Acute Fractures of The Scaphoid

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Acute Fractures of the Scaphoid

David Ring, MD, Jesse B. Jupiter, MD, and James H. Herndon, MD, MBA


Nondisplaced fractures of the scaphoid heal with cast immobilization in most nondisplaced fractures. However,
cases, but operative treatment is being offered with greater frequency to active displacement can be difficult to eval-
patients as an approach to reduce the period of cast immobilization. Computed uate on standard radiographs and
tomography is more useful for evaluating displacement than standard radiog- may be underrecognized. Computed
raphy. Displaced fractures are at greater risk for nonunion and malunion— tomography (CT) with reconstructions
both of which have been associated with the development of radiocarpal arthri- is useful for detecting displacement.
tis in long-term studies—and should therefore be treated operatively. Surgical The advantages of internal fixa-
treatment is also recommended for complex fractures (open fractures, perilu- tion, which include limited immo-
nate fracture-dislocations, and scaphoid fractures associated with fracture of bilization of the limb and the po-
the distal radius), very proximal fractures, and fractures for which the diagno- tential for earlier return to sports
sis and treatment have been delayed. Operative treatment of fractures of the and manual labor, make it an ap-
scaphoid has been simplified by the development of cannulated screws. pealing option for the treatment of
Internal fixation of fractures of the scaphoid may offer some advantages, nondisplaced fractures in active
including earlier return to athletics or manual labor. individuals. With the advent of
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2000;8:225-231 percutaneous-screw fixation tech-
niques, some surgeons have begun
offering operative fixation to pa-
tients who would like to decrease
The treatment of fractures of the pret. Most studies do not segregate the duration of cast immobilization
scaphoid can be challenging. It can those fractures most likely to be and possibly avoid it entirely. In
be difficult to initially establish the associated with healing problems particular, competitive athletes and
diagnosis,1-4 recognize the presence (e.g., proximal-pole fractures, dis- manual laborers are often interested
of displacement, 2,5,6 and confirm placed fractures, and fractures for in this treatment option.
union.7 Scaphoid fractures are com- which diagnosis and treatment
mon among active young adults, were delayed) from nondisplaced
many of whom are dependent on fractures, which generally are not
their upper extremities for work or associated with healing problems.
Dr. Ring is Instructor of Orthopaedic Surgery,
sports. Prolonged cast immobiliza- The main clinical outcome measure Harvard Medical School, Boston, and Director
tion and activity restriction can be has been union of the fracture. of Research, Hand Surgery Service, Massa-
problematic. When a fracture of Functional results have been incon- chusetts General Hospital, Boston. Dr. Jupiter
the scaphoid fails to heal or heals sistently reported. A number of is Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard
Medical School, and Chief, Hand Surgery
with malalignment, carpal kine- aspects of the management of acute
Service, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
matics may be affected; dorsiflex- fractures of the scaphoid remain Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Herndon
ion intercalated segment instability incompletely understood. is Chairman, Partners Department of Ortho-
of the carpus is seen most frequent- Displaced fractures of the scaph- paedics, Massachusetts General Hospital.
ly.8-12 The clinical sequelae of non- oid are the most problematic. Most
union or malunion can include surgeons currently recommend Reprint requests: Dr. Ring, Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery, Massachusetts General
pain, diminished motion and grip operative treatment. Operative fixa-
Hospital, ACC 525, 15 Parkman Street,
strength, and radiocarpal arthrosis. tion of the scaphoid is also common- Boston, MA 02114.
Although many clinical studies ly utilized in the treatment of open
have evaluated the results of treat- fractures and perilunate fracture- Copyright 2000 by the American Academy of
ment of fractures of the scaphoid, dislocations. Cast immobilization is Orthopaedic Surgeons.
the data can be difficult to inter- usually the appropriate treatment for

