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1- Polar coordinates

Base Form : P(R,θ)

Examples :
A) S (1, 200°). B) R (-2,3π/2). C) M(4, –90°).

2- pairs of a point in polar coordinates

Rule :
In degree
p(r, θ ∓ 360,720,...) Or p(-r, θ ∓ 180,540,...)
In Radians
p(r, θ ∓ 2π,4π,...) Or p(-r, θ ∓ π,3π,...)
Examples :
Apply the rules
Q1. Find three pairs at the point Q2. Find three pairs at
T (4,135) where -360≤θ≤360 T (-2,π/𝟔) where -2π≤θ≤π
1. (4, 135-360) = (4, -225) 1.
2. (-4, 135+180) = (-4, 315) 2.
3. (-4, 135-180) = (-4, -45) 3.

3- Graph of polar Equations

Rule :
When R = N When θ = N
Circle with center (0 , θ ) Line with inclination angle θ
Examples :
Apply the rules

Graph r = 2.5 θ = 150 r=4 θ = 7π/4

4- polar Distance formula
Rule :

Examples :
Apply the rules
(8,150 ) and (3,65 ) A(8, 60°) and B(4, 300°) (9, 60°) and (5, 320°)
Find Distance Find Distance Find Distance

5- Graphs of polar equations

Rule :
Symetry with respect to :
to polar axis to θ = π/2 to the pole
(r,θ) --> (r,-θ) (r,θ) --> (-r,-θ) (r,θ) ---> (-r,θ)
Substitute using the rule, if the answer is the same
as the base form then its symmetrical
Examples :
Apply the rules

a) r =3 sin (θ) b) r² = 4 sin (2θ) r =5 cos (3θ)

with respect to polar axis with respect to polar axis with respect to polar axis
Replace each of
(r,θ) into (r,-θ)
r =3sin(-θ)
r =-3sin(θ)
Then its Not Symmetric
Because its not equal to base form
with respect to θ = π/2 with respect to θ = π/2 with respect to θ = π/2
Replace each of
(r,θ) into (-r,- θ)
-r =3sin(-θ)
-r =-3sin(θ)
r =3sin(θ)
Then its Symmetric
Because its equal to base form
with respect to The Pole with respect to The Pole with respect to The Pole
Replace each of
(r,θ) into (-r, θ)
-r =3sin(θ)
Then its Not Symmetric
Because its not equal to base form
6- Types of Polar graphs
Classic polar curves
1) Circle. r = a(cos or sin)(θ)

2) Limacon. r = a∓b(cos or sin)(θ)

3) Roses . r = a(cos (cos or sin)(nθ). Where n ≥2

n = even, Petals = n n = odd, Petals = 2n

4) Lemniscates. 5) Spiral of Archimedes

r² = a² (cos or sin)(2θ). r = aθ +b .
7- Convert polar to rectangular
Rule :
X = r cos(θ) Y = r sin(θ)
Examples :
Apply the rules
Find the rectangular cords for :
a) D (2, π/3) b) F(–5, 45°) c) H(4,–240°) d) R(–8, 300°)
x = r cosθ
= 2 cos 𝝅/𝟑 = 1
y = r sinθ
= 2 sin 𝝅/𝟑 =√(3)
D (1, √(𝟑) )

8- Convert rectangular to polar

Rule :
r = √(x² + y²) θ = tan-1( y/x )
When X is Negative

Examples : θ = tan-1( y/x ) + π

Apply the rules
Find three polar pairs Find two polar pairs Find three polar pairs
G(-2, –4). G(2, –4). F(–5, –6)
r = √(x² + x²)
= √(2² + (-4)²)
r = √(20)
θ = tan-1( y/x )
= tan-1( -4/-2 )
Because X is negative Add 180
θ = 63.4 + 180 = 234
Pair₁ : (√(20),234) [Base form]
pair₂ : (√(20),234-360)
Pair₃ : (-√(20),234-180)
Challenging questions (May come in exam)
Identify the graph of (x + 2)² + y² = 4. Then, write the equation in polar form.

Identify the graph of x² + (y – 2)² = 4. Then write the equation in polar form.

Write the equation r = 6 sin θ in rectangular form, and then identify its graph.
9- Complex Numbers
Rule :
Base Form : a +bi Add Complex Numbers
i = i All together = 0 (5 - 3i) + (4 - 5i)
divide the power by 4,put Add, Real + Real. Imaginary + Imaginary
i² = -1 remainder as a power of i : = 9 - 8i
i³ = -1 Example
i²³ = i²³/i⁴
Subtract Complex Numbers
i⁴ = 1 = i³ = -1 (8 - 3i) - (-4 - 2i)
Divide Complex Numbers Sub, Real + Real. Imaginary + Imaginary
6/7i = (6/7i)×(i/i) =9-i
6i/7i² = 6i/7(-1) Multiply Complex Numbers
-7i(5-8i) = -35 + 56i²
= -6i/7
Conjugate Example -35i + 56(-1) = -56 -35i

= = =

10-Modulus-Argument Form
Rule :
Modulus: Argument : When a is Negative a = r(cosθ)
r = |z| = √(a²+b²) θ = Tan⁻¹(b/a) θ = Tan⁻¹(b/a) + π b = r(sinθ)
Polar form (Modulus-argument form) of 𝑧.
𝒛 = 𝒓 (𝒄𝒐𝒔 θ+ i(𝒔𝒊𝒏θ))
Examples :
Apply the rules

Express 6 + 2i in –2 + 5i in polar 4 – 5i in polar 6 - 4i in polar

polar form. form. form. form.
r = √(a²+b²)
=√(40) = 6.32
Argument :
θ = Tan⁻¹(b/a)
= Tan⁻¹(2/6)
= 0.32
Polar form :
6.32(cos 0.32 + i sin 0.32)

Rule :
Base Form :

Find Quotient Find Product

Examples :
Apply the rules Will come in exam with numbers. (KEEP)

11- De Moivre’s Theorem

Rule :
zᴺ = rᴺ(cos nθ + i sin nθ)
Examples :
Apply the rules. Will come in exam with numbers. (KEEP)

In rectangular form
Step 1:
Determine a,b,n
b = 3√(3)
Step 2:
Find R
r = √(a²+b²)
= √(3²+3√(3)²)
Step 3:
Find θ
θ = Tan⁻¹(b/a)
= Tan⁻¹(3√(3)/3)
θ = 60°
Step 4:
Substitute with the rule
rᴺ(cos nθ + i sin nθ)
6⁴(cos 4(60°) + i sin 4(60°))
Find value of the equation :
Cos(60°), Sin(60°)
then use calculator
= -648 -648√(3i)

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