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ISSN: 1554-8627 (Print) 1554-8635 (Online) Journal homepage:

Sexual dimorphism of autophagy in Syrian

hamster Harderian gland culminates in a
holocrine secretion in female glands

Ignacio Vega-Naredo, Beatriz Caballero, Verónica Sierra, Covadonga

Huidobro-Fernández, David de Gonzalo-Calvo, Marina García-Macia, Delio
Tolivia, María Josefa Rodríguez-Colunga & Ana Coto-Montes

To cite this article: Ignacio Vega-Naredo, Beatriz Caballero, Verónica Sierra, Covadonga
Huidobro-Fernández, David de Gonzalo-Calvo, Marina García-Macia, Delio Tolivia, María Josefa
Rodríguez-Colunga & Ana Coto-Montes (2009) Sexual dimorphism of autophagy in Syrian hamster
Harderian gland culminates in a holocrine secretion in female glands, Autophagy, 5:7, 1004-1017,
DOI: 10.4161/auto.5.7.9610

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Published online: 01 Oct 2009.

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[Autophagy 5:7, 1004-1017; 1 October 2009]; ©2009 Landes Bioscience

Basic Research Paper

Sexual dimorphism of autophagy in Syrian hamster Harderian gland

culminates in a holocrine secretion in female glands
Ignacio Vega-Naredo,1 Beatriz Caballero,1 Verónica Sierra,1,2 Covadonga Huidobro-Fernández,1 David de Gonzalo-
Calvo,1 Marina García-Macia,1 Delio Tolivia,1 María Josefa Rodríguez-Colunga1 and Ana Coto-Montes1,*
1Departamento de Morfología y Biología Celular; Facultad de Medicina; Universidad de Oviedo; Oviedo, Spain; 2Servicio Regional de Investigacion y Desarrollo
Agroalimentario (SERIDA); Villaviciosa, Spain

Abbreviations: CAT, catalase; CMA, chaperone-mediated autophagy; DRAM, damage-regulated autophagy modulator; FOX, ferrous
ion oxidation xylenol orange; HG, harderian gland; HIF-1, hypoxia-inducible factor-1; IKK, IκB kinase; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide
sinthase; LAMP-2, lysosome-associated membrane protein 2; LC3, microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3; MCA, aminomethyl-
coumarin; NFκB, nuclear factor-kappaB; NIK, NFκB inducing kinase; PCD, programmed cell death; PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear
antigen; pNA, p-nitroaniline; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis;
SIRT1, sirtuin 1; SOD, superoxide dismutase; SOD2, manganese superoxide dismutase
Key words: oxidative stress, autophagy, holocrine secretion, NFκB, p53, Harderian gland

The Syrian hamster Harderian gland (HG) has a large Introduction

porphyrin metabolism with a sexual dimorphism, showing
male HGs much lower porphyrin concentrations than female The Harderian gland (HG) is a compound tubuloalveolar
glands. Damage derived from this production of porphy- structure located within the orbital cavities of most terrestrial
rins, displayed by reactive oxygen species, forces the gland to vertebrates. The Syrian hamster Harderian glands exhibit marked
develop morphological changes that must have a physiological sexual differences in cell type and porphyrin production. The
significance. Thus, oxidative stress is present in two states: mild glands of male hamsters have two secretory cell types (Types I and
oxidative stress in male HGs and extreme oxidative stress in II), while the glands of females consist of a single secretory cell
female HGs. Cathepsins data gave indirect indications about type (female Type I) and large intraluminal deposits of porphyrins.
Even in male glands, with much lower porphyrin concentrations
the presence of programmed cell death affecting the lysosomal
than in females, porphyrin production is higher than in the liver.
pathway, especially in female HGs, which showed an accu-
Moreover, due to the localization of the Harderian gland, porphy-
mulation of autophagic bodies. Our results showed different
rins exposed to light produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) by
degrees of autophagy in Syrian hamster HGs depending on
photo-oxidation. On the basis of data exposed above, the gland is
sex and probably controlled by the redox-sensitive transcrip- an excellent model for studying physiological oxidative stress1 since
tion factors: NFkappaB and p53. The discovery of these sexual it exhibits two oxidative levels: mild oxidative stress in male HGs
dimorphisms in redox signaling and in autophagy corroborates and extreme oxidative stress in female glands. In a recent publica-
previous findings and underlines the key role of reactive oxygen tion, we showed that the survival strategy of the Harderian gland
species in the regulation of autophagy. In addition, in this paper is based on autophagic processes that are considered a constant
we propose a physiological significance for these phenomena: renovation system.2
male HGs develop a survival autophagy, while in female HGs, Macroautophagy is a cellular degradation process responsible
autophagy culminates in a detachment-derived cell death that for the turnover of unnecessary or dysfunctional organelles and
plays a central role in its secretory activity, leading to a massive cytoplasmic proteins, being a high-capacity process in which
glandular secretion. sequestration and degradation of multiple cytosolic constituents
occur simultaneously in the lysosomal lumen.3 Macroautophagy
involves the formation of double-membrane vesicles called autopha-
*Correspondence to: Ana Coto-Montes; Departamento de Morfología y Biología gosomes which fuse with lysosomes releasing single-membrane
Celular; Facultad de Medicina; Julián Clavería 6; Oviedo 33006 Spain; Tel.: bound autophagic bodies that are degraded by the lysosomal
+34.985.102779; Fax: +34.985.103618; Email: proteases.4 It should be noted that these cellular processes may be
Submitted: 01/09/09; Revised: 07/14/09; Accepted: 07/22/09 recruited by an alternative form of programmed cell death (PCD)
called autophagic type II cell death.5 Like apoptotic cell death,
Previously published online as an Autophagy E-publication:
autophagic cell death is an essential part of growth regulation,

