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1. Background
CNC machines are a major and fundamental part of the modern manufacturing
industry. The machine operates using instructions and code that has been downloaded
using the CNC machine program controller. In order for the machine to execute
commands from the CNC, commands must be entered using G and M codes. CNC
operators are required to know the appropriate CNC machine codes, instructions and
programs and how to use them. Both types of coding are required for the CNC device
system to function properly and according to the instructions we want. G-code and M-
code work in tandem to position the workpiece and command machine work.
2. Questions
- What is the meaning of G code, M code, and the functions of T, F, S MILL CNC?
- Function Gcode

G00 Rapid motion.Used to position the machine for non-milling moves.

G01 Line motion at a specified feed rate.
G02 Clockwise arc.
G03 Counterclockwise arc.
G04 Dwell.
G10 Coordinate system origin setting
G17 Xy plane
G20 Imperia; coordinat system
G21 Metric coordinat system
G28 Return to machine home position.
G31 Skip function
G40 Cutter Diameter Compensation (CDC) off.
G41 Cutter Diameter Compensation (CDC) left.
G42 Cutter Diameter Compensation (CDC) right.
G43 Tool length offset (TLO).
G44 Tool length compensation – positive direction
G49 Cancel tool length offset
G52 Local coordinat system setting
G54 Fixture offset #1.
G55 Fixture offset #2.
G56 Fixture offset #3.
G57 Fixture offset #4.
G58 Fixture offset #5.
G59 Fixture offset #6.
G80 Cancel drill cycle
G81 Simple drill cycle.
G92 Simple drill cycle with dwell.
G83 Peck drill cycle.
G84 Tap cycle.
G90 Absolute coordinate programming mode.
G91 Incremental coordinate programming mode.
G98 Drill cycle return to Initial point (R).
G99 Drill cycle return to Reference plane (last Z Height)

- Function M code

M00 Program stop

M01 Program optional stop
M02 End the program
M03 Spindle on clockwise, laser, flame, power on
M04 Spindle on counter clockwise
M05 Spindle stop, laser, flame, power off
M06 Tool change
M08 Coolant on
M09 Coolant off
M10 Reserved for tool height offset
M13 Spindle on, coolant on
M30 End the Program when macros are used

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presentasi yang kami bawakan kami mohon maaf, Terima kasih.


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