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“Let's make this holiday season unforgettable by spreading warmth and kindness. Together, we can make a
positive impact on our kids”.

Knowledge is power and to impart it righteously to our children, we have

carefully and meticulously designed the summer break assignment. It aims to
create a spirit of enquiry, creativity and sensibility among the learner.

The much awaited summer vacation is here. It is time to stay indoors, when it is
too hot, but also a time to enjoy with your family, friends and relatives.

To keep you occupied during the vacation, some activities have been
complied, to develop organizational skills, creative thinking and general

General Instructions
 Download the holiday homework pages and complete the task.
 Handwriting should be neat and legible.
 All the subject holiday homework should be done according to the instructions given.
 The holiday homework would be graded.
 The work should be original and not copied from internet.
 The assignments should be submitted to the respective subject teachers.
 Parents are requested to encourage your ward to do the assigned holiday homework
 The holiday assignment should be submitted in the form of a spiral or
scrap book including all the subjects on the reopening day (Name, Grade,
Section, Subject, Topic, School Name)
 Avoid playing in the sun, Drink plenty of fluids like water, juices
 Help your parent in household chore.
 Summer vacation is the time to learn and enjoy. So spend this holidays creating a
nurturing and stimulating environment filled with fun, frolic and learning
Reading Skills
1. Read the Newspaper daily and write only one news article under the given headings
like National, International, Sports, Glamour, Business and express your views on it.
Writing Skills
1. Computers are a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom and they are hazardous too.
Write an article on the topic ‘The benefits and harms of computers’. Word limit is
180-200 words.
2. You encountered two strange people. They were different from normal human
beings but they were quite interesting and exciting. As Manish\Manisha, using your
ideas, write a story in about 150-200 words narrating your experience with them.
3. Write a self-composed poetry on the given topics with minimum 4 stanzas
A) Music
B) I am blessed
C) My school My pride
NOTE- DO the given homework in A4 size ruled sheet.

1. தினசரி சசய்தித் தாளில் ஒரு பத்தியைப் படித்து அயத ஏட்டில் (Note Book)
ஒட்டி, சபற்ற ார் யைசைழுத்யதப் சபற்று வரவும்.
2. தினமும் ஒரு திருக்கு ள் படித்து, அதன் சபாருயையும் படித்து வகுப்பு ஏட்டில்
எழுதி வரவும்.
1. 100 ஆங்கில சசாற்ைளுக்கு இயைைான தமிழ்ச் சசாற்ையை (Chart) எழுதி
2. மரிைாயதக்குரிை வார்த்யதைள் (greeting words) 50 எழுதி வரவும்.
3. மரபுக் ைவியத-5 , புதுக்ைவியத- 5 யைக்கூ ைவியத -5 இவற்ய தனித்தனிைாை
(A4 Sheet) எழுதி வரவும்.


1. प्रगतिशील भारिीय महिलाओं से संबधं िि धित्रों का संग्रि कीजिए एवं संक्षिप्ि िानकारी प्राप्ि करके ललखिए।
( ककन्िी िार प्रमि
ु महिलाओं से संबधं िि िानकारी ललखिए )
2. भजतिकालीन कववयों का कोलाि बनाएँ और उनमें से ककन्िी िार प्रमि
ु कववयों के बारे में और उनके रिनाओं

का संकलन करके ललखिए।

4. निम्ििलिखित प्रश्िों के चार चार उत्तर दिए गए है उि में से सदह उत्तर छुिकर लिखिए :
1 - यदि भगवाि ् चंिि है तो भक्त क्या है ?
(A) पािी (B) मोर (C) चकोर (D) बत्ती
2 - यदि भगवाि ् बािि है तो भक्त क्या है ?
(A) पािी (B) मोर (C) चकोर (D) बत्ती
3 - यदि भगवाि ् चााँि है तो भक्त क्या है ?
(A) पािी (B) मोर (C) चकोर (D) बत्ती
4 - यदि भगवाि ् िीपक है तो भक्त क्या है ?
(A) पािी (B) मोर (C) चकोर (D) बत्ती
5 – यदि भगवाि ् मोती है तो भक्त क्या है ?
(A) पािी (B) मोर (C) धागा (D) बत्ती
6 - भगवाि ् के माथे पर क्या शोभा िे रहा है ?
(A) पािी (B) मक
ु ुट (C) पंि (D) बत्ती
7 - भगवाि ् ककसका कल्याण बबिा भेिभाव के करते है ?
(A) अमीरों का (B) भक्तों का (C) अछूत मिष्ु यों का (D) इिमें से ककसी का िहीं
8 - कवव ककसे अपिा सबकुछ मािते है ?
(A) भगवाि ् को (B) संतों को (C) अछूत मिष्ु यों को (D) भक्तों को
9 - िस
ू रे पि में कवव िे ककसका गण
ु गाि ककया है ?
(A) भगवाि ् (B) संतों (C) अछूत (D) भक्तों