1004 Autophagy 2009; Vol. 5 Issue 7

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

maintenance of homeostasis, cell defense and adaptation to an Activation occurs via phosphorylation of IκBα at Ser32 by IκB
adverse environment. kinase complex (IKK), resulting in the ubiquitin-mediated protea-
Many macromolecules undergoing degradation inside lysosomes some-dependent degradation of IκBα and the release and nuclear
contain iron that, when released in labile form, makes lysosomes translocation of active NFκB dimmers. IKK expression was higher
sensitive to oxidative stress.6 Hence, it has been postulated that the in males and the phospho-IκBα (Ser32) immunoblotting was
regulation of autophagy by oxidative stress7 occurs with the redox- according to this, leading to IκBα degradation in male HGs, as
sensitive transcription factors Nuclear Factor-kappaB (NFκB)8 shown in Figure 2A. Furthermore, male HGs showed the highest
and p53,9 acting as key mediators. expression of NFκB p65 phosphorylation at Ser536 which regu-
NFκB is composed of homo- and heterodimers of five members lates activation, nuclear localization and transcriptional activity
of the Rel family, which usually form p50/Rel heterodimers. The (Fig. 2A). According to this, nuclear extracts were prepared and
NFκB dimers are normally sequestered as latent complexes in the subjected to western blotting against NFκB p50 and p65 subunit
cytoplasm by IκB inhibitors. Accordingly, NFκB induction is antibodies, and the results confirmed higher NFκB translocation
mainly based on inducible IκB degradation. The NFκB transcrip- to the nucleus in males than in females (Fig. 2A).
tion factor is involved in different aspects of proliferation, cell Moreover, nuclear extracts were used in a NFκB p50
survival, and even PCD, playing a role in normal development Transcription Factor Assay corroborating the former results and
and homeostasis.8 NFκB most commonly antagonizes PCD by demonstrating that male HGs have higher NFκB p50 DNA
activating the expression of antiapoptotic proteins, such as Bcl-2 binding activity than female glands. Therefore, we can state that, in
and other antioxidant molecules. Syrian hamster HG, the NFκB signaling pathway is more activated
The tumor suppressor p53 plays important roles in cell cycle in males than in females (Fig. 2B).
control and cell death. In normal cells, p53 levels are low, but Then, we examined the consequence of NFκB activation
its expression can be increased in response to stress signals acting in male HGs studying the expression of some transcription
through both transcription-dependent and -independent mecha- target genes related to its functions in ROS-signaling (SOD2 or
nisms to coordinate cellular responses that either prevent or repair MnSOD), cell death (Bcl-2) and inflammation (iNOS). As shown
damage. in Figure 2C we found that the levels of the antioxidant proteins
Here, for the first time, we describe gender-related differences SOD2 and Bcl-2 were upregulated in male glands. However, this
in the autophagic-lysosomal pathway in the Syrian hamster HG upregulation was not coincident with the extraordinary expres-
that are directly related to oxidative stress status and controlled sion of the pro-inflammatory marker iNOS in female HGs. These
through the redox-sensitive transcriptions factors NFκB and p53. results seem to indicate that NFκB activity in males promotes cell
Furthermore, we postulate the mechanism that governs these survival through the modulation of the ROS-signaling pathway,
gender-related differences. The discovery of this modulation in the and that NFκB is not involved in the transcriptional regulation of
autophagic pathway in vivo corroborates previous findings that iNOS in female glands. These results are relevant to more precisely
consider the interaction between the different types of lysosomal understand the role of NFκB in a physiological oxidative stress
mechanisms and reactive oxygen species signaling.10 situation.
p53 activation. We sought to examine the p53 pathway evalu-
Results ating the subcellular localization of p53 and levels of p53-related
Sexual dimorphism in oxidative stress. To compare the oxida- proteins: damage-regulated autophagy modulator (DRAM),
tive status between male and female Syrian hamster HGs, we Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and
determined their content in protein carbonyl and water-soluble hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α).
hydroperoxides, and the activities of the antioxidant enzymes Thus, western blotting was performed to detect the presence of
catalase (CAT, EC and superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC p53 in Syrian hamster HGs in nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts. As shown in Figure 1A, female HGs had more protein The nuclear localization is critical for its transcriptional activity
damage than males. In addition, the measurement of H2O2 (or as well as cell death-inducing function. The analysis of the bands
short-chain water-soluble hydroperoxides) with the FOX test obtained from the nuclear fractions showed higher nuclear trans-
showed that female H2O2 steady-state levels reached almost three location in female HGs than in male ones. This higher presence
times those of males (Fig. 1B). Respect to the antioxidant enzymes of p53 in female HG nuclei may activate genes that prevent cell
activities, female HGs showed the highest SOD activity (Fig. 1C). growth and DNA damage. In contrast, the immunoblot analysis of
It may be hypothesized that an imbalance between superoxide cytoplasmic extracts revealed that p53 is significantly accumulated
radical formation and hydrogen peroxide degradation might acti- in cytoplasm from male HGs (Fig. 2D).
vate cell death. Our data showed high CAT activity (Fig. 1D) in The phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15 was explored to evaluate
females, even though the hydroperoxide levels continued to be its transactivation function since this phosphorylation promotes
high. These findings indicate that female HGs have a decreased its activation and stabilization. Unexpectedly, male HGs showed
capacity for detoxifying hydrogen peroxide. a phosphorylation at Ser15 in p53 (Fig. 2D). To confirm this
NFκB activation. We examined its activation state using data we evaluated the levels of DRAM, a transcription target gene
immunoblot analysis of key proteins in the NFκB pathway: IKKα, of p53 involved in autophagy activations11 and, effectively, we
phospho-IκBα (Ser32), IκBα, phospho-NFκB-p65 (Ser536). showed elevated levels in male glands. SIRT1, a class III histone Autophagy 1005

