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memory processes
• ACOUSTIC CODE: Information is encoded based on its - Participants showed similar error rates for words
sound with similar meanings (synonyms) or sounds
- If you hear a new word, you might remember it (homonyms)
by repeating its sound in your mind Þ This indicates some level of semantic encoding in the STM

• SEMANTIC CODE: Information is encoded based on its EVIDENCE FOR VISUAL ENCODING IN THE
meaning STM
- You might remember the word, “dog” because you
know what it refers to • POSNER & KEELE’S STUDY:
- Participants responded faster to visually similar
• VISUAL CODE: Information is encoded based on its visual letters in a letter-matching task
appearance Þ Indicates that they were encoding and comparing the
- You might remember a particular image or text visual appearance of the letters, suggesting a role for
because of how it looks visual encoding in STM
Forms of encoding ENCODING IN THE LTM
Primarily semantic, but visual and acoustic encoding is also
• Memories are encoded to be stored: When we significant
experience something or learn new information, our brain - Flexible
encodes it in a certain way so that it can be stored and EVIDENCE FOR SEMANTIC ENCODING IN LTM
later retrieved
• Short term vs Long term storage - Participants studied a list of 41 words and were
- Different systems for storing information tested on recognition after a delay.
- Serve different purposes - Distractors included words that were either
- Different encoding strategies semantically related or unrelated to the studied
• Different codes: - Participants showed a higher rate of false alarms
- Short term memory = acoustic encoding for semantically related distractors
- Long term memory = semantic encoding Þ Indicated a greater likelihood of semantic confusion
during recall
While encoding is predominantly acoustic in STM, both • BOUSFIELD:
semantic and visual encoding can also occur. - Participants learned a list of 60 words consisting
• When we make errors in retrieving words from short-term of various categories.
memory, the errors tend to reflect confusions in sound - When asked to recall the words, participants
tended to group them into categories, suggesting
Evidence For Acoustic Encoding In Stm semantic clustering

- Participants were shown visually presented letters
but tended to remmeber them based on their
sounds rather than their visual appearance.
Þ This suggests that even when information is presented MNEUMONIC TECHNIQUES
visually, it is encoded acoustically in STM *music can serve as a retrieval cue also
CATEGORICAL Organize items into categories.
i.e.,: grouping food items into • FROST:
categories like fruits, dairy products, - Participants studied drawings with different
breads and vegetables orientations and semantic categories.
Creating vivid mental images that - After a delay, participants were asked about
link together objects with the same name as the test object.
INTERACTIVE i.e., Imagining using scissors to cut a - Participants responded faster to identical
IMAGES* sock with an apple stuffed in it drawings
helps remember the items “socks”,
“apple” and “scissors” AUTISM AND SEMANTIC ENCODING
Associate new words with previously
memorized words and form • TOICHI & KAMIO
PEGWORD SYSTEM* interactive images between them - Individuals with autism may not encode
information semantically to the same extent as
i.e., One is a “bun”, two is a “shoe”, neurotypical individuals
three is a “tree”
Visualize walking through a familiar • HARRIS et al.
place and linking landmarks with - Less activation in Broca’s area during semantic
METHODS OF LOCI* items to be remembered processing in individuals with autism
i.e., Associating a sock on a house’s Þ Semantic deficits
chimney, a pair of scissors cutting a
tree, etc. Broca’s Area: (frontal lobe)
Form a word or expression where - Speech production
each letter represents another word - Involved in language production
or concept - Motor-related hand movements
ACRONYM - Sensorimotor learning and integration
i.e., using "I AM PACK" to remember
Interactive Images, Acronyms, Wernicke’s Area (temporal lobe)
Method of Loci, Pegwords, Acrostics, - Understanding spoken language
Categories, and Keywords.
Create a sentence where the first TRANSFERRING INFO FROM STM to LTM
letter of each word represents the
initial letter of the items to be
i.e., “Every Good Boy Does Fine” to
remember the notes on lines of the 1. INTERFERENCE:
treble clef. - Occurs when the retreival of information from LTM is
Link the sound and meaning of a disrupted by the presence of other information.
foreign word with a familiar word
i.e., Associating the French word i.e., If you watch two crime movies with the same actor
KEYWORD SYSTEM and then try to remember the storyline of one, you might
“beurre” with “bear” and visualizing a
bear eating butter to remember the mix it up with the other.
meaning “beure”.
Free Recall = imagery of isolated items > verbal rehearsal 2. DECAY:
Serial Recall = verbal rehearsal > imagery of isolated items - Fading or weakening of memories over time if they
are not reheared or retrieved

Evidence for acoustic encoding in Depends on whether the information involves declarative or
ltm nondeclarative memory

• RUBIN: • Declarative memory: facts or knowledge

- Participants showed eviednce of long-term
memory for songs, recalling more text when • Nondeclarative memory: procedural memories (i.e., skills)
provided with a melody - Can decay quickly
Þ Indicates that acoustic information can be encoded in - Priming and habituation
LTM - Can be maintained more readily, particularly as a
result of repeated practice (of procedures) or
repeated conditioning (of responses)
1. ELABORATIVE REHEARSAL: involves elaborating on
1. DELIBERATE ATTENTION items to be remembered, making them more
• Focusing on the information and comprehending it helps in meaningfully integrated or connected
the encoding process, facilitating its transfer to the LTM - Focus → think about it → discuss
• Creating associations between the new information and our without elaboration
existing knowledge and understanding. By linking the new - Does not transfer info to LTM
information with what we already know, we integrate it - Temporarily in STM
into our existing schemas or mental frameworks.
´ Without elaboration, information cannot be organized
3. CONSOLIDATION and transferred.
• The process of integrating new information into existing
memory stores. SPACING EFFECT
• Makes info more stable and resistant to interference The phenomenon where distributing study sessions over time
• Occurs over time, allows the newly acquired information to enhances the consolidation of information in LTM
become more firmly established in LTM
» Here, our memory is susceptible to distortion and • Distributed practices = better memory retention compared
disruption to massed practice (crammed sessions)
• Integrating the new information into existing schemas or
mental frameworks helps in organizing and structuring the
information for easier retrieval.
• Becomes more accessible in LTM
Individuals who have suffered from brief forms of amnesia
Studies: Examination of amnesic patients who have undergone • Maximizing the space effect involves distributing study
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which can induce temporary sessions ideally over months rather than days or weeks
memory impairment.
- By studying these patients, researchers can • Varying the contexts for encoding during study sessions
investigate how disruptions in the consolidation enriches and elaborates schemas for the info = better
process affect memory functioning. memory
• Involve reflecting on our own memory processes to companies
preserve or enhance the integrity of memories during producing
consolidation consumer
• IMPORTANT when transferring new information to LTM products
through rehearsal and
• Part of metacognition advertising
• GOAL: Anchor their products into LTM so that it
Metacognition: involves thinking about and controlling our own
pops up in your head when you are in need of a
though processes particular product
- Thinking about how we think
• Involves the repeated recitation of an item, which helps SLEEP AND MEMORY CONSOLIDATION
keep information active
• “Practice effects” Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is crucial for memory
• Can be overt – aloud consolidation
• Can be covert - silent - Dreaming
- Increased brainwave activity
• Disruptions in REM sleep patterns after learning can Declarative memory
impair memory consolidation, leading to reduced - Explicit memory: conscious recall of specific events
improvement in tasks. or facts from personal experiences
1. Episodic memory: memory of specific events in your
Insomnia: Deprives individuals of REM sleep and can result in life
difficulties with memory consolidation 2. Semantic memory: general knowledge and concepts
- Prolonged sleep deprivation can negatively affect the about the world
development of new cells in the hippocampus (crucial
region for memory formation • Particularly important for the encoding, integration and
consolidation of sensory information into the LTM
• Plays a role in synaptic consolidation, strenghtening
memories previously organized during slow-wave (deep) • Helps in linking different pieces of info together and
sleep transferring them into long term storage
- Synaptic consolidation: process through which
memories are streghtened by the integration of new • Also involved in the recollection of information during
cells into the neuronal network. memory retrieval
• REM sleep may also help weaken memories of low value, OTHER BRAIN STRUCTURES AND PROCESSES
aiding in forgetting certain information
Other Cerebral Structures
Visual Discrimination Task: This refers to a task where you
have to distinguish between different visual stimuli, like 1. BASAL GANGLIA: procedural memory
identifying different shapes or patterns. 2. CEREBELLUM: memory for conditioned responses and
1. Disruptions in REM Sleep: If something interrupts cognitive tasks
your REM sleep after you've learned something, you 3. AMYGDALA: associated w/ emotional events and plays a
won't improve as much on tasks involving visual significant role in memory consolidation
Microlevel Structure of Memory

• LONG TERM POTENTIATION: process where repeated

stimulation of neural pathways strengthens synaptic
connections (enhacing the likelihood of firing)
- Neurons can change their interactions in response to
expriences → changes in synapses → formation of
new memories
*they are plastic
discrimination compared to when your REM sleep is
normal. • BRAIN OSCILLATIONS: (repetitive neural activity)
2. Other Sleep Stages: Disruptions in other stages of
sleep, like deep sleep (stage-three or stage-four), NEUROTRANSMITTERS
don't have the same effect on this kind of task. It's Various NTs influence memory formation
specifically disruptions in REM sleep that seem to
impact visual memory consolidation. • Acetylcholine enhance neural transmission associated with
NEUROSCIENCE: HOW ARE MEMORIES STORED? - Disruptions can impair memory formations
» High levels of Acetylcholine found in hippocampus
CEREBRAL CORTEX (normal) / Low levels (Alzheimer’s)
• Outer layer of the brain responsible for processing sensory
information and higher cognitive functions • Serotonin plays a role in memory function
• Different sensory properties of experiences are organized - Disruption, often caused by alcohol consumption, can
across various areas of the cerebral cortex. impair memory formation
- Visual information = Visual cortex » Korsakoff’s Syndrome: form of amnesia resulting from
- Spatial information = Parietal cortex alcohol abuse, is associated with serotonin dysfunction
• Crucial for long term storage of info acquired through and damage to brain regions like the thalamus,
sensory experiences hypothalamus, frontal lobes, and temporal lobes

HIPPOCAMPUS • Norepinephrine enhances neural transmission associated

• Located in the temporal lobe w/ memory
• Critical role in:
HORMONES Implications:
Some increase the availability of glucose (source of energy for • Memory processing strategies may vary depending on the
neuronal activity) in the brain stimuli being processed.
• These hormones are often associated with emotionally
arousing events (i.e., traumas, achievements) Retrieval From LTM
- Adrenaline
- Cortisol Study: Participants by Tulving and Pearlstone were tested on
• These are released during stress and can modulate their memory for categorized word lists.
memory formation and consolidation
RETRIEVAL - Cued recall (participants were given category cues)
led to significantly better recall compared to free
SAUL STERNBERG’S EXPERIMENT - Suggests that apparent memory failures are often
due to retrieval difficulties rather than storage issues.
Experiment Setup:
- Participants were presented with short lists of digits • IMPACT OF PRESENTATION FORMAT ON RECALL
to remember in STM. - Participants learned word listss either in random
order or presented hierarchically (tree structure)
- Hierarchal presentation > Random order
- Suggests how the organization of information can
affect retrieval


• Cognitive psychologists often face challenges in
distinguishing between the availability (presence) and
accessibility (ease of retrieval) of information stored in
- After a brief LTM
pause, a test digit was shown, and participants had to
indicate whether it was in the memorized set • Researchers often have to settle for measuring its
- Parallel processing: involves handling multiple PROCESSES OF FORGETTING AND MEMORY
operations simultaneously DISTORTION
Þ Consistent response times regardless of set
• Forgetting occurs when recall of certain info interferes
- Serial processing: involves operations being done one with the recall of other info
after another
Þ Bigger set = longer response time Retroactive Interference: happens when newly acquired
knowledge hinders the recall of older material
• EXHAUSTIVE VS SELF-TERMINATING PROCESSING - i.e., new info about the Cold War interferes with
- Exhaustive serial processing: participants check the existing info about World War II
test digit against all digits in the positive set
Þ Consistent response times Proactive Interference: happens when previously learned
material impedes the learning of new material
- Self terminating processing: they stop once a match - i.e., learning the F keyboard after learning the Q
is found keyboard
Þ Response time varies based on the position
of the test digit • Interference can also occur with different types of
Experiment Findings: information
• As the list got longer, it took longer to check each number - i.e., verbal and quantitative information
- Serial exhaustive model
- Parallel processing can also be a reason (distinction is SCHEMAS AND RECALL
not clear cut) Schemas (mental frameworks representing knowledge)
influence how people recall information
3. Emotionally impactful
• Existing schemas affect memory tasks, leading to
interference or distortion of recalled information • Different memory processes DO NOT come into play


