Obw Chemical Secret

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Stage 3
Chemical Secret

1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 Who are these two people?
a _T_ John Duncan’s wife died at sea. ................John and Mary................
b _F_ John’s new job was in a plastics ...........................................................................
10 marks
c _T_ The factory was near a river.
d _F_ The waste products from the factory
5 Where are they?
went into the drinking water for
the town. ..............In the factory restaurant...................
e _T_ The waste products were dangerous ...........................................................................
to rats. 10 marks
10 marks
6 Complete these sentences about the last
2 Who said this in the story? John, chapter of the story.
Andrew, David Wilson, the doctor, a John was living..in a small flat near the sea..
Simon, Mary, Christine. b His bedroom was full of ..baby clothes..
a ‘When can you start?’ ...David Wilson.. c He hadn’t spoken to Christine because ..she
b ‘I wouldn’t want anyone to drink those waste wouldn’t speak to him..
products.’ ..The doctor.. d Every morning he rang the hospital to
c ‘You should leave too.’ ..Mary.. ask ..if Christine was there..
d ‘He thinks I’m still a little girl.’ ..Christine.. e On the way to the hospital he went into a
e ‘I’m too old.’ ..John.. shop and ..bought some flowers..
f ‘I have to write an article every week about f The rain was falling on the sandbanks
the environment.’ ..Simon.. where ..the seals used to live..
g ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees.’ ..David 30 marks
h ‘Have you robbed a bank or Total marks
something?’ ..Christine..
i ‘We can’t put those chemicals in the
river.’ ..Mary..
j ‘Can we have a boat?’ ..Andrew..
20 marks

3 Fill in the gaps in the story using these

words: floating, swimmer, life, heavy,
swim, water, slowed, turn, floated, swim.
Hurriedly, Simon began to ..swim.. after her. He
was a good ..swimmer.. but the white
clothes ..slowed.. him down. The ..water..
seemed heavy and held him back. For the rest of
his ..life.. he would dream about that long,
slow ..swim.. towards a white body that ..floated..
quickly away. As he reached her she
was ..floating.. with her face down, unconscious.
He tried to ..turn.. her over but it was so difficult
because she was ..heavy.. .
20 marks


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

a T
b F
c T
d F
e T

a David Wilson
b The doctor
c Mary
d Christine
e John
f Simon
g David Wilson
h Christine
i Mary
j Andrew

swim, swimmer, slowed, water, life, swim,
floated, floating, turn, heavy.

John and Mary

In the factory restaurant

a … in a small flat near the sea.
b … baby clothes.
c … she wouldn’t speak to him.
d … if Christine was there.
e … bought some flowers.
f … the seals used to live.


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

SETTING 8 John said he hadn’t been able to find

another job because _____.
Choose the best answer. B  there were too many bright young
1 John Duncan stopped being a biologists
biologist _____.
9 Christine Duncan had never _____.
D  to make and sell boats
A  been skiing
2 He lost his business after _____
10 John told his children that they were
B  his wife died
going _____.
3 David Wilson told John that they needed a C  to be rich
biologist _____.
C  to say that the factory was safe
4 John was _____ when he was offered
the job. Choose the best answer.
D  very surprised 11 Before John got the job, he was _____.
B  tall and thin, with grey hair
5 He had _____.
B  a son and a daughter 12 David Wilson had _____.
A  a cold, hard smile
6 The flat he and his family lived in
was _____. 13 Mary had _____ and a friendly face.
A  small and miserable A  short brown hair

7 When his wife was alive, they used to 14 Christine was _____ than her brother,
have a _____. Andrew.
C  house in the country C  three years older


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

15 They _____ when they first met her. 22 ‘She sailed around the world alone in a
B  were angry with MarY small boat.’
B  John
16 David Wilson said that John would _____
if he told the truth. 23 ‘I wouldn’t want anyone to drink those waste
D  lose his job products.’
D  John’s doctor
17 Christine told Mary that Simon _____.
A  made her feel important 24 ‘I never knew they lived here, so close to
the town.’
18 Simone wrote an article saying that _____.
B  Mary
B  the factory’s waste products were
dangerous 25 ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know!’
C  David Wilson
19 Peter and Susan were _____.
D  two friends from Greenworld 26 ‘You should leave, too, and get a job in
another company.’
20 At the end of the story, John was
A  Mary
living _____.
D  in a small flat near the sea 27 ‘He says he’s too old for me, and I mustn’t
see him!’
DIALOGUE C  Christine
28 ‘We want to help those poor seals, if
Who said this?
we can.’
21 ‘You’ll have your own office, and a company D  a young chemist
car, of course.’
A  David Wilson 29 ‘Nothing can come out of that pipe now!’
A  Simon


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

30 ‘Are you worried about her baby?’ 38 a small grey or brown animal with a tail
D  the lawyer B  rat
39 unhappy because you are not with
VOCABULARY other people
A  lonely
Choose the best answer.
31 a person who says things that are not true 40 an illness of the body
C  liar D  disease

