, are executed in a distributed manner, where the
Ansible control host connects to each server being automated via
SSH, and Python code is subsequently copied to each server.
This code is what performs the automation task, by entering a
certain configuration into the device. After expanding the Figure 4. Device API with associated Python modules
possibilities for automating network devices, the idea was
slightly changed to function in a centralized way. III. AN OVERVIEW OF POWERSHELL, BASH AND NSE
Communication is done via SSH (CLI), HTTP-based API, PowerShell is an integrated environment within the Windows
NETCONF… etc., and Python codes are run locally on the operating system developed to manage configuration and
control node, instead of being copied to target network devices. automate administrative tasks. Its intuitive syntax is based on

979-8-3503-2994-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Airlangga. Downloaded on May 05,2024 at 11:12:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
23rd International Symposium INFOTECH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2024

the .NET framework, allowing developers to use an object- scanning and analysis options for information systems, with the
oriented approach and easier integration with other Microsoft ability to customize and enhance functionality through
technologies. In addition to the scripting language, it includes
powerful tools, cmdlets, modules, and resources that allow users IV. AUTOMATION THROUGH POWERSHELL
to effectively manage and automate Windows environments. The program code below shows the way to integrate the NSE
PowerShell features include automatic script execution, vulners script into the PowerShell program code. Within the
efficient resource management, the ability to work interactively, PowerShell script, variables are used to define the names of the
and easy manipulation of text and files. It also provides XML file for recording the scan results and the log file for
advanced data processing and analysis capabilities, making it a temporarily storing the number of detected vulnerabilities, as
powerful tool for complex operations and information well as the name or IP address of the machine(s) on which the
transformations. A disadvantage may be the primary orientation scan is performed. The prerequisite for executing the Nmap
towards the Windows platform, which limits its applicability in command is that Nmap is already installed on the system and
cross-platform environments. Also, for inexperienced users, that the path is entered in the system variables. Nmap scanning
learning PowerShell can be challenging due to the extensive by the vulners script is part of an infinite loop and is executed at
syntax and complex concepts. defined time intervals, in this case, every 3600 seconds.
while ($true) {
Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is a standard Unix shell and # Fetching current date and time
scripting language used to interact with and manage Unix-like $CurrentDateTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss"
operating systems. The Bash syntax is based on the sh shell but # Config parameters for Nmap scanning
$NmapPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap\"
has been extended and enhanced with additional features and $Output = "outputWinTmr__$J{CurrentDateTime}.xml"
capabilities, making it a very flexible and advanced tool. $Log = "outputWinSvrPS.log"
$TargetIP = ""
One of the key features of Bash is its strong support for $NmapArgs = "-sV --script vulners -oX $Output $TargetIP"
scripting, which allows the automation of various tasks and Start-Process-FilePath "${NmapPath}nmap.exe"-ArgumentList
processes. It is widely accepted in the Linux community, # Reading file content
providing plenty of resources, documentation, and support. In $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $Output -Raw
addition, it is inherently present in most Unix and Linux # Counter init
$exploitCount = 0
distributions, making it readily available and widely accepted. # Iterating through file
On the other hand, Bash can be challenging for users unfamiliar foreach ($line in $fileContent) {
with Unix syntax and concepts. Also, while it's great for $lineExploitCount =($line-split"\*EXPLOIT\*").Count -1
$exploitCount += $lineExploitCount
automated tasks and word processing, it can be less efficient }
when working with complex objects and operations that require # Loading the previous value from the log file, if exists
a high degree of abstraction. $prevExploitCount = 0
if (Test-Path $Log) {
$prevExploitCount = Get-Content -Path $Log
Despite the challenges, Bash is an essential tool for every }
system administrator, developer, and user of Unix and Linux # Writing the current value to the log file
systems, providing advanced management and automation $exploitCount | Set-Content -Path $Log
capabilities in this environment.
if ([int]$exploitCount -gt [int]$prevExploitCount) {
The most progressive part of Nmap itself is the NSE $Dif = [int]$exploitCount - [int]$prevExploitCount
mechanism, which provides the ability to create and execute }
scripts directly within the Nmap environment, which else {
$Dif = [int]$prevExploitCount - [int]$exploitCount
significantly expands its capabilities and adaptation to specific }
needs. Scripts can perform a variety of tasks, including if ($exploitCount -ne $prevExploitCount) {
vulnerability detection, service analysis, system information # Config parameters for email
$SMTPServer = ""
gathering, and more. $SMTPPort = 587
$SMTPUsername = "Administrator"
The advantages of using Nmap NSE include the ability to $SMTPPassword = "asdfl234"
adapt the scanning of information systems to specific needs, $SenderEmail = ""
deeper analysis of systems and services, and effective detection $RecipientEmail = ""
$Subject = "Nmap Vulnerability report za Windows Ser-ver"
of vulnerabilities. Also, NSE is continuously updated by the if ($Dif -gt 0) {
community, constantly improving the scripts to detect the latest $Body = " The number of EXPLOIT vulnerabilities com-
vulnerabilities and services. pared to the previous scan increased by: $D:
Total number of EXPLOIT vulnerabilities currently:
Writing and properly using scripts requires a deeper $exploitCount.'nNmap vulnerability report it to
knowledge of network concepts, security of information elseif ($Dif -It 0) {
systems, and risks. Also, improper use can cause inconvenience $Body = " The number of EXPLOIT vulnerabilities compared
and abuse, so it is important to use Nmap NSE responsibly and to the previous scan reduced by: $D:
Total number of EXPLOIT vulnerabilities currently: $ex-
ethically. ploitCount.'nNmap vulnerability report it to
Overall, Nmap NSE is an extremely useful tool for system # Sending an email with an attached XML file
administrators and security professionals, providing advanced $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $SMTPPassword -
AsPlainText -Force