Vol 8, No 4, July/August 2000 225

Acute Fractures of the Scaphoid

Radial Volar
The term “scaphoid” is derived from
the Greek word for boat. However,
some authors have felt that the con- LA LA
figuration of the scaphoid more
closely resembles a twisted peanut.2 Distal
The complex three-dimensional *
shape of the scaphoid hinders evalu- Proximal
ation of fracture location, the degree
of displacement between fragments, LA
and the accuracy of screw or wire
placement (Fig. 1).2,5,6,13,14
Because the surface of the scaph- Dorsal Ulnar
oid is mostly articular, some have A B
recommended that implants placed
Figure 1 A, Four views of a right scaphoid demonstrate the complex shape of the
in the scaphoid be countersunk scaphoid. The surface is predominantly articular, and most of the blood supply enters
beneath the surface of the bone. through the nonarticular dorsal ridge (LA = lateral apex of the dorsal ridge). The fracture
While it is true that any violation of line depicts the pattern of so-called waist fractures. (Adapted with permission from
Compson JP: The anatomy of acute scaphoid fractures: A three-dimensional analysis of
the bone by a screw or wire may patterns. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1998;80:218-224.) B, Three-dimensional CT reconstruction of
injure a joint, it is often possible to the wrist illustrates radial deviation and volar flexion of the scaphoid (asterisk).
leave the head of a screw outside the (Copyright 1999 by Jesse B. Jupiter, MD.)
bone on the volar surface of the dis-
tal tubercle of the scaphoid, at the
margin of the scaphotrapezial joint, The proximal pole of the scaphoid placed fractures of the scaphoid
without encountering any adverse rotates with the lunate while the with regard to the risks of non-
effects. This is often done when per- distal pole remains flexed by virtue union, malunion, and osteone-
cutaneous fixation is employed. of its attachments to the trapezium crosis.10,18-21 However, the absolute
A consequence of the predomi- and trapezoid. The result is apex magnitude of these risks remains
nantly articular nature of the sur- dorsal (and radial) angulation undetermined. The behavior of
face of the scaphoid is that there are through the fracture of the scaph- nondisplaced fractures is particu-
very few potential sites for the oid—the so-called humpback de- larly nebulous. Computed tomog-
entrance of its vascular supply. formity.8 This deformity produces raphy may be necessary to precise-
Anatomic studies of human cadav- an alteration of carpal kinematics ly identify a fracture as nondis-
eric material have shown that the even if the fracture heals.8,9 placed5,6,14; however, this modality
blood supply to the scaphoid enters Studies in cadavers have demon- is not used routinely. There are also
primarily through the nonarticular strated that deformity of the scaphoid probably a number of active pa-
dorsal ridge but also through the leads to loss of wrist motion, particu- tients who sustain nondisplaced
distal tubercle.15 As a result of this larly extension.16 Clinical experience scaphoid fractures but never seek
anatomic configuration, proximal has shown that scaphoid malunion medical attention because they
fractures are more prone to osteo- or nonunion may produce carpal assume they have a wrist injury.
necrosis and nonunion, and a volar malalignment and progressive radio- Accurate analysis of nondisplaced
operative exposure is less likely to carpal arthrosis.8-12,17 These changes fractures of the scaphoid would
jeopardize the blood supply to the are often associated with pain, weak- have to account for undiagnosed
scaphoid than a dorsal exposure.2 ness, and diminished motion in the and untreated injuries—a difficult,
The ability of the intercarpal and presence of a scaphoid nonunion. if not impossible, task.
radiocarpal ligaments to stabilize The impact of malunion on clinical In a prospective, randomized
the intercalated proximal carpal outcome is less clearly established. trial in which long-arm and short-
row is dependent on the integrity arm thumb spica-cast immobiliza-
of the scaphoid. 8 An unstable tion were compared, unstable (dis-
scaphoid fracture allows dorsal Fracture Displacement placed) fractures of the scaphoid
rotation of the lunate as its liga- were identified with standard radio-
mentous attachments to the tri- There are fundamental differences graphy and excluded.22 Only 2 of
quetrum become predominant. between displaced and nondis- 51 fractures (4%) failed to heal,