32 to have enough money to buy something

B  afford
33 bad, not nice Choose the best answer.
D  nasty 41 The most important thing that the company
produced was _____.
34 land, air, water, plants, etc.
C  paint for cars
C  environment
42 Some of the _____ left a mark on
35 worried, afraid
John’s leg.
A  nervous
D  waste products
36 an official description of something
43 He told his doctor that the water at the river
C  report
mouth was _____.
37 make a liquid run out of a container by B  safe
44 When John tested the waste products on
B  spill
rats, some of their babies _____.
D  were born without eyes and ears


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

45 David Wilson _____ to clean up the waste.

A  was not interested in machines
46 After eighteen months, Mary _____.
C  decided to move to another company
47 Christine wanted to marry Simon, who was
interested in _____.
A  the environment
48 She drank the dangerous river water _____.
D  when she nearly drowned
49 At the Public Enquiry, John _____.
B  told the truth
50 John didn’t know if his grandchild
would _____.
D  be born healthy
20 marks

Total marks


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

1 d 41 c
2 b 42 d
3 c 43 b
4 d 44 d
5 b 45 a
6 a 46 c
7 c 47 a
8 b 48 d
9 a 49 b
10 c 50 d

11 b
12 a
13 a
14 c
15 b
16 d
17 a
18 b
19 d
20 d

21 a
22 b
23 d
24 b
25 c
26 a
27 c
28 d
29 a
30 d

31 c
32 b
33 d
34 c
35 a
36 c
37 b
38 b
39 a
40 d


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

BEFORE READING factory was safe / to tell the government

that it was safe to work there and safe to
Activity 1 have a paint factory near the town.
Encourage students to speculate. Right 6 How . . .? He disliked him because Wilson
answers do not matter at this stage but made him feel uncomfortable and seemed
the ‘yes’ answers are probably 2, 4, and to enjoy making people feel small.
5. 7 How . . .? Two years.
8 Why . . .? Because her father had never had
Activity 2
enough money to pay for it.
Encourage students to speculate but do not
tell them the answers. Chapters 3 and 4
1 John Duncan doesn’t tell the truth about his 1 The company had brought four hundred new
job. jobs to the town.
2 The chemical factory kills some animals. 2 The waste products from the factory went into
3 John Duncan loses his job at the chemical the river.
factory. 3 The factory was two kilometres from the sea.
4 By the end of the story John Duncan is a 4 The town’s drinking water came from the river
poor man. five kilometres upstream.
5 John had spilt some of the waste products on
Activity 3 his leg, but was not very worried about it.
Encourage students to think about different 6 John bought a boat for his children.
types of guilt, in order to prepare them 7 When Mary came to dinner, the evening went
for thinking about John Duncan at the badly.
end of the story – is he guilty, and if so, 8 Everybody enjoyed watching the seals on the
what is he guilty of? sandbank.
Some ideas for the discussion:
Chapters 5 and 6
 THE MAN WHO KILLS HIS WIFE'S Several experiments were done on rats to test
LOVER (OR WOMAN WHO kills her the waste products which are produced by
husband’s lover) is guilty of deliberate the factory. These chemicals are diluted
intentional murder, but has the excuse of and on most days less than two parts per
being provoked. million go into the river. Two groups of
 THE DRUNK DRIVER IS NOT GUILTY mother rats were given drinking water
OF DELIBERATE MURDER, but the which contained the waste products: the
death of the victim is equally tragic. first group had five parts per million; the
 THE PERSON WHO KNOWS THE second group had two parts per million.
When the baby rats were born, in the first
one directly, but shares in the guilt of the
group some had no eyes, some had no
murder and may be putting other victims
ears, and some had six legs. In the
at risk by keeping silent.
second group some were born without
WHILE READING These results show that it is not safe to put
Chapters 1 and 2 these chemicals in the river. The company
must build machines to clean up the
1 How . . .? Forty-five.
waste products before they leave the
2 What . . .? Biology and boats.
3 Why . . .? Because he started a boat-building
business with his wife. Before Reading Chapter 7
4 What . . .? She died in a storm in a sailing race. Encourage speculation. The one ‘yes’ answer
5 Why . . .? To make sure that everything in the is number 5.


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

shouted a warning, and her husband, Simon

MacDonald, swam after her and managed to
pull her out onto the river bank further
Chapters 7 to 10 downstream.

