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Q1. What is biodiversity?

It can be defined as the variety of plants, animals and microorganisms found in an area.
Q2. What do you mean by flora and fauna?
The plants found in an area constitute flora and animals found in a particular area constitute
Q3. What is deforestation?
Cutting down forests and using the land for other purposes is deforestation.
Q4. Why do some animals become endangered?
Animals that cannot adjust to the environmental changes begin to die, and some species
become endangered as their population becomes very less.
Q5. What is a biosphere reserve?
A biosphere reserve is a large protected area set aside for conservation of wildlife, plants,
animals and microorganisms resources and the traditional life of the tribal living in that area.
Q6. What are endemic species?
Endemic species are those species of plants and animals that are found exclusively in a
particular area and are not naturally found anywhere else. Indian giant squirrel and flying
squirrel are endemic to Panchmarhi biosphere reserve area.
Q7. Why did IUCN prepare the Red data book?
IUCN maintains a Red data book to provide data on the population status of the species
included in the Red List. It shows the risk of extinction of various species.
Q8. Into what categories are the species listed in the Red List and Red Data book
The Red Data book species are classified into different categories depending on the risk of
extinction, for eg extinct, critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable.
Q1. List 4 ways in which forests are useful.
a. They yield valuable products, such as timber, wood, wood pulp, latex, resin,
turpentine, gum, lac and medicinal plants.
b. They protect wildlife, since wildlife depends on forest for shelter and food.
c. They help in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
d. They maintain water cycle in the nature, by releasing water during transpiration and
helps in absorbing water by the soil. This also checks floods.
Q2. List 3 main causes of deforestation.
a. Mining- for mining minerals from the deep layers of the earth.
b. Cutting trees- for construction and for timber.
c. Farming- more food is needed as the population is increasing
Q3. ‘Deforestation can lead to desertification’ How?
Deforestation causes an increase in soil erosion. As the top soil gets eroded, the lower hard
and rocky soil with less humus gets exposed. This oil is less fertile. Over time, continued soil
erosion can convert the land into a desert. This is desertification.
Q4. What effect can deforestation have on ground water? Give reasons.
Deforestation can cause decrease in the levels of ground water due to decrease in the water
absorption by the soil. This can also cause floods.
Q5. What do you mean by planned harvesting of forests? How does it help in their
It means cutting only some trees in an area. The uncut trees prevent soil erosion and produce
seeds so that new trees grow.
Q6. In what ways are wild life conservation and forest conservation related?
Wildlife and Forest conservation are closely related. When a forest is destroyed many
animals become extinct or endangered as their homes and habitats are lost. So, to conserve
the wildlife forests need to be protected and conserved.
Q7. What is the difference between a national park, a wild life sanctuary and a
biosphere reserve?
1.Notified areas that 1.A reserved area of land established by the 1.It is a natural habitat,
cover a larger area of government to protect the environment as a owned by the
land which may whole-wildlife, plants, animals, government or private
cover multiple microorganisms, tribal living in that area agency, that
National Parks, safeguards a particular
Sanctuaries, and 2.A typical biosphere reserve is divided into species of birds and
reserves as well. the following ZONES animals
Core (no human activity is there),
2.Highly restricted, Buffer (limited human activity is 2.Restrictions are less
random access to the permitted), and open to visitations
general public is not Manipulation (several human activities can by the general public
allowed occur in this zone).
3.Permission Not
3.Permission is 3.Subject to the particular area of the required
required biosphere reserve

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