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Holidays’ Home Work

1.Solve the following
−4 −3 −3 5
(i) 11
+ 11 (ii) 8
+ 6

2.Solve the following by rearranging and grouping the

rational numbers
−3 7 −2 5
+ 6
+ 5
+ 6
5 −3 −5 −3
(i) 8
from 8
(ii) 6
from 4
4. Solve:
−2 5 −7
( 3
- 6
) −( 12
5. Multiply
−10 36
(i)( 9
)×( −25
−16 20 −3
(ii)( 5 ) × ( 9
)× ( 4
6. Verify that x ×(y + z) = x × y + x × z
−2 7 3
x= 7
,y= 5
z= 5
7. Divide:
−5 15 −2 −7
(i)( 8
) 𝑏𝑦 ( 16
) (ii)( 3
) 𝑏𝑦 ( 12
8. The product of two rational numbers is 16
.If one
of them is 4
, find the other.
9.Solve and verify the result:
7x -5 = 4x + 1
10 solve the following:
3(x-3) = 5( 2x +1)
11. Solve the following:
−2𝑥 7𝑥
+1= 15
1 1 1
12. Simplify : ( 3 )-³ + ( 4 )-³ + ( 5 )-³
13. Find the value of x:
(-5)x+1 × (-5)³ = (-5)⁷
14 write in standard form:
(i)3050000000 (ii)0.000000517
15. Write in usual form:
(i) 4.63 × 10⁶
(ii) 7.89 × 10-³
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