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( Searching for true love 💞)


Why Vanessa why Vanessa

Why can't you love me back

If it's money you want I can give you any amount

you dissever

Just asked for anything and I'm willing to give you

with full hope

But please don't leave

Just love me back and I will never let go of that love

Meet Fred Edwards a billionaire

I mean this guy is stickily rich but he has one

Finding a girl who will love him not for his richest
but for who he is.

He had been tricked by many girls

And he lost hope in trusting any girl
But he meet someone who was trust worthy

She's Vanessa

A young and beautiful lady

Who was out there trying to fulfill her dreams

He meets her and got attracted to her

That he couldn't let go of her

Is she that true love he has been searching for?

( A search for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 1 💞
Vanessa POV

I was sitting in the living room on the couch

reading a book when my best friend Joyce walked
in with a big smile shown all over her face

"Vanessa guess what I just heard" she asked sitted

beside me
You know I aren't good at guess so cute the crab
out and tell me what news your heard that is
making you blush like this I said

Is my smile that alvous she asked touching her


Of course girl aren't you noticing it I asked and she


Listen very careful girl she said and I paid my

attention to her

You go in there take a bath dress in your best outfit

we got a party to attend she said and turn my head

Is that what your so excited about a party I asked

staring at her in surprise

It's not just a party Vanessa it's a live time event do

you know it's one of the richest man in our
continent she said

Who cares i aren't going I have other things to do

and said and paid attention to my book

Common girl you aren't gonna leave me like that

let's go there together she pleased

What am I going to do there and beside like you

said richest that means only people like him can
attend or do you have an invitation card I asked
We don't need an invitation card he made sure
anyone can attend his party
And am sure this a great opportunity for you and to
get our dream husband there she said and held my

Girl don't say *no she pleased and who am I to

refuse with* this her character she can make me do
a lot of things I don't want to

So what's the party all about it asked her couse she

all said it was a party

He just turn twenty seven and his celebrating his

birthday party at Gound stand center she said

So when is that I asked

Right now girl she said

Like right now but I don't have any outfit to put on

my dress are all dirty I said and she stood there as
if she was thinking of something

You know you can put on my blue chery grown she

said and my see wided in surprise

But that you *most beautiful and most expensive

dress you brought not long ago and if I remember*
well you all wore it once when you were dating jark
I asked
Yeah girl I know but I don't want you to miss this
party so am going to give the dress to you to wear it
she said smiled at me

You this girl just course you don't want to leave me

all alone In this house i said and touched her black
waved hair strolling down to her back

Common girl let go prepare before we get there late

she said and tracked my me to the room holding
my hand

🎩 Edward pov 🎩
Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to this
outstanding events of my beloved bestfriend

As we all know today is the day a woman in this

world gave birth to an outstanding star

The most handsome, the most intelligent the guy

and every girls dream but his not as handsome of
me (the ground laughed)

Let's welcome our birthday star the man we have

all been waiting for the long lost money king

Fred Edward my best friend Jackson who was on

stage said and I walked into the ground moving to
the stage as people began clapping their hands
and healing my name
I gave him a big huge for all his words and
compliment as I collected the mic from him

Greetings to all of you who are hear today I want to

say a big thank you for coming

I won't say much but I just want to let you all know
that today is my day and I want you all celebrate
with me as I am now +1

I know many you came from different towns, city

and counties just to come attend my birthday I wish
you felware on your way back

Happy birthday to myself and let's the party begins

The ground gave a hand of apulse and shouted


I was so amazed by what there said I walked off
stage with a huge smile on my face

I'm Fred Edward want you wanna know

I'm said to be one of the richest man in my

I'm loving and caring I provide for the poor, help a
lot of people out there in need of my help financially

I'm not good at keeping girls

I have dated about seven girls in the last three
months but know really loved me

All they do is eat my money and run away with


But the present of me seeing a beauty won't let me

go off

Any time I see a beautiful girl the thought of me


I won't date again is just ganna disappear from my


Right now I aren't dating any girl but I'm going to

look for someone good in this party to have her be
my date

💞Vanessa pov 💞
We walked into a huge castle so many people
This place is heaven in paradise I didn't know we
had a place like this in our city

Vanessa hurry up stop wandering around Joyce

said to me clearing me out of my thoughts

We walked inside a huge Hall full with people

guss this place is really big I said to my inner self

We have missed his speech and it's all your fault

she said

But I didn't do anything why blame me it's traffic not

me I said

I'm going to get something to eat watch yourself girl

it a hugh party full with people and handsome boys
you might want to pick a date she said

Before I cloud say something she was gone lost

into the groud

I wandered around and saw people admiring my

dress but I ignore them all

I decided to walk around staring at how big and

beautiful this place looks

I took a part which let me to where so ever and kept

walking on that side claiming up the stairs
I walked into a side and saw doors of which some
were smaller while there was on big door of which
guards there standing by looking around

One of them almost saw me but I hid myself on a

wall Conner so he shouldn't see him

I wanted to check if he was still look my direction

when my head hit on someone chest

Am sorry I said

I should be apologising miss I'm sorry about that he

said with a sweet voice

I rose up my head to look at his face

Goss this guy is so handsome like a demi god

So cute 😍 I felt like giving him a big kiss and

touching that smooth and soft skin of his but I had
to adjust myself

I don't know him but I think am already crushing on


Hi am Edward he said extending his hands for a

hand shake of which I gaudly accepted

Hello I'm Vanessa nice to meet you I said putting

on my best smile
Nice grown you have there and you look beautiful
in it he complemented

I just blushed at him and said thanks

You look good yourself...

