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To: Professor Dane Howard

From: Keesha Bumpurscooks

Date: 5/31/2024
Subject: Progress report on personal blog


This will be my progress report involving the creation of a personal blog in which technical

writing in general and what I have learned in technical writing is the overall theme. This was our

final weekly major assignment for EN261 Technical Writing and is due by June 6th, 2024.


What’s the name and where to find it

After being asked to present a personal blog for technical writers, I began researching the

subject and have begun preparing a blog titled: KBCBigMix13 on the Weebly web hosting

service at the following link:

 This site was chosen after hours and days of research and additional peer

recommendations for usability, versatility and user interface

 Has plenty of easily accessible features and room for expansion with paid


 Great for beginners

What I have done so far

 Created, modified and set the theme of the above-mentioned blog

 Added links to previous Technical Writing assignments

 Added previous various written assignments to be viewed

 Added link to other previous assignment that was also updated, which includes

access to resume and other info (at wixsite)

 Created a solid foundation on which to build

What I am doing now

 Updating with written blogs explaining my progression of initial development

 Researching how to establish links with external resources such as

o Educational materials

o Resources such as dictionaries, thesauruses, and books

o Reputable affiliate links such as other blogs and income generators

 Finalizing design and adding finishing touches

What’s left to do

 Decide on and include at least 2 links to external resources

 Make sure all links are functional

 Add at least one more pertinent blog

 Upload this progress report to the blog

What I have overcome

 Had to learn and familiarize myself with a new way of communicating including

what could be considered some pretty common forms of internet usage

 Had a hard time deciding on how best to approach this assignment

 Overcoming the fear and anxiety of a public persona

Where I could take this blog and its conclusion

This has been an interesting project and in the following days, I will continue to “tweak” the

blog, possibly after it’s due date as well. If this were to be a long-term assignment, I could see

each aspect of my to-do list being implemented and polished, with many more resources and

appropriate links. Perhaps I would upload more personal writings and even other original works.

As it is, I feel confident that I have learned enough to replicate this process on a different

platform if the need or the want arises.

My Recommendation

If I were to embark on this project again, I would have liked to have had an additional week to

lay an even stronger foundation on which to build. Perhaps, I am just the outlier. However, I can

see how the blog could be used as a long-term assignment. Each week building on a specific


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