Demonstrates the:
- primacy effect (superior recall of words at the • Flashbulb memories are encoded and retreived similarly
beginning of a list) to other memories,
- recency effect (superior recall of words at the end - Elaboration
of the list - Rehearsal

• Proactive interference = words at the end of the list • MEDIAL TEMPORAL LOBE (like the Hippocampus)
• Retroactive interference = words at the beginning of the - Plays a crucial role in autobiographical memory recall
list - LESIONS = impair the recall of recent
• Both types of interference = words in the middle of the autobiographical memories while sparing more remote
list memories


Forgetting occurs due to the gradual disappearance of memory
traces over time. 7 SINS OF MEMORY

• INTERFERENCE > DECAY (esp. in STM) 1. TRANSIENCE: Memory fades over time, leading to the loss
of details or the context of events
2. ABSENT-MINDEDNESS: Forgetting occurs due to lapses
• Memory is constructive = prior experiences influence how in attention or awareness
we recall events and what we remember - i.e., forgetting what one was looking for in a room

AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MEMORY 3. BLOCKING: Inability to retrieve specific information

Autobiographical memory: recalling one’s personal history despite knowing it’s stored in memory.
- People remember their own interpretation or - i.e., forgetting someone’s name even though its known
reconstruction of events rather than an exact replica
of what happened. 4. MISATTRIBUTION: Incorrectly attributing memories to
• Subject to distortions the wrong source
- Despite distortion, ppl seem to remember the central - i.e., mistaking where one heard certain information
characteristics of events accurately, even if they
misremember minor details 5. SUGGESTIBILITY: Vulnerability to suggesting leading to
the incorporation of false details into memories
• Self-esteem influences the formation and recall of
autobiographical memories. 6. BIAS: Memory recall can be biased by current attitudes,
- Positive self esteem = More positive events emotions, or experiences.
- Negative self esteem = More negative events - i.e., individuals experiencing chronic pain may
exaggerate or distort memories of past pain, while
FACTORS those without such experiences may understate or
1. Emotional intensity forget those memories
2. Personal significance
3. Individual differences 7. PERSISTENCE: Some memories persist despite being
inconsequential or irrelevant in a general context. This can
Forms a vital part of personal identity and contributes to our lead to fixation on minor failures or negative events,
understanding of the past overshadowing more significant successes.

Vivid recollections of highly emotional or significant events
• Emotional intensity = Accuracy of recall
• Can form under 3 circumstances • PREVALENCE AND ERRORS
1. When the event is important - A significant number of suspects are arrested based
2. Surprising on eyewitness identification
- Errors in EI contribute to wrongful convictions - Demonstrates memory distortion in the lab setting
- Estimates of mistaken EI vary widely but indicate - Participants are given lists of words associated with
potential for alarming errors. critical non-presented word.
- When asked to recall the non-presented word, participants
• CASE EXAMPLE: TIMOTHY’S ACQUITTAL often incorrectly believed they have seen it
- In 1986, Timothy was convicted of brutally murdering - Source monitoring errors and spreading activation
a mother and her two young daughters (Dolan, 1995).
- He was then sentenced to die, and for 2 years and 4
months, Timothy lived on death row. 1- Implanting False Memories
Therapists may unintentionally implant false memories in
- Although the physical evidence did not point to their clients → unreliable testimony
Timothy, eyewitness testimony placed him near
the scene of the crime at the time of the murder. 2- Difficulty In Verifying Memories:
Memories of past trauma, especially childhood, may lack
- Subsequently, it was discovered that a man who evidence to verify their accuracy, making it hard to
looked like Timothy was a frequent visitor to the confirm whether they’re genuine or fabricated
neighborhood of the murder victims.
3- Lack Of Compelling Evidence:
- Timothy received a second trial and was acquitted. Scientific evidence supporting the existence of
repressed memories is limited. Studies on memory
• INFLUENCE OF EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY distortion suggest that memories can be easily
- Influence jury decisions influenced, raising doubts about their reliability.
´ Placing greater weight on the confidence of the
witness, even if the details are inconsistent or 4- Alternative Explanations:
lacking - Source Monitoring Errors: Process of attributing the
origin of a memory or piece of information to a particular
- People may fabricate memories based on suggestions source
or imagined scenarios, leading to inaccuracies in their i.e., whether it was experienced firsthand, heard from
testimony. someone else, or imagined
• FACTORS INFLUENCING EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY - Spreading Activation: A cognitive process that occurs
- Lineup procedures when the activation of one concept or memory triggers
- Confessions the activation of related concepts or memories in memory
- Lineup feedback networks
- Stress levels i.e., if someone hears the word “dog,” related concepts
- Race such as “pet,” “barking,” might also become activated in
- Severity of the crime their mind.
- Susceptible to suggestion and distortion
- Younger children are more susceptible to suggestive FACTORS THAT CAN INFLUENCE MEMORY RETRIEVAL: :
questioning and pressure from authority figures - Emotions
- May also have difficulty distinguishing between - Moods
actual observations and stories they’ve heard → - States of consciousness
inaccuracies in their testimony - External contexts
REPRESSED MEMORIES • Encoding specifity the principle that what is recalled
Memories that are alleged to have been pushed down into the depends on what was encoded.
unconscious mind due to the distress they cause. - Memories encoded in a particular mood or physical
environment may be more readily retrieved in a similar
• Self-generated retrieval cues (self-reference effect) >


Mental images and propositions
Mental reppresentations of knowledge • Words follow rules and express ideas one after
DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE: Consists of stated facts or another, while pictures show everything at once.
information that can explicitly verbalized.
i.e., knowing the date of your birth, the name of your best 4. Showing Relationships:
friend, or the appearance of a rabbit • Pictures can visually show how things relate, while
- Memory of knowing that words describe relationships more directly.


involves knowledge of processes or procedures.
- Memory of knowing how to do things IMAGERY: When you picture things in your mind that you’re
i.e., the steps involved in tying your shoelaces, adding a column not currently seeing or sensing with your senses
of numbers or driving a car
COMMUNICATING KNOWLEDGE Can represent both real-world experiences and imagined
The choice between using pictures or words = nature of the scenarios:
information being conveyed - Sights
- Sounds
• PICTURES - Smells
- Knowledge can be stored as mental images or pictures. - Tastes
- Particularly useful for concrete objects or visual concepts - Things that don’t exist
- i.e., questions about the shape of a chicken egg or
• Problem-solving
• WORDS • Memory enhancement
- Representation of knowledge through language and words • Creative-thinking
- Used for abstract concepts or ideas that are not easily • Allows individuals to mentally manipulate objects
visualized • Navigate environments
- i.e., justice or love • Envision solutions to complex ideas


- Representation of knowledge in an abstract form that • Guided imagery: used to manage pain, stregthen immune
doesn’t necessarily correspond directly to language or responses and alleviate psychological disorders
imagery. • Can be used in healthcare, education and engineering
- Mentalese: a hypothetical language of thought/internal • Can be used to visualize structures, processes and solve
language of the mind problems
- No grammatical rules
- i.e., our thoughts about justice may involve abstract MEMORY ENHANCEMENT
symbols or representations that capture the essence of • Integrating mental imagery with auditory information can
the concept improve memory retention
• Has helped individuals with Down Syndrome
vs words
1. Comparison of Pictures and Words:
• Pictures are good for showing concrete things, while
words are better for expressing abstract ideas.
• Pictures are great for details
• Words are better for complex ideas and relationships DUAL CODE THEORY
Our minds utilize both pictorial and verbal codes to represent
information (Paivio)
2. Arbitrary Nature of Words:
• Words don't naturally relate to what they represent; ANALOG CODES FOR IMAGES
their meaning depends on the language. • Mental images are represented through analog codes,
resembling the objects they represent
3. How Information is Represented: • Analog codes = Physical stimuli
- Closely resemble the physical object
i.e., “The table is above the cat” = “The cat is beneath the table”
i.e., When we imagine a tree, our mental image might include - same relationship but in different linguistic form
details like leaves, branches and a trunk.
SYMBOLIC CODES FOR WORDS • Can describe various types of relationships, including
• Mental representations for words primarily use symbolic - Actions
codes (arbitrary symbols chose to represent the intended - Attributes
concept) - Positions
• These symbols DO NOT essentially resemble what they - Class/Category memberships of objects
represent • Complex relationships/scenarios = Combo of multiple
i.e., the word “tree” is a symbolic representation of the concept
of a tree, but it doesn’t physically resemble a tree i.e., “The furry mouse bit the cat, which is now hiding under the
table” can be represented in propositional form without
DIFFERENCE IN PROCESSING retaining the specific acoustic or visual properties of the words.
• Research suggests that our brains process and store verbal - Underlying meaning > specific words/images
and pictorial information differently
- Free recall of sequences : Pictures > Words MENTAL REPRESENTATION
- Serial recall of sequences : Words > pictures • According to propositional theory, images and verbal
statements are mentally represented by their deep
INTERFERENCE HYPOTHESIS meanings rather than specific words or images.
• Dual-code theory proposes that visual and verbal tasks • When we remember something, our minds recall the
SHOULD NOT interfere with each other if they require underlying propositions and then reconstruct the verbal or
different systems visual details
- Participants responded using different modes
1. Verbal (spoken responses)
2. Visual (pointing)
3. Manual (tapping on hand)
• Experiment Findings: interference occurs when tasks and
responses require the same mode of expression
i.e., if participants are asked to perform a visual tasks and
respond visually (pointing), they may experience interference if
they’re asked to respond using a competing visual display
- Participants showed slower response times when
performing tasks that require the same mode of
expression (visual OR verbal) as the task itself
- Response Mode = Processing Mode interference occurs
There are distinct systems for mental representation of
knowledge, involving both analogical (imaginal) codes for • ANALOGICAL REPRESENTATION LIMITS
images and symbolic codes for words. - Participants in a study struggled to determine whether
- When these two systems compete for attention, specific shapes were part of a given figure.
interference occurs. - Couldn’t use mental images to trace lines and determine
shape inclusion.
Findings: propositional code > analogical code

• THEORY: Instead of storing information in the form of
mental images, the mind uses a “generic” code known as
propositional representation
- Stores the meaning of concepts rather than their visual or
imaginal forms
Proposition: The underlying meaning of a particular relationship
among concepts.
- Represents the meaning of a relationship in an abstract
and patterns of activation may vary depending on the
presence or absence of sensory input.
and sensory perception share similarities in how they are
processed by the brain
- Mental images can accomplish similar goals as actual
When we imagine something, our brains engage in
processes functionally similar to those used during actual
- Mental imagery = active cognitive process
- Concrete objects: images > propositions
- Similar brain activation patterns (frontal & parietal)
Implications of Reduced Information Processing during
• Absence of visual input during mental imagery reduces
information processing demands in the brain compared
to sensory perception
- Less differentiation between brain regions and signals


Semantic labels (verbal information) can distort recall of Individuals that struggle to differentiate between internal
visual images towards the meaning associated with the images and external stimuli
labels - Auditory Hallucinations: perceiving sounds in the absence
of any external stimuli
• During hallucinations, the auditory cortex and areas
involved in language processing are abnormally activated
• Mental Representations (functional =) Sensory Perception