3+8 Although John didn’t want Christine to Mrs MacDonald is the daughter of John Duncan,
marry Simon, in the end he agreed to who is the chief biologist at the paint factory.
the marriage. His daughter Christine belongs to
10+4 Mary liked John and felt sorry for him, Greenworld, an environmental group which
but she was pleased that he hadn’t believes that chemicals in the factory’s
asked her to marry him. waste products are killing the baby seals.
6+1 Christine did not believe her father when She and her friends put bags of cement into
he told her that the river water was not the factory’s waste pipe to stop the
dangerous. chemicals going into the river.
9+5 The Greenworld people put cement in Mrs Macdonald is going to have a baby and
the pipe in order to stop the chemicals doctors are very worried because she drank
going into the river. a lot of water from the river near the factory.
2+7 Christine was unconscious when she fell
Activity 2
in the river so she nearly drowned before
Simon saved her. Students may come up with their own ideas
during discussion, but here are some
Before Reading Chapter 11 suggestions:
Open answers. Encourage speculation. John Duncan was a good father because . . .

Chapters 11 and 12  he liked to talk to his children.

 he looked after his children when their
1 Because David Wilson told him he would lose
mother had died.
his job if he didn’t.
 he got a good job because he wanted
2 Because he had been in Scotland with Mary
them to go skiing, to have a good
that weekend.
home, and to have a boat and a horse.
3 The newspaper with the report about Christine
nearly drowning in the river.  he spent time with his children – he went
4 Because he told the enquiry that he was sailing with them.
worried about Christine’s baby, and that the  he was pleased when his daughter got
chemicals were dangerous. married, and tried to help her.
5 Because Christine wouldn’t see him, or speak  he was worried about his daughter’s
to him on the phone, or answer his letters. baby.
6 He was afraid that Christine’s baby would be John Duncan was a bad father because . . .
born with no eyes or ears or legs, like the  he told them lies about his job.
baby rats.  he put money before honesty.
 in his job, he did not stop the river being
AFTER READING dangerous for his daughter and her
Activity 1
Yesterday a young woman nearly drowned in the Activity 3
river when she was sailing with her husband 6 WILSON: Hello, Mary, what can I do for you?
and two friends near the paint factory. 3 MARY: I’ve come to tell you that I’m leaving,
Christine MacDonald, aged 18, was hit on David.
the back of the head by a sail and was 12 WILSON: Leaving? But why?
unconscious when she fell into the water. 5 MARY: You know why. Because of the waste
Her body began to float downstream, products that are going into the river.
towards the sea, but a man from the factory


Stage 3
Chemical Secret

7 WILSON: Oh, them! Mary, I’ve told you, those Managing Director, Wiltech Paints
chemicals aren’t dangerous!
2 MARY: Yes, they are. Look at those baby rats! Activity 5
9 WILSON: But they’re rats, Mary, not people. Encourage students to discuss and give
And nobody drinks water from the river reasons for their opinions.
mouth. You know that!
1 MARY: The seals do. And look at their babies.
8 WILSON: Seals! Who cares about a few
15 MARY: I care. I care about everything in the Activity 6
river. Possible answers:
4 WILSON: OK, so you care. But what can I do
1 If I get this job at the paint factory, I’ll be able
about it?
to buy a nice house / I’ll be able to give my
10 MARY: You can buy machines to take out
children anything they want / we’ll all live
some of the chemicals before the waste
well and go on holidays.
products go into the river.
2 If Mary likes my children, perhaps she’ll
13 WILSON: No, I can’t, Mary. The company
marry me / I’ll ask her to marry me.
can’t afford them.
3 If the baby rats are born healthy, everything will
11 MARY: So the seals have to die because you
be fine / the river water will be safe / there
can’t afford the machines?
won’t be a problem.
16 WILSON: Yes. People come first, Mary. Four
4 If Wilson agrees to build the machines, we’ll
hundred people work here. That’s what I
clean up the river / the river water will be
worry about – their jobs!
safe and clean.
14 MARY: Well, you don’t have to worry about
5 If I leave this job, I’ll never get another job / I
my job any more, David. I’m leaving
won’t have any money / we’ll all be poor
tomorrow. Goodbye.
Activity 4 6 If I stay here and say nothing, I’ll keep my
job / we won’t be poor / nobody will know
Sir: your article yesterday about our factory
that the river is dangerous.
contained some information which was
7 It was a terrible mistake to take this job in the
completely untrue, and I wonder where your
first place / stay in the job when Wilson
journalist got his facts from.
refused to build the machines / say nothing
Scientists do not yet know why the seals are to Christine and Simon about the problem /
dying. Although our factory puts some waste agree to write to the newspapers for David
products into the river, it is less than two Wilson / agree to speak at the enquiry.
parts per million, and a lot more waste
Encourage students to discuss what John
comes from the sewage works. It is also
Duncan’s biggest mistake was.
untrue to say that the river water is unsafe
for people. All the town’s drinking water Activity 7
comes from five kilometres upstream, so
Encourage students to use their imagination
nobody can drink water which contains our
and invent their own ideas.
waste products.
Our company cares about this town because a
lot of our workers live here. We have created
four hundred new jobs since we came here
ten years ago. We can clean up the waste if
we spend two million pounds on machines
to do it, but that would mean fewer jobs for
the people of this town.
David Wilson,


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