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

Figure 1. Comparison of protein damage (A), hydroperoxides levels (B) and the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (C) and
catalase (D), between sexes of Syrian hamster Harderian glands. Data are represented as mean ± s.d from three independent experiments. Significant
differences between sexes: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.

deacetylase, has the ability to deacetylate p53 decreasing its tran- severe stress. Previous observations suggest that activated p53
scriptional activity. Our data also showed a higher level of this decreases HIF-1α protein levels by accelerated proteasome-depen-
deacetylase in male glands (Fig. 2E). dent degradation, but DNA damage is an essential prerequisite.14
p53 inhibits replication of the genome blocking cell cycle Therefore, we developed an immunoblot for HIF-1α and levels
progression at G1/S check point in response to DNA damage of this transcription factor were only detected in male HGs.
and PCNA is a highly conserved cellular protein that functions Probably, female HGs could be terminating HIF-1 responses and
in DNA replication and repair. Thus, it was described that p53 initiating PCNA-dependent DNA repair (Fig. 2E) by p53-medi-
tightly regulates DNA replication and repair by modulating ated actions.
the levels of PCNA.12 The immunoblot analysis against PCNA These results suggest that the sexual dimorphism in oxidative
showed that female glands which presented higher p53 nuclear stress triggers complex regulatory events in the p53 pathway which
translocation have the highest expression (Fig. 2E). Likewise, present gender-related divergences promoting different functions
HIF-1 is a transcription factor which regulates cellular energy depending on sex.
metabolism in response to oxidative stress13 but besides HIF-1, Apoptosis. The TUNEL reaction was developed in parallel with
p53 is accumulated and activated under conditions of prolonged/ a proapoptotic agent-treated HG as a positive control to identify

1006 Autophagy 2009; Vol. 5 Issue 7

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

Figure 2. Western blot analysis for studying the NFκB pathway. (A) expression of IKKα, phospho-IκBα (Ser32), IκBα, phospho-NFκB-p65 (Ser536) and
nuclear expression of NFκB p65 and p50 in male and female Harderian gland extracts from a representative experiment. The NFκB p50 colorimetric
transcription factor assay (B) was run with 5 μg protein/well from nuclear extracts of both sexes and confirmed that male Harderian glands present
the highest NFκB DNA binding activity. The immunoblot analysis of NFκB transcription target genes. (C) Manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD2),
B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase, (iNOS) showed in male glands the highest levels for the antioxidants proteins SOD2 and
Bcl-2 but the lowest for iNOS. Western blot analysis for study the p53 pathway: nuclear and cytoplasmic localization and transactivation by the rate of
phospho-p53 (Ser15) (D) in male and female Harderian gland extracts from a representative experiment. The levels of p53-related proteins. (E) damage-
regulated autophagy modulator (DRAM), Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) showed
sexual divergences in p53 regulation. The activity of these redox transcription factors had strong sexual differences. Autophagy 1007

