Mousavi Et Al., 2011.mercury in Natural Waters. A Menu Review

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Mercury in Natural Waters: A Mini-Review

a b c a
Aliyar Mousavi , Rose D. Chávez , Abdul-Mehdi S. Ali & Stephen E. Cabaniss
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, The University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM, USA
Master of Public Health Program, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,

Available online: 16 Mar 2011

To cite this article: Aliyar Mousavi, Rose D. Chávez, Abdul-Mehdi S. Ali & Stephen E. Cabaniss (2011): Mercury in Natural
Waters: A Mini-Review, Environmental Forensics, 12:1, 14-18

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Environmental Forensics, 12:14–18, 2011
C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1527–5922 print / 1527–5930 online

DOI: 10.1080/15275922.2010.547549


Mercury in Natural Waters: A Mini-Review

Aliyar Mousavi,1 Rose D. Chávez,2 Abdul-Mehdi S. Ali,3 and Stephen E. Cabaniss1
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Master of Public Health Program, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Mercury in fish is a concern as for human health. Understanding mercury toxicity, however, requires an understanding of mercury
speciation. Monomethylmercury is known to be the most concerning mercury species. This mini-review first covers an introductory
Downloaded by [Universite de Montreal] at 09:28 18 July 2011

toxicology of mercury. As human exposure to monomethylmercury is mainly through fish and as monomethylmercury concentrations
in fish are related to inorganic mercury loads, health and environmental preventive regulations concerning mercury in natural waters
are addressed. Further, mercury geochemistry in natural waters is briefly reviewed, and the biogeochemical processes which affect
mercury toxicity in natural waters are discussed.

Keywords: fish, geochemistry, health, mercury, natural waters, toxicity

The symbol of mercury, Hg, is derived from the Latin word hy- another environmental concern: Consumption of contaminated
drargyrum meaning “liquid silver” (Greenwood and Earnshaw, fish products, fish, and wildlife that are at the top of aquatic
1994). The symbol refers to the fact that mercury in elemen- food chains is almost entirely what causes human exposure
tal form exists as a liquid at room temperature (Holleman & to monomethylmercury (United States Geological Survey [US
Wiberg, 2001). Inorganic compounds of Hg, with the excep- GS], 2000; Fitzgerald, 2003), and monomethylmercury is the
tion of derivatives of Hg2+2 ion, involve Hg(II) (Greenwood principal mercury-related human health concern today (Fitzger-
and Earnshaw, 1994). However, in addition to existing in ele- ald, 2003).
mental form and in inorganic compounds, Hg also occurs in Monomethylmercury is a neurotoxic species, and its poi-
organometallic compounds (Greenwood and Earnshaw, 1994), soning is known as Minamata disease, named after Minamata,
of which monomethylmercury (Hg CH+ 3 ) and dimethylmercury Japan, where industrially related mass poisonings, debilita-
(Hg(CH3 )2 ) are of special environmental importance. With all tion, and deaths occurred between 1950 and 1975. The poi-
the forms of mercury being variously toxic to aquatic biota and sonings resulted from consumption of locally caught fish and
humans, mercury in natural waters is an issue. In light of address- seafood that had been contaminated by monomethylmercury.
ing the toxicological concerns of mercury in aquatic ecosystems The monomethylmercury had originated from wastewater from
and in light of the preventive regulations to which those con- factories (Fitzgerald, 2003). It is important to note that children
cerns have given rise, this work discusses the occurrence and and infants, who may be exposed to monomethylmercury di-
speciation of mercury in natural waters. rectly by eating contaminated fish, are especially vulnerable to
the effects of ingesting it (European Environment and Health
Toxicity Information System [ENHIS], 2007).
Although the only form of mercury that accumulates
Mercury can be toxic to both aquatic plants and fish. Aquatic appreciably in fish is monomethylmercury (US GS, 2000;
plants are affected by mercury in water at 1 mg/L of inorganic Ravichandran, 2004), human exposure to monomethylmercury-
mercury and at much lower concentrations of organic mercury contaminated fish is also a possible cause of breast milk being
(Boening, 2000). Hg can also cause poisoning leading to de- a potential source of exposure to inorganic mercury (Risher
crease in the ability of fish to survive (Moore and Ramamoorthy, and De Rosa, 2007). Autoimmune effects have been reported
1984; Vieira et al., 2009). However, mercury in fish is also of in humans following prolonged exposure to inorganic mercury,
and long-term exposure to both high and low amounts of in-
organic mercury can cause renal damage (Risher and De Rosa,
Received 22 May 2010; 14 October 2010.
Address correspondence to Aliyar Mousavi, Mathematics and Sci-
2007). Still organomercury compounds are more dangerous than
ences Department, Nashua Community College, 505 Amherst Street, inorganic mercury compounds because of their greater perme-
Nashua, NH 03063, USA. E-mail: ability of biomembranes. They are more readily absorbed in the
Mercury in Natural Waters 15