Imagine you have a picture of an object in your mind, like a
toy car. Mental rotation is when you mentally turn that car
around in your head, just like you would if you were physically
doing it.
- Scientists showed people pictures of
3D shapes and asked them if the
shapes were rotated versions of each
Research by Lee, Kravitz, & Baker (2012): - The time it took people to decided
• Participants were familiarized with images of objects and increased as the shapes were rotated
instructed to either view the objects or mentally visualize more (in the picture OR in-depth)
them. linear function
• The researchers found that while both imagery and
perception activated similar brain regions, the levels of
activation and contributions of these regions differed
based on whether participants viewed the actual objects or
imagined them.
• This suggests that while sensory perception and mental
imagery engage common neural networks, the intensity
ROTATION Mental representations can take three forms:
• Men and women might use their brains differently when Abstract representations of meaning, verbally
doing mental rotation tasks expressible
- Parietal action = women < men
- Inferior Frontal action = women > men 2. MENTAL IMAGERY:
Mental pictures or scenes we can visualize
- Women = both sides of the brain 3. MENTAL MODELS:
- Men = right side Mental versions of real-life situations, based on
what we believe about them
Study: People were asked to imagine pairs of animals of - Some participants got clear instructions about where
different sizes and it took them longer to describe the smaller things were (determinate descriptions), while others got
animals vague instructions (indeterminate descriptions)
- Mental images = actual perceptions
i.e., a clear description → “Washington, D.C., is between
IMAGE SCANNING Alexandria, Virginia and Baltimore, Maryland”

Study: People can mentally scan a map in their minds, and the i.e., a vague description → “It’s between the Pacific Ocean and
time it takes them to find a location depends on how far it is the Atlantic Ocean”
on the map.
- Almost perfect linear relation Findings:
- Participants encoded the map in the form of an image • Determinate descriptions → people tended to add more
details to their mental picture than what was actually
- BUT they didn’t remember the exact words very well
Study: People with this neglect had trouble remembering - They were using mental models
details from one side of the imaginary scene they were asked
to picture • Indeterminate descriptions → didn’t add as much extra
- Spatial neglect and representational neglect can occur detail to their mental picture
independently - Remembered the exact words of the description better
- Relied more on remembering the words than forming a
• Two Views of Knowledge Representation SPATIAL COGNITION AND COGNITIVE MAPS
There are two main theories about how we represent This is about how we understand space around us and how we
knowledge: create mental maps of our environment
1. Dual Code theory: Knowledge is stored in both images and
2. Propositional theory: Knowledge is represented only in
Scientists studied how different animals navigate their
underlying propositions, not images or symbols surroundings
- Edward Tolman = Rats
• Functionality of Mental Imagery: - Von Frisch = Bees
Mental image = Sensory perception - Thorndyke = Humans
- Mental rotations
- Image scaling Findings: Like rats and bees, humans use their hippocampus
- Image scanning to form mental maps.
• Limits of Analogy between Perception & Imagery TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE IN COGNITIVE MAPS
Some studies involving ambiguous figures and unfamiliar
mental manipulations suggest that there are limits to how a. Landmark Knowledge: Knowing special buildings or
much mental imagery resembles perception landmarks that help us find our way
- When the images are confusing or unfamiliar, our mental
pictures might not work the same way as real ones
b. Route-road Knowledge: Understanding how to get from
one place to another by following a specific road or path HOW PEOPLE CREATE COGNITIVE MAPS
When we imagine these maps, we use both visual (analogical)
c. Survey Knowledge: Having a big-picture view of how and abstract thinking (propositional)
different places are connected on the map - We might visualize the layout in our minds, BUT also think
logically about how these places are related to each other


Organization of knowledge in the
DECLARATIVE VS PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE Basic level = What it is (i.e., “apple”)
Subordinate = Described (i.e., “red, delicious apple)
Declarative Knowledge: Factual information that can be stated
i.e., historical events, math formulas, personal details THEORY
Procedural Knowledge: Knowing how to do something, often • FEATURE BASED CONCEPTS: According to this view,
required through practice and experience concepts are defined by a set of necessary and sufficient
i.e., riding a bike, driving a car or tying shoelaces features
ORGANIZATION OF DECLARATIVE i.e., to be classified as a bird, an animal must have feathers,
KNOWLEDGE wings and lay eggs

Concepts: mental representations of categories or ideas - Each feature is necessary (and sufficient) in this concept.
- Helps us understand and categorize the world around us → Defining features
i.e., the concept of “bird” includes animals like sparrows, eagles i.e. for something to be X, it must have that feature
and penguins
- Linguists use this more (everything just seems much more
Categories: groups of related concepts organized in a hierarchy orderly and systematic)
i.e., within the category of “birds”, we have subcategories like - It does not work as well.
“songbirds,” “birds of prey,” and “waterfowl”
1- Natural Categories: groupings that occur naturally in
the world • PROTOTYPE THEORY: Concepts are categorized based on
i.e., bird or trees their similarity to an average representation or prototype
of the category
2- Artifact Categories: groupings that are invented to
serve a particular purpose or function i.e., when we think of a bird, we might first picture a typical
i.e., kitchen appliances, automobiles bird like a robin, rather than considering all the defining
features of a bird.
CATEGORY? - Characteristic features are very important in this theory.
1. We put objects into one category if it has several i.e., Robins seem much more like a bird than an ostrich,
defining features because it can fly
2. We compare an object with an average representation
(prototype) to decide whether it fits into that category - Defining features are shared throughout all in a category.
3. People can categorize based on their own theories about i.e., however, flying is not a defining feature because,
those objects although it’s typical that birds fly, ostriches cannot fly
Superordinate = General (i.e., “fruit”)
CLASSICAL AND FUZZY CONCEPTS STUDY: Children (5-10 yrs) were presented with descriptions of
individuals exhibiting unusual behaviors, and they were asked to
• Classical Concepts associate these descriptions with the label of “robber”
- Categories with clear and precisely defined boundaries
- Objects either belong or do not, based on defining 1st person: “a smelly, mean old man with a gun in his pocket
features who came to your house and took your TV set because your
parents didn’t want it anymore and told him he could have it.”
i.e., a shape with three sides and three angles is definitively a
“triangle” 2nd person: “a very friendly and cheerful woman who gave you
a hug, but then disconnected your toilet bowl and took it away
• Fuzzy Concepts without permission and with no intention to return it.”
- Less clear boundaries and may vary in membership
depending on context or interpretation Findings:
- Often involve subjective or context-dependent criteria • Younger Children: associated the label of “robber” with
individuals displaying characteristic features (i.e., being
i.e., the category of “art” may include a wide range of diverse mean or carrying a weapon)
works, and what qualifies as “art” may not be the same for
everyone • Older Children: began to consider defining features (i.e.,
act of stealing) in their categorization judgments
REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES: USING EXEMPLARS • Transition: the shift from focusing solely on characteristic
Exemplars: Typical representations of a category features to incorporating defining features was still fuzzy,
- Doesn’t have to be an average of ALL objects even as children matured

Prototype: Averaged representation of ALL objects in a THEORY BASED VIEWS OF CATEGORIZATION

category People categorize concepts based on implicit theories on
general ideas they hold about those concepts
i.e., “birds of prey/hunt” OR “flightless birds”
Prototypes, features, exemplars
A SYNTHESIS: COMBINING FEATURE-BASED Explanations to understand and categorize concepts
i.e., when determining what makes someone a “good sport”,
A full theory of categorization where each category has a individuals might rely on their experiences to form a theory
prototype (characteristic feature) and a core (defining about the characteristics of “good sportsmanship”
Core: the defining features something must have to be • Objective: To explore how individuals' theories influence
considered an example of a category judgments about newly learned concepts.
• Experimental Design: Participants were presented with
stories about a hypothetical creature under two conditions.
• CONCEPT OF A ROBBER • Condition 1: Involving a birdlike creature called a sorp
- Core definition: A robber is someone who take things that experienced a transformation due to an
from others without permission accident.
• Condition 2: Involving a creature known as a doon,
- Prototype: The typical image or characteristics associated which underwent a natural biological change similar
with a robber based on societal stereotypes to the sorp's transformation.

• DISCREPANCY B/W CORE AND PROTOTYPE • Description of the Sorp: The sorp initially resembled a
- White collar criminals: individuals engaging in bird but underwent changes after exposure to hazardous
sophisticated financial crimes like embezzlement may not chemicals, resulting in the growth of additional legs and
fit the typical image of a robber the loss of feathers.

- Marginalized individuals: people from disadvantaged • Description of the Doon: The doon, initially identical to
communities may be wrongly perceived as robbers due to the sorp, shed its feathers and developed characteristics
their alignment with societal stereotypes, even if they similar to the transformed sorp through a natural
haven’t committed theft biological process.
• Participant Ratings: After reading about the sorp and the
doon, participants provided ratings on:
• Whether each creature fit into the category of "bird." - i.e., verifying “A shark is an animal” took longer than “A
Þ Category membership shark is a fish” because “animal” is a more remote
superordinate category than “fish”
• The similarity of each creature to birds
Þ .Similarity

Findings and Implications:

• Categorization judgments were influenced by participants’
implicit theories about the nature of objects

• Participants’ categorization decisions were not solely based

on features or exemplars, but also on their understanding
of the underlying essence or nature of the creatures
• The result suggest that meaning extends beyond a simple
set of features or exemplars
• Children begin forming theories about objects from a - Allows for cognitive economy by avoiding unnecessariness
young age and these theories evolve as they get older - Information stored at higher level in the hierarchy is
appled to ALL items at lower levels
i.e., if you know that dogs and cats are mammals, you store
general mammal characteristics at the mammal level, avoiding
repetition for specific animals
- Unable to explain certain anomalies in data
i.e., participants took longer to verify statements like “a lion is a
mammal” compared to “a lion is an animal” which contradicts
the model’s predictions


Focuses on directly comparing features of different concepts
SEMANTIC NETWORK MODEL rather than strictly adhering to a hierarchy
Our knowledge is organized in our minds as interconnected
concepts, forming a web-like structure. • Instead of categorizing concepts, this method involves
comparing all instances of a particular category based on
COLLINS AND QUILLIAN’S NETWORK MODEL the same set of features.
• Structure: i.e., all mammals can be compared based on features like size,
- The model consists of a hierarchical semantic network, ferocity, and humanness
where concepts are represented as nodes connected by
1. Nodes = concepts
2. Links = relationships between concepts
- category membership
- attributes
i.e., “pig” might be connected to “mammal” through an “is a”
• Study: Participants were asked to verify statements like “A
shark is a fish” or “A shark is an animal.”
- True statements were verified more quickly, but
verification time increased as the hierarchical distance
between concepts grew
• Priming and word-stem completion

Schemas: mental framework for organizing knowledge, creating PROCEDURAL MEMORY
a meaninful structure of related concepts Knowledge of how to perform tasks or actions, often without
i.e., a kitchen schema outlines the typical items found in a the need for conscious awareness or explicit verbalization
kitchen and where to find them
SCRIPTS - Procedural knowledge encompasses
understanding how to perform tasks, skills or
Scripts: specific type of schema that describes the specific action
sequence of events expected to occur in a particular situation - Knowing how to do something rather than
i.e., restaurant visitation knowing facts or information about it
- Include information about:
1. Props: a menu, food, a bill and money • IMPLICIT NATURE:
2. Roles: a waiter, a customer a chef - Once procedural memory is acquired, it becomes
3. Opening Conditions: the hungry customer has money implicit (individuals may not be consciously aware
4. Scenes: entering, ordering, eating, paying of the knowledge but can demonstrate it through
5. Outcomes: the customer has less money, owner has more their actions)
money, the customer is no longer hungry
Scripts enable us to use a mental framework for acting in - Can typically be retrieved and utilized more
certain situations when we must fill in apparent gaps within a quickly than decorative knowledge
given context.
• Study: Participants were presented with stories and asked - Information in procedural knowledge is often
to recall or recognize elements from them. processed in a serial manner
- Recall tasks: participants often recalled elements that - Actions are carried out sequentially (one after
were not explicitly stated in the stories but were part of another)
the scripts they represented
- Recognition tasks: participants were more likely to • PRODUCTION SYSTEM: Can be represented and
attribute sentences to stories if they were script-relevant, organized using a production system, which consists of:
- rules specifying conditions (if-clauses)
• Findings: Scripts guide recall and recognition (what - correspondng actions (then-clauses)
people know) - These rules guide behavior and decision making

