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UPC: 12031602_OC
s/t/a_ 14oL
Title: Postcolonial Lileratures
Semester Vl
Time limit: 3 hours 30 minutes
Max marks: 75

Tbis question paper contains two parts, Both psrts are to be altempted.

Prrt A

Answer any 3 questions: 3 x l0 = 30 marks

I . Write a short note on the use of proverb s in Things Fall Apart.

2. Comment on the character of Oberika in Things Fa Apart.

3. critically comment on Divina Flor's confession in chronicle of a Dealh Foretold.

4. Write a shorl note on the characrer oiNana in .The Cirl Who Can..

5. Write a short note on memory as a tool in postcolonial poetry.

Part B

Answer auy 3 questlons: 3 x 15 = 45 marks

6. Achebe repeatedfy asserrs the importance of the community in Things Fa Apart. why
do you think this is done? Discuss with retbrcnce to the texr.

7. Discuss Chronicle o/ a Death Foretold as a sociological *udy of small_town

Colombian Iife.

8. Marquez mixes an€cdotal history with investigative joumalism to ereate the narrative
of Chronicle ofa Death Foretoltl. Discuss.

9. Discuss the poetry ofDerek Walcott as a simultaneous expression olboth the

personal and the political voice of th€ poet.

10, Comment on the title ofBessie Head.s short story .The Collector of-lreasures,.

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