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100 Most Common English Verbs

Click on the verb name to see all forms, including negative forms and contractions.

Irregular forms are in red.

No. Verb

1 to be Ser, estar

2 to have Tener

3 to do Hacer

4 to say Decir

5 to go Ir

6 to get Conseguir, obtener

7 to make Fabricar

8 to know Saber, conocer

9 to think Pensar, opinar

10 to take Tomar, llevar

11 to see Ver

12 to come Venir

13 to want Querer

14 to look Observer

15 to use Usar

16 to find Encontrar

17 to give Dar

18 to tell Decir,narrar

19 to work Trabajar, funcionar

20 to call Llamar

21 to try Intentar

22 to ask Preguntar, pedir 2018 1
No. Verb

23 to need Necesitar

24 to feel Sentir

25 to become Convertirse en

26 to leave Dejar, abondanar

27 to put Poner

28 to mean Significar, querer decir

29 to keep Mantener, sostener

30 to let Permitir

31 to begin Comenzar

32 to seem Parecer

33 to help Ayudar

34 to talk Platicar, hablar

35 to turn Girar

36 to start Iniciar

37 to show mostrar

38 to hear Escuchar

39 to play Jugar

40 to run Correr

41 to move Moverse

42 to like Gustar

43 to live Vivir

44 to believe Creer

45 to hold Sostener

46 to bring Traer

47 to happen Pasar, acontencer

48 to write Escribir

49 to provide Proveer 2018 2
No. Verb

50 to sit Sentarse

51 to stand Tolerar, ponerse en pie

52 to lose Perder

53 to pay Pagar

54 to meet Conocer

55 to include Incluir

56 to continue Continuar

57 to set Establecer

58 to learn Aprender

59 to change Cambiar

60 to lead Guiar

61 to understand Entender

62 to watch Mirar, vigilar

63 to follow Seguir

64 to stop Detenerse

65 to create Crear

66 to speak Hablar

67 to read Leer

68 to allow Permitir

69 to add Agregar

70 to spend Gastar

71 to grow Crecer, desarrollar

72 to open Abrir

73 to walk Caminar

74 to win Ganar

75 to offer Ofertar

76 to remember Recordar 2018 3
No. Verb

77 to love Amar

78 to consider Considerar

79 to appear Aparecer

80 to buy Comprar

81 to wait Esperar

82 to serve Servir, despachar

83 to die Morir

84 to send Enviar

85 to expect Esperar

86 to build Construir

87 to stay Permanecer

88 to fall Caer

89 to cut Cortar

90 to reach Alcanzar, lograr

91 to kill Matar

92 to remain Mantenerse, continuar,

93 to suggest Sugerir

94 to raise Levantarse

95 to pass Pasar

96 to sell Vender

97 to require Requerir

98 to report Reportar

99 to decide Decider

100 to pull Jalar 2018 4

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