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1. Glum
2. Sullen
3. Unhappy
4. Conceited

The study of earthquakes

1. Geology
2. Geography
3. Topography
4. Seismology

Be hard up
1. Unable to calculate
2. Have very little money
3. Have difficulty in climbing stairs
4. Find it very difficult to wake up early

To walk aimlessly
1. Amble
2. Crawl
3. Sprint
4. Slither

1. showy
2. tasteful
3. sudden
4. quick

In the same breath

1. Try and hold your breath
2. Say two contradictory things at the same time
3. Able to get a foul smell
4. Practice breathing exercises

1. Build
2. Ease
3. Comfort
4. Ruin

1. Clap
2. react
3. Facilitate
4. Rotate

1. Permit
2. Confront
3. Face
4. Prevent

1. Noisy
2. Reserved
3. Verbose
4. Lively

1. Smooth
2. Coarse
3. Crude
4. Thick

Walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace

1. Strut
2. Romp
3. Amble
4. Prance

1. Equal
2. Upright
3. Shaky
4. Parallel

Cake walk
1. Something sweet
2. Something easy
3. Something enjoyable
4. Something tasty

One who supervises students in an examination hall

1. Examinee
2. Inspector
3. Teacher
4. Invigilator

1. Persistent
2. Relentless
3. Yielding
4. Steadfast

1. Praise
2. Forgive
3. Prevent
4. Disappoint

A glass container to keep fish

1. Vase
2. Atrium
3. Aquarium
4. Beaker

1. Amity
2. Dislike
3. Companionship
4. Friendship

A sound that cannot be heard

1. Audible
2. Inedible
3. Inaudible
4. Indelible

1. Rough
2. Broken
3. Flat
4. Uneven

1. Impending
2. Unyielding
3. Ignorant
4. Distant

1. Depend
2. Move
3. Distrust
4. Await

1. Alarm
2. Astound
3. Assure
4. Amaze

Formally put an end to a system, practice, or institution

1. Kill
2. Stop
3. Abolish
4. Destroy

1. Debt
2. Loan
3. Bond
4. Pair

To take after
1. To change sides often
2. To mock someone
3. To be similar in appearance
4. To chase someone

Foul play
1. Unfair or dishonest behaviour
2. Unpleasant weather for playing
3. A bad smelling theatre or playground
4. A drama which is badly produced

Indifferent to pleasure and pain

1. Cynic
2. Prudent
3. Lusty
4. Stoic

1. Committed
2. Convinced
3. Trustful
4. Distrustful

1. Sufferer
2. Game
3. Loot
4. Predator

1. Inevitable
2. Inexplicable
3. Incredible
4. Indelible

1. Arbitrary
2. Voluntary
3. Elective
4. Compulsory

1. Contract
2. Policy
3. Plan
4. Chance

A long shot
1. Little chance of success
2. A perfect aim
3. A correct prediction
4. Very profitable

A fictional being from another world

1. Alien
2. Native
3. Foreigner
4. Stranger

On the wane
1. On the decline
2. On the way
3. On the top
4. On the rise

Showing great attention to detail and correct behaviour

1. Zealous
2. Punctilious
3. Disciplined
4. Punctual
In exactly the same words as the original
1. Duplicate
2. Verbatim
3. Copy
4. Imitation

1. Entertain
2. Annoy
3. Leave
4. Choose

The examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes

1. Valuation
2. Inspection
3. Introspection
4. Assessment

1. Appeal
2. Refuse
3. Protest
4. Reply

Lie low
1. Fly a plane at a low altitude
2. Lie down and relax after a tiring day
3. Sit on a low chair
4. Try not to be noticed

A medical condition in which somebody partly or completely loses their memory

1. Amnesia
2. Anaemia
3. Alopecia
4. Asphyxia

1. Essential
2. Superfluous
3. Ignorant
4. Arrogant

1. Descent
2. Resent
3. Patent
4. Present

1. Clasp
2. Relax
3. Hold
4. Tighten

1. Trivial
2. Dignified
3. Excited
4. Frivolous

Stone’s throw
1. Short distance
2. Hurt slightly
3. Large hurdle
4. Difficult problem

Drawings or writing scribbled on walls in public places

1. Posters
2. Hoardings
3. Sketches
4. Graffiti

Dark horse
1. A slow runner
2. An unexpected winner
3. A mean person
4. An honest fellow

Study of insects
1. Ecology
2. Biology
3. Geology
4. Entomology

1. Languor
2. Apathy
3. Hiatus
4. Misfortune

Hold the key

1. To have control of something
2. To keep a secret
3. To have the right of succession
4. To own a property

1. Foul
2. Coarse
3. Juicy
4. Decent

Something that is strong and lasts a long time without breaking or becoming weaker.
1. Secure
2. Pliable
3. Harsh
4. Durable