He smiled at me

Can I have a dance with you he asked smiling


But there isn't no music here I replied

Follow me then he said and started walking

towards the big door of which those gauds were


( A search for true love 💕)

💞 chapter 2 💞
Vanessa pov cont..

Welcome to my VIP apartment he said and I smiled

looking at the place

"you live here" I asked

not really I usually come here for rest sometimes
when I don't feel like staying home he answered

you mean this isn't actually your house but a VIP

apartment you just come to for rest I asked

yes your right I'm usually bored at home and also

after work I feel lonely so I often come here for
relaxation I guess

who really are you I asked

I'm Fred Edwards the owner of Global estate don't

tell me you haven't heard about me he asked

I haven't heard about you I replied

then how come you attended my birthday if You're

n't a fan of Fred Edwards he asked surprised

Actually my best friend forced me to come here and

I didn't know you're the birthday guy i said in shock

wait my best friend I need to find her I totally forgot

about her she must be looking for me right now I
have to go

how do you expect to look for her inside a ground

like that out there
I don't **seem to have a choose *she's my only
friend I can't just abandon* her there
she must* *be worried by now sorry* I have to go I
said attempting* to leave

Wait I'm going to ask someone to find her and bring

her up here don't you worry he said

But you *don't know what she's putting on and how

are you sure they are going to identify her I asked

Don't you trust me we have a lot of camera's in the

building so it will be easy to fine her

just give me a minute let me make a phone call he

said bringing out his phone

what's her name he asked putting the person he

was talking with on hold

she's Joyce and she's dressed in a navy blue shirt

and black blazer trouser i said and he continued
talking on phone

Don't worry your friend will be here in know time he

said after dropping the call

Some men worked in with musical instruments then

I remember i had accepted his offer to have a
dance with him
May I have this dance he asked starching his
hands toward me while bowing

I smiled and placed my hand in his and his then he

took my hand up to his shoulder and held my waist
and we started dancing...

🌹 Jackson pov 🌹
some who is this Joyce of a girl Edwards asked me
to look for so urgently

To look for her I think I need to check the security

cameras and see the girl from the description he
gave me

I went into the security room and asked the gaud to

show me the videos or should I say the cameras

wait that one she must be the one Edwards talked

to me about but what's she doing like that?

I went down to the Hall towards where I had seen

her from the security cameras which was actually
around were food was served

Are you Joyce I asked to make sure I get the right


Yes I am and who are she asked with food full In

her mouth
I'm Jackson and please
Take its easy with the food no one is fighting it with

I'm just a little hungry that's why I'm eating fast and
I need to look for my best friend she said and
continued eating

put the plate down and come with me I said and

she just stood there looking at me

why should I follow you she asked

cos I'm going to take you to where your friend is I


Why should I believe you? she asked

stop asking questions and follow me so you can

see your friend I replied already tied of her

What if your looking for a way to take me out of

here and harm me or even rape me she said
getting me bits of

Do I look harmful to you? ok isn't your friends

name Vanessa I asked

yes that's her name how do you know her name?

she asked
that's because I have been asked to come take you
to meet her! I answered

Where is she that she can't come here herself Don't

tell me you kidnapped her like I will...
she gathering a blow to me face

No no no she's with my friend I said without any

This girl is really crazy like

Take me to her I want to see her now she said and

I track her hand but she held back

What is it now I asked feeling tied of her

she smirks at me and point at her heels

What's wrong with you heels I asked not seeing

what with it

my heels are broken that why I have been standing

here for a while now she said and still smirked

Gosh what I'm I going to do now I thought a I stood

there looking at her

I thought out a face mask and put it on so people

should recognize me course I'm about to do might
be the head new tomorrow
Get ready I said and she look at me surprised

Get ready for what she asked

Cause I'm going to carry you up there I said and

lifted her up in a bridal style

Many people watched as I carried her and even

reports took pictures of ours put i just hope I don't
get recognized

she get screaming I should put her down but I didn't

listen to her if she thinks she's crazy then I'm more
crazies than her!


( A search for true love )

💞 Chapter 3 💞
Joyce POV

put me down I cried out in embracement

people were paying their attention to ours and the
media had already started taking pictures of ours
All I did was hide my face into his warm arm

his body was so perfect I cloud feel his heart beat

and the warm sensible coming from his chest

I cloud only hid my smile and wanted to stay in his

arm for a thousand years to come

open the door he instructed the gaud who was

standing by the door side

The gaud open the door and he walk in still carrying


Vanessa I called out who was about kissing a guy

right before my very eyes

💕 Vanessa pov 💕
While we both dance we talked about a personal
life and other stuff like

Work do you do for a living he asked smiling at me

with those cut dumplings of his

I work as a reporter and this my third year working

for them

So can I have an interview with you I asked

No no no I don't take interviews but maybe I may

give you a chance he said calmly
"so you haven't had any other job since you Finnish
university" he asked

not really I did several jobs when I was in the

university but it was just to earn money for my fees

"so you got a boyfriend" he asked and I blush
staring at him

"No I don't have a boyfriend" I answered and he


what if I want to be that guy that will protect you,

show you love and care for you

I want to be your boyfriend who will shower you

with love, care and protection what do you say he

I blushed at him not knowing what to say nor how

to react

He stop dancing and held my hands Vanessa will

you be my girlfriend he asked putting on a serious

No I can't it's too early for that I replied which

actually turn his smile into a little bit of sadness

it's okay I'm willing to wait for as long as you want

he said and smirked at me
I tried removing my hands from his then he asked
me why?