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

the apoptotic cells. The results were negative in both sexes, indi- In turn, the microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3
cating that apoptotic processes are not occurring in HG cells. (LC3) is an autophagosomal ortholog of yeast Atg8. LC3 modifica-
Lysosomal cell death. In order to characterize the lysosomal- tion is essential for the macroautophagic process, since the protein
related processes present in the Syrian hamster Harderian gland, we LC3-II is localized to preautophagosomes and autophagosomes,
have followed the guidelines and methods proposed by Klionsky et and it is considered an autophagosomal marker. Western blot
al.15 and Vega-Naredo et al.16 analysis showed two bands corresponding to LC3-I and LC3-II
Cathepsin B and D protease activities were assayed in the (18 and 16 kDa respectively) in HGs of both sexes (Fig. 4C) but
HGs of both sexes and compared with their values in the liver with higher expression in female than in male glands. Therefore,
because lysosomal viability is related to high cathepsin B and low female HGs had an increased accumulation of vacuoles carrying
cathepsin D activities. Figure 3A shows that cathepsin B activity the autophagic marker, but this data at punctual moment does not
was higher in the liver than in the HGs, and the opposite result indicate the total autophagic flux. Curiously, the ratio of LC3-II/
was found for cathepsin D activity (higher in the HGs than in the LC3-I in our experiment was higher in males (Fig. 4D) which may
liver). Furthermore, Table 1 lists the cathepsin D/B activity ratios, due to an increased turnover of LC3 in male glands as a result of
showing a lower cathepsin D/B activity ratio in the liver than in robust and maintained activation of autophagy.
HGs from both sexes. Taking this into account, we are able to Recently, it was proposed that the autophagic machinery is
affirm that the HG develops lysosomal-related cell death processes, linked with the actin cytoskeleton.19 In this study, the beta-actin
as opposed to another porphyrinogenic tissue, the liver. western blot analysis revealed a significant loss of beta-actin expres-
In relation to sex divergences, the lower cathepsin D activity sion in female HGs (Fig. 4C).
in female HGs compared to that in males is an important result Morphological study. Through electron microscopy, it was
to consider. In fact, cathepsin D western blot analysis (Fig. 3B) revealed that Syrian hamster HG cells from both sexes undergo
confirmed that in the female HG, the mature form of cathepsin autophagy. HG cells in males had a cytoplasm filled with vacuolar
D undergoes limited proteolytic processing, leading to an accu- structures that were localized around the perinuclear region and
mulation of pro-cathepsin D (46-kDa) and, consequently, to a contained cytoplasmic components with an indistinguishable mate-
reduction in its activity. rial (Fig. 5A). This morphology corresponds with an autophagic
To complete the study, cathepsin D immunohistochemistry process, and in this way, these autophagic vacuoles seem to be
was developed. Male HG immunohistochemistry seemed to show late autophagosomes. Furthermore, it was usual to observe female
high cathepsin D expression, mainly in type II cells, displaying a HG cells containing whorls of membranous material (Fig. 5B).
defined transmembrane stain around vesicles. Cathepsin D immu- These membranes appeared to be made from smooth endoplasmic
nohistochemistry from female HG sections showed a gradual loss reticulum. Likewise, female HG cells had autophagic vacuoles and
of expression towards basal layers (Fig. 3C). Therefore, we hypoth-
endoplasmic reticulum surrounding abundant organelles (Fig. 5C).
esize that pro-cathepsin D may be secreted at the apical side of
The hallmark characteristic of normal glands is the presence
female type I cells, as it was described in mammary glands.17
of a hollow lumen (Fig. 6A), but in Syrian hamster HGs, some
Lysosome-associated membrane protein 2 (LAMP-2) is
acinar cells showed protuberances towards the lumen (Fig. 6B).
commonly considered a marker of lysosomes and late endosomes.
These protuberances seemed to grow until being released into the
In order to deepen the study of the lysosomal pathway in Syrian
lumen. Consequently, some tubules in the gland appeared filled
hamster HGs, a LAMP-2 immunoblot analysis was carried out
with a mass of cellular debris and nuclei (Figs. 3D, 6B and C),
showing a LAMP-2 deficiency in female glands (Fig. 4A).
even leading to their collapse (Fig. 6D). And then, when both the
LAMP-2 gene undergoes alternative splicing, rendering three
nuclear envelope and the plasma membrane lost their integrity, the
different mRNA species that encode the LAMP-2A, LAMP-2B
cells exhibited intense vacuolization of the cytoplasm, especially
and LAMP-2C variants of this protein. LAMP-2A is the only
isoform shown to participate in CMA; therefore, it is used as a in females, as observed by optic microscopy (Fig. 6D), and more
marker of CMA activity.18 To evaluate if these types of degradation profusely in zones where intertubular-syncytial masses coexist (Fig.
processes are occurring in Syrian hamster HGs, we have performed 6E). These alterations of the cell structure and the disruption of
a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay, cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions (data not shown) lead to cell
showing LAMP-2A transcription rates in males, as well as in detachment in female Harderian gland. These findings, the pres-
females (Fig. 4B). ence of cell death processes and the release of granules, together
We have performed western blot analysis using antibodies with cellular debris and some nuclei in the lumina, suggest a holo-
against Beclin 1, LC3 and beta-actin, in order to further study crine type of secretion for female HGs.
lysosomal-related processes, such as macroautophagy, in the Syrian Discussion
hamster Harderian gland.
Beclin 1, a class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-interacting On the basis of our previous studies20,21 physiological autophagy
protein, plays an essential role in promoting autophagy. The is a constant renovation system that allows cells to maintain vital
immunoblot analysis showed slight differences between both functions and adapt to environmental stress, being a prominent
sexes with regard to protein expression (Fig. 4C), although female feature associated with sexual organ adjustment. Our results, in
HGs showed the highest expression, indicating that autophagy is HGs, confirm the presence of autophagic processes in both, male
upregulated in female HGs. and female HG, but with important differences between them.

1008 Autophagy 2009; Vol. 5 Issue 7

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

Figure 3. The activities of the lysosomal proteases (A) cathepsins B and D were determined in Harderian glands (HG) and livers from male and female
Syrian hamsters, using the substrates Z-Arg-Arg-AMC and hemoglobin, respectively. Cathepsin B activity was higher in the liver than in HGs (*p <
0.05), meanwhile, cathepsin D activity was higher in HGs (**p < 0.05). For HGs, there were no significant differences between sexes in cathepsin B
activity, but on the contrary, the cathepsin D activity was lower in female HGs than in males (ap < 0.05). Values are mean ± s.d. Immunoblot analysis of
cathepsin D (B) only showed a band of 46 kDa corresponding to pro-cathepsin D in female Harderian glands. The pictures of male (♂) and female (♀)
Harderian glands from the cathepsin D immunolocalization assay (C) showed a defined staining around vesicles (arrows), predominantly in type II cells.
In fact, the scarce female type II cells were intensely immunostained (rounded). Female glands showed a gradual expression of cathepsin D from the
apical zone (+) of the acinar cells to the basal zone (-). Note the space caused by the detachment of material, leaving a slim acinar layer (arrowhead)
and the presence of cellular content in some acinar lumens (asterisks). Autophagy 1009

