Uts Gita Malem BR Karo Sekali

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Ujian tengah semester

NAME:Gita Malem BR Karo Sekali

Regular f

English literacy

1. When you are watching television programmes, e. g. news report, talk-shows,
commentators in sport programmes, etc., one of the things you may take is the result of
media production/work. Now, explain clearly the essential things in ways of producing
the media and communication programmes run effectively, attractively, truthfulness,
and newsworthy!

2. A news report or newspaper consists of eight elements. They are title/ headline, author
name, dateline, lead, body, conclusion, photo, and caption. Please explain the
guidelines for writing effective leads!

3. Please analyse the Kompas news below based on the aspects: News worthy, the
approaches 5 W + 1 H, and news writing style!


1.*Clear Objectives*: Define clear objectives for each program, whether it's to inform, entertain,
educate, or provoke discussion. Understanding the purpose helps in crafting content that
aligns with these goals.

*Thorough Research*: Conduct thorough research to gather accurate information and ensure the
credibility of the content. Fact-checking is crucial to maintain truthfulness.

*Compelling Storytelling*: Use compelling storytelling techniques to engage the audience and
keep them interested throughout the program. This includes using narrative structures,
human-interest stories, and relatable examples.

*Visual Appeal*: Pay attention to visual elements such as graphics, set design, and
cinematography to enhance the attractiveness of the program. High-quality visuals can
captivate viewers and make the content more memorable.
*Diverse Perspectives*: Incorporate diverse perspectives and voices to provide a comprehensive
view of the topic being discussed. This adds depth and richness to the content and makes it
more inclusive.

*Ethical Considerations*: Adhere to ethical standards in media production, including respecting

privacy, avoiding sensationalism, and presenting information in a balanced manner. Integrity
and honesty are paramount in building trust with the audience.

*Timeliness*: Ensure that the content is timely and relevant to current events and issues. This
enhances the newsworthiness of the program and keeps it fresh and engaging for the

*Interactive Elements*: Incorporate interactive elements such as audience participation, polls, or

Q&A sessions to foster engagement and interaction with the audience. This makes the
program more dynamic and participatory.

*Adaptability*: Be adaptable and responsive to changes in the media landscape and audience
preferences. Experiment with different formats, platforms, and delivery methods to stay
relevant and reach a wider audience.

By focusing on these essential aspects, media production and communication programs can
effectively deliver content that is not only attractive and engaging but also truthful,
newsworthy, and impactful.

2. *Title/Title*: The title must be clear, concise, and describe the essence of the news. Use words
that catch the reader's attention.

*Author Name*: Include the author's name at the top or bottom of the article. This gives
credibility to the news and allows readers to know who is responsible for the content of the

*Timeline*: Provide context by including a timeline or date of the reported event. Readers need
to know when the event occurred to understand its relevance.

*Leader*: The leader should grab the reader's attention and provide a brief summary of the main
story. Use an interesting and clear writing style to attract readers.

. *Content*: Content must be structured and logical. Use an inverted pyramid, with the most
important information at the beginning and more details at the end.
*Conclusion*: Summarize the main points or reinforcement of the news. Don't add new
information in this section, but keep the focus on the main story.

*Photos*: Include relevant and interesting photos to strengthen the narrative and grab the
reader's attention. Make sure the photo is high quality and has appropriate captions.

*Caption*: Provide a brief description of the photo, such as the place or time where the photo
was taken. This helps readers understand the visual context.

3. Newsworthiness:

This news is relevant because it discusses the cybercrime of spoofing-social engineering, which
involves the sending of fake APK files resulting in financial losses for victims.

5W + 1H Approach:

- What: The news discusses the cybercrime of spoofing-social engineering, where perpetrators
send fake APK files, causing financial losses to victims.

- Who: Perpetrators of cybercrime using the spoofing-social engineering modus operandi,

victims targeted by these attacks, cybersecurity experts like Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. Ramli, and
law enforcement officers who can provide insights on how to protect oneself from such

- When: The news does not specify the exact time of the spoofing-social engineering incident
discussed but provides an understanding that this crime occurs continuously and can happen
to anyone.

- Where: Spoofing-social engineering can occur anywhere, whether through email, text
messages, or social media, making it a widespread threat to internet users.

- Why: The news explains why spoofing-social engineering cybercrime occurs, namely to obtain
victims' personal information and access their bank accounts.

- How: The news explains how the spoofing-social engineering modus operandi is carried out,
including the use of fake APK files, psychological manipulation of victims, and steps that
can be taken to prevent it.

Writing Style
- The news is written in a clear and informative style, using language that is easily
understood by the general readership.

- Direct quotes from expert sources such as the FBI and Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. Ramli add
credibility to the news.

- The structured paragraph layout makes it easy for readers to follow the news flow and
understand the information conveyed.

- The author provides practical advice and concrete steps that readers can take to protect
themselves from spoofing-social engineering attacks.

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