"what is it" he asked

"I want to clean my eyes it's itches" I responded an

held my eyes

wait let me have a look at it...have a sit he offed

He brought his face right close to mine and I cloud

feel his breath my body vitals we're n't functioning
well at that very moment

He's warm hands held the Conner of my eye as he

blow air into my eyes gently and softly

Vanessa I held that voice that always spoils

moments that was my best friends voice

what are you doing Vanessa she asked and i

turned to look at her

it's not what your thinking Joyce? I responded and

stood up

put me *down first haven't we reached here already

she said to the guy who carried and that was when
even* noticed she was being carried

weh Why is he carrying you? I asked frowning

my heels are *breakened and also I didn't even
want him to carry me he did forcefully she explain
opening her* eyes to me

So what *about you already kissing a guy on the

first day of meeting him she said* and pointed at
Edward who wasn't looking at ours

He just kept bending down as if he was afraid to

look at joyce

I wasn't kissing him he just helped me clean dirt

from my eye I explain as well

Why is he hiding his face shift she said and push

me aside this girl really is crazy I heard the guy she
came in with mumble

She held him and looked at him then felt surprised

gosh Vanessa hold me she said blowing air on her

face with her hands

what's is it I asked looking little bit surprised at what

she's doing

Why didn't you tell me it was Edwards you made

me almost punch my idol

I...I... I'm....its ok don't say anything he said as if he

knew what she was about saying
But can you do me one favour she asked smiling

what do you want he responded looking at me

let me just a picture with you she pleaded

and he nodded

wasn't she the one arguing with me just now what

has happened to her I asked myself

She removes her phone from her pocket and give

me take a picture of her and Edwards

Why don't we all have dinner here together to

celebrate my his birthday the guy behind me said

"I think it's a good ideal" Joyce said without any

folder hesitation

The guy calls in the maids and asked them to bring

food and drinks while Joyce sat down on the couch
and begin pressing her phone

I know that picture is going to go viral on every

social media platform

The food was serve and we all introduced

ourselves to one another and also eat and drank
did a singing competition
Although I was looking for a chance to apologize for
Joyce action toward Edwards

We had all gotten drunk and Joyce had feld asleep

on the couch

Jackson too had gotten drunk and was also

sleeping close to Joyce on the couch

Edwards wasn't that drunk but he was still drinking

This is the perfect time to apologize to him I said

and walked up to him...cramb glass of wine

"This is one of my best birthday I have had in

recent years" he said smiling at me

Why do you say so? I asked

By the way I'm really sorry about my friend's

behavior I said and took a tib of the drink I was

It's ok she was just too excited to meet me many

girls will do that when they meet me on like you he
said smiling

Thank you for understanding you see she just a

little bit crazy something but she's fun to be with

Give me your phone I asked

Take he gave it to me and I put in my number there

Give me a *call tomorrow I will be *waiting and

about the interview I will also wait for your call I said
and walk to carry Joyce so* we could leave
"Why don't I drive you to how" he suggests and
woke up from where he was sitted drunken

No thanks *by the way your too drunk to do that

you may get ours into and accident* I replied and
held on to Joyce

ok how about my driver take you girls home he

suggested again

"that will be ok" I accepted and smiled at him

Good night my angel and don't forget to think about

what I requested earlier he said and smirked

I picked up all our things and left the room and went
down to the Hall and discovered everywhere was

when did he end the party that was going on down

here I asked myself as I carried Joyce toward his

With the help of his driver i placed Joyce inside the

car and entered too... the driver then enishated the
engine and drove off.
🌹Louis pov 🌹
Guys it's time they aren't many gauds move in I
said and my boys obeyed

We are going to rub this place down get ready boys

"take those gauds down" I ordered

I walked into a room and saw Edward

OMG Mr Edwards you look so drunk and seems

you just had a lot of fun

well I got a surprise for you I said and punched him

on the face

Who are you? what do you want he asked drunken

I'm just here for the juwerries and golds

I said and held his hairs tracking him up

Hold him I ordered my boys to hold his friend who

was as drunk as he was

please let him go what do you want am going to

give he pleased

I don't need anything from you Edwards I have

already taken what I came here from
And I didn't come here for you I just happened to
know you so get it I shouted and gave him another
punch but this time he tried to fight back

What do you think your trying to do Edwards your

so fucken drunk that you can't even stand up to me
with a single blow I mocked at him and laughed

Boys let's move we don't have much time to waste I

called on them

Wait first I will keep your phone for you cos I really
like it ok

Who really are you? he asked breathing recklessly

on the floor

I'm no one just except being a thief so see you

some other time Fred right now you need so rest

Knock them both off... let's move out of here and

after the boys did that we left the building

📲 Hello boss I'm we are on our way back

📱I hope you got all of it
📲yes boss mission was a success but I ran into
someone while carrying out the operation

📱And who's that

📲 Edwards boss
📱I hope he didn't recognize you
📲 No he didn't boss I made sure of that sir
📱OK return back to the ware house I got a
mission for you and this time it got to do with



( A search for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 4💞
Vanessa POV

Wake up Joyce wake up its time to go to work I call

out but she didn't even move

You know who boss is don't you I asked and she

quickly woke up
So you cloud get up fast I asked putting on my

If not of that our grumpy boss I won't even go to

work today I feel very hesitated from yesterday's
celebration she said cleaning her eyes up

"So you did enjoy yesterday" I asked

Of course I did... meaning with Fred Edwards and

touching him gosh I can't believe I took a picture
with him she said demonstrating with her fingers

I thought you were into Jackson I asked and she

looked at her

Jackson she called out staring and me too with a

Conny face

Yeah Jackson don't you like him I asked and she

turned to the other side of the bed

What's with such expression I asked

Actually *Jackson looks troublesome to me and I

don't think he is my type she said but I know she
has some liking for him although they meet