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

Table 1 Cathepsin D/Cathepsin B activity ratios

the maintenance of cell-shape and for trafficking from the trans-
Golgi network to the lysosomes,28 and therefore, the loss of actin
Males Females in female glands, although surprising, agrees with data concerning
Harderian Gland 174967 ± 2556*** 62679 ± 1786*** cathepsin D and LAMP-2. Furthermore, dynamic changes in the
Liver 11499 ± 984 5196 ± 553
abundance and localization of actin were described in autophagic
programmed cell death in the salivary gland of Drosophila.29 In
The cathepsin D/B activity ratio provides indirect information relating to lysosomal viability. The fact, classical cell death includes depolymerization or cleavage of
comparison of cathepsin D/B activity ratio in Harderian glands and liver from Syrian hamsters indicated actin, cytokeratins, lamins and other cytoskeletal proteins,4 leading
a higher ratio in the Harderian gland (***p < 0.001).
to cell shape changes. This is in accordance with our ultrastructural
data showing morphological changes in female HGs, such as the
presence of intratubular-syncitial masses and detached cells. The
In contrast to the classical view that lysosomes are one of the attachment of epithelial cells to the extracellular matrix, as well as
main causes responsible for cellular damage during oxidative stress, cell-cell anchorage, critically regulates survival, so that inadequate
recent evidence supports a protective role for the lysosomal system contacts would lead to a detachment-mediated programmed cell
in the early phases of the oxidative insult.10 death.30 It is well known that cells in the glandular lumen die
Chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) allows the selective due to extracellular matrix deprivation, and recently, Fung et al.31
lysosomal degradation of oxidized proteins22 and differs from the have discovered that detachment strongly induces autophagy.
other lysosomal degradation pathways in that vesicular traffic is Therefore, our results suggest that female HGs could develop a
not involved.22 Thus, the presence of CMA in the Syrian hamster detachment-derived cell death promoting luminal clearance, as has
HG supports again the role of this gland as a physiological oxida- been described in mammary glands.32 Meanwhile, in male HG,
tive stress model. autophagy would have a cell-repair component. Now, we question
The cathepsins data provided indirect information relating to what triggers this cell death in female HGs.
the stabilization of the lysosomal system. The magnitude of gener- When oxidative stress ensues the redox-active transcription
ated lysosomal destabilization determines if reparative autophagy, factors organize and promote cellular responses.33 In turn, stress
apoptosis or necrosis will follow. Our results showed that each stimuli can activate NFκB and the p53 pathways with a broad
gender presents its own peculiarities in the lysosomal pathway. range of actions, some of them related to survival and cell death
Female HGs showed a deficiency in LAMP-2 expression. It was processes. In general, p53 exerts a pro-death influence in response
described that the half-life of early and late autophagic vacuoles is to extreme oxidative and genotoxic stress; meanwhile, NFκB plays
prolonged in LAMP-2 deficient cells. Thus, the endosomal/lyso- a pro-survival role.34 Recently, evidence has emerged suggesting
somal constituents are delivered to the autophagic vacuoles that that autophagy is another mechanism involved in the control of
carry the LC3 marker and are accumulated in the cytoplasm.23 cell death35 and therefore, oxidative stress should be influencing
Then, the cells succumb to cell death with characteristics of type 1 the autophagic mechanism. The way in which autophagy is
and type 2 programmed cell death.24 controlled requires the identification of these signaling pathways
Effectively, the female Syrian hamster HG seems to show that impinge on autophagy in specific ways.
this phenotype of programmed cell death. Therefore, it is not The p53 protein appears to sense multiple types of DNA
surprising that female HGs showed a collapse in trafficking of pro- damage and coordinate multiple options for cellular response.
cathepsin D from the trans-Golgi network to the late endosomes p53 activity largely depends on its ability to activate or repress
and lysosomes, leading to an accumulation of pro-cathepsin D. transcription, so that, p53 fluctuates between latent and active
In addition, cathepsin D immunohistochemistry indicated higher (DNA-binding) conformations and is differentially activated
expression in male glands, particularly in type II cells, which is in through post-translational modifications including phosphorila-
agreement with the activity data. The percentage of type I cells in tions and acetylations. On the other side, nonsequence-specific
the HGs of male Syrian hamsters has been estimated to be between DNA binding may involve other p53 actions and in this way, p53
42% and 50%, meanwhile in female HGs appear in a percentage may govern an apoptosis checkpoint through competition with
near 100%.25 Then, a question was raised: Would it be possible DNA repair proteins for nonsequence-specific binding to exposed
for male type II cells to complete cathepsin D processing as long as single-stranded regions in the DNA duplex.36
type I cells present the lysosomal trafficking altered? This hypoth- This work demonstrated gender-related differences in the p53
esis could explain why female glands develop a huge accumulation pathway promoting different responses depending on sex. We
of autophagic bodies carrying the LC3-II marker, and why some have to consider that the direct effects of the sexual dimorphism in
treatments cause evident morphological changes.26,27 oxidative stress may also affect the p53 fate. In fact, redox modifi-
Beclin 1 and LC3, as well as ultrastructural data, point out that cations of p53 affect its stability and can be a potential mechanism
female HGs have extensive macroautophagic processes, while male to select the target genes conferring differential binding affinity
autophagy is different and more controlled by survival signals, such to the response elements.33 According to our present findings,
as NFκB, Bcl-2, SIRT1 and HIF-1α. This discrepancy between p53 was constitutively phosphorylated at Ser-15 in male glands
sexes provokes other remarkable differences. The first one appears promoting its functional activation. Hence, the transactivation
when studying the cytoskeleton. Actin dynamics are important for function of p53 in male glands induced the expression of some