gastrointestinal tract and, acting by binding to the –SH groups disease from ingested Hg (WHO, 2007). In 2003, the Joint
in proteins, have a more immediate and permanent effect on the FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) es-
brain and central nervous system (Greenwood and Earnshaw, tablished a tolerable intake of 1.6 µg/kg bodyweight per week
1994). for monomethylmercury in order to protect the developing fetus
from neurotoxic effects (JECFA, 2004). In 2006, JECFA noted
Preventive Regulations Concerning Hg that life-stages other than the embryo and fetus may be less
in Natural Waters sensitive to the adverse effects of monomethylmercury (JECFA,
Food sources other than fish and seafood products may contain 2007).
mercury, although often in the less toxic form of inorganic mer- Although no legally binding international treaty on mercury
cury (ENHIS 2007). In the early 1970s, a monomethylmercury- pollution is presently in effect, more than 140 countries have
poisoning catastrophe occurred in Iraq after substantial amounts agreed to begin negotiations on a global treaty to control mer-
of wheat that was treated using a monomethylmercury fungicide cury (Hogue, 2009). The US EPA has set required mercury crite-
and was intended for planting were used to prepare bread (Tollef- ria for the United States for fresh waters and salt waters, unless a
son and Cordle, 1986; Clarkson and Strain, 2003). Currently state has its own criteria that meet the US EPA mercury criteria.
the use of both monomethylmercury and ethylmercury as fungi- The US EPA mercury criteria (maximum contaminant level) are
cides on seeds used for growing crops is cancelled in the United 2.1 µg/L for fresh waters and 1.8 µg/L for salt waters (ECFR).
States, subject to severe regulatory restriction worldwide, and
Downloaded by [Universite de Montreal] at 09:28 18 July 2011