If his troublesome and your crazy won't that make a

perfect relationship
I will be calling you Mrs crazy and call him Mr
trouble won't that sound nice I said and laughed

That's isn't funny Vanessa she said and hit me with

a pillow and I just kept laughing

Vanessa she stopped and called out

what's it again go take a bath and get dressed let's

go to work silly girl I said putting on my heels

I just want to ask you what's your relationship with

Edwards she asked looking at me and i stared at
her back

"What do you mean" I asked blushing

I mean are you interested in dating him cos I can

see he likes you she said out sad

"But I just met him yesterday I can't possibly date

him at once even if I like him" I responded

There are a lot of ladies out there chasing him and

you may not get a chance to be with him if you
keep saying there's time she said

Although I like him I want him to come for me not

the other way around girl so go take a bath and
stop with this your questions I said and smirked
Okay if you say so but let me just warn you don't
come to me after some other girl takes him away
from seeing you she said and left to the bathroom

She isn't wrong about what she's saying I thought

in as much as possible

Few minutes later I was all done with everything

including my makeup and had eaten breakfast

Joyce I'm leaving make sure to bring those files to

the office I said while she responded

I needed to leave before her I have got a lot of work

in the office to deal with.

🏢 Joyce pov 🏢
I walked into the company and saw my boss
shouting at every one I just knew my own will end
here today

I turned back and picked up some cup of coffee

then walk up to them

Joyce he called out as he saw me sinking in and I

froze right there

What is the time your coming to work? he asked

shouting out at the top of his voice

"'s 8:15 sir" I said with a taming voice

"is this the time your suppose to come to work" he
scolded at me

I looked at Vanessa and then turn back to our boss

Sir I just went to get coffee for my colleges i said

and distributed the coffee

Next time when you get here don't go out for too
long and make sure you finish your work before
leaving he said and left to his office

I sight and went up to Vanessa gosh that was hell

just here

you haven't sight yet thank your God I saved you

again today next time try it and I wouldn't help you
she said and focus on her computer

Common what are you my best friend for I asked

an smirked at her

Take this your empty cup of coffee you brought

here she said and i smiled

Actually there was nothing inside the coffee cups I

just use it as an excuse so I won't be punished nor
being shouted by boss

Every one has at the office have gotten use to it

and as for Vanessa helping me
she just actually gave me his time of arrival here at
the office so I could know what to say and one
more thing

His too grumpy and always have this attitude of

shouting at ours his employees

I need to get my work done with before he comes

and shout at me again

Vanessa see you later I said and walked off where

she was and helded to my own sit...

🍒🥊 Edwards pov🥊 🍒
Offices please I need you to investigate this matter
very well I said to the offices who came to
investigate the case

One more thing I don't want any one to know about


Do not make a public announcement about this i

said to the offices and left to the main hall

I can't believe I have be rubbed in my own

apartment who cloud really do this i asked myself
while walking down to the main hall

Fred don't be sad Jackson said and tap me on my

I aren't sad about the things that have has been
stolen from me

So what's the problem if you aren't feeling sad

about the those things he asked

my phone was also collected from me and that

means I just lossed her number

Who's number I thought you got a backup of all

your contacts he asked

It's Vanessa's number she just gave me yesterday

night and i know she will be waiting for my call

Come on Fred you know no girl has actually loved

you so why worry yourself about Vanessa he asked

Jackson I cloud see the love in her eyes when she

was with me yesterday night and i know she does
love me I said showing an express of her love

Edwards you never change same old you‚ girls deal

and break your heart but you seems to have
forgotten its the same thing you told me when you
were dating Nikki

Common Jackson don't compare that slomp with

Vanessa they're two different people I said and he
just nodded
Any ways I will just advice you get over her cos you
have not even started dating her yet so it will be
easy he said and left

I won't just let this go... there's something about her

I can't just explain

She has something I haven't seen in all the girls I

dated and I have to find out what makes her
different from all those girls

She told me she works as a reporter so that means

I may get to see her if I announce on taking an
interview I thought and worked out of where I was

💞 Joyce pov 💞
I had being sitting down and doing my work but I
saw something fishes about Vanessa

she just kept looking at her phone as if she's

waiting for some kind of important call or what?

Joyce my boss shouted my name from his office

Si... sir I answered running to his office immediately

we have got a real important interview to handle

I need you to prepare tonight Fred Edwards is

going to accept an a reporter to interview him
An I want you to go there to represent our
company... so don't scroll this up

This is a big hit if we cloud get him to do the
interview DOD Entertainment

Take this address make sure you're there by 8:00

pm because his going to be there he said looking
very serious

Okay sir I promise I won't disappoint you I said with

confidence in me

I walked out of his office in excitement that the

company recognize me at a professional reporter

Why are you smelling Vanessa asked staring at me

with those her large brownies eyes

Listen girl... I'm going to be standing out as one of

the interviews of Fred Edwards I said still smiling

I'm sorry to ask you this can I go in your place

please I need to talk with Fred she pleaded

What does she really want to talk with him that bad
that she's actually pleading on see him

Is he the reason you have been staring at your

phone I asked cos I didn't like the way she kept
looking at her phone screen
h..h.. h yes his the reason she replied looking sad

You know if I let you go in my place boss will be

angry right I asked speaking in a low turn so other
shouldn't here

I know but he won't know I replaced you and more

ever I can just go with you as your assistant she
said and smiled

That's up to you I will let you come with me but

first.... I said not finishing my words

But first what don't ask me for any favour cos you
know I have be helping you out a lot she said and I