226 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

David Ring, MD, et al

both in the short-arm-cast cohort. of the bone is best seen on the semi- Clinical Evaluation
This number might have been even pronated oblique view. The dorsal
lower if CT had been used to iden- ridge is best seen on the semisupi- When evaluating patients with wrist
tify and exclude displaced frac- nated oblique view. Cooney et al18 injuries who have normal radio-
tures. Some authors have even sug- defined displacement (or instabili- graphs, it is important to keep three
gested that nondisplaced fractures ty) on the basis of the presence of a principles in mind. First, fracture of
are inherently stable and will heal fracture gap greater than 1 mm on any the scaphoid is typically an injury of
with little immobilization.23 radiographic projection, a scapholu- active young adults; therefore, the
In contrast, displaced fractures nate angle greater than 60 degrees, or diagnosis of a fracture of the scaph-
have been associated with rates of a radiolunate angle greater than 15 oid in a patient older than 50 years is
nonunion and osteonecrosis in ex- degrees. In addition, the intrascaph- suspect. As patients age, the wrist is
cess of 50% and 55%, respective- oid angle should not exceed 35 de- much more likely to fail at the distal
ly,20,21 not including the incidence grees.8 radial metaphysis than at the scaph-
of malunion.8 Long-term follow-up Studies performed with the use oid. Second, in addition to palpa-
studies have demonstrated that of CT,6,14 dry cadaver bones, and tion of the scaphoid through the
malunited and especially ununited methylmethacrylate models of the interval between the tendons of the
fractures of the scaphoid can lead to scaphoid5 have demonstrated how first and third dorsal compartments
radiocarpal and midcarpal arthrosis difficult it is to characterize a frac- (the anatomic snuffbox), one can
with a pattern resembling that ture of the scaphoid with standard palpate the distal tuberosity of the
observed in patients with injury to radiographs. Most fractures of the scaphoid volarly. The scaphoid
the scapholunate interosseous liga- scaphoid need to be evaluated with compression test (axial compression
ment (commonly referred to as CT to precisely define the location, of the thumb metacarpal toward the
scapholunate advanced collapse, pattern, and displacement of the wrist) is a sensitive and specific
or SLAC, wrist).8-12,17 Consequently, fracture. The CT scan should be examination for injury to the scaph-
many authors suggest that dis- obtained in the plane of the scaph- oid. Third, as a result of the unusu-
placed fractures of the scaphoid oid. Sagittal-plane images are ob- ally complex shape of the scaphoid,
should be anatomically reduced tained by placing the patient prone the radiographic views that best
and securely fixed2,18—recommen- in the scanner with the hand over delineate the scaphoid (i.e., pos-
dations that parallel those for other the head, in full pronation and neu- teroanterior views with the wrist in
articular fractures. tral flexion (Fig. 2, A). The sagittal neutral and ulnar deviation, a true
plane of the scaphoid is similar to lateral view, and 45-degree prona-
that defined by the axis of the tion and supination views) should
Radiologic Evaluation thumb metacarpal when fully ab- be obtained before concluding that
ducted in the plane of the hand. the examination is negative.5
As a result of the complex shape The forearm should be angled ap- A common approach to the man-
and orientation of the scaphoid, proximately 45 degrees across the agement of a suspected fracture of
multiple radiographic views are gantry. For coronal-plane images, the scaphoid is immobilization of the
necessary to accurately image the the forearm is placed in neutral wrist in a cast or splint for 2 weeks
bone. Posteroanterior views, even (Fig. 2, B). Thin (1-mm) sections followed by repeat physical and
those taken in ulnar deviation, are are obtained. Reconstructed images radiographic examination.2 If the
distorted by the flexion and normal are not usually necessary. physical examination findings re-
curvature of the scaphoid. The Magnetic resonance imaging is main suggestive of fracture of the
proximal pole is well visualized, very sensitive for identifying frac- scaphoid but the radiographs are still
but most of the anatomic features tures of the scaphoid, even within negative, a bone scan is obtained.2,24
of the bone, including the distal 48 hours of injury, and has been sug- If there is increased activity in the
tubercle, are compressed into the gested as an alternative means of scaphoid, the injury is treated as a
distal half of the radiographic establishing the presence or ab- nondisplaced scaphoid fracture.
image. The middle third, or waist, sence of scaphoid injury.3,25 Unfor- Unfortunately, most patients
of the scaphoid is best seen on the tunately, magnetic resonance imag- with suspected fractures have not
semipronated oblique (45-degree ing is expensive and not always actually injured the scaphoid, and a
pronated posteroanterior) and lat- readily available. Computed tomog- large number of patients are over-
eral views, although overlap of the raphy with thin sections in the treated. This is important not only
carpal bones frequently limits the plane of the scaphoid holds prom- in terms of the cost of unnecessary
utility of the latter. The distal third ise for early detection. office visits and radiographs, but

Vol 8, No 4, July/August 2000 227

Acute Fractures of the Scaphoid



Figure 2 Computed tomography of the scaphoid is easier to interpret if the images are obtained in the planes defined by the long axis of
the scaphoid. To achieve this, the patient lies prone on the table with the arm overhead. A, For sagittal-plane images, the forearm is held
pronated, and the hand lies flat on the table. The forearm crosses the gantry at an angle of approximately 45 degrees (roughly in line with
the abducted thumb metacarpal). B, Scout images are obtained to confirm appropriate orientation and to ensure that the entire scaphoid is
imaged. Sections are obtained at 1-mm intervals. C, Images obtained in the sagittal plane are best for measuring the intrascaphoid angle.
D, For coronal-plane images, the forearm is in neutral rotation. E, Scout images demonstrate the alignment of the wrist through the gantry
of the scanner. F, Interpretation of images obtained in the coronal plane is straightforward. (Copyright 1999 by Jesse B. Jupiter, MD.)