discouraged worldwide by the World Health Organization (US Occurrence and Release
Fish and shellfish both contain essential nutrients that help Mercury occurs naturally in the earth’s crust, principally as min-
maintain a healthy diet (He, 2009). Specifically, they are sources eral cinnabar (HgS) found along lines of previous volcanic ac-
of high-quality protein, are low in saturated fat, and contain tivity. The most famous and extensive deposits of cinnabar are
omega-3 fatty acids (He, 2009). However, concerns about mer- at Almaden in Spain and have been worked since Roman times.
cury levels in fish have caused some experts to rethink the Some of other deposits of cinnabar are situated in Algeria, Mex-
role of fish in a well-balanced diet (World Health Organiza- ico, and Italy. While the deposits at Almaden contain up to 6%–
tion [WHO], 2007). Nearly all fish and shellfish contain some 7% Hg, other deposits usually contain <1% Hg (Greenwood
traces of mercury (Mozaffarian, 2009), and the amount of mer- and Earnshaw, 1994).
cury in fish depends on their diet, lifespan and trophic level Mercury is released into the environment by both natural and
(Mozaffarian, 2009). Monomethylmercury in the aquatic food anthropogenic processes. Natural processes, such as volcanic
chain reaches highest concentration in top predators like tuna activity, release Hg primarily in the form of Hg0 (g) into the
and sharks (Clarkson et al., 2003). With fish consumption dom- air (Risher and De Rosa, 2007). Anthropogenic inputs of Hg to
inating the pathway for exposure to monomethylmercury for the environment are numerous and widespread. The most prob-
most human populations, many governments around the world lematic are atmospheric, principally coal and municipal waste
provide recommendations or legal limits for the maximum al- burning (Fitzgerald, 2003). Mining of gold is another important
lowable amount of mercury and/or monomethylmercury in fish anthropogenic source (US GS, 2000; Risher and De Rosa, 2007).
to be sold on the market (WHO-United Nations Environment Hg was used in the Mediterranean world for extracting metals by
Programme [UNEP], 2008). amalgamation as early as 500 BC (Greenwood and Earnshaw,
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (US 1994), and starting with the period of industrial revolution it
FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) ad- was used in gold extraction (Petrisor, 2006). Using mercury in
vise women who might become pregnant, women who are preg- gold mining and reprocessing is still in practice today (Petrisor,
nant, nursing mothers, and young children (US FDA-US EPA, 2006). The use of mercury in the chloralkali industry, where
2004) to avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tile- mercury is used as an electrode in the electrochemical pro-
fish. This population is also advised to eat up to 12 ounces (two cess of manufacturing chlorine, is a major source (Järup, 2003).
average meals) a week of a variety of fish and shellfish that Mercury is used today in paints and tattoo inks. Some other ex-
are low in Hg (e.g., shrimp, salmon, and pollock) (US FDA-US amples of anthropogenic sources of nonoccupational exposure
EPA, 2004). However, some experts have questioned the sound- to mercury are dental amalgams (still used for filling teeth in
ness of this advice, arguing that it ignores the benefits associated some countries), barometers, instruments for measuring blood
with consuming fish and potentially decreases fish consumption pressure, gas regulators, fluorescent bulbs, wall light switches,
among women of childbearing age (Arnold et al., 2005). camera batteries, thermostats, and thermometers (Järup, 2003;
The World Health Organization (WHO) has prepared a guid- Risher and De Rosa, 2007).
ance document for risk managers that uses national exposure
assessments to determine the appropriate risk management op-
Speciation and Geochemistry
tions, bearing in mind the nutritional benefits of fish consump-
tion. In addition, WHO launched an initiative to estimate the Greater than 95% of the mercury found in the atmosphere is gas-
global burden of food borne disease, including the burden of phase elemental mercury, while the mercury in precipitation is
16 A. Mousavi et al.

in inorganic mercury loading (increase or decrease) will

yield a response in fish monomethylmercury (Munthe
et al., 2007); also, significant and even linear relationships have
been observed between inorganic mercury loading rates and
spike monomethylmercury concentrations in zooplankton, ben-
thic invertebrates, and fish (Orihel et al., 2007). Understanding
the biogeochemistry of Hg2+ methylation process is therefore
of great environmental importance.
Sulfate-reducing bacteria have been identified as the primary
organisms responsible for the production of monomethylmer-
cury in aquatic environments (Ekstrom and Morel, 2008). The
methyl group in monomethylmercury has been transferred
to Hg2+ , and this transferring is done by Co-CH3 groups
(Greenwood and Earnshaw, 1994). One chemical species is
known to be the Co-CH3 source, and that is metabolically
produced methylcobalamin (Choi et al., 1994), a Co(III) com-
pound produced in biological systems through the methylation
Downloaded by [Universite de Montreal] at 09:28 18 July 2011