1. Injure
2. Breach
3. Arrange
4. Organise

1. Careful
2. Faithful
3. Strange
4. Indifferent

1. Select
2. Correct
3. Corrupt
4. Assist

Sharpness and accuracy of judgment

1. Acumen
2. Estimation
3. Experience
4. Knowledge

My friends succeeded because they left no stone unturned in their search for an
answer to the problem.
1. made every possible effort
2. depended on many people
3. looked in different places
4. proposed good pl

Nip in the bud

1. To cut the buds
2. To destroy early
3. Not to destroy
4. To destroy late

1. Ultimately
2. Initially
3. Primarily
4. Originally

1. Foreign
2. Familiar
3. Common
4. Popular

1. Clear
2. Mainstream
3. Periphery
4. Definite

You have put me in a tight corner by telling me to keep quiet.

1. A comfortable situation
2. A secret place
3. A difficult situation
4. An embarrassing situation

An image of a God used for worship

1. Icon
2. Temple
3. Idol
4. Model

A tank for fish or water plants

1. Aviary
2. Reservoir
3. Museum
4. Aquarium

1. Seize
2. Protect
3. Raid
4. Pilfer

1. Veiled
2. Blurred
3. Cloudy
4. Apparent

One who can read and write

1. Illegible
2. Illiterate
3. Eligible
4. Literate

Cool as a cucumber
1. Happy and excited
2. Calm and composed
3. Nervous and fidgety
4. Irritated and annoyed

1. Allowed
2. Concluding
3. Former
4. Forbidden

Drawings or writing on a wall in a public place

1. Portrait
2. Caricature
3. Graffiti
4. Collage

1. Explore
2. Connote
3. Scream
4. Suggest

1. doorway
2. window
3. stairs
4. exit
To bury the hatchet
1. To end a quarrel
2. To bury old things
3. To stop talking to someone
4. To fight with someone

1. Falsehood
2. Penury
3. Melancholy
4. Frankness

1. Late
2. Vast
3. Free
4. New

1. Crafty
2. Crooked
3. Dishonest
4. Sincere

Easy money
1. Have no difficulty in collecting money that is due
2. Collect someone’s cash for them easily
3. Work hard to earn a large salary without telling anyone
4. Make money without much effort, maybe illegally

One who knows everything

1. Experienced
2. Naïve
3. Omniscient
4. Invincible

A seat for a passenger on a bicycle or motorbike

1. Bridle
2. Cushion
3. Girdle
4. Pillion

1. Meagre
2. Genuine
3. Notorious
4. Incredible discrepancy is found

Keep someone at arm’s length

1. Restrict someone to a small space to stand
2. Allow someone to talk only from a distance
3. Make someone stay outside
4. Avoid being friendly with someone

1. unwell
2. calm
3. drunk
4. straight

1. Spread
2. Pass
3. Hold
4. Send

1. Gather
2. Divide
3. Scatter
4. Spread

To fight shy of
1. To struggle hard
2. To try to avoid something
3. To attack without warning
4. To overcome one’s weakness

A problem that is so difficult that it cannot be wered

1. Solvable
2. Insoluble
3. Impossible
4. Terrible

Unfairly take something belonging to another for one’s use

1. Misconstrue
2. Misinterpret
3. Misappropriate
4. Misapprehend

A person who travels on foot.

1. Dweller
2. Flyer
3. Pedestrian
4. Rover

Sticky fingers
1. An inclination to steal
2. A tendency to interfere
3. A habit of licking fingers
4. A tendency to forget

1. Block
2. Approve
3. Match
4. Permit

1. Argument
2. Quarrel
3. Controversy
4. Agreement

A fixed sum paid annually

1. Bonus
2. Annuity
3. Honorarium
4. Alimony

1. Condense
2. Conserve
3. Consume
4. Convert

1. Extensive
2. Roomy
3. Cramped
4. Boundless

Play with fire

1. To spread knowledge
2. To fight an opponent
3. To do something dangerous
4. To be courageous

1. Choke
2. Stretch
3. Cramp
4. Smite

A style of cooking food, characteristic of a particular country or region

1. Antique
2. Creche
3. Cuisine
4. Menu

1. Quit
2. Rescue
3. Possess
4. Retain

1. Momentous
2. Boring
3. Compulsory
4. Eventful

1. Solid
2. Tight
3. Slack
4. Strong

Unable to express feelings clearly

1. Inarticulate
2. Eloquent
3. Verbose
4. Affluent

To hold water
1. To be unsteady and unsure
2. To be sad and depressed
3. To be large and deep
4. To be valid and reasonable