THE TYPICALITY EFFECT EXAMPLE: A pedestrian crossing the street at a traffic light-
The phenomenon were atypical information is more readily controlled intersection
recalled during script learning than typical information. - Red light = stop
- Green light = go
Atypical information = more processing effort - Left foot on pavement = step with the right foot
- Right foot on pavement = step with the left foot
- In cases of closed-head injuries (i.e., strong blow to the
head), the typicality effect disappears, and individuals The production system guides the execution of actions based
have EQUAL recall of typical and atypical information on specific conditions.
i.e., when crossing the street, the pedestrian follows the rules
dictated by the traffic light’s color and the position of their

knowledge is organized Various forms of implicit knowledge that individuals possess
- EACH form of organization = different purposes
- Different methods = different situations • FORMS OF NONDECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE
1) Perceptual, Motor, and Cognitive Skills (Procedural
Knowledge): Knowing how to perform tasks or skills
(i.e., riding a bike or solving a puzzle)
2) Simple Associative Knowledge: Associations formed
through classical or operant conditioning, where
stimuli become linked with responses
3) Simple Nonassociative Knowledge: Involves changes
in behavior due to repeated exposure to a stimulus
(i.e., habituation = decreased response to stimuli /
sensitization = increased response to stimuli)

4) Priming: Involves the activation of information along

mental pathways, facilitating the subsequent retrieval
of related informations
- Individuals may not be consciously aware of them
- Can be challenging to articulate or explain them
1. Declarative memory = declarative knowledge
• PRIMING: - Organized in propositional networks
a) Semantic Priming: when a meaningful context or - Nodes can be active or inactive depending on
information primes the retrieval of related information internal (memories/thought processes) or external
i..e., hearing words like “fruits” or “green things” stimuli (sensations)
may prime the retrieval of the word “lime”
2. Procedural memory = procedural knowledge
b) Repetition Priming: involves prior exposure to a stimulus,
priming the subsequent retrieval of the same information 3. Working memory = activated knowledge available for
i.e., hearing the word “lime” may prime the cognitive processing
subsequent recall of the word “lime”
• SPREADING ACTIVATION THEORIES: declarative knowledge within ACT-R
The degree of activation between a prime and a target
node depends on two factors: • SPREADING ACTIVATION:
1. The number of links connecting the prime and the - Occurs within the network, where activation
target spreads from one node to another
- Increasing # of intervening links = decreases the - Closer node = higher degree of activation
likelihood of the priming effect - Less related = lesser activation

2. The relative strengths of each connection:

- Strengthening the connections between the
prime and its target = increases the likelihood of




The Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational model, offers an
integrative framework for representing both declarative and
nondeclarative knowledge The diagram shows a propositional network representing the
facts that wolves feed on carcasses, eat meat, and chase
• Synthesized features of serial information-processing sheep. The network can be extended arbitrarily to represent
models and semantic-network models more information.

• Procedural knowledge = production systems

• Declarative knowledge = propositional networks
- Propositions: smallest unit of knowledge in the
model (true/false)
1. Water Flowing Through Pipes: - Individuals initially process procedural knowledge
• Just as water flows through pipes, activation consciously and explicitly
spreads through interconnected nodes in cognitive - They rely on slow, deliberate and effortful thinking
networks. to understand and execute procedures
• The initiation of activation at one node leads to its - Learning about the steps and rules involved in
transmission to connected nodes. performing a task

2. Valves in Water Pipes: 2. ASSOCIATIVE STAGE

• In the water pipe analogy, valves act as - With repeated practice and application of procedural
gatekeepers, either allowing the flow to continue or knowledge → associative stage
diverting it to other connections. - Execution of procedures becomes more automatic
• Similarly, in cognitive networks, nodes can either and less reliant on conscious effort.
facilitate the spread of activation or inhibit it, - Individuals begin to develop associations b/w
depending on their state. different elements of the procedure
3. Routes Seldom Traveled vs. Frequently Used: 3. AUTONOMOUS STAGE
• Water pipes that are rarely used may gradually - Procedural knowledge becomes fully internalized
contract over time due to lack of flow. and automatic
• Similarly, connections in cognitive networks that are - Effortlessly and with minimal conscious awareness
seldom used may weaken, as they are not reinforced - Highest level of proficiency, where individuals
through frequent activation. demonstrate expertise in performing the task
• Conversely, routes frequently traveled by water
remain open and may even strengthen with increased Proceduralization: overall process by which we transform slow,
flow. explicit information about procedures (“knowing that”) into
• In cognitive networks, connections that are faster, implicit knowledge (“knowing how”)
frequently activated become stronger, facilitating
faster and more efficient information processing. PDP MODEL: the connectionist model
Parallel Distributed Processing model = multiple cognitive
• LEARNING AND MAINTENANCE OF DECLARATIVE operations occur simultaneously
• Knowledge is represented within a network structure
- Declarative knowledge within semantic networks is composed of neuron-like units (nodes)
learned and maintained through the strengthening - Pattern of connections = knowledge (encoded info)
of connections. - Nodes are not that informative
- Frequent use of specific connections leads to their • Each unit is interconnected with many other units, forming
reinforcement, making them more robust and a complex web of connections
facilitating quicker retrieval of associated information.
• Parallel processing = It’s like looking at the whole puzzle
- Conversely, connections that are rarely used may and understanding it instantly, without having to think
weaken over time, impacting information retrieval about each piece separately
• New information = leads to changes in knowledge
procedural knowledge within ACT-R representation in the network (DYNAMIC)
• Activation from incoming information strenghthens or
John Anderson’s ACT-R model explains the acquisition of weakens connections between units, altering the network’s
procedural knowledge through 3 stages: connections
- Excitatory or inhibitory
• Knowledge is a (potential) process not a product
NETWORK MODELS: Nodes represent concepts. Learning =
adding new nodes to the hierarchy
CONNECTIONIST MODEL: Learning = stregthening/weakening
connections between nodes (NOT ADDING NEW ONES)
PROPERTIES OF LANGUAGE 2. Morpheme: smallest unit of meaning
i..e, “recharge” → ‘re’ = repretition, ‘charge’ is the main
1. COMMUNICATE: component of the word
- Allows us to communicate with others who speak the
same language 3. Lexicon: collection of ALL morphemes in a language or
i.e., we can write or speak our thoughts and feelings individual’s vocabulary
→ others can understand them i.e., “student” → “studious” → “studying” = “study”
2. ARBITRARY SYMBOLISM: 4. Syntax: refers to how words are combined to form
- Words are symbols that represent things, actions or sentences, involves understanding the structure of
ideas. sentences
- The connection between a word and what it i.e., noun phrases (the man) and verb phrases (run)
represents is subjective
i.e., the word “tree” doesn’t look like an actual tree, LANGUAGE COMPREHENSION
it’s just a symbol we’ve agreed upon to represent that
- Although we’re good at understanding spoken words,
3. REGULAR STRUCTURE sometimes variations in pronunciation or
- Language follows specific patterns. coarticulation (overlapping of sounds) can make it
- Certain arrangements of sounds or letters create tricky
meaningful words, while others don’t b) COARTICULATION
- Specific patterns of words form meaningful - When sounds blend together as we speak
sentences and paragraphs, while random ones don’t - It happens both in spoken and sign language
- Necessary for the effective transmission of speech
- Can be analyzed at different levels (i.e., sounds,
words, sentences, paragraphs, books) c) ALTERNATIVE THEORIES OF SPEECH PERCEPTION
- Each level adds meaning and complexity - Some theories say we break down speech into
smaller parts and then match them up to what we
5. PRODUCTIVITY already know (speech segmentation)
- We have the ability to produce language creatively.
- Can combine words in new ways to express new ideas - Others suggest we have templates for common
or thoughts = endless possibilities words that we compare new words to
6. DYNAMIC NATURE Understanding speech is unique compared to other things
- Constantly evolving we perceive because it involves language, and the way
- New words and phrases are added → language use information is packaged for us to understand is special
- Changed by individual language users and are SPEECH PERCEPTION AS ORDINARY
accepted/rejected by the wider community When we hear someone speak, our brain processes speech
i.e., the word “selfie” was added to the dictionary in sounds similarly to how it processes other sounds (i.e., animal
2014 noises)
- Speech = just another sound
There are two main theoires about how we understand speech
1. Phoneme: smallest unit of sound and can change the
meaning of a word TEMPLATE THEORIES
i.e., changing the ‘s’ in ‘sit’ to a ‘f’ sound makes it ‘fit’ Our brain compares the sounds we hear to templates stored in
our memory until it finds a match
FEATURE MATCHING THEORIES Speech = special because it’s part of language (a unique
Our brain tries to match the features of the sounds to those human ability)
stored in our memory, instead of comparing entire patterns
Categorical Perception: Even though speech sounds vary
You hear a sound, represent here as the letter “R” continuously, we perceive them in categories.
(Sensory Input)
i.e., the sounds “ba,” “da,” and “ga” are perceived differently
1. FEATURE DEMONS: Analyze the sound’s features. even though they’re made up of similar sound waves
- Details like the presence of one vertical line, two
horizontal lines - Speech is perceived via specialized processes
- Dissecting into basic characteristics
Coordinating Visual and Auditory Perception: When we listen
2. COGNITIVE DEMONS: Take the features by the to someone speak, we don’t just rely on what we hear.
feature demons and try to match them to known - We also rely on visual cues, like lip movements
- They suggest that the sound might correspond to the THE MCGURK EFFECT
letters D, P or R (based on the features observed) When watching someone speak, if their lips movement don’t
match the sound you hear, your brain mixes the two and you
3. DECISION DEMONS: Makes the final call. It hear a blend of both.
considers suggestions from cognitive demons and
determines which letter you likely heard.
- If the features match those of the letter R the
most, the decision demon concludes that you heard
the letter R
However, speech perception can be different because what
we perceive may not always match the actual sounds
reaching our ears.
- Differences in thoughts or contexts


Phonemic restoration = Closure (Gestalt) • RIGHT SIDE OF THE MOUTH: If it is covered, the
Other principles McGurk effect was less likely to happen.
- Symmetry - People pay more attention to the right side
- Proximity
- Similarity • SUPERIOR TEMPORAL LOCUS: When it was interrupted,
the McGurk effect decreased
Imagine hearing this sentence: "It was found that the *eel was - Area plays a role in mixing visual and auditory speech
on the _____." The * represents a cough, so you miss the first signals
sound in "eel".
- Your brain fills in the gap based on what makes • MOTOR CORTEX: Researchers disrupted the area of the
sense in the context. brain that helps perceive lip movements
- So, you might hear "the wheel was on the axle" or - Participants had difficultiy distinguishing between
"the heel was on the shoe." sounds like “ba” and “da” (sounds that involve moving
the lips) but not sounds like “ka” and “ga” (sounds
When we hear words in isolation (without any context), we that don’t involve moving the lips)
don’t always understand them perfectly. - The area that helps us move our lips is also involved
- Our ability to recognize words depends on factors in understanding certain speech sounds
like how fast the speaker talks
i.e., we might correctly identify isolated words only • LIP READING: Especially in noisy environments, lip
about 41% (fast) -68% (slow) of time time reading becomes more important when we cannot hear
the speech.
THEORIES THAT CONSIDER SPEECH PRODUCTION AS - Older adults rely more on visual cues from lip
• COMPLEXITY: Speech perception involves both linguistic • Prescriptive Grammar: the “correct” ways of structuring
(language related) and perceptual (sensory related) language use
aspects, making it complex.
• Descriptive Grammar: the actual structures, functions and
------------- FINAL ------------------ relationships of words in language