979-8-3503-2994-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Airlangga. Downloaded on May 05,2024 at 11:12:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
23rd International Symposium INFOTECH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2024

$EmailParams = @{ Body=" The number of EXPLOIT vulnerabilities com-

From = $SenderEmail pared to the previous scan increased by:
To = $RecipientEmail $Dif.\\nTotal number of High and Critical level
Subject = $Subject EXPLOIT vulnerabilities currently: $expl]
Body = $Body \\nNmap vulnerability the report is attached."
SmtpServer = $SMTPServer elif [ "$exploitCount" -lt ”$prevExploitCount" ]; then
Port = $SMTPPort Dif=$((prevExploitCount - exploitcount))
Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automa- Body=" The number of EXPLOIT vulnerabilities com-
tion.PSCredential ($SMTPUsername; pared to the previous scan reduced by:
$SecurePassword) $Dif.\\nTotal number of High and Critical level
Attachments = $Output EXPLOIT vulnerabilities currently: $expl
} \\nNmap vulnerability the report is attached."
try { fi
Send-MailMessage @EmailParams
Write-Output "Emain sent to $RecipientEmail." # Sending an email message with an XML file attached
} echo $Body | mail -A $Output -s "$Subject" "$RecipientEmail”
catch {
Write-Error "Error sending mail: $_" # Checking the status of an email message
} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
} echo "Email sent successfully."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3600 else
} echo " Error sending email."
The program code in bellow shows the way to integrate the
NSE vulners script into the Bash program code. Apart from the In this case, only High and Critical level vulnerabilities, i.e.
syntax adapted to the Bash language, the only fundamental those whose sensitivity is above 7, according to the CVSSv3
difference compared to the activity realized by the PowerShell standard, will be detected.
script from section 3 is that the minimum CVSS [5] vulnerability
threshold that the script will report in the final report is specified In order not to unnecessarily load the recipient's e-mail box
in the Nmap arguments. by sending e-mail messages after each scan, the script is
while true; do
programmed to generate and send e-mail messages only if it
registers changes in the number of vulnerabilities for which the
CurrentDateTime=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") exploitation method is known, compared to the previous scan.
Log="outputWinSvrSh.log" TargetIP=""
NmapArgs="-sV --script vulners --script-args mincvss=7.0 -oX The final results of the scan are directly dependent on the
$Output $TargetIP"
given arguments in the Nmap command. It is possible to
nmap $NmapArgs combine different types of scans, and determine one or more
target devices, transport protocol (TCP or UDP), specific or
range of ports, as well as the criticality level of the vulnerability
exploitCount=$(grep -F -o "*EXPLOIT*" "^Output” | wc -1) based on CVSS.
prevExploitCount=0 The scan report (English Nmap Scan Report), a part of which
if [ -f "$Log" ]; then is shown in Figure 9, provides all the necessary and necessary
prevExploitCount=$(cat "$Log")
fi information to see the level of exposure to the risk of a scanned
device or system to a potential hacker attack. Most of the reports
echo "$exploitCount" > "$Log” refer to open ports and the services performed on them. The
echo " Total number of EXPLOIT vulnerabilities currently: $ex- report contains information about the software running on a
ploitCount" specific port, its version, the transport protocol it uses, as well as
echo " Number of EXPLOIT vulnerabilities in the previous scan: additional information detected by the scan, such as the service
if [ "$exploitCount" -ne "$revExploitCount" ]; then protocol version, the operating system running on the target
# Konfiguracioni parametri za email device, and the like. For services with enumerated
SMTPServer="" vulnerabilities, the report primarily provides CPE (Common
SMTPUsername="Administrator" Platform Enumeration) [6] information. In these examples and
SMTPPassword="asdf1234" most often, the CPE comes with the /a: identifier, which
SenderEmail="" indicates the software or application. The following is a list of
Subject="Nmap Vulnerability report za Windows Server " the codes of all detected vulnerabilities for a specific application
or version (the number and level of severity of individual
if [ "$exploitCount" -gt "$prevExploitCount" ]; then vulnerabilities may differ significantly depending on the version
Dif=$((exploitCount - prevExploitCount))
of the application itself.

