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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

S1 Science Test
Unit 4 Energy
Name: ____________________________( ) Time and Marks
Class: ____________________________ Part A: 35 min / 100 marks
Date: ____________________________ Parts A & B: 45 min / 120 marks

1 Attempt ALL questions.
2 Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Answer Sheets.

Part A (Level 1)

A True or false questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

Study each of the following statements. Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement on the answer
1 Wind is a form of energy.
2 Batteries store chemical energy.
3 Steam engine for generating electricity changes the chemical energy stored in fuels to electrical energy.
4 Greenhouse effect is one of the pollution problems due to the generation of electricity.
5 Coal, oil and wood are fossil fuels.

B Multiple-choice questions (20 marks, 2 marks each)

Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.

1 Which of the following gives out sound energy?

A A lighting bulb
B A hot electric heater
C A ringing bell
D A burning splint

2 The figure on the right shows a moving speedboat on the sea. Which of
the following does the speedboat possess?
(1) Sound energy (2) Kinetic energy (3) Light energy
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only
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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

3 Which of the following does a television set give out when it is turned
(1) Light energy (2) Sound energy (3) Heat energy
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

4 The figure on the right shows an experimental set-up. Which of the

following energy changes takes place after the Bunsen burner is lit?
A light energy → kinetic energy
B light energy → heat energy spiral
C heat energy → light energy
D heat energy → kinetic energy

5 Which of the following energy changes takes place in a hydro-electric

power station?
A potential energy → kinetic energy → electrical energy
B kinetic energy → potential energy → electrical energy
C chemical energy → kinetic energy → electrical energy
D light energy → kinetic energy → electrical energy

6 The figure on the right shows a girl who is using a hair dryer to dry her
hair. The hair dryer changes electrical energy to
A wind energy.
B light energy.
C kinetic energy and sound energy.
D kinetic energy and wind energy.

7 Which of the following is not a safety precaution when using fuels?

A Keep children away from cookers.
B Place cooking oil away from cookers.
C Ask suppliers to check the gas equipment regularly.
D Close the windows when we use fuels.

8 Which of the following is the cleanest fuel?

A Kerosene
B Town gas
C Alcohol
D Charcoal

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

9 Which of the following is not a way to save energy?

A Use public transport.
B Use light bulb instead of fluorescent lamp.
C Design buildings with more glass walls.
D Prepare food by slow cooking.

10 Which of the following energy sources to generate electricity is more suitable in Hong Kong?
A Tidal power
B Wind power
C Geothermal power
D Hydro-electric power

C Fill in the blanks (20 marks, 2 marks each)

Complete the following sentences.

1 All the energy on the earth comes from the a . It produces huge amount of heat and light energy.

2 Batteries and light bulbs are b . They can change energy from one form to another.

3 Charcoal, town gas and LPG are c . They can give out heat energy and light energy when they burn.

4 d and e are common forms of energy used at home. The former is supplied to households through cables
while the latter can be stored in different forms.

5 Coal is formed from the f which lived millions of years ago.

6 Energy sources can be divided into g and h energy sources. The latter take millions of years to form once
they are being used.

7 The Lamma Power Station and the Daya Bay Power Station use i and j to generate electricity respectively.

D Questions (55 marks)

1 The figure below shows a generator connected to a light bulb with electric wires. Jimmy keeps the wheel of the
generator turning.


light bulb

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

a Write the energy changes in the above process. (4 marks)

i of the generator Î ii Î iii and iv given out by the light bulb

b The form of energy in a ii appears between the initial and final forms of energy.
What is this form of energy called? (2 marks)

2 Charcoal and town gas are fuels used in cooking.

a Which one of the above fuels will you choose to use at home? (1 mark)

b Give three reasons to support your answer in a. (6 marks)

3 The figure below shows a power station and the pollution problems caused. The power station used coal to
generate electricity.

waste gas X

a Write down two substances found in waste gas X. (4 marks)

b What may be formed when waste gas X mixes with water droplets in the air? (2 marks)

c What are the bad effects of the mixture in b on the environment? (4 marks)

4 The following are the logos of two energy suppliers (company A and company B) in Hong Kong.

Company A Company B

a What form of energy does company A supply? (2 marks)

b What form of energy does company B supply? (2 marks)

c Name another company in Hong Kong that supplies the same form of energy as company B. (2 marks)
d The form of energy supplied by company B is most commonly used at home. What are the

advantages of using this form of energy at home? (4 marks)

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

5 The figures below show two different ways of lighting.

Method A Method B

a Write down the energy change(s) in method A. (2 marks)

b Write down the energy change(s) in method B. (2 marks)

The electrical appliance in method B has the following label.

c What is this label? Which organization launched this label in Hong Kong? (3 marks)

d Besides the electrical appliance in method B, name a household appliance that also has this label.
. (2 marks)
e Write down an advantage of this label for consumers. (2 marks)

6 The figure on the right shows the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1970 to 1990.
a What was the change in the concentration of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere from 1970 to 1990? 360
Concentration of carbon dioxide

(2 marks) 350
(arbitrary unit)

b What is the relationship between carbon dioxide in 330
the atmosphere and the global temperature? What is 320
this relationship called? (4 marks) 310
c How does the change in a affect the global
1970 1980 1990
temperature? How does this affect the lives of
human? (5 marks)
- End of Part A -

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

Part B (Level 2) (20 marks)

Green Vehicles ―― The Hybrids

The CLP Power Hong Kong Limited has introduced two Green Vehicles. The introduction was as follows.