• Semantics: Understanding the meaning of words and People tend to use and understnd syntactical structures more
sentences in a language easily when they have recently encountered similar structures
• Semanticists: People who study how words and sentences STUDY: Participants who read a sentence with a certain
convey meaning syntactical structure (“Amanda carried Fernando the package.”)
rated another sentence with a similar structure (“Igor lugged
• Denotation: Refers to the literal, dictionary definition of a Dr. Frankenstein the corpse.”) as more grammatical compared
word to a control group.
- Demonstrates how exposure to certain syntactical
i.e., “home” : a place where one lives permanently, especially structures can influence how we perceive & use
as a member of a family or household language
• Connotation: Refers to the emotional or implied meanings
of a words • Word Switching: when we accidently switch the
- Including its associations and implications beyond placement of two words in a sentence
the strict dictionary definition - Often still form grammatical but nonsensical
i.e., “home” : can evoke positive feelings for some, negative sentences
feelings for others. - We tend to switch similar types of words with each
→ personal experiences & cultural contexts other. (i.e., nouns for nouns, verbs for verbs, etc.)
• Mental Lexicon: All words and their meanings are stored i.e., “I put the oven in the cake” is nonsensical but still
in our mental lexicon (mental dictionary) grammatically correct.
- Helps us retrieve word meaning when needed
• Semantic Categorization (Warrington and colleagues): We PHRASE-STRUCTURE GRAMMAR
categorize objects based on their: helps us understand how sentences are constructed by
- Function: for human-made objects breaking them down into functional components:
- Appearance: for living things
• Parsing: When composing sentences, we analyze and
i.e., we distinguish b/w a horse and a donkey based on divide them into functional parts
their appearance
• Syntactical Categories: We assign appropriate syntactical
• Multiple Meanings: Many words have more than one categories (parts of speech) to each component of the
meaning. sentence
- “foot” : body part i.e., nouns, verbs, articles, etc.,
- “foot” : bottom of the hill
• Example Sentence Analysis:
• Dominant vs Subordinate Meanings:
- Dominant = Used more frequently “The girl looked at the boy with the telescope.”
- Subordinate = Used less frequently - Noun phrase
- Verb phrase
• Contextual Influence: the meaning we ascribe to a word
depends largely on the context in which it appears FURTHER BREAKDOWN:
- Interpretation A: VP contains a verb and two
- Interpretation B: VP contains a verb and one
Syntax: the systematic way in which words can be combined prepositional phrase
and sequenced to form meaningful phrases and sentences
- The arrangement of words in a sentence also matter
Grammar: recognizing common patterns in language
- show how words in a sentence work together • Models for Linking Syntax & Semantics:
- cover everything from how we talk during - Various models propose ways to bridge the elements
conversations to how we pronounce and understand in our mental lexicon with the elements in syntactical
single words structures.
i.e., slots are created for each part of a sentence
based on syntactical categories → matching up with
different roles in communication
Thematic Roles:
- the agent, the “doer” of any action
- the patient, the direct recipient of the action
- the beneficiary, the indirect recipient of the action
- the instrument, the means by which the action is
- the location, the place where the action occurs
TRANSFORMATIONAL GRAMMAR: NEW - the source, where the action originated
APPROACH TO SYNTAX (Chomsky) - the goal, where the action is going
Transformational Grammar: we need to look not only at how i.e., the slot of subject noun might be filled by the
words fit together in sentences but also at how sentences thematic role of agent. Nouns that can fill agent roles
connect to each other can be inserted into slots for subjects of phrases.
- Uses rules to explain how one idea can be expressed Patient roles correspond to slots for direct objects.
in different sentences Beneficiary roles fit with indirect objects, and so on.
- Helps us understand how sentences with similar
meanings can look different PERCEPTUAL ISSUES IN READING
• Deep structure: basic meaning Reading involves various cognitive processes such as
• Surface structure: how the sentence actually looks perception, language, memory, thinking and intelligence
- Recognizing letters
“Susie greedily ate the crocodile.” - Forming words
and - Maintaining their meaning in memory
“The crocodile was eaten greedily by Susie.” - Understanding the writer’s message
- Both have the same meaning although they look
different on the surface processes in reading:
- Traditional phrase-structure grammar doesn’t show
this connection between them
• Perceptual Issues: recognition of letters involves spelling,
translating them into sounds (phonological code) and
RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SYNTACTICAL sequencing sounds to form words
• Lexical Processes: identify words, activate relevant
• Chomsky’s Proposal: information about them in memory and comprehend their
- Chomsky suggested that our mental lexicon (mental meaning
dictionary) also contain information about how words
fit into sentences • Comprehension Processes: understanding the text as a
- This includes the word’s syntactical category (i.e., whole
noun, verb, et.c.), where it can be used in a sentence
(i.e., subject, object, etc.), and any special rules it Learning to read involves mastering lexical and comprehension
follows (i..e, irregular verbs) processes.
• Purpose:
- Simplifies language processing by allowing simpler
rules in our mental syntax WHEN READING IS A PROBLEM – DYSLEXIA
• Disagreements: Dyslexia: difficulty in deciphering, reading and comprehending
- Not all psychologists agree with syntax > semantics text
- Some believe syntax alone cannot fully explain
language comprehension & expression
types of dyslexia: - To enjoy reading → known around 98% of words
1. Developmental Dyslexia: begins in childhood - Bigger vocabulary = process info faster
- Biological and environmental causes
- Abnormalities in certain chromosomes (3, 6, and 15) • Comprehending Unknown Words: Figuring out what words
mean by looking at the words around them
2. Acquired Dyslexia: results from a traumatic brain injury
i.e., If you read “She used a lot of esoteric words in her
brain activation: speech,” you might guess “esoteric” means something complex
or hard to understand
• Hypoactivation in their left temporoparietal cortex
• Understanding Text Based on Context & POV: Seeing
• Atypical activation in: how different people might understand the same story in
- Left prefrontal region: linked with working memory different way
- What we remember from a given passage of text
- Left occipitotemporal regions: linked with visual often depends on our POV
analysis of words
i..e, If one person reads a scary story and thinks it’s exciting,
- Left middle and superior temporal gyri: linked with but another person reads it and feels scared, it shows how
receptive language different people can feel about the same thing.

UNDERSTANDING CONVERSATIONS AND • Comprehending Ideas with Propositional

Representations: Understanding the main points of what
ESSAYS: DISCOURSE you’re reading
- Proposition: simplest part of a sentence that can be
Discourse: language units larger than individual sentences true or false
i.e., conversations, lectures, stories and essays - Important propositions in a story stick in your
memory longer than less important ones.
i.e., When reading a story, you know who the characters are and
what they're doing because you follow their conversations and i.e., If you’re reading a story about a detective solving a
actions. mystery, details about the crime are more important than what
the characters ate for breakfast.
• Deciphering Text: Readers often rely on context &
expectations to decode text effectively
i.e., If you read "The sun was as hot as a frying pan," you know
the sun is very hot because frying pans are hot. • WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
- Once words are semantically encoded, the reader
• Comprehending Known Words: Understanding words you must build a mental picture of what’s going on
already know the meaning of
i.e., When you read the word “dog”, you picture a furry animal - Like creating a mini-movie in our heads based on
with four legs and a wagging tail. what we have read
- Our way of making sense of the story
- Semantic Encoding: how we turn the letters we see - Simulates what is going on in the world
into meaningful words based on what we already
know about their meanings • HOW IT WORKS?
- Reader creates some sort of mental representation
- Lexical Access: we spot words based on their letters, of the main elements of the text
activating our memory about those words - Sometimes we use things we already know to help us
- STUDY: People with larger vocabularies understand
text faster and better i.e., “The loud bang scared Alice.”
→ We might imagine Alice getting scared when she hears a
- To understand text easily → know around 95% of loud noise
words used → If we remember how people react to loud noises, it would
helps us understand the situation in the story.
Language in context
language and thought: how they connect
3. Verbal Overshadowing Effect:
• Language Shapes Thoughts: The words we use influence - Describing an event in detail can actually impair
how we think about things memory recall
• Differences in Languages: Every language has its own - Participants who described an event were less
words and rules. accurate in recalling details compared to those who
- Differences are often shaped by culture & did not describe it
environment where the language developed
4. Language and Memory for Incidents:
LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY: SAPIR-WHORF - Language influences how much people remember
HYPOTHESIS about incidents

Different languages → different cognitive systems STUDY: When objects were unintentionally broken,
- Affects how people understand and perceive the - English speakers were more likely to use agentive
world language (i.e., “he crushed the can.”)
- Spanish speakers used non-agentive language (i.e.,
Sapir: Language habits influence how we interpret experiences “the can was crushed.”)
Whorf: Language organizes our perception of the world - Language did not influence participants’ memory for
intentional “accidents”, but when something is broken
• Milder form of linguistic relativism: by accident, English speakers were able to remember
- While language may not entirely determine thought, agents better
it influences it.
1. Labelling Ambiguous Figures: UNIVERSALS
- When participants are given a label for an ambiguous
figure, it influences how they perceive and remember Linguistic Universals: refer to patterns found across ALL
it. languages, suggesting common structure/rules

i..e, labelling a figure as “eyeglasses” or “dumbbells” Deep Structure (Noam Chomsky): syntax of all languages
changes how participants draw the figure
color naming across languages:
• Basic Color Terms: (Berlin and Kay)

STUDY: Found that languages tend to select basic color terms

from a set of 11 names
black, white, red, yellow, green, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange
and gray

• Hierarchy of Color Naming: When languages use only

some of these color terms, they follow a hierarchy of five
2. Effects on Memory: levels
- Language affects how we encode, store and retrieve
information in memory 1) Black - White
- Eyewitness testimony can be influenced by how 2) Red
questions are phrased 3) Yellow – Green – Blue
4) Brown
i..e, using the word “smashed” in questions about a car 5) Purple – Pink – Orange – Gray
accident leads to higher estimates of speed
- Two colors: black and white
- Three colors: black, white and red
- Fourth color: selected from yellow, green and blue
- Fifth & sixth colors: also chosen from yellow, green speakers perceive these relationships
and blue
- Selection continues until all 11 colors have been • Grammatical Gender and Description: the gender of
labelled nouns in a language can influence how speakers describe
and perceive objects
• Variations in Color Naming: While the basic set of color
terms is consistent, the order of selection within • Language Acquisition and Cognition: differences in how
categories may vary between cultures children learn languages suggest that early linguistic
experiences can shape cognitive development
universality in color perception:
• Common Color Perception:
STUDY (Regier, Kay and Cook, 2005): Across different
languages, people tend to select similar colors as the “best • Experiment by Hoffman, Lau, & Johnson (1986):
examples” for basic color terms like red, yellow, green and blue - Chinese Term "Shì GÈ": Describes someone worldly,
experienced, socially skillful, devoted to family, and
• Effects of Language on Color Perception somewhat reserved. English lacks a single term for
- Color categories vary depending on the speaker’s this concept.
- Procedure: Bilingual participants read passages
- Berinmo Speakers: (New Guinea) combine what we describing characters either in Chinese or English.
call green & blue under one name, “nol” These passages included characteristics of a "shì gÈ"
- Russian Speakers: Distinguish between light blue person without using the term.
- Results: Participants who read in Chinese were more
(“goluboy”) and dark blue (“siniy”) as separate colors
likely to rate characters in line with the "shì gÈ"
1. Universal Color Naming stereotype and describe them similarly. This suggests
Across different cultures, people often categorize and name that language influences how readily certain concepts
colors similarly, likely due to shared human physiology and are accessed and used in thought.
common environmental factors. Basic color terms for white,
black, red, green, yellow, and blue are found in almost all historical context of linguistic relativity:
• Pre-Sapir and Whorf: Language's role in shaping thought
2. Variable Color Categories was not a key focus in psychology.

The specific boundaries and number of color categories can • Sapir and Whorf's Thesis: They proposed that language
vary significantly between cultures. Some languages have more significantly shapes thought.
distinctions (e.g., light blue vs. dark blue), while others have - Dialectic in action
fewer basic color terms.
• Subsequent Research: Some psychologists aimed to show
3. Influence on Perception and Cognition that language does not control thought.

The names and categories we use for colors can affect how we modern perspective:
perceive and think about them. Language influences our ability
to differentiate and remember colors, showing that how we • Synthesis View: Most psychologists today agree that
describe colors can shape our perception. language influences thought, but not as strongly as Sapir
and Whorf suggested.
• Interaction Over Time: Language and thought
• Rules and categories in a language can shape how continuously influence each other throughout a person’s
speakers perceive and think about the world life (Vygotsky, 1986).