979-8-3503-2994-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Airlangga. Downloaded on May 05,2024 at 11:12:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
23rd International Symposium INFOTECH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2024

Figure 9. Report generated by the vulners.nse script (part)

The information of extreme importance for security partial loss of control over the process itself due to complete
administrators offered by this report is precisely the assessment automation, intensive scanning of a large number of devices can
of the severity of a specific vulnerability, as well as whether introduce an additional load on the network affecting the
there is already a known method of exploitation, i.e. whether the reliability and performance of the system, also some complex
specific vulnerability has previously been used for a successful scanning and analysis scenarios may not be fully automated,
hacking attack. These two pieces of information are crucial requiring manual customization and intervention.
when deciding on the priority of vulnerabilities for mitigation.
In conclusion, automating Nmap scans through PowerShell
In this regard, all the scripts in the work are designed in such a
way that the administrator is given information in the body of and Bash scripts is an effective way to manage modern IT
the e-mail about the number of vulnerabilities for which the infrastructure and improve its security. Further development of
method of exploitation is already known, and it is recommended these tools and scripts may result in innovations that will help
that these are repaired first [7, 8] . Another very useful piece of organizations more effectively identify system vulnerabilities
information in the report is a website where you can find detailed and better protect against potential cyber threats. The research in
information about each detected vulnerability, as well as how to the paper indicates the importance of the continuous evolution
mitigate it. of tools and approaches to scanning information systems, to
adequately respond to the complex challenges of information
VII. CONCLUSION security in the future.
Based on the scripts presented in this paper, administrators REFERENCES
can adapt their own to specific environments and needs,
speeding up and facilitating the process of scanning information [1],, accessed September 23, 2023.
systems, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing errors due
[2] E. Jason, Network automation with Ansible, O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA,
to the human factor. 2016.
The advantages of such solutions are easy to see: faster and [3] E G. Jason, H. Roddie and V. Srilatha, Cisco Software-Defined Access,
more efficient execution of scans compared to manual methods, Cisco Press, 2021.
scripts are executed constantly in the same way that ensures [4] O. WENDELL, CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 2, San Jose,
CA: Cisco Press, 2020.
consistency and consistency, reduction of the level of risk due to
[5] Paulino Calderon, "Nmap Network Exploration and Security Auditing
timely detection of vulnerabilities and potential threats, greater Cookbook - Third Edition", Packt Publishing, September 2021
coverage through more frequent and wider scanning of
[6],, accessed September 2023.
information system, and finally, saving time and resources
[7] Vulners,, accessed
because administrators can focus on analyzing results and September 2023.
making key decisions instead of wasting time on repetitive [8], accessed September
operations. 2023.
Potential disadvantages of this approach can be: errors in the
script code that can result in incomplete or incorrect results,

979-8-3503-2994-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Airlangga. Downloaded on May 05,2024 at 11:12:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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