1010 Autophagy 2009; Vol. 5 Issue 7

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

Figure 4. The representative immunoblot of the lysosomal marker LAMP-2 (A) in male (♂) and female (♀) Harderian glands showed a decrease in LAMP-2
expression in female glands with respect to that in males. The isoform LAMP-2A participates in chaperone-mediated autophagy. The reverse transcription-
polymerase chain reaction assay (B) showed LAMP-2A transcription rates in male and female glands, and the rates in liver from female hamsters were
used as negative control (-C). M, 100-bp DNA ladder. Arrowhead indicates the expected size of the PCR products. Expression of macroautophagic
markers: Beclin 1 and LC3 (C) were determined in tissue extracts of both sexes by western blotting. Unexpectedly, re-blotting membranes with actin (C)
showed defects in actin cytoskeleton in female glands in comparison to males. Ponceau staining was used for loading control and bar charts (D) show
optical densities of blot bands from three separate immunoblots. The results demonstrated the presence of these markers in Syrian hamster Harderian
glands, especially in female glands.

target genes such as DRAM, a critical lysosomal protein required phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15 results in ubiquitination disrup-
for the ability of p53 to induce autophagy. Furthermore, it was tion.38 Although the precise molecular mechanisms behind this
found that DRAM is downregulated in some cancers indicating remain unclear, it is likely that p53 deacetylases, such as SIRT1,
that there is a selective pressure to lose DRAM during invasive might be upregulated in males to mediate ubiquitination and
processes37 that agrees with our hypothesis about female glands. degradation of p53. SIRT1 has a versatile role in the maintenance
On the other side, p53 was stabilized and accumulated in the of cell and organism survival in response to a variety of stressors by
cytoplasm from male HGs. Previous studies suggest that the cyto- activating autophagic degradation.39 It seems that SIRT1, in male
plasmic retention of p53 is able to repress autophagy,9 that this HG, is able to regulate the p53-mediated autophagy.
retention could be mediated by acetylation since p53 acetylation PCNA participates in DNA replication and repair and is readily
reduces its ubiquitination levels, and that the DNA ­damage-induced detected after genotoxic stress. p53 binds the PCNA promoter and Autophagy 1011

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

Figure 5. Electron micrographs of male secretory cells (A) showed secretory vacuoles (v) containing electron-dense material (asterisks) around the peri-
nuclear region. The cell numerous mitochondria (m), loose smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SEr) throughout the cytoplasm, and a nucleus with peripheral
condensation of chromatin (arrows). Scale bar, 1 μm. The electron micrograph of female secretory cells (B) showed autophagic vacuoles (v) close to
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SEr) and mitochondria (m). The cytoplasmic vacuoles showed the characteristic multilamellar structure. Scale bar, 0.56
μm. Electron micrograph of female acinar cell (C) showed autophagic vacuoles (v) close to smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SEr) and mitochondria (m).
Some cytoplasmic vacuoles contained electron-dense material. Scale bar, 1 μm.

transactivate PCNA in a concentration-dependent manner; lower active cystein group.43 Thus, apoptosis is inhibited in female glands,
levels activate, whereas higher levels do not.12 Although female and cell death must proceed through other pathways. Female HGs
HGs showed higher nuclear translocation of p53, actually they had seem to develop detachment-related cell death processes with
low levels of active p53 which may directly control DNA replica- intermediate characteristics between apoptotic and autophagic
tion and repair by modulating the levels of PCNA. Thus, the cell death: autophagic morphology, collapse of the cytoskeleton,
present work supports that in male HGs, p53 activation induces caspase-3 independence, NFκB inactivation, p53-independent cell
autophagy as a survival response to ROS, protecting against cell death, absence of DNA fragmentation but presence of DNA repair
damage. In such a physiological situation, the inactivation of processes. In accordance with this hypothesis, recent studies have
p53 becomes crucial and appears another cellular signaling that shown that detachment of cells from the matrix inhibits NFκB
increases cell survival. activity and induces autophagy,31 and that the inhibition of NFκB
According to this, our results demonstrated the presence of activity by overexpression of nonphosphorylable IκB increases
SIRT1, HIF-1α and NFκB activation in male glands. The pres- detachment-induced cell death.44 Thus, these high levels in ROS
ence of HIF-1α in males confirms this survival signaling since it lead to persistent oxidative stress, which causes selective pressure
modulates the induction of autophagic proteins such as Beclin 1.40 for characteristics such as invasion.43 Figure 7 summarizes the
Beside these actions in male HGs, NFκB promotes cell survival, hypothesis proposed in this work, showing how oxidative stress,
decreases the sensitivity of cells to programmed cell death34 and through p53 and NFκB, modulates autophagy, and consequently,
maintains autophagy at basal levels, increasing expression of orchestrates the Harderian gland physiology.
caspase-inhibitory proteins and other anti-apoptotic and anti- It is well known that the porphyrinogenic activity of the
autophagic proteins, such as Bcl-2.41 Harderian gland fluctuates throughout the oestrous cycle, pregnancy
We cannot forget that female gland integrity is compromised by and lactation, suggesting that there is a link between HG activity
the excessive oxidative pressure. It has been previously shown that and reproductive function,45 that the gland dimorphism is under
NFκB inactivation mediates autophagy through a mechanism that androgenic control46 and that steroids are important regulators of
involves ROS production42 and our results consolidate this role programmed cell death in animals.47 Autophagy in Syrian hamster
of NFκB in the regulation of ROS signaling and autophagic rate HG plays a dynamic role in adapting to or even regulating its secre-
in female and male HGs. Thus, the NFκB inactivation in female tory activity by removing part of steroid-producing organelles. This
glands leads to an imbalance in the antioxidant system, an accu- hypothesis is strongly supported by the fact that the intensity of
mulation of ROS and an increase of damaged proteins and lipids, autophagy varies depending on sex. In fact, the largest histological
favoring death signaling. effect of the extreme oxidative stress in female glands was the release
Whereas low levels of ROS are important for cellular function of granules, together with cellular debris and some nuclei in the
and survival signaling, excessive ROS (females) can lead to cell lumina, suggesting the presence of holocrine and apocrine types
death, but at extraordinary high levels of oxidative stress, the cell of secretion. Are female processes therefore a mechanism ascribed
cannot maintain a reducing environment, and caspases will not to massive release of glandular secretion? Our observations and the
function due to their sensitivity to oxidative inactivation at their absence of a morphologically specialized duct system within the

