(PP) China SC

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Mohammad Amaan Siddiqui | Our Own High School Dubai

Position Paper

Topic: The World After the People's Revolutions | Protecting Democracy and Defending
Against Terrorism
Committee: United Nations Security Council
Country: People’s Republic Of China

“The People’s Republic of China is a socialist state under the people’s democratic dictatorship
led by the working class...” chants Article 1 of the Chinese Constitution. China, unlike the rest of
the world follows a unique system of governing; which is of increasing apprehension to the rest
of the world in light of growing democratic trends. China follows principles of nonintervention
in the internal affairs of other sovereign nations and does not wish to impose its governing
system globally. However is deeply concerned that the reciprocal takes place on a frequent basis.
China’s governing system is blamed for various atrocities including corruption and opaqueness.
However, it is important to note that China ranked 80th in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2017
whereas, the ‘largest democracy’ in the world- India, ranked 85 th- falling from 79th in 2016.

China is a victim of terrorism itself, having dealt with radicalized separatists in Xinjiang, and the
Uighur waging violent anti-constitutional attacks on the government with over 114 of them
joining ISIS, and sending threats. ISIS released a video of Uighur fighters pledging to return to
China and shed blood-like rivers, resulting in the Chinese government establishing Patriotic
Teaching camps to bring them back to the right path which are blown out of proportion by
international media to show China in bad light. All these actions along with other incidents
further explain background behind China’s internationally criticized cyber-sovereignty concepts,
its 2005 Regulations on Religious Affairs and its massive internet crackdown and surveillance
which the ignorant western world continually attack China for with no understanding.

Being able to empathize with the international community, China is a proud party to the
International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, Comprehensive
Convention on International Terrorism, International Convention for the Suppression of the
Financing of Terrorism, ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism, etc. Under domestic law, its
Article 120 along with its subclauses and amendments lay down definitions relating to terrorism
and punishments for being involved in leading, participating, financing or assisting in any form
the aforementioned. China’s 29/10/2011 Decision on Issues Related to Strengthening Counter-
Terrorism Work lays down proper definitions on what acts and groups of terrorism are,
eliminating scope for the criticism that China’s counter-terrorism policies lacked definitions.

China pledges support to assist in curbing terrorism via increased support to the UN, refining
existing protocols and creation of better ones, assisting other nations, and by strengthening its
own laws. China is keen on scrutinizing and working on all possible spheres- cyber, critical-
infrastructure, international, national and regional to keep all nations and itself secure and aspires
for effective implementation of counterterrorist policies but without jeopardizing its sovereignty.

People’s Republic of China

Mohammad Amaan Siddiqui | Our Own High School Dubai

Position Paper

Topic: The Question of Kurdistan

Committee: United Nations Security Council
Country: People’s Republic Of China

Heeding to the largest nation without a state, a state-less and scattered population estimated to be
around 20-40million- The Kurds. The problem is of increasing concern as Kurdish factions have
been longing for independence since decades while some rallying for increased rights and
autonomy, the international community and the Kurds themselves are now at a point of
confusion and disagreement on what actually has to be done.

Nations around the globe side either for the formation of an independent Kurdistan or against the
formation, with Turkey, EU, NATO etc. even tagging Kurdish groups as terrorist organizations.
The People’s Republic of China stays firm in its principles of nonintervention (as seen in its
opposition of independence of Kosovo from Serbia, opposition to Russia’s demand in supporting
independence of Abkhazia etc.), recognizing separatism without dialogue with the preexisting
relevant nation states as an evil force. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang whilst
denying the September 25 referendum said that, “The Chinese government supports Iraq’s
sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity. We hope the relevant sides can resolve the differences
via dialogue, and find an inclusive solution [...] to jointly protect Iraqi and regional stability”.

However, China has been accused for violating its nonintervention policies in the forefront of the
question of Kurdistan by ignorant news channels whose aim is to reply for the sake of replying
and not to yield any good. China supports the Kurdish movement as it proves to be a strong
counter-terrorist force in the middle eastern region which has effectively pushed back ISIS and
Uighur- communities that are blatantly threatening China.

Moreover, President Xi Jinping stated at the Arab League Headquarters in January 2016 that
middle eastern conflicts can be solved primarily through economic cooperation and humanitarian
assistance; which explains China’s increasing investments and economic developments in the
middle-eastern region, especially in Northern Iraq. Moreover, China has maintained bilateral
relations, good ties and supported Iraq as well as the Kurdish in Northern Iraq and firmly
advocates the adoption of any democratically settled solution that involves dialogue and peace.

Seeing that China finds the role of Kurdish beneficial in opposing terrorists, China is deeply
concerned about Turkey’s crackdown on PKK forces as that is counter-productive to the global
war against the Islamic State.

Seeing that the Kurds have been campaigning for rights and/or independence since the time of
the Ottoman Empire, it makes it clear that if not independence just yet, the Kurds clearly deserve
better respect and protection of their human rights, culture, language and security. China strongly
advocates mutual and peaceful dialogue to come up with a solution best agreed on by all parties.

People’s Republic of China

Mohammad Amaan Siddiqui | Our Own High School Dubai


Topic: The World After the People's Revolutions | Protecting Democracy and Defending
Against Terrorism










Topic: The Question of Kurdistan









People’s Republic of China

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