also because the involved limb in lizing the thumb, ascribed to the with 2 of 23 in the below-elbow-cast
each of these active young patients teachings of Bohler, has been aban- cohort). Because the number of pa-
is disabled for the 2 weeks of im- doned by some.1,26 Verdan empha- tients in the study was small and
mobilization or until a scaphoid sized the importance of extending there were very few adverse out-
fracture is definitively excluded. the cast above the elbow and cited comes (two nonunions), the ob-
cadaver studies demonstrating served differences were not statisti-
motion across a scaphoid osteotomy cally significant. Nonetheless, on
Treatment with pronation and supination of the basis of these data and personal
the forearm.3 Arguments have been experience, many physicians con-
Nondisplaced Fractures made in favor of a variety of wrist tinue to use an above-elbow thumb
Computed tomography should positions.1,2 spica cast with the forearm and
be used as the first step to ensure Gellman et al22 performed a care- wrist in neutral position for the first
that a fracture is truly nondisplaced. fully controlled, randomized pro- 6 weeks of cast treatment. 2 A
Nondisplaced fractures will nearly spective study of above-elbow and below-elbow thumb spica cast is
always heal in good alignment with below-elbow casting techniques. then applied for a minimum of 6
cast immobilization.18,22 A variety Unstable (displaced) fractures were additional weeks or until the frac-
of types of casts and durations of excluded. The authors detected ture is healed.
immobilization have been utilized, only a small difference in the inci- In spite of the relative success of
but there is very little solid informa- dence of nonunion in favor of an cast immobilization (as measured
tion to support one type of cast over above-elbow cast (0 of 28 in the in terms of the rate of union), there
another. The tradition of immobi- above-elbow-cast cohort compared are reasons to consider alternative

228 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

David Ring, MD, et al

treatments. Union can be extremely for soft or padded casts on game now consider operative treatment
difficult to confirm on standard days.27 The soft casts are required more often. Initial percutaneous
radiographs. Dias et al7 asked eight to minimize the potential for injury techniques required temporary
senior observers to evaluate radio- to other athletes. This has not been Kirschner-wire stabilization fol-
graphs obtained 12 weeks after associated with healing problems lowed by predrilling and insertion
scaphoid fracture for the presence provided there is no delay between of a Herbert screw or another non-
or absence of union and found poor the injury and diagnosis of the frac- cannulated screw. The advent of
interobserver agreement (κ = 0.386). ture. 27 An alternative approach, cannulated-screw systems has sub-
Most patients are initially immo- particularly for patients who want stantially facilitated percutaneous
bilized for 10 to 12 weeks. How- to return to sports requiring manual fixation (Fig. 3).29 While it is often
ever, if union is uncertain, the period dexterity that would be hindered challenging to achieve optimal
of immobilization may be extended. by a cast, has been to perform in- placement of the guide wire and
The functional consequences of 10 ternal fixation through a volar verify it with image intensification,
weeks or more of cast immobiliza- exposure. In one study,28 operative once this is achieved, drilling and
tion of the wrist have not been well fixation of minimally or nondis- screw placement are relatively
documented, but stiffness and placed fractures allowed 12 athletes straightforward. Initial data ob-
muscle atrophy occur to a variable to return to sports such as basket- tained with percutaneous fixation
and often substantial degree. Fur- ball, baseball, and archery within and immediate postoperative mo-
thermore, fracture of the scaphoid an average of 6 weeks. Only one bilization demonstrate that compli-
is an injury of active young adults, fracture in that study failed to heal. cations are rare, with union rates as
many of whom are employed as The advent of safer, more reli- high as 100%, excellent functional
laborers or involved in competitive able implants and operative tech- results, and return to manual labor
athletics and would therefore like niques for percutaneous fixation within 5 weeks. 29 More data are
to avoid prolonged cast immobili- has decreased the incidence of needed to determine the relative
zation. complications and shortened the merits of operative and nonopera-
For athletes, treatment programs duration of recovery associated tive approaches to the treatment
have been modified such that stan- with operative treatment of nondis- of nondisplaced fractures of the
dard fiberglass casts are exchanged placed fractures.29 Therefore, we scaphoid.


Figure 3 Radiographs of a 27-year-old man who injured his wrist in a fall while playing tennis. A, Oblique view of the wrist demon-
strates a nondisplaced fracture of the waist of the scaphoid. Posteroanterior (B) and lateral (C) radiographs depict fracture fixation with a
cannulated 3.0-mm screw inserted by using a percutaneous technique (note that the head of the screw was purposely left outside the
bone). (Copyright 1999 by Jesse B. Jupiter, MD.)