• Bilingual Insights: studying bilinguals helps understand eye movement and reading
how multiple languages influence cognitive processes
• Eye Movements and Cognitive Processes:
• Prepositions and Perception: Different languages - how long readers look at words = cognitive processing
categorize spatial relationships differently, affecting how i.e., readers look longer at low-frequency words (e..g.,
vituperative) than high-frequency words (e..g., house)
• Critical in understanding how we process written language 2. DUAL SYSTEM HYPOTHESIS:
moment-to-moment - Each language is represented in separate systems or
regions of the brain
• Highlights the impact of word frequency and preview - STUDY: Languages might be stored in distinct areas,
information on reading, supporting the idea that cognitive allowing for differential access and processing
processing drives eye movements
i.e., German and English language information might
BILINGUISM AND DIALECTS be stored in different parts of the brain

AGE as a significant factor SLIPS OF THE TONGUE

Slips: unintentional mistakes in speech
• Often believed that native-like mastery of a second
language is hard to achieve after adolescense
• These errors can happen at various levels of language
• Other researchers disagree: - Phonemes (smallest units of sounds)
- Some studies argue that aspects like vocabulary and - Morphemes (smallest units of meaning)
fluency can be acquired well even after adolescense - Larger language units
- Mastery of native-like pronunciation often requires
early acquisition, but some adults achieve high psychoanalytic perspective
• Freudian Slips: verbal slips reflect unconscious processes
critical periods with psychological significance
- Repressed emotions or thoughts
• Some researchers argue that there are no strict critical
periods for second-language acquistion i.e., Saying “I’m glad to beat you” instead of “I’m glad to
meet you” might reveal hidden competitive feelings
• Adults may struggle because their native language remains
dominant, while children may switch dominance due to mental plan disruptions
environmental necessity (i.e., school)
• Cognitive psychologists argue that slips occur because of
learning strategies disruptions in the mental plan for speech

• Effective second-language learning experiences vary based • When the speech production mechanism fails to align with
on individual cognitive abilities and the specific context in cognitive intentions
which the second language will be used
• Errors may be caused by:
• Tailoring learning experiences to the individual’s needs and - intrusions of other thoughts
future language use is crucial - environmental stimuli (i.e., background noise or
nearby conversations)
Bilingusim: One System or Two?
1. SINGLE SYSTEM HYPOTHESIS: Metaphors: a figure of speech that implicitly compares two
- Both languages are represented in one integrated unrelated things, typically by stating that one thing is another
system or brain region
- STUDY: early bilinguals who learn two languages i.e., “your room is a pigsty.”
simultaneously, may have a single, unified language
system in the brain Similes: compare items using “like” or “as”

i.e., “the child was as quiet as a mouse”

social function
• Enriching communication: metaphors add depth and
nuance to language, enhancing social interactions
i.e., saying “you are a prince” suggests that the person
possesses qualities associated with royalty (e.g., nobility or


Pragmatics: how people use language, including sociolinguistic
factors and social context
Adaptation: individuals often unconsciously adjust their
language patterns to fit different social contexts CHARACTERISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL
establishing common ground
Cooperative Principle: Conversations are based on the principle
• Shared background knowledge: common ground is easily of cooperation, where speakers aim to communicate in ways
established among individuals who share similar that facilitate understanding for their listeners
backgrounds, knowledge, motives or goals
Grice’s Maxims:
• Challenges: finding common ground becomes harder when
little is shared 1. Maxim of Quantity: provide enough info to convey your
message, but not more than necessary
• Nonverbal Communication: gestures and vocal inflections 2. Maxim of Quality: be truthful and provide accurate info
aid in establishing common ground 3. Maxim of Relation: be relevant to the topic of
4. Maxim of Manner: be clear, concise and avoid ambiguity
proxemics: personal space or obscurity
Proxemics: study of interpersonal distance and proximity *Maxim of Turn-Taking: only one person speaks at a time
- Situational context and relative social positions of
- United States: 2.45 to 2.72 feet (about 75 cm) speakers influence turn-taking patterns
- Mexico: 1.65 to 2.14 feet (about 50 cm) - Signalling turn taking: speakers use various cues and
- Costa Rica: 1.22 to 1.32 feet (about 35 cm) signals to indicate when it’s appropriate to take turns
Cultural Differences: Scandinavians expect more distance,
while Middle Easterners, southern Europeans, and South purposeful use of maxims
Americans expect less.
• Achieving communication goals: speakers may
intentionally violate or manipulate the conversational
variations in personal space maxims to achieve specific communication goals
- Ambiguity: intentionally providing incomplete or
• Within-Culture Differences: expectations of personal ambiguous information to make a point
space vary even within the same culture - Topic shift: purposefully changing the topic to divert
from a heated discussion to a safer one
• Contextual Differences: personal space differs based on
the context of interaction • Explicit Message: by using/manipulating the maxims,
- Colleagues vs. employee-supervisor interactions speakers send explicit messages about their intentions or
- Women vs. men interactions the direction of the conversation
• Virtual Environments:
Gender and language
- Even in virtual environments, violations of personal
space cause discomfort Content Differences
- Individuals whose personal space is violated in virtual • Young Girls' Communication: More likely to ask for help
environments tend to move away when given the compared to young boys.
• Texting Differences: Boys perceive girls' texts as long and
Þ 0-45 cm---private space containing unnecessary elements, while girls may find boys'
Þ 45-125 cm---personal space texts brisk and short.
Þ 125-370--- social space
Þ 370-more---general space
• Adolescent and Young Adult Communication: • Semantic Processing: 5 brain regions mostly in the left
- Males: Prefer discussing political views, sources of hemisphere involved in storage and retrieval of meanings
personal pride, and positive traits of others. - ventral temporal lobes
- Females: Discuss feelings towards parents, close - angular gyrus
friends, classes, and fears. - inferior frontal gyrus
- dorsal prefrontal cortex
• Self-Disclosure: Women generally disclose more about - posterior cingulate gyrus
themselves compared to men.
gender differences in language
• Men's Perspective: View the world as a hierarchical social
order where communication serves to negotiate for
dominance, preserve independence, and avoid failure. • PHONOLOGICAL PROCESSING:
• Women's Perspective: Seek to establish connections, give - Men and women show differences in brain activation
support, and reach consensus through communication. during phonological tasks
- MEN: more in the left inferior frontal region
• Women's Strategies: Aim to minimize differences, Study Design
establish equity, and avoid superiority. Affirm the • fMRI Tasks: Participants were asked to perform tasks
importance of relationships and negotiate consensus. involving letter recognition, word meaning, word rhyming,
• Men's Strategies: Prioritize independence and and line length comparison (control task).
assertiveness. Prefer informing over consulting, indicating • Participants: Both men and women participated in the
higher status conferred by authority. study.


• Miscommunication: Differences in conversational goals • Letter Recognition and Word Meaning Tasks:
between men and women may lead to misunderstandings. - Activation: Both men and women showed activation
in the left temporal lobe of the brain.
i.e., Male partners may inform rather than consult their • Rhyming Task:
female partners, leading to misinterpretation of intentions. - Men: Activated only the inferior frontal region of
the left hemisphere.
- Women: Activated the inferior frontal region of
do animals have language? both the left and right hemispheres.
• Interpretation:
Language superiority in Humans: while nonhuman animals - Men localized phonological processing more in the
exhibit communication abilities, human language far surpasses left hemisphere's inferior frontal region compared
that of other species studied to women.
Chomsky’s Question: The evolution of language in nonhuman GENDER DIFFERENCES IN BRAIN LOCALIZATION:
animals would be an extraordinary phenomenon, like finding Men:
humans capable of flying - Left-Hemisphere Dominance: Men tend to show more
left-hemisphere dominance for linguistic function.
Neuropsychology of language Women:
- Bilateral Patterns: Women exhibit more bilateral,
BRAIN STRUCTURES INVOLVED IN symmetrical patterns of linguistic function in the brain.
• Neuroplasticity: following damage to major left - Aphasic men tend to show lesions in posterior brain
hemisphere language areas, neurological language regions
functioning can redistribute to other brain areas - Aphasic women typically have lesions in the anterior
- Brain’s ability to adapt region

• Word Recognition: fMRI studies show that the middle • SUBCORTICAL DIFFERENCES:
part of the superior temporal sulcus (STS) responds - Possible subcortical differences in linguistic function
strongly to speech sounds, predominantly in the left complicate the interpretation of gender-based
hemisphere language localization
The brain and sign language: 3. GLOBAL APHASIA:
- Severe impairment in both comprehension and
• Brain Processing: both signing and speech are processed speech production
similarly in terms of linguistic function in the brain - Lesions affecting both Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas,
commonly resulting from strokes
• Lesion Effects: Lesions affecting speech also impact
signing, indicating a shared neurological basis 4. ANOMIC APHASIA:
- Difficulty in naming objects or retrieving words
• Implications: sign language is not merely a spatial or - SYMPTOMS:
Þ inability to name objects upon seeing them
nonlinguistic form of communication but engages language
Þ specific difficulties in recalling names, such as
processing mechanisms in the brain
those of living things
Aphasia: language impairment resulting from brain damage
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): developmental disorder
marked by abnormalities in social behavior, language and
- Has biological origins, with identified genetic


• Frontal and parietal lobes

• Cerebellum
• Brainstem
• Corpus callosum
• Basal ganglia
• Amygdala
• Hippocampus


1. WERNICKE’S APHASIA: • Speech Development: approximately half of autistic

- Damage to Wernicke’s area in the brain children do not develop functional speech
- Impaired understanding of spoken words and
sentences • Echolalia: repetitively echo words or phrases heard
- Production of sentences with correct structure but - Can occur hours after initial exposure
nonsensical content
• Semantic Encoding: autistic people may experience
i.e., “yeah, that was the pumpkin furthest from my difficulties in the semantic encoding of language,
thoughts” affecting their comprehension and use of language

- Speech-language therapy focusing on nonverbal

communication support
- Damage to Broca’s area
- Agrammatical speech production while verbal
comprehension remains largely intact

i.e., “Stroke … Sunday … arm, talking – bad.”

- Broca’s area activation extends to imagined or actual
sign production
- Area important for speech production
Human intelligence
WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE? 3. WPPSI-lll (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of
Intelligence, 3rd Edition): specifically created for
Intelligence: the capacity to learn from experience, using assessing intelligence in preschool and primary school-aged
metacognitive processes to enhance learning, and the ability to children
adapt to the surrounding environment
The Wechsler scales typically had multiple scores, reflecting
Metacognition: people’s understanding and control of their own different aspects of intelligence:
thinking processes
Historically, the Wechsler adult tests yielded three scores:
• Cultural Considerations: what is considered intelligent in • a verbal score
one culture may differ from another • a performance score
• an overall score
- Refers to the ability to perceive, understand and FOR WISC-IV:
regulate emotions (both in oneself and others)
- Plays a significant role in successful adaptation to a) Verbal Comprehension: assessing language-based abilities,
new environments and interpersonal relationships including vocabulary and verbal reasoning
2. SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE: b) Perceptual Reasoning: evaluating non-verbal problem-
- Involves understanding and interacting effectively solving skills, such as spatial reasoning and visual
with others processing
- Navigating social situations with skill and insight
c) Working Memory: measuring the ability to hold and
3. CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE (CQ): manipulate information in the mind over short periods
- The ability to adapt to diverse cultural contexts and
challenges d) Processing Speed: gauging how quickly individuals can
- Demonstrating flexibility and effectiveness in process and respond to information
multicultural environments
differences between stanford-binet and wechsler
Some psychologists define intelligence as whatever it is that
the tests measure intelligence scales
- Explicit definitions of intelligence often center
• Vocabulary • Comprehension
MEASURES AND STRUCTURES comprehension • Vocabulary
• Absurdities verbal • Providing
relations generally known
• Standford-Binet Test was the standard intelligence test info
- Widely used for assessing cognitive abilities Verbal Scale
“What does the word
• The Wechsler Intelligence Scale developed by David diligent mean?” “What does it mean
Wechsler has become more prevalent when people say ‘A
stitch in time saves
wechsler intelligence scale • Solving simple • Similar, but may
arithmetic word focus more on
Versions tailored for different age groups: problems practical
1. WAIS-IV (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 4th “If Paul has $14.43,
Edition): Designed for assessing intelligence in adults and he buys two “How many hours will
sandwiches that cost it take to travel 1,200
2. WISC-IV (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th $5.23 each, how much miles if you are
Edition): used to evaluate intelligence in children change will he traveling 60 miles per
receive?” hour?”
• Tests short-term • Similar, but may SPEARMAN: THE “g” FACTOR
memory by vary in sequence
repeating number length and Developed factor analysis as a statistical method to explore
sequences presentation the relationships between different variables
Digit Span forward or - Allowed him to uncover underlying factors that
backward. “Repeat these influence test performance
numbers, just as I am
“Repeat these #s telling you: 6, 9, 3, 2, two factor theory
backward: 9, 1, 8, 3, 6” 8”
• Tasks like object • Also includes through factor analytic studies, Spearman proposed that
assembly, block tasks like object intelligence consists of two types of factors:
design, picture assembly and
completion, and block design but
picture may have 1. GENERAL FACTOR (g): Spearman identified a single
arrangement variations or general factor (“g”), which he believed underlies
Performance additional tasks performance across ALL mental tasks
Scale - Reflects overall cognitive ability or mental energy
“Put together these - Individuals with higher levels of “g” showed superior
pieces to make “Arrange these performance across various cognitive tasks
something. Assemble pictures in an order
the blocks at the left that tells a story, and 2. SPECIFIC FACTORS: Alongside the general factor,
to match the design then tell what is Spearman recognized specific factors that are involved in
at the right.” happening in the performance on individual types of mental tasks (i.e.,
story.” arithmetic or spatial reasoning)
• Tasks involving
matching • General factor “g” is very important in understanding
symbols to intelligence.
numerals and • Specific factors are secondary, given their limited
transcribing relevance to overall intellectual functioning