I will get back to work now I said and remember


Have you heard the news on Grand stand center I

asked and she looks surprise

Grand stand center was closed this morning and

rumor has it that It's was closed down by Edwards I
said and she looks kinda more surprise

But why will he close down he huge Hall like Grand

stand without any words she asked
I don't know... so that's one of the things we are
going to find out during his interview tonight I said
and walked back to my desk

💞 Vanessa pov 💞
"Isn't he here yet" I asked Joyce who was standing
with her camera waiting for what seems for ever

No he's not here we just need to keep waiting

As you can see all this other reporters are all here
and this place is really full she said looking at the
group of reporters who had come from different

How about this you keep waiting I'm going to get

some ice cream I said and stood up from where I
was setting

Please be fast cos he may be here anytime from

now she said and chuckled

After I went and bought the ice cream and was

back I discovered that he had already arrived.

I tried joining the groud so I cloud get his attention

but there where so many reporteres fighting to take
pictures of him and also asked questions.
The ice cream had to fall on my dress when the
gauds pushed the reporters backwards to where I
was standing.

I left there to clean up my dress cos I don't want

him to see me like this and by the way my dress
was totally a mess

I was cleaning up my dress when I felt he hand

touch on my shoulder only to turn and see....

💵❤ Edwards pov ❤💵
Why did you have to hold an interview Jackson
asked sitting beside me in side the car

I just want to get an interview with the media and let

people know about me I used this as an excuse so
he shouldn't know am actually searching for

Fred you just got rubbed and bitten yesterday night

by unknown men and now your here talking about
having an interview he said with so much worries in
he's eyes

I have made sure the police investigate the matter

and also my private investigator is also working on
it so we don't have to worry about it OK I said and
held him by the shoulder.
I only hope you know what your doing he said and
rolled his eyes.

We are here I announced to him and we both came

down from the vehicle as reporters took pictures of

There were all scrambling to ask their various

questions but I was only looking around to see if
Vanessa was there.

Come in fred.. Jackson said just when I saw

someone that looks like her from behind.

Go in. Am going to join you in a minute I said to him

and left to meet the girl I had seen from behind...

I touched her and she turned with ice cream all

over her cloth and it was actually Vanessa

Take my hands I said smiling at her who was all

looking embarrassed.

Come with me I said and she followed me in fair

along side with that her friend of hers...

As we walked in I heard other reporters mumbled

asking each other questions like
who is she? why did he chose just her? Have you
seen her before?
I just egnored them and walked into the restaurant
with them

Can you show her to the restroom so she cloud

clean up this mess on her dress I said to the

Go and have a sit over there with Jackson I will just

wait for Vanessa and we will join you guys I said to
Joyce and pointed to the table were he was sitting

I followed Vanessa and the waitress and waited in

front of the ladies restroom

After few minutes of waiting she finally gave out but

still with her dress more worsen than before

what are you doing here she asked surprise to see

me there

I'm waiting for you of course I responded with a


but I thought... I cut her off not letting her finish her

Thought what? look at your dress it's still dirty and

you know what you need to get a change of cloth i
said and touched her forehead
But I can't possibly go home right now it is very
difficult to get a cab at this time she said and I
thought of what to do about it

You know what? Follow me!.



( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 5 💞
Vanessa POV

You know what? Follow me! he said and looked i

at him suspicious.

"Why should I follow you" I asked.

To get a change of clothed or do you want to walk

in there looking like this he said moving close to

But how are you going to get me a change of cloth

when you can't even leave this place without being
seen by reporters like me I asked carrying my eyes
up at him.

Just follow and stop asking questions you got to

trust me on this ok he said and held my hand.

I followed him and he used the back door of the

restaurant and called his driver who came and
picked ours up without any of the reporters at the
front noticing.

Wait what about my friend and Jackson are you

going to leave them there I asked but the driver
started moving the car already.

Don't worry about your friend Jackson is going to

take care of her he said with full confidence.

I think your saying the reverse.

"So where are we heading to" I asked looking out
the car window.

"To a hotel room" he said and I turned and looked

at him in fear.

W... wha... what are we going to do there I asked

already thinking negative.

He smirked at me
Are you afraid he said and shift his face to mine.
" I'm not" we are just going to get me a
change of cloth and leave so why should I be afraid
I said and swollened saliva.

He brought out his phone and stared pressing it.

"What are you doing" I asked still on my negative

thoughts that he cloud be texting the someone to
prepare the thing for him.

I'm texting Jackson to let him know I'm gone and

that he should drive Joyce home he said and
looked at me.

💞 Joyce pov 💞
I sat beside him and he didn't alter a word
we were like two award people sitting together.

A message rang into his phone and he look at it

and sight.

"What's the problem" I asked looking at how a put

on a sad face.

Let's go he said without even telling me what was

bothering him.

No I'm not going anywhere. I will wait for Vanessa

and Edwards to come first I said and remained
Do you have any ideal that your friend just left with
Edwards few minutes ago he said and i looked at
him thinking that he's lieing.

Your lieing my friend Vanessa haven't gone

anywhere I said and brought out my phone and
texted her.

She actually left me here with this brat of a guy I

said to myself and bent my head down.

So you now believe me he said and adjusted his


Follow me he said and carried my head up and

looked at him.

"Why should I follow you it's not like we are going

the same direction" I said staring at him.

Do you think I will want to do so if not that Edwards

asked me to make sure I drop you home safely so
as to avoid problems.

please quietly pick up your things including your

camera let's go he said and pointed at my stuff

Then what about the interview I really need to have

an interview with Edwards please can you help me
I pleased.
Did you really thing Edwards wanted to have an
interview he said making me confused.