1012 Autophagy 2009; Vol. 5 Issue 7

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

Figure 6. The images from toluidine blue-stained semithin sections of a Harderian gland from a female hamster showed areas (A) with a single layer of
cells and a hollow lumen and areas (B) with protuberances from acinar cells towards the acinar lumen (arrows) and cellular content in the acinar lumen
(asterisk). In this case, some acini seemed to show an epithelium with several layers of cells (stars). Some semithin sections (C) showed cellular content
in the acinar lumen with nuclei inside (arrowheads). The micrograph (D) from a female Syrian hamster Harderian gland showed an acinus filled with
a mass formed by secretory vacuoles and cytoplasmic fragments (asterisk). Note the presence of myoepithelial cells (arrows) surrounding the mass and
compare the size of the mass with the size of a cell (rounded). A stained semithin section of Harderian gland from a female hamster (E) showed an
intertubular-syncitial mass (SM) containing irregular and heterochromatic nuclei (arrows). The adjacent acini are disorganized and filled with cellular
debris and cells occupying the luminal space (asterisks). Some cells are detached from the basal layer (rounded). Note the marked vacuolization. Autophagy 1013

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

Figure 7. The scheme proposes how redox signaling controls Syrian hamster Harderian gland physiology through a NFκB and p53 signaling. A situa-
tion of mild oxidative stress (which occurs in male Harderian glands) activates survival and reparative signaling. However, an extreme oxidative stress
environment (occurring in female Harderian glands) activates a massive-holocrine secretion. ECM: extracellular matrix.

gland48 point out a massive secretion of autophagic bodies. Anyway, conditions. Nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions were prepared using
additional studies are required in order to elucidate the role played the sucrose gradient method.
by the redox transcription factors in autophagy regulation and The amount of protein in the supernatants was measured by the
to deepen the knowledge of the ­relationship between autophagy, method of Bradford.49
the cell death process and the secretion mode occurring in female Protein oxidative damage. Protein carbonyl concentrations
HG. were determined following the method developed by Levine,50
with modifications of Coto-Montes and Hardeland.51 Data are
Material and Methods presented as nmol protein carbonyl/mg protein.
Animals. Twenty-four one-month-old male and female Syrian Hydroperoxide determination. The ferrous ion oxidation
hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) (Harlan Interfauna Ibérica, xylenol orange (FOX) method of ROOH estimation is based on
Barcelona, Spain) were housed 4 per cage under a 14:10 h the oxidation of Fe+2 to Fe+3 by sample-oxidizing agents, which
light:dark cycle at 22 ± 2°C. Animals received tap water and stan- then bind with xylenol orange (XO) to give a color complex with
dard pellet diet ad libitum. an absorption maximum at 560 nm. The Fe+3-XO color complex
The Oviedo University Local Animal Care and Use Committee formation is strictly pH sensitive. In our work, FOX-1 has been
approved the experimental protocol. All experiments were carried used for the estimation of ROOH concentration.52 Results are
out according to the Spanish Government Guide and the European expressed as nmol hydroperoxides/mg protein.
Community Guide for Animal Care (Council Directive 86/609/ Antioxidant defence. Supernatants were used for assaying
EEC). superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and catalase (CAT,
After one month in the animal house, hamsters were sacrificed EC Data were presented as Units SOD/mg protein for
and Harderian glands and livers were immediately removed, frozen SOD and μmol H2O2/mg protein Min-1 for CAT.
on liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80°C until the experiments were Detection of apoptosis. Tunel assays were performed using the
performed. in situ apoptosis detection kit, AP (Roche, 11 684 809 910).
If not indicated otherwise, HGs (0.1 g) and livers were Activities of cathepsins. The cysteine-proteinase cathe-
homogenized with a Polytron homogenizer at 4°C in 1 ml of lysis psin B (EC was assayed fluorometrically (Millipore,
buffer (50 mM Tris/HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl) with protease CytofluorTM 2350) according to the method of Barrett,55 with
inhibitors (1 mM Na3VO4, 1 μg/ml aprotinin). The tissue homo- minor modifications,56 using Z-Arg-Arg-MCA as the specific
genates were then centrifuged for 6 min at 3,000 xg at 4°C, and substrate (Sigma). For the assay, 40 μl of tissue homogenates
supernatants were collected and centrifuged again under the same (see above) were diluted with 300 μl of incubation buffer (100