of the super-reduced form of vitamin B12 (Huheey et al.,

1993). Following methylation, monomethylmercury-containing
Figure 1. The biogeochemical cycling of Hg in Wisconsin Lakes, USA. bacteria may be consumed by the next higher level in the food
The size of each box represents the percentage of its corresponding species
in the lakes. The Hg pool consists of 3.25% Hg0 , 8.3% CH3 Hg+ , 25% Hgp chain or may excrete the monomethylmercury to the water
(particulated Hg) that is 20.8% Hg(II) and 4.2% MMHg (monomethylmer- (US GS, 2000) where it can adsorb to plankton and so move
cury), and 63.4% Hg2+ . The species percentages are based on the data to the next level in the food chain (Greenwood and Earnshaw,
reported by Fitzgerald (2003). (Figure is provided in color online) 1994; US GS, 2000). Monomethylmercury is the only observed
methylmercury species in common freshwaters, although it is
predominantly ionic (Hg(II)) (Fitzgerald, 2003). Elemental mer- important to note that in ocean waters dimethylmercury and (to
cury in the environment can combine with a number of elements a lesser extent) monomethylmercury are common constituents
(including chlorine, sulfur, and phosphorous) to form inorganic of the dissolved mercury pool (Fitzgerald, 2003). However, at a
compounds (Risher and De Rosa, 2007). The redox couple of low pH, dimethylmercury is unstable and rapidly decomposes
Hg(0) with the stable Hg2+ (Hg(0) /Hg2+ ; E 0 = 0.85 V) provides to monomethylmercury (Trevors, 1986; Black et al., 2009).
the potential for dynamic oxidation and reduction cycling in Methylation ability in pure culture has been demonstrated
the environment (Fitzgerald, 2003). Because of the stability of by only a few sulfate-reducing bacteria and a few closely re-
Hg2+ in water Hg0 (g) is not a major species in aquatic systems lated iron-reducing bacteria. Those sulfate-reducing bacteria are
(see Figure 1), and Hg2+ 2 is a minor species at concentrations stimulated by sulfate, and the activity of microorganisms is often
less than 450 mg/L of total mercury, a level that is unlikely in stimulated by organic matter in sediments and soils. As such,
natural waters (Panel on Mercury, 1978). The ranges of mercury both sulfate and organic matter in sediments and soils are ef-
concentration in freshwater are 0.14–15.1 ng/L for lake water, fective biogeochemical factors on Hg2+ methylation in aquatic
0.23–7.2 ng/L for surface freshwater, and 2–45 ng/L for river ecosystems. Also uptake of inorganic mercury by microorgan-
water (Petrisor 2006). Mercury concentrations in open ocean isms that use facilitated transport for inorganic mercury uptake
are <10.0 ng/L (Eisler 2006). As for the range of mercury con- is enhanced with decreasing pH. It is noteworthy that some stud-
centration in seawater, it is 3.1–78 ng/L (Petrisor 2006) with one ies have linked lake acidity to increased monomethylmercury
exception, to our knowledge, being the coastal waters of south- bioaccumulation (Munthe et al., 2007).
ern Iran, where a maximum mercury concentration of 1400 µg/L Reviewing the aquatic mercury cycle is in no way complete
has been reported (Aflaki 2010). The mercury species of highest if reverse processes such as demethylation and reduction are not
concentrations in natural waters in general is Hg2+ (Fitzgerald, addressed. In fact, aside from grossly polluted environments, Hg
2003). Yet Hg2+ in aquatic systems can be readily methylated is normally a problem only where the rate of natural formation of
predominantly through the action of aquatic microorganisms monomethylmercury from inorganic mercury is greater than the
(Fitzgerald, 2003; Risher and De Rosa, 2007). reverse reaction (US GS, 2000). Monomethylmercury demethy-
Since 2000, a whole-ecosystem experiment (termed lation process can result in the formation of Hg2+ (Winfrey and
METAALICUS, Mercury Experiment to Assess Atmospheric Rudd, 1990; US GS, 2000) and is done by sunlight that can also
Loading in Canada and the United States) has been de- break down monomethylmercury to Hg0 (US GS, 2000) or is
signed and in progress at the Experimental Lakes Area mediated by methylmercury-resistant bacteria in which case the
in northwestern Ontario, Canada, to study the relation- final product is elemental mercury (Winfrey and Rudd, 1990).
ship between atmospheric deposition of mercury and mer- The reduction of Hg2+ to Hg0 is a notable reaction in the bio-
cury accumulation in fish (Sandilands et al., 2005). Changes geochemical cycling of mercury in natural waters (Winfrey and
Mercury in Natural Waters 17