If he didn't want to have and interview then why did

he call for it I asked confused.

He was just looking for your friend so he used the

media as a way to find her so get it now domp head
he said and pushed my forehead with his finger.

My driver is here already let's go he said and I

picked up my stuff and followed him to his car.

Don't worry about driving hand over the keys I'm

going to drive he said to his driver and collected the

Why aren't we going with him I asked when I

discovered he started moving the car leaving his
driver behind.

Which way should I take he asked looking

sidewards at me.

turn left I said pointing to the left as he drove off.

After some minutes he stop the car in the middle of

the road of which no one was around the area.

"Why did you stop the car" I asked in fear as he

turned and stared at me
Get down he said without even telling me why he
had to stop the car.

I got down angrily not knowing what he was doing.

is he trying to leave me here I asked my self
confidence that he does do that I will make sure to
cut off his leg.

He also got down from the car too

The car just stop I think we ran out of petrol so
cloud you lend a hand and push the car from
behind he said

So where are stuck here I asked looking at the

place. It was so quiet and no other car was passing

I went behind and started bushing the car put my

best effort so we cloud push the car out of the
middle road but the car wasn't moving at all

I rose up my head to check why the car wasn't

moving only to notice he wasn't pushing the car but
was actually sitting inside canfortabe.

I went to his car window and knocked at it only to

see him putting on an earphone listening to music
which got me angry.

Open the car door I shouted but he didn't show

any reaction of moving nor looking at me.
I then hit the glass with force and he turned looking
at me.

He took off his earphones and open the door

staring at me

What do you think your doing? I asked staring at

him angrily.

I'm driving while you push isn't that simple he said

without any gluit or shame letting a girl push his car
while he rejoyces Inside.

so you actually left me to push your car alone under

this cold weather and sat there listening to your
music, you so wicked i already pit of.

Are you expecting me to push a car

a superstar like me for that matter he said boosting
high of himself.

If you don't get behind there and push that car I

swear you won't believe what I will do to you I said
raising my hand up to him

He tried to hold my hand but I turned he's marking

him face the ground with he's face and his hands

ple... please let's go of my hand am going to push

the car he pleased
Are you sure your going to... push it I asked and he
noded then I let go of his hand

He walked and went behind the car

silly girl I heard him mumbled

I smirked and looked at him behind pushing the car.

I can't believe I just made a a billionaire like

Jackson push a car. wait...wait.... wait I need to
take a picture of him.

I took several shots of him sweating behind there.

while I laughed at it.

After few minutes of pushing we had removed the

car from the middle road and it's was now at the
road side.

"Enter let's sleep" I said

No I'm not going to sleep there I'm going to wait for

a car to pass by so I can go home and sleep he

Well suit yourself

I entered and looked for a place to lay my head that
was where I'm going to sleep still morning.

He stay outside as if he wasn't ganna sleep.

after few minutes of him staying out side the cold
had bitten him and no car had passed
since he started waiting.

He rushed and entered the car freezing like a guy

who just came out of snow.

So he cloud enter and sleep after all what he just

said now I thought and brought out my phone.

There's no service around here no way to call a cab

or inform Vanessa and Edwards.

I wander how there doing.

🖤♉ Vanessa pov ♉🖤
We arrived at the hotel and it's was actually one of
the most expensive hotels in the city.

I couldn't believe my eyes' me entering here for the

first time

I watched Edwards talk with the receptionist as I

took pictures of him in secret.

"Let's go" he said uptrocting me from shoting a

video of him.

I follow me up to a room where he let me in to take

a bath... and after he showed me he left.
I entered the shower took a bath and sat inside the
room waiting for my cloth to arrive.

Then I got a knock on the door and went to check

who it was.

please who's it.. I asked placing my ears on the


Open the door it's me Edwards he said and I

opened it.

He forcefully entered the room looking drunk. I tried

asking what's he's reason for entering in here like

I wasn't even putting on a dress just the towel I was


He looked at me from head to toes as if he wanted

to naked me with he's eyes.

What are you looking at I asked placing my hands

all over my chest.

He woke up from where he was sitted towards me

and my heart skip out

As I shelver in fear with him getting too close to me.

Wh... wha... what are you doing? I managed to ask.

but he just bulled me towards the bed making me
fall on it.

Edwards stop your drunk.........


( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 6 💞
Edwards POV

What are you staring at I ask having watching her

for a while.

since she opened the door she just stood there

watching me.

Take this clothes I said and handed it to her... what

were you thinking? I ask.

So it was just an illusion thank God she muttered.

what illusion I ask...not getting her right.

it was nothing I will put on the dress now she said
and smirked.
when your done dressing up meet me at the hotel
restaurant I hugged and left.

Have a sit I said and pulled the chair for her to sit
as she kept looking around.

Why is the place empty she asked still looking

around confused.

I made an investment here so today I blocked the

booking and ;

I don't want anyone to disturb my lovely time with

you so I paid for the whole restaurant just me and
you tonight.

she smiled at me.

what will you like to order I ask politely.

Why shall I love only you she said and looked at

me...same way I looked at her.

I mean the name of the mean she exclaim and I

smiled cos I know what I've done.

I want to be with you I said smiling at her

so what do you want to drink then? I ask
maintaining my smile
This ;

I only have a feeling for you she said and looked at
me again but this time I didn't alter a word.

This menu looks strange it isn't as I saw it on the

internet she exclaimed.

oo it's customized for ours I said and called on the


so can I ask you some questions about your private

life she requested smiling.

