Slohovka Anj 2

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in order to express my concern about cofee cups that are frequently used in shops of
your branch.

This is a problem that I am hugely invested in, mainly because of the statistics that came out recently,
which show that there are over 340 millions o paper coffee cups used annually in Czech Republic,
which is a rather scary statistic by itself. Moreover, these cups are coated in plastic and this fact
means, that they can be hardly recycled.

These plastic cups are in frequent use in all of your shops. This means, that your chain store is
significatly contributing to the number o used cups. That is very alarming in my opinion

Many people ask if it is inevitable to use these kinds of cups. That is of course a very pertinent
question. And my answer is no! There are many better solutions. The most suitable is probably
making cups with detachable plastic foil that could be simple peeled off before the cup is thrown
away. Other ways how to deal with this problem include using refundable cups (dozens of stores
apply this method nowadays) or implementing some kind of extra fee to people who will not bring
cups or mugs from their home.

Lastly, I want to remind you about urgency of the present state of things and that my reminder
should be considered as quickly as possible.

I sincerely look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Josef Malina

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