Digit Symbol “Look carefully at the THURSTONE: PRIMARY MENTAL ABILITIES

key, showing which
symbols correspond Spearman’s single general factor theory
to which numerals. In
the blanks, write the Thurstone: Intelligence comprises multiple distinct factors
correct numeral for (primary mental abilities) independent of each other.
the symbol above - each of these primary mental abilities could be
each blank.” directly assessed through specific tests tailored to
measure them.
- Focus more on verbal reasoning and vocabulary SEVEN PRIMARY MENTAL ABILITIES:
1. Verbal Comprehension: The ability to understand and use
WECHSLER: language effectively, assessed through vocabulary tests.
- Emphasize practical problem-solving and visual-spatial
abilities more prominently in its performance scale 2. Verbal Fluency: The ability to generate words quickly and
fluently, typically measured by tasks requiring rapid word
• Differ slightly in their content areas and the specific generation.
tasks used to measure intelligence.
3. Inductive Reasoning: The ability to identify patterns, make
inferences, and draw logical conclusions, assessed through
tasks like analogies and number-series completion.

4. Spatial Visualization: The ability to mentally manipulate

and visualize objects in space, often evaluated through
tasks involving mental rotation of images.
5. Number: The capacity for numerical reasoning and
mathematical problem-solving, measured by arithmetic and
computation tasks. ** STRATUM ll: where broader abilities like fluid intelligence
and crystallized intelligence are situated
6. Memory: The ability to encode, store, and retrieve • IMPORTANT!!
information, assessed through tests of picture and word • Various abilities such as
recall. - learning and memory processes;
- Visual and auditory perception;
7. Perceptual Speed: The speed and accuracy with which one - Verbal fluency
can perceive and process visual information, evaluated - Speed of response
through tasks involving rapid visual discrimination or
pattern recognition. STRATUM lll: at the top level is a single general intelligence
factor, like Spearman’s “g” factor.


Researchers have considered both the speed and the
HIERARCHICAL MODELS accuracy of information processing to be important factors in
cattell’s two factor model
General intelligence consists of two major subfactors: Process-timing theories
1) FLUID ABILITY: capacity for speed and accuracy in Inspection time: the time it takes to inspect items and make
abstract reasoning, particularly when dealing with decisions about them
novel problems - Shorter inspection times = higher scores on IQ tests
across different populations
2) CRYSTALLIZED ABILITY: accumulated knowledge
and vocabulary, reflecting one’s learned skills and
experiences choice reaction time
Intelligence may be understood in terms of the speed of
neuronal conduction
vernon's model
expanded on Cattell’s framework Higher IQ → exhibit faster reaction times in tasks requiring
- Within fluid and crystallized abilities, there are rapid responses
further subfactors;
- General divison between practical-mechanical and
verbal-educational abilities lexical access speed and speed of simultaneous
carroll's hierarchical model Lexical-access speed: the speed at which individuals retrieve
most comprehensive and widely accepted among psychometric information about words
models - Faster lexical access = High verbal ability
STRATUM l: This level includes specific abilities • Intelligence is also related to the ability to divide attention
(i.e., spelling ability, speed of reasoning) between tasks effectively.
- More intelligence individuals = better at multitasking
and allocating attention efficiently
STUDY: Participants are presented with pairs of letters and INTEGRATIVE APPROACH
asked to determine if they match in name or physical Combined models of various kinds of cognitive functioning as
characteristics. bases for intelligence
- The difference in reaction time between these tasks - Avoids attributing intelligence solely to one specific
provides a measure of speed of lexical access, which source
controls for perceptual processing time. - Complexity of intelligence
Correlation with Intelligence Measures:
Hihger intelligence = faster information processing abilities 4 SOURCES OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN
- Inspection time
- Choice Reaction time 1) Breadth of Declarative Knowledge:
- Lexical Access timing - Extent of an individual’s factual knowledge across
various domains
Encoding, Retrieval and Responding: - Knowledge of facts, concepts, principles and theories
More rapid encoding, retrieval and responding = higher IQ acquired through learning and experience
- Exact reasons for this assoc. are not fully understood 2) Breadth of Procedural Skills:
and require further research! - Ability to perform tasks efficiently and effectively
- Skills related to: problem-solving, decision-making,
Age-Related Differences: motor coordination and other practical abilities
While processing speed may influence initial performance on acquired through practice and experience
tasks like recall, it may not contribute significantly to long
term learning. 3) Capacity of Working Memory:
- Ability to temporarily hold and manipulate information
- Older adults, despite slower processing speeds, can in the mind while performing cognitive tasks
still retain information effectively through cognitive - Higher working memory capacity → process & store
processes like rehearsal more information simultaneously (aiding in complex
cognitive tasks)
Implications for Learning and Intelligence:
Speed of information processing may aid performance on IQ 4) Speed of Processing:
tests but may not directly contribute to learning and - How quickly individuals can process and respond to
intelligence. information
- Speed at which sensory info is encoded, processed
WORKING MEMORY and responded to
- Speed of cognitive processing and decision-making
Working memory: the capacity to store and manipulate
information temporarily, allowing individuals to hold information BIOLOGICAL BASES OF INTELLIGENCE
in mind while performing tasks
• Karl Lashley & others studied the brain to find biological
STUDY: Participants were asked to recall the last word of indicators of intelligence and other aspects of mental
passages they had read (Recency effect) processes
- Recall performance = verbal ability
- Importance of working memory in language related • They are NOT causal relations.
STUDY: Participants solved arithmetic problems followed by - Larger brains = better performance on IQ tests?
recalling words or digits. - Not clear
- # of words recalled was found to be strongly - How efficiently brain works > size
correlated with measured intelligence
• Although WM is important, it may not fully encompass all - The way the brain’s electrical signals behave = how
aspects of intelligence well you do on IQ tests
- Processing speed, attentional control and cognitive - How flexible brain circuits are > how fast they work
flexibility are other important factors that contribute
to overall intelligence C) GLUCOSE USE:
- Smart people = less sugar in their brains when
solving problems
- Using their brains more efficiently 4) Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: Ability to use one's
physical body skillfully and to handle objects adroitly.
- Important for intelligence 5) Spatial Intelligence: Capacity to perceive the visual-spatial
- Damage? → how well you can think and solve world accurately and to perform transformations upon
problems those perceptions.
- FRONTAL: fluid intelligence
- PARIETAL: general and fluid intelligence tasks 6) Interpersonal Intelligence: Ability to understand and
interact effectively with others.
- Being smart = being able to set goals, make plans 7) Intrapersonal Intelligence: Capacity to understand
and carry them out oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears, and motivations.
- Damage to frontal regions can impair these functions
8) Naturalist Intelligence: Ability to recognize, categorize,
F) CONTEXTUAL VIEW OF INTELLIGENCE: and draw upon certain features of the environment.
- Intelligence = how you interact with the environment
- How people use their abilities in different situations


Culture: attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors shared by a
group and passed down through generations

• Intelligence is inextricably linked to culture

- Culture shapes how intelligence is defined and
• Culture plays a significant role in separating human
intelligence from animal intelligence

• Cultural Differences in Cognitive Processes: • MODULAR VIEW OF THE MIND:

- Western Cultures: process objects independently of - Each type of intelligence originates from different
context areas or modules of the brain
- Eastern Cultures: consider objects in relation with - Each intelligence functions independently
their surroundings - Individuals can excel in certain intelligences while
having average or below-average abilities in others
• Culture affects how people form concepts, potentially
impacting the outcomes of studies on intelligence and
Breaks down intelligence into three interconnected components
HOWARD GARDNER: MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES that relate to different aspects of human interaction and
(1983) cognitive processing:
• Intelligence is not a single, unitary construct but rather a 1. ANALYTICAL INTELLIGENCE
combination of multiple independent intelligences. - Problem solving abilities and logical reasoning
- Tasks such as analyzing, evaluating and comparing
i.e. solving mathematical problems and understanding
1) Linguistic Intelligence: Sensitivity to spoken and written complex arguments
language, ability to learn languages, and capacity to use
language to accomplish goals. 2. CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE
- Ability to deal with novel situations and to generate
2) Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Capacity to analyze innovative solutions
problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and - Thinking outside the box, inventing and designing new
investigate issues scientifically. approaches
i.e., creating new art forms or devising innovative
3) Musical Intelligence: Skill in performing, composing, and strategies in unfamiliar contexts
appreciating musical patterns.
3. PRACTICAL INTELLIGENCE - Selecting new environments: transferring to a
- Ability to adapt to everyday life by applying different college if the currect one doesn’t meet
knowledge and skills effectively individual needs or goals
- Managing tasks, negotiating environments,
understanding social dynamics IMPROVING INTELLIGENCE
i.e., managing household chores efficiently or
navigating social interactions successfully • Intelligence is not fixed and can be enhanced through
various interventions
A) ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: surroundings and
experiences can significantly impact intellectual
B) MOTIVATION: drive and determination
C) TRAINING: specific educational and cognitive training

• While genetics influence intelligence, environmental

factors also play a significant role.

interrelation of the three components IMPROVING CHILDREN’S INTELLIGENCE

These aspects of intelligence are not isolated, but are
interconnected and work together to enable individuals to • Several programs have demonstrated that children’s
interact effectively with their internal world, experiences and cognitive skills and achievements can be enhanced
their external environment through early intervention and enriched environments:
- Abecedarian Program
1. INTERNAL WORLD (ANALYTICAL): the cognitive - Head Start Program
processes within the individual such as problem solving
and decision making key factors in the early home environment that
- Metacomponents: higher order executive processes
(i.e., metacognition) used to plan, monitor and
correlate with high IQ scores:
evaluate problem-solving tasks
- Performance components: lower order processes - Emotional and verbal responsiveness of the primary
used to implement the commands of the caregiver
metacomponents - Caregiver’s involvement with the child
(i.e., actual writing of the term paper) - Avoidance of restriction and punishment
- Knowledge-Acquisition components: used for - Org. of the physical environment and activity
learning how to solve problems in the first place schedule
(i.e., researching to gather info on the topic) - Provision of appropriate play materials and
opportunities for varied daily stimulation
2. EXPERIENCE (CREATIVE): the ability to learn from new
experiences and to use creativity to address new situations DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENCE IN ADULTS
- As tasks become familiar, many aspects may become
automatic (requiring little conscious effort to Intelligence continues to develop with age, but not all aspects
determine the next step) of cognitive ability increase indefinitely:
- Novel task demands more from intelligence than a
familiar task because it lacks established procedures A) Crystallized Intelligence: accumulated knowledge and
and requires new problem-solving strategies vocabulary
- Higher in older adults compared to younger ones
3. EXTERNAL WORLD (PRACTICAL): applying real-world
settings and adapting to different environments B) Fluid Intelligence: involves speed and accuracy of
- Adapting to the existing environment: when starting abstract reasoning, especially in novel situations
college, understanding college rules and using them - Generally higher in younger adults
to succeed
- Shaping the environment: choosing courses, pursuing • While crystallized intelligence increases with age, fluid
activities, starting new organizations or running for intelligence may start to decline at some point.
class president - In college, both are increasing.
Problem solving & ?eativity
how people solve problems 6. Monitoring:
- Continuously check if the approach is effective and if
Understanding the Problem progress is being made

• The way people solve problems is influenced by how they 7. Evaluation:

- Assess whether the problem has been solved correctly
perceive and understand the problem itself and effectively
THE PROBLEM SOLVING CYCLE * Expert problem solvers → global (big-picture) planning
* Novice problem solvers → local (detail-oriented) planning
1. Problem Identification:
- determine whether there is a problem that needs
2. Problem Definition & Representation:
- Clearly define what the problem is
- Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant
- Focus on the right information to avoid incorrect
3. Formulate a Strategy:
- Develop a plan or strategy to solve the problem
a. Analysis: break down the complex problem into
manageable subgoals
b. Synthesis: combine various elements into a
cohesive solution TYPES OF PROBLEMS
c. Divergent Thinking: generate a variety of possible
solutions Problems can be categorized based on the clarity of their
d. Convergent Thinking: narrow down multiple solutions:
possibilities to find the best solution
Well-Structured Problems: have clear paths to solutions, such
GOAL: Study for an exam as math problems or geography tests
- Read textbook and class notes. Ill-Structured (Ill-Defined) Problems: lack clear paths to
- Identify the most relevant topics. solutions
- Create study questions and answers on note cards.
- Learn all concepts on note cards. WELL-STRUCTURED PROBLEMS
- Test yourself with note cards.
- Repeat learning and testing until mastery is achieved. Have clear paths to solutions, often involving the application of
specific formulas or methods
4. Organization of Information: - Math problems
- Determine how different pieces of information fit - Geography tests
together to form a coherent understand of the
problem Move Problems: a subset of well-structured problems that
require a series of moves to reach a goal
5. Resource Allocation:
- Decide how much time, effort and resources should The “Hobbits and Orcs” problem:
be devoted to solving the problem Three hobbits and three orcs must cross a river using a boat
that holds two people. Orcs cannot outnumber hobbits on
either side of the river.
common errors in solving well-structured 2. Working Forward: Start at the initial state and work
towards the goal state.
problems - Solving a math problem step by step.
1. Inadvertently moving backward: going back to a state 3. Working Backward: Start from the goal state and work
further from the goal backward to determine the steps needed.
i.e., moving all characters back to the starting of the - Finding lost keys by retracing your steps.
4. Generate and Test: A trial-and-error strategy involving
2. Making illegal moves: performing actions not allowed by creating possibilities, testing them, and discarding the
the problem’s rules incorrect ones.
i.e., putting more than two individuals in the boat - Troubleshooting a car that won’t start by checking the
battery, fuel, etc.
3. Not realizing the next legal move: getting stuck at a
particular stage
i.e., failing to realize a character must return to the
starting point to succeed

Problem Space: the set of all possible actions that can be

applied to solve a problem, considering any constraints


Problems that lack clear paths to solutions

- Have the same formal structure but different content

Games like:
strategies to solve problems - Scrabble
- Boggle
Algorithms: sets of procedures that guarantee a solution if
followed correctly
- Systematic and repeatable challenges in detecting isomorphism

i.e., a step by step method for solving a math problem • Structural Similarity Detection: challenging to recognize
the structural similarities when the surface characteristics
Heuristics: informal, intuitive and speculative strategies that differ sharply
sometimes lead to a solution
- Efficient but does not guarantee a correct solution • Problem Solving Strategy Transfer: applying strategies
from one problem to another becomes difficult when the
problems’ contents differ significantly
i.e., people think shark attacks are more likely than plane
accidents due to the availability heuristic (shark attacks are
more common) insight

heuristic strategies Insight: distinctive and sometimes sudden understanding of a

problem or strategy that aids in solving the problem
- Involves looking at the problem/strategy in a
1. Means–Ends Analysis: Continuously comparing the current completely new way
state with the goal state and taking steps to minimize the - Combining relevant old + new information for a new
differences. view of the problem/solution
- Effective problem solvers use this when they cannot
immediately see an answer. • May seem sudden but usually results from prior thought
- Breaking down a large project into smaller, and hard work, without it, it wouldn’t occur
manageable tasks and tackling them one by one.
early gestaltist view Imagine you have to get three hobbits and three orcs across a
“Whole is greater than the sum of its parts” river using a boat that can only hold two at a time. You can't
have more orcs than hobbits on either side because the orcs
Wertheimer and Köhler believed that understanding the whole would eat the hobbits.
structure of a problem is crucial for solving it
1. Initial Struggle: You try different combinations but
• Insight problems: require perceiving the problem as a keep getting stuck.
whole 2. Insight Moment: You suddenly realize a strategy that
ensures safe passage for all.
• Productive thinking: involves insights that go beyond
existing associations and knowledge
non-gestaltist view on insight
• Reproductive Thinking: relies on existing associations and
what is already known without new insights Suggests that insights are not always sudden “aha” moments
but can also develop gradually over time:
• Köhler’s Ape Experiment: showed that they could solve
problems insightfully, not through step-by-step trial and Prisoner Escape Problem: A prisoner trying to escape a tower
error, but by suddenly realizing the solution found a rope that was almost long enough to reach the ground.
He solved the problem by cutting the rope in half and tying
neo-gestaltist view on insight the pieces together to make a longer rope.

Metcalfe and Weiebe distinguished between insightful • Gradual Insight: insights can develop incrementally over
(productive) and non-insightful (reproductive) problem solving time as the solver processes and re-evaluates the problem

Routine problems: solvers can usually predict their success • Sleep and Insight: sleep can facilitate the emergence of
accurately insightful solutions, particularly in mathematical problem-
solving and tasks requiring an understanding of rules
Insight problems: solvers often cannot predict their success
accurately • Insight Accuracy: can be accurate or wrong.
- Those who eventually solve the problem may initially - Mental traps can mislead individuals, causing them to
feel pessimistic, while those who fail may feel overly pursue incorrect solutions
neuroscience and insight
1. Right Hippocampus: fMRI studies showed that it is active
during problem-solving (particularly when insight is
2. Right Anterior Temporal Lobe: spike in activity here just
before someone experiences insight
3. Frontal Lobe Activation: activation that occurs before
viewing a problem can predict whether an individual will
later generate an insightful solution


1) MENTAL SET: when you keep using the same solution for
different problems because it worked it the past
If you always use the same formula to solve math
problems, you might not see an easier way to solve a new
- Those who do solve them often don’t expect to, and problem.
those who don’t solve them often think they will. ´ Relying on familiar but ineffective strategies
´ Assumptions may be made without conscious
realization → restricting the ability to see alternative
´ Can make you stuck using an old strategy even when
a new one is better
STUDY: When people solved problems with a hard strategy TRANSFER OF ANALOGIES
first, they kept using it even when an easier one was available.
Those who didn't start with the hard problems found the easy Analogical Problem Solving: using the solution of a previous
solution quickly. problem to help solve a new, similar problem
- Uses similarities between problems to find solutions
2) FUNCTIONAL FIXEDNESS: when you can’t see objects as
having uses other than their usual ones A. Military Problem: A general wants to capture a
If you only think of a box as a container, you might not fortress. Small groups can safely travel down mined
see that you can use it as a stand to solve a problem. roads, but a large force will detonate the mines. The
strategy is to divide the large force into smaller
Karl Duncker’s Candle Problem: groups, each taking different roads to converge on
- Task: Fix a candle to the wall without dripping wax on the the fortress simultaneously.
- Materials: Candles, a box of matches, and tacks.
- Finding: People who saw the box as just a container had a
harder time solving the problem because they didn't think B. Medical Problem: A doctor wants to destroy a tumor
to use the box as a candle holder. with X-rays. High-intensity X-rays destroy both the
tumor and healthy tissue, while low-intensity X-rays
3) STEREOTYPES: generalized beliefs about a group of are ineffective. The strategy is to use multiple low-
people intensity rays from different angles to converge on
Thinking all athletes are not good in academics. the tumor, effectively destroying it without harming
´ Can make you assume things about people that aren’t the surrounding tissue.
true and affect your judgments and decisions

Imagine you're trying to fix a leaky pipe. You have tape and
a clamp.
• If you only think of the tape as something to wrap gifts
(functional fixedness), you might not realize you can use
it to temporarily seal the leak.
• Or, if you've always used a wrench to tighten bolts
(mental set), you might not think of using pliers, which
could be quicker for this specific situation.
• And if you believe only plumbers can fix leaks
(stereotype), you might not even try to solve the problem • To find analogies between two problems, you’d have to
yourself, even if it's simple. first perceive the relationship between them.


Transfer: the application of knowledge or skills learned in one Incubation: taking a break from working on a problem
context to a new context.
• Mental break: by stepping away, you give your brain a
a) Positive Transfer: Solving an earlier problem makes it chance to rest and reset.
easier to solve a new problem - Can help you avoid getting stuck in a fixed way
- Learning basic math helps in solving algebra of thinking (mental set)
- Adding and multiplying skills are carried over and • Subconscious work: while you’re not consciously thinking
applied to more complex mathematical problems about the problem, your subconscious mind can continue
working on it
b) Negative Transfer: Solving an earlier problem makes it - Often leads to new ideas or solutions
harder to solve a new problem
- A person used to driving on the right side of the • New perspectives: coming back to a problem after a
road might find it hard to drive in a country break can help you see it from a different angle or
when you’re supposed to drive on the left side of context
the road (interference)
NEUROSCIENCE AND PLANNING DURING differences in knowledge organization
1. Frontal Lobe: crucial for planning and problem-solving • Small,
• Large, disconnected
2. Brain Activity: studies show that when you’re working on a Schemas interconnected units of
problem and making mistakes, your brain works harder units of knowledge
- Especially in prefrontal cortex knowledge
• Deep • Surface-level
3. Injury Impact: can make it harder to plan and solve understanding
problems Organization similarities
and structural
• Better at classifying
Higher IQ people often take more time to understand a classifying and solving
problem fully (global planning) Problem-Solving problems and problems
- Once they grasp it, they are quicker at figuring out finding efficiently
the details (local planning) solutions


a. Memory Framework: Experts have a superior system for
Expertise: having a lot of knowledge and skill in a specific area. storing and recalling information.
• EXPERTS ARE BETTER AT SOLVING PROBLEMS IN b. Interconnected Knowledge: Experts' knowledge is highly
THEIR FIELD BECAUSE THEY: connected, making it easier to solve problems.
1) Know more: they have a deeper understanding and more c. Effective Methods: Experts use better strategies and
information to draw from methods than novices.
2) Use better strategies: more skilled at using the best d. Deep Understanding: Experts understand problems deeply
strategies and techniques for solving problems and can classify and solve them more effectively.
3) Efficient application: they can quickly find and use the CREATIVITY
right information to solve problems
Creativity: process of producing something that is both original
- Involves generating ideas or products that are new
Experts have a better memory framework for organizing and valuable
and recalling information.

Study: Beer Experts vs. Novices characteristics of creative people

Task: Participants tasted and sorted beers. • High creativity scores: creative individuals often score
Result: Both groups sorted equally well, but experts high on creativity assessments
remembered the beers better.
• Hard work and perseverence: they work long and hard,
studying the work of predecessors and contemporaries
- Experts use their knowledge to remember and • Open minded: they are open to new ideas, different
organize information better cultures, races and religion
Chess: Expert chess players remember and recognize board • Open to new experiences
positions better than novices. They’ve seen many patterns and
can use this knowledge to make better moves. • Confident

• Accepting of themselves

• Impulsive
• Ambitious and driven

• Dominant

• Sometimes hostile

• Less conventional (less likely to follow traditional ways)

a synthesis of case studies of creative people

Þ Albert Einstein (logical-mathematical)
Þ Pablo Picasso (spatial)
Þ T.S. Eliot (linguistic)
Þ Mohandas Gandhi (interpersonal)

• Many creative individuals exhibit strengths in more than

one type of intelligence
• Often have specific weaknesses as well


1) SYNTHETIC ABILITY: seeing problems in new ways and

not sticking to tradtional thinking
2) ANALYTIC ABILITY: knowing which ideas are worth
focusing on
3) PRACTICAL-CONTEXTUAL ABILITY: being able to explain
and convince others of the importance of your ideas


Brain Areas Involved:

• Prefrontal Regions: active when you are thinking

• Brodmann’s Area 39:
- ANGULAR GYRUS: plays a role in language, number
processing and spatial cognition
- Part of the parietal cortex (responsible for integrating
sensory info and spatial sense)
- Near temporal, occipital, parietal lobes
- Active during creative tasks, like making up stories

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