Rudd, 1990; Fitzgerald, 2003). The elemental mercury formed constants from hypothetical structures of NOM molecules
in aquatic environments can be volatilized to the atmosphere (Cabaniss, 2009). NOM is remarkably heterogeneous in
(Winfrey and Rudd, 1990; US GS, 2000; Fitzgerald, 2003). structure and exact structural information is unavailable
Figure 1 is a pictorial representation of the biogeochemical (Schmitt-Kopplin, 2003). Consequently, any QSPR which is to
cycling of mercury in freshwater lakes. The Figure and the num- be useful for predicting Hg(II) binding by NOM should require
bers corresponding to the percentages of the various mercury minimal information- preferably constitutional descriptors such
species show that only a small amount of the total mercury is ac- as functional group and elemental composition. One QSPR
tually transformed to monomethylmercury species (Fitzgerald, useful for predicting Hg(II) binding equilibrium constants
2003). has, to our knowledge, been developed. The developed QSPR
Other than methylation, demethylation, and reduction, two is for predicting equilibrium constants of Hg(II) binding by
sets of reactions are important in the biogeochemical cycling small organic molecules similar in ligand group composition to
of mercury in fresh waters. In the presence of hydrogen sulfide, NOM. The equilibrium constants are related to elemental and
Hg2+ precipitates as HgS. This precipitation has generally been functional group composition of the molecules without relying
assumed to inhibit the availability of mercury for methylation on stereochemistry or even overall connectivity (Mousavi,
and is believed to do so (Winfrey and Rudd, 1990; Fitzgerald, 2010). The QSPR is then interfaced with a dynamic, agent-
2003). The second is the set of reactions in which Hg2+ binds or based model of NOM for predicting Hg(II) complexation in
adsorbs to natural organic matter (NOM) (Winfrey and Rudd, different environments (Cabaniss, 2009).
Downloaded by [Universite de Montreal] at 09:28 18 July 2011

1990; Fitzgerald, 2003). Mercury forms exceptionally strong

associations with NOM (Fitzgerald, 2003). NOM is ubiquitous
in aquatic environments (Ravichandran, 2004), and binding Conclusions
of Hg(II) to NOM strongly affects bioavailability of Hg(II)
In order to reduce mercury pollution in the environment, the
in aquatic ecosystems (Haitzer et al., 2002) and limits Hg(II)
production and use of mercury-free products, wherever possi-
availability to methylating bacteria (Ravichandran, 2004). In that
ble, are to be most encouraged. An example of the latter task is
regard, knowing binding constants for Hg(II)-NOM complexes
improving battery technology as for environmental friendliness
is of special importance. However, a potentially most useful
and safety by replacing the batteries which represent poten-
methodology to estimate the bindings needs to be addressed.
tial sources of mercury with batteries that use green materials
In order to estimate equilibrium constants for Hg(II) bind-
(Mousavi et al., 2010). It is important to note that if polluting the
ing to NOM in natural waters, several experimental methods
environment by mercury is continued as it is presently, current
are available. The most commonly employed approaches use
levels of exposure to mercury will be toxic even if they are not.
competitive ligands, for example Br− (Skylberg et al., 2000),
There is also a need to monitor aquatic systems worldwide as
ethylenediaminetretraacetic acid (EDTA) (Haitzer et al., 2002;
for their mercury contents. Further, in order to be able to pre-
2003), diethyldithiocarbamate (Hsu and Sedlack, 2003), and
dict the degree of mercury toxicity in aquatic systems, studies
DL-penicillamine (Khwaja et al., 2006). However, experimen-
of geochemical factors affecting mercury methylation should
tal determination of the equilibrium constant of Hg(II) binding
continue to be conducted.
by NOM is costly and time consuming. It is, therefore, desirable
to estimate those equilibrium constants without the benefit of
additional experimental data. Acknowledgements
The most common models developed to describe metal-
binding equilibria with NOM are the competitive Gaussian dis- Our thanks go to Kimberly Gugliotta from the Geo/Analytical
tribution model (Perdue and Parrish, 1987), the Windermere hu- Chemistry Laboratory at the Department of Earth and Planetary
mic aqueous model (WHAM) (Tipping, 1998), and the non-ideal Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, for
competitive adsorption-Donnan (NICA-Donnan) model (Milne her help in preparing the Figure showing the biogeochemical
et al., 2003). In a 2003 study, Milne and co-workers (Milne et al., cycling of mercury in Wisconsin Lakes.
2003) provided recommended generic NICA-Donnan model
parameters for 23 metal ions, including Hg(II), for both fulvic
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