"I'm going to let you ask me just two questions" I


So what's are your hobbies she asked removing

her recorder.

"I like music and also art, I'm a fan of football" I


"okay so the next question is going to be about

your relationship status" she said.

why do our rich and adorable mr. edwards do not

have a wife or a girlfriend yet she asked awaiting
my response.
I guess maybe I haven't seen the right girl for me
yet or I don't seem to like any type of girl I exclaim
staring directly into her eyes.

So what type of ideal girl does our handsome

billionaire like she asked smiling at me.

I'm not going to answer that maybe another could only ask me two questions I said
smiling at her.

please just this last question she pleaded

I won't fall for up I got something to show

💐 vanessa pov 💐
"Follow me" he said showing me to a room

"what are we doing here?" I ask afraid of entering

the room.

" just enter and have a view" he said calmly

Once I stepped into the room it was empty with just

a microwave and other things.

take a look at this I believe you know what it is he

said handling it over to me.

"wow where did you get this? I heard it's cost

46000USD!" I inquired
Actually it's 47000USD and it has a massive length
of about 34cm view of the solar system.

I bought this when I went on a business trip in

paris...Do you want see it he said smiling.

"Yeah I do want to have a look at it" I said without


"Lay down on the floor" he said and turned off the

light in the room letting it dark.

I did and he turned it was actually an

amazing view... seeing hellgrammite of the solar

The stars were all sparking and the nine planet

evolving around the sun.

He layed down beside me also looking at the

hemisphere of the celine.

"Isn't it an amazing view" he asked looking at it.

"Yeah it is" I said in a low turned focus on the view.

"Actually my ideal type of girl!" is he mumbled.

I like a girl with ponytail, big eyes, double - fold

eyelids, high-bridged nose, fair skinned...who love
wear who love wearing suits, high heels and height
should be up here he said indicating with his hand.

My heart grafted to that...he just didn't descripe any

girl other than me.

"You just gave a description of me" I said feeling


"Yeah I know" he turned and faced me on the


"so you do like girls like me" I asked feeling uneasy

as he faced me.

"No I don't I just like you" he said smiling at me.

I just kept quiet and didn't say anything.

aren't you going to say something he asked .

I just don't know what to say! after my boyfriend left

me I just don't feel like getting into any other
relationship I said and he looked sad.

"But do you till love him" he asked.

No I don't I just don't want to get into any

relationship cos I'm afraid I said giving a sad
It's ok he said and pulled me into a hugh, my head
on top of his chest and we stayed like that all
through the night.

💐 Jackson pov 💐
I woke up by th sounds I heard from outside...gush
sleeping inside a car does hurt.

I am feeling pains all through my body it's hurts

really bad.

"so she's still sleeping" I mumbled looking at her as

she slept.

She does look adorable when asleep but when

she's awake...she becomes a trouble maker...silly
girl I said in a low turned.

"I heard that" she said waking up with full force,

which made me afraid you weren't sleeping I said stamping my


So your were admiring my beauty while am asleep?

grumpy head she asked.

"Don't call me grumpy head" I warned.

Why call me silly girl, is my name silly girl? she

asked staring at me with her mouth wide open.
You? i said but couldn't say no more
I just opened the car door and went out side.

I stood outside to bord a cab to take me home...

she also came out of the car and stood beside the
road side.

A cab finally stopped by and immediately I entered

she also did.

Mister take me to los santos I ordered the driver.

No mister take me to Santa Louisa she also


**no to los santos**

**no to Santa Louisa**

we just kept repeating it...and looking at each other

in anger.

You two crazy couple should stop and get down

from my car the man shouted at ours.

"we are not a couple" with both said and faced the

"ahh just get down from my car" the man said in

We both got down and the man drove off with his
car not letting any of ours enter.

we both stared at each other and turned our faces

immediately are eyes locked.

another cab walked our way and this time I let her
bord it cos I won't want any trouble from her.

💄💄 Joyce pov 💄💄
I got home and took a refreshing hurry to

I discovered vanessa wasn't home and it looks like

she didn't come home yesterday.

I packed my things and left for work not after

remembering how butterflies in my stomach tickled

after waking up and seeing jackson staring at

Where is Vanessa and joyce I heard my boss
voice as I worked into the office

" I'm right here sir" I replied immediately bowering

my head.
"Where is that vanessa" he asked after seeing me.

"She will soon be here sir" I replied still looking at

the floor.

Tell her to see me in my office immediately she

gets here and also what was the result of last night
he asked shouting to the hearing of everyone.

I couldn't get to interview him and there were so

many reporters there...he didn't even get to pick
any of ours.

Go and do your work and make sure to inform her

to see me immediately she comes here he sounded
really bits off.

What did vanessa do to boss that his so angry? I

ask a college of mine.

Well I don't *know he just went to Vanessa's table

this morning and looked into her stuff I guess he
found something* on usual or vanessa didn't finish
her work last night she explained and I nodded.

So that's why he's angry...after all he's always

been like that ever since.

it's either vanessa this or joyce do that I mumbled

and when to my sit to do my work.
💒💒Vanessa's pov 💒💒
I woke up to find myself on a softbed, and a
beautiful room well decorated.

The room was nice and the bed was so soft on like
the one at home.
But how did I get here in the first place I ask myself.

I remember falling asleep on Edwards body how

come I'm here.

Good morning vanessa I heard his voice and

turned to the right to see him entering the room with
covered plates.

Here is your breakfast he said with a sweet voice.

I greeted him back and collected the food from him

while he sat on the bed beside me.

"It's been long since I had breakfast in bed, thank

you very much" I said and started eating.