The Green Vehicles – the Hybrids - are

designed to save resources and protect the
environment. The hybrid system consists
of engines (use petrol) and electric motors
(use batteries). It can save the petrol and
greatly reduce the emissions during
driving. Additionally, this system can
overcome the problems of electrical
vehicles – slow in speed and long time in

Official ceremony of the Hybrids

1 Complete the following energy change(s).

a i energy of petrol → ii energy of the car (2 marks)

b i energy of batteries → ii energy → iii energy of the car (3 marks)

2 Why does the manufacturer not only use electricity to move the car? (2 marks)

3 Why are the Green Vehicles considered as an environmentally friendly design? (6 marks)
4 The Solar car is another example of environmentally friendly design. How can we modify a traditional
car into a solar one? Design a solar car in terms of its outlook, use of material and the way to collect
solar energy. Draw your solar car on the answer sheet with labellings. (7 marks)

Traditional car Solar car

- End of Part B -

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

S1 Science Test
Unit 4 Energy
Answer Sheets

Name: ___________________( ) Class: ____________ Marks: ___________

Total: 100% (Part A) / 120% (Parts A & B)

Section A Total
Part A (Level 1) Do not write in
this box

A True or false questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________

B Multiple-choice questions (20 marks, 2 marks each) Section B Total

Do not write in
this box

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________

6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________ 9 __________ 10 __________

C Fill in the blanks (20 marks, 2 marks each)

a ______________________ b ______________________ c ______________________

d ______________________ e ______________________ f ______________________ Section C Total

Do not write in
this box
g ______________________ h ______________________ i ______________________

j ______________________

D Questions (55 marks)

1 a i _______________ ii _______________ iii ________________ iv ________________

b ___________________________________________________________________________

2 a ___________________________________________________________________________

b ___________________________________________________________________________



3 a ___________________________________________________________________________

b ___________________________________________________________________________

c ___________________________________________________________________________

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

4 a ___________________________________ b ____________________________________

c ___________________________________________________________________________

d ___________________________________________________________________________


5 a ___________________________________________________________________________

b ___________________________________________________________________________

c ___________________________________________________________________________

d ___________________________________________________________________________

e ___________________________________________________________________________

6 a ___________________________________________________________________________

b ___________________________________________________________________________

Section D Total
c ___________________________________________________________________________ Do not write in
this box



Part B (Level 2) (20 marks)

1 a i ___________ ii ___________ b i ___________ ii ___________ iii ____________

2 _______________________________________________________________________________

3 _______________________________________________________________________________



Part B Total
Do not write in
this box

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 4 Energy

S1 Science Test (Unit 4 Energy)


Part A (Level 1)
A True or false questions (5%)
1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 1 m each

B Multiple-choice questions (20%)

1A 2C 3D 4D 5A 6C 7D 8C 9B 10 B 2 m each

C Fill in the blanks (20%)

a sun b energy converters c fuels d Electrical energy e chemical energy
f remains of plants g renewable h non-renewable i coal j nuclear energy 2 m each

D Questions (55%)
1 a i kinetic energy ii electrical energy iii heat energy iv light energy 1 m each
b Intermediate form of energy 2m
2 a Town gas 1m
b Burning town gas produces fewer ashes than burning charcoal. / Town gas is easier to transport than
charcoal. / Storing charcoal requires a lot of space. / Town gas is easier to light up than charcoal. /
The heat produced by town gas is easier to control than charcoal. (any 3) 2 m each
3 a Particulates / dust / toxic gases / carbon dioxide / heat (any 2) 2 m each
b Acid rain 2m
c Damage buildings / kill fishes / destroy forests (any 2) 2 m each
4 a Chemical energy b Electrical energy c The Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd. 2 m each
d Convenient, clean 2 m each
5 a Chemical energy → light energy b Electrical energy → light energy 2 m each
c Energy label. It is launched by the HKSAR Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. 3m
d Air-conditioner / refrigerator / washing machine / television set, etc. 2m
e Save energy / make smart decisions 2m
6 a The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased from 1970 to 1990. 2m
b Carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere. It is called greenhouse effect. 4m
c The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will warm the earth and cause global warming. 1m
The ice at the Poles may melt. The sea level may rise, causing flooding in low-lying coastal areas. 2m
Marine life may be affected and the ecosystem may become unstable. (Or other reasonable answers) 2m

Part B (Level 2) (20%)

1 a i chemical ii kinetic b i chemical ii electrical iii kinetic 1 m each

2 It is because the speed of electrical vehicles is slow and the recharging time is too long. 2m
3 They can save the petrol. 3m
They can reduce the emissions. 3m
4 Streamlined design / light material (e.g. aluminium) / with solar panels (or other suitable design)
2 m each + 1 m for drawing
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