1. Hesitant
2. Satiated
3. Volatile
4. Starved

An animal with a spinal cord

1. Amphibian
2. Vertebrate
3. Mammal
4. Invertebrate

1. Alert
2. Dazed
3. Calm
4. Aware

1. Lively
2. Damp
3. Fertile
4. Dry

Able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened
1. Reluctant
2. Remnant
3. Resilient
4. Resistant

A snake in the grass

1. A sudden death
2. A good fortune
3. A hidden enemy
4. An unfortunate accident

1. Fickle
2. Fast
3. Wild
4. Strong

Blow your own trumpet

1. Boast about one’s own qualities
2. Practise playing music
3. Play on your instrument
4. Keep away the dust from your instruments
Smooth sailing
1. Easy progress
2. Comfortable place
3. Calm weather
4. Plain dress

1. round
2. small
3. sturdy
4. weak

On purpose
1. Accidently
2. Mischievously
3. Intentionally
4. Luckily

1. Fragile
2. Frail
3. Durable
4. Crumbling

1. Rigid
2. Bending
3. Even
4. Smooth

1. Cheeky
2. Smooth
3. Polite
4. Tasty

Easily hurt emotionally

1. Incensed
2. Sensitive
3. Sensible
4. Senseless

1. unworthy
2. appreciable
3. commendable
4. lucky

Pay heed to
1. Give back money with interest
2. Repay old debts honestly
3. Listen carefully with attention
4. Disburse without partiality

1. Victorious
2. Fortunate
3. Affluent
4. Pompous

1. Earthly
2. Holy
3. Hidden
4. Basic

A spear used for hunting large fish

1. Lance
2. Sword
3. Harpoon
4. Dagger

1. Applicable
2. Effective
3. Secondary
4. Active

A room or large cupboard for storing food

1. Larder
2. Bakery
3. Wardrobe
4. Almirah

It was a lavish birthday party and I could see my friend eat like a horse.
1. hardly eating
2. eating what horses eat
3. eating excessively
4. eating differently

Back out
1. To enquire
2. To throw
3. To explode
4. To withdraw

1. Content
2. Full
3. Satiated
4. Starved

1. Calm
2. Disturbance
3. Noise
4. Activity

Place where objects of importance are exhibited

1. Treasury
2. Museum
3. Fair
4. Exhibition discrepancy is found

Lacking interest or excitement

1. Despot
2. Mundane
3. Miserly
4. Hostile

Have a change of heart

1. Change one’s opinion
2. Undergo a surgery
3. Fall in love with someone
4. Express happiness about something

1. Rigid
2. Callous
3. Secure
4. Amenable

1. single
2. many
3. triple
4. double

1. Instil
2. Remove
3. Deprive
4. Clear

1. Awkward
2. Refined
3. Dignified
4. Polite

Hit a brick wall

1. Demolish a brick wall
2. Use physical force
3. Not able to make any progress
4. Fight a powerful foe

A person who collects or studies stamps

1. Philatelist
2. Collector
3. Hoarder
4. Numismatist

To sit on the fence

1. Occupy a bench next to a boundary
2. Avoid taking sides
3. Take a high seat
4. Place something on a barrier

1. Calm
2. Rage
3. Craze
4. Fury

A person above a hundred years in age

1. Venerable
2. Centenarian
3. Geriatric
4. Aged

1. Daring
2. Secretive
3. Strange
4. Sincere

Feast one’s eyes on

1. Prepare a rare delicacy
2. Gaze at something with pleasure
3. Notice something alarming
4. Arrange a delicious meal

1. Evince
2. Announce
3. Conceal
4. Exhibit

1. Pale
2. Clear
3. Closed
4. Furious discrepancy is found

1. Despair
2. Pleasure
3. Gloom
4. Boredom

A person who works in a shop that sells cut flowers and plants
1. Vendor
2. Florist
3. Hawker
4. Dealer

1. Miserly
2. Precise
3. Crude
4. Genteel

Cold comfort
1. Very little satisfaction
2. Enjoyment in the hills
3. Very soothing
4. Unbearable weather
Policy of racial discrimination
1. Commonwealth
2. Apartheid
3. Non-alignment
4. Diplomacy

1. Clap
2. Rotate
3. react
4. Facilitate

1. Zealous
2. Diligent
3. Indolent
4. Persistent

1. Precious
2. Delicious
3. Judicious
4. Malicious

1. Meekness
2. Kindness
3. Caution
4. Daring

1. Clarify
2. Stun
3. Shock
4. Confuse

In the limelight
1. The centre of attraction
2. A well kept secret
3. About to be successful
4. In a well lit up room

A four-footed animal
1. Biped
2. Reptile
3. Mammal
4. Quadruped

Cat’s paw
1. A person used as a tool by another
2. To attack someone
3. The most important attribute
4. Move at a fast pace

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