1014 Autophagy 2009; Vol. 5 Issue 7

Autophagic secretion in Harderian gland

mM sodium acetate, pH 5.5, containing 1 mM EDTA, 5 mM principles of the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) with
dithiothreitol and 0.1% Brij-35). Of this dilution, 50 μl were a 96-well-based ELISA. During the assay, the capture probe, a
pipetted into a 96-well fluorescence microtiter plate. The reac- double-stranded biotinylated oligonucleotide containing the DNA
tion was started by adding 20 μl of the substrate solution (40 μM binding consensus sequence for NFκB (5'-GGG ACT TTC C-3'),
Z-Arg-Arg-MCA in incubation buffer), and was then incubated was mixed with the nuclear extract. The active form of NFκB
at 37°C for 20 min. The reaction was stopped by the addi- contained in the nuclear extract bound to its consensus sequence.
tion of 150 μl of stop buffer (33 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.3 The extract/probe/buffer mixture was then directly transferred to
and 33 mM sodium chloroacetate). An excitation wavelength a streptavidin-coated plate. The active NFκB protein was immo-
of 360 nm and an emission wavelength of 460 nm were used, bilized on the capture probe bound to the streptavidin plate well,
with aminomethylcoumarin solutions (MCA) as standards. The and inactive unbound material was washed away. The bound
cathepsin B results are expressed as enzymatic milliUnits/mg NFκB p50 subunit was detected with a specific primary antibody.
protein. A highly sensitive horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary
The aspartate-proteinase cathepsin D activity (EC was antibody was then used for detection. This provides sensitive colo-
assayed spectrophotometrically (Kontron Instruments, UVIKON rimetric detection that can be read in a spectrophotometric plate
930) at 280 nm according to the method of Takahashi and Tang,57 reader at 450 nm. The wild-type consensus oligonucleotide (not
with minor modifications56 and the use of hemoglobin as the biotinylated) was used as a specific competitor for NFκB binding
substrate. Tissue homogenates (200 μl; see above) were mixed with to monitor the specificity of the assay.
500 μl of substrate solution (3% hemoglobin in 200 mM acetic RNA extraction and PCR assay. Total RNA was purified from
acid) and incubated at 37°C for 30 min. The reaction was stopped HG extracts of Syrian hamsters by a single extraction with TRI
by addition of 500 μl of 15% trichloroacetic acid, and samples Reagent (Sigma, T9424) following the manufacturer’s recom-
were kept at 4°C for 30 min, followed by centrifugation at 12,000 mendations, and was stored at -80°C until use. LAMP-2A cDNA
xg for 5 min. The optical densities of the supernatants were deter- was synthesized using the Titan One Tube RT-PCR System
mined. The cathepsin D results are expressed as enzymatic units/ (Roche, 11888382001): 25 μl of purified total RNA (0.1 μg/μl)
mg protein. were added to 25 μl of a RT-PCR mixture containing 0.2 pmol
Immunoblotting. Tissue samples were denatured in sample of primers, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The
buffer (62.5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8, 2% SDS, 10% glycerol, amplification protocol included retrotranscription at 48°C for 30
0.01% Bromophenol Blue) at 100°C for 5 min and separated by min, denaturation at 94°C for 2 min, followed by 30 cycles at
12% SDS-PAGE at 100 V. After separation, protein was transferred 94°C for 10 s, 55°C for 30 s and 68°C for 1 min, and one final
to PVDF membranes at 350 mA. Ponceau S staining was used to cycle at 68°C for 10 min. The PCR products were analyzed using
ensure equal loading. The membranes were blocked for 1 h at room 2% agarose-Trisborate-EDTA gel electrophoresis, stained with
temperature in 5% skim milk in PBS containing 0.05% Tween-20 ethidium bromide, and examined with UV light. The primer pairs
(PBS-T), and then probed with antibodies against IKKα, IκBα, used (LAMP-2A, 5'-GCA GTG CAG ATG AAG ACA AC-3',
Phospho-IκBα (Ser32), NFκB p65, Phospho-NFκB-p65 (Ser536) 5'-AGT ATG ATG GCG CTT GAG AC-3') were designed for
(Cat. No. 9936) from Cell Signaling Technology; NFκB p50 amplification of a 120-bp fragment of the Mus musculus lysosomal-
(sc-114), Bcl-2 (sc-7382), SOD2 (sc-18504), iNOS (sc-651), p53 associated membrane protein 2 (LAMP-2) transcript variant 1
(sc-6243), SIRT1 (sc-15404), PCNA (sc-56), HIF-1α (sc-53546), mRNA (NM 001017959).
cathepsin D (sc-6486), LAMP-2 (sc-8100), Beclin-1 (sc-10086) Ultrastructural studies. Harderian glands for morphological
from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Phospho-p53 (Ser15) (BioVision, studies were lightly fixed by immersion in a solution containing
3515), DRAM (Rockland, 600-401-A70), LC3 (MBL, PD014) 1.5% glutaraldehyde and 2.5% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phos-
and actin (Sigma, A 5441), each previously diluted 1:1,000 phate buffer (pH 7.4). Fixation was continued overnight at 4°C
in blocking buffer. After three 5 min-washes in PBS-T, the using fresh fixative. The tissue was then postfixed in 1% OsO4 for
membranes were incubated with a dilution (1:10,000 in blocking 2 hours. After dehydration in a graded acetone series, the tissue
buffer) of a corresponding horseradish peroxidase-conjugated fragments were embedded in Taab 812, and semithin sections
secondary antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) for 1 h at room (1 μm) were stained with toluidine blue. Ultrathin sections were
temperature, and again washed three times for 5 min in PBS-T. collected on cooper grids, stained with uranyl acetate-lead citrate,
The membrane was developed using the western Blotting Luminol and examined using a Zeiss EM-109 transmission electron micro-
Reagent (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-2048) according to the scope (Zeiss, Oberkochen Germany) operating at 80 kV. Negatives
manufacturer’s protocol. All data presented are representative from were scanned by an HP Scanjet 3970, and imported by Adobe
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