Practical Sentences For Communicating With Teachers

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Practical Sentences for communicating with teachers

Greeting 打招呼: Please greet with you teacher.

1. "Hello, my name is [Name]. I'm [Child's Name]'s mother."

*Are you available now?

* May (可以-有禮貌)I have a quick word with you?

*May I ask you a few questions about my children (plu.)/ child (sing.)?

* Sorry to bother you, but could /may I ask for a moment to speak with you?

Learning Process 過程:

1. "Could you please tell me how [Child's Name] is doing in class?"

2. "I'm curious(好奇) about [Child's Name]'s progress in English/ Portuguese/

Maths….. [subject 科目]."

Adaptation 適應 to the school:

1. "Is [Child's Name] adapting well to the school environment 環境?"

2. "How is [Child's Name] settling into the new school?"

settled down : Have you settled down (安頓)in your new house yet(還)?

Yes, I have settled down since last week/ month.

Language ability=skill (能力):
1. Can my child understand English and Portuguese at school?

2. Are there any (任何)resources (資源) or support (支持) available to help my

child further(更遠的) with language learning?

3. How can I help my child at home to strengthen(加強)/enhance(加強)/improve

(改善) their language skills?

communication skills (人與人之間的溝通)

Any challenges (挑戰)the child might be facing: (face)

1. "Are there any areas/subjects (方面) where [Child's Name] is facing

difficulty (困難)?"

2. "Could you let me know if [Child's Name] needs any extra (額外)support?"

Did you face any challenges / difficulties today?

Getting along with friends: get along with sb.

1. "How (怎樣) is [Child's Name] getting along with(相處) other students in the


2." Could/ Can you tell me about [Child's Name]'s interactions (互動)with


-How do you interact with your friends?

3."Is [Child's Name] making friends easily in school?"

easy (adjective)-hard/difficult

-How many friends have you made?

4. "Do you notice (發覺/知道) [Child's Name] engaging in /join group activities or

playing with others during break times (recess 休息時間)?"

know- notice

group (團體) activities – individual (個人) activities ; after school,

group /team work , you have to work as a team 團結

Suggestions:意見/ advice (建議)

1. "How can I support/help [Child's Name]'s learning at home?"

2."Do you have any recommendations 評價 / suggestions for how I can help

[Child's Name] with their studies?" (study)

Expressing 表達 gratitude 感謝:

1. "Thank you for keeping 一直 me updated 更新 on [Child's Name]'s progress 過


2."I appreciate (verb) your help in ensuring (sure 確定)[Child's Name] succeeds

in school."

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