Vol 8, No 4, July/August 2000 229

Acute Fractures of the Scaphoid

Displaced Fractures and fix some displaced fractures by Initially Unrecognized Fractures
The treatment of displaced frac- using a percutaneous technique. Several studies have suggested
tures of the scaphoid consists of re- that a fracture of the scaphoid that
alignment of the fracture fragments Fractures of the Proximal Pole is unrecognized, and therefore
followed by stable internal fixation. of the Scaphoid untreated, for 4 weeks or longer is
In most cases, volar exposure of the The perceived difficulty of man- at increased risk for nonunion.32,33
scaphoid will be used in an attempt aging fractures of the proximal third The incidence of nonunion with de-
to limit injury to the blood supply of the scaphoid derives primarily layed immobilization of scaphoid
of the scaphoid. 2 It is easier to from the treatment of nonunited fractures in several studies ranged
address very proximal fractures fractures, many of which feature an from 19% to 88%.32,33 On the basis
with a dorsal exposure. The Her- avascular proximal fragment. There of these observations, scaphoid frac-
bert screw has been a popular is very little data documenting the tures diagnosed on a delayed basis
device for achieving secure fixation behavior of acute fractures of the should be considered for operative
of fractures of the scaphoid. How- proximal pole. However, higher risks treatment regardless of displace-
ever, using the alignment jig ap- of nonunion and the need for pro- ment.
propriately is technically difficult.30 longed immobilization have been
In addition, some authors have reported in a few small series.26 As Complicated Fractures of the
expressed concern that use of the a result of these clinical observations Scaphoid
jig may damage the scaphotrape- and the tenuous vascular supply to Fractures of the scaphoid associ-
zial joint.2,30 Cannulated screw fix- the proximal pole observed in cadav- ated with severe soft-tissue injury or
ation, which does not require the er studies, many surgeons favor open wounds (Fig. 4), associated
use of a jig, has therefore become operative fixation of all fractures of carpal ligament injuries (perilunate
popular for open as well as percu- the proximal third of the scaphoid. fracture-dislocations, scaphocapitate
taneous repairs.
It is often useful to insert Kirsch-
ner wires into the individual scaph-
oid fragments so as to allow manip-
ulation of the fragments to achieve
reduction. These wires are often re-
ferred to as “joysticks.” Additional
Kirschner wires can be inserted to
stabilize the fragments in a reduced
position while the wire intended to
guide the screw is placed. In pa-
tients with fracture comminution,
particularly with compromise of the
volar cortex, bone grafting should
be considered.
The position of the screw within
the scaphoid may influence healing
of the fracture. A recent investiga-
Figure 4 Images of a 27-year-old woman who
tion of screw fixation of nonunited sustained fractures of the scaphoid and capitate
fractures of the scaphoid suggested with an open wound. A, Radiograph taken in
that the time to healing was shorter the emergency department suggested severe
carpal injury. After debridement of the wound,
when the screw was placed in the the injury was defined, and all fractures were
central third.31 Central screw place- secured with screws. B, Intraoperative photo-
ment was achieved more consis- graph (wrist is at right) shows a screw being
placed into the proximal aspect of the capitate
tently with cannulated screws than (asterisk) through a dorsal wound. C, Postero-
with Herbert screws.31 anterior radiograph of the wrist demonstrates
The rate of success in obtaining restoration of alignment of the wrist, with two
screws in the scaphoid and one in the capitate.
a satisfactory reduction with the (Copyright 1999 by Jesse B. Jupiter, MD.)
use of either closed or limited open
techniques has yet to be fully eval- C
uated. It may be possible to reduce

230 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

David Ring, MD, et al

syndrome), or fracture of the distal as to limit muscle fibrosis, tendon complex wrist injuries are indica-
radius also merit operative treat- adhesions, and other problems. tions for operative treatment. Com-
ment. These complicated fractures puted tomography may be the best
are high-energy injuries associated method for characterization of dis-
with severe soft-tissue damage and Summary placement. Some patients with non-
swelling; therefore, cast immobiliza- displaced fractures may elect to
tion may not be possible. The goals The treatment of scaphoid fractures undergo percutaneous fracture fixa-
of treatment in this situation include is evolving in response to the ad- tion with a cannulated screw to
stable fixation of all skeletal injuries vent of new imaging techniques avoid prolonged cast immobiliza-
and early initiation of rehabilitation and new implants for operative fixa- tion and to allow a more rapid
to enhance articular mobility as well tion. Fracture displacement and return to sport or work.

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