5. नीिे हिए गए शब्िों को योग्यक्रम में रिकर शुद्ध वातय बनाइए।

1. पूवव / वर्ाव / होिे / आाँधी / गई / आ / से

2. िे श / प्रत्येक / का/ है / राष्रगाि / अपिा / होता
3. घर / आठवीं / पर / हमारा / है / मंज़िि
4. शांनत / कर / बच्चे / से / हैं / काम / रहे
5. िे / तैयारी / बच्चों / परीक्षा की / शुरु / की
6. ठं ड / रही / अलमत / है / िग / को
7. काम / चप
ु चाप / अपिा / रहो / करते
(सारा विषय A4 शीट में लिखकर, स्क्रैपबुक बनाइए)


Week 1 : Write the following on A4 size sheet.

a) 20 adjectifs (nationalité/couleur/ex. petit, gros etc.)

b) 30 Nouns with gender

Week 2 : Write in classwork

a) 10 ‘ER’ verbs

b) 5 ‘CER’ verbs

c) 5 ‘GER’ verbs
With meaning

Week 3 : Write two conversations in French language on A4 size sheet (between )

friends/parents/professor/ sister)

Week 4: Learn the French song ‘’ la dernière danse’ by ‘’Indila’’. (Presentation will be in


Project 1: Combine math with creativity by engaging in art projects that involve
Geometrical shapes, symmetry, tessellations etc. You can create your own designs using
mathematical concepts. (Minimum 4 creative art work in a chart)

Project 2: Exploring the role of Mathematics in Sports

Analyze sports related data, such as player statistics, game outcomes, creation of charts
and graphs to enhance understanding and performance.

Note: Do it in a scrap book.

Key steps for the project

*Topic selection
*Define the objective
*Data collection
*Data analysis
Projects will be assessed for Internal Assessment under the following Rubrics
* Content Relevance - 5
* Creativity -5
* Novel ideas -5
* Perfection and On time submission - 5
Total : 20
Date of submission : On the Re - opening day of the Academic year 2024 – 25
Make a report on how physics is involved in sports, dance and sound of various musical
Select any 5 monuments and find the distance between all via Bike, car & train. write
about the types of motion taking place during the journey and present the information
in tabular form.
1. Complete the answers for book back questions in the class work notebook neatly.
2. Observe the diffusion when
a. Sugar is mixed with salt
b. Ink is mixed with water.
Record the observations and your inference.
Take pictures of the activity and paste along with the observation


1. Activity:
Prepare a model to compare plant cell and animal cell using common household items like
grains and pulses etc. Do NCERT questions of Chapter: Cell the fundamental unit of life. [in
Biology notebook] Consider a cell like your school. Each part of the cell (school) has
responsibilities that must be done and certain organelles (people) to do them. Identify the
functions of the following parts of the cell then identify which person does the same job.
First one is done as an example to follow: Part of School that has a similar function 1.Cell
Membrane(front office) Function: Controls what goes in and out of the cell 2.Mitochondria
3.Nucleus 4.Ribosome 5.Cytoplasm 6.Golgi Body 7.Cell Wall (only in plant cell)BIOLOGY

Consider a cell like your school. Each part of the cell (school) has responsibilities that
must be done and certain organelles (people) to do them. Identify the functions of
the following parts of the cell then identify which person does the same job.

One is done as an example to follow:

For Cell Controls what goes in and out of Front office

e.g Membrane the cell
S. ORGANELLE FUNCTION Part of School that has a
No. similar function.
1 Mitochondria

2 Nucleus

3 Ribosome
4 Cytoplasm
5 Golgi Body
6 Cell Wall (only in
plant cell)

***** All the work should be done on A4 sheets and make a file report of it
2. Project:

Reuse plastic waste in your home to home furnishing items and make report on A4
sheet that reuse is the best way to control plastic pollution

3. Home fun:
1. Draw diagrams of all the cell organelles on A-4 size sheet and write the name of the
scientist who discovered it.
2. Draw the nucleus of the cell and write a short note for the following
A) Double layered structure which encloses the nucleus
B) Visible entangled mass of thread like structure
C) A darkly stained round structure inside the nucleus

****Note: Write the answers for the questions in A4 sheet and submit.


Project- 1. Disaster Management

Collect the information and write it in A4 sheet. (write only in right side, and left side
paste the pictures.)


Project- 2.Types of Vegetation

*Tropical Evergreen Forest

*Tropical Deciduous Forests

*Thorn Forests & Shrubs

*Mountain Forests

*Mangrove Forests

*Choose any one topic from project -2.

Do the models and Collect the informations & pictures

*Do it in chart work



Write 30 MS Word shortcut keys and 30 MS Excel shortcut keys with their uses in a


Get the newspaper and see the text based advertisement and design that advertisement
in Microsoft word and take print out and submit it on the reopen day.


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