How did I come about to sleep here cos I don't

remember coming here by myself I ask while

"I Carried you here yesterday when you fell asleep"

he explained.

i blushed and at the same time feeling shy about it.

Wait what's your time I ask remembering about my

He looked at his watch and said It's 8:13 am, that

was when I knew I'm finished. I'm done I immediately dropped the spoon.

What's it vanessa? why did you stop eating? he

asked staring at me.

I'm late for work and my boss is going to kill me.i

haven't even finished the work he gave me
yesterday I explained looking around.

Where is my hand bag I need to leave right now? I


Wait vanessa I'm going to take you to work but first

finish your food he said holding my hands.

it's like he doesn't know who my boss is, but

anyways I know if he does take me to work my
boss won't shout at me cos he's been waiting to
meet Edwards.So it's going to be as if I brought him

Eat up girlfriend I will go change my clothes he said

and I looked at him surprised.
What did you call me? I ask pretending not to have
heard him.

"My girlfriend" he repeated it without any fear and

with confidence.

"Since when did I become your girlfriend" I asked


"Since yesterday! can't you remember" he asked

staring at me.

"No I don't" I replied feeling lost and confused.

"when you do let me know" he said and walked out

of the room.

How come I can't remember it I thought trying hard

to remember but nothing could come to my head.



( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 7 💞
Edwards pov

How come she can't remember I thought as I

walked into my own room.

anyways if she does say she remembers then that's

when I will know if she does love me or not...i
thought as I look for what to change into.

Few minutes I was done and went back to her room

so we cloud leave.

I'm done let's go she said picking up her hand bag.

wait I got something for you I said taking her hand

as she blushed

what's the surprise? she asked curious

"Come in" I said to the ladies I ordered to wait


"what's this?" she asked staring at them.

i want to change your girlfriend shouldn't

be looking like this, I said and instructed them to do
their work.

what do you mean? I don't even remember when I

said yes.
if you don't then I your job I asked the ladies
and sat on the bed.

few minutes of waiting they were all done and she

came out looking as stoning.

She looked so beautiful than before my mouth

gapped just from seeing her.

"I'm not feeling comfortable in this" she said trying

to ease her body

You look beautiful in it common let me take a

picture I said and brought out my phone.

I took some pictures of her and also took pictures of

the two of ours.

Wait this isn't the phone you used back then when I
met you did you change it she asked pointing at my

yea my phone got stolen and I lost your number so

I didn't get to contact you as promised I said.

it's ok you can have my number back she said

taking my phone as I smiled at her.

let's go I said after she was done.


💄💄 💄💄
*. vanessa pov
we walked into the company and I heard how my
colleague were all admiring Edwards and some
even took pictures of him.

what are all of you staring at I heard my boss voice

and I started feeling afraid.

he walked out of his office and was talking with

joyce he cloud not see me cos he was facing ours
with his back.

Has vanessa not come to work yet he asked with

that his voice that can make you scream. I'm right here I answer and he turned and

looked at me angrily.

He started walking towards me and my heart

skipped as I was already shaking at what will be his
next action.

Hey Mr. Edwards I didn't know you could possibly

come to our company he said stretching his hands
forward for a hand shake.

Edwards accepted his hand shake...he didn't even

pay attention that I was standing with him.

"Mr. Edwards you may want to have a sit" he asked

with a bright smile.
no thanks I just came to drop her here I will be
leaving for work he said pointing at me.

Oyea thank you for that...I hope she didn't give you
any trouble he asked still smiling.

"No I will take my leave now" he said and held

looked at me before leaving.

He winded his left eyes at me and left.

what was that for? i said in my mind.

Follow me my boss said smiling at me I know he

wasn't gonna let me go even after Edwards had
brought me to work.

We went inside his office and sat down

he just kept smiling at me without saying anything.

Bring out the information you got from him he finally

spoke out after a minute of silence.

"What information sir" I asked confused

I'm going to forget about the work you didn't finish

and also coming late to work if you hand it over to
me he said putting on a serious face.

"Are you sure boss" I asked tracking my face closer

to him.
yeah and your going to be on our top holder broad
he said shaking his head.

"Here it is sir" I said handling over to him the


"Thank you" he said focusing his attention on it.

if you cloud always get information on celebrities

and famous business men like this I won't ever
shout at you he said.

so he does know he always shout at me and the

others I said my mind.

"Take this document and hand it over to joyce" he

said and I collected it and left.

"Joyce take a look at this" I said while she stared at

me instead of what I was showing her.

what did you do with Edwards that made you

change your look in just a day? she asked

I didn't do anything to him...he just forced me to put

this on I said shy

"Are you sure" she asked making me blush by her

Yeezy I am, take a look this file boss asked you to
interview someone I said pointing at the document

"Who's it this time" she asked looking at the files.

"What isn't this Jackson's name" she asked


yea jackson! it's said that he holds a record of no

reporter being able to interview since he began his

No reporter has been able to have an interview with

him for the past years.

"And boss wants me to do an interview with him"

she asked still in shock at it.

yea boss just changed your position as the first on

the pash board since you couldn't get to interview
Edwards I replied

If you cloud have an interview with him your points

are ganna level up to thirteen

And by the way Mira just returned this morning with

a successful interview with Mr. william

I believe every soon your current position is going

to go be give to her i said and she looks really
disappointed in hearing that.
Couldn't he look for someone else I should
interview...why Jackson? she asked putting on a
sad face.

I thought you could easily have an interview with

him... doesn't tell me you fought with him I inquired.

"It's not like that I just don't want to see him" she

"Did he harass you or did he do anything bad to

you" I asked sounds curious as if I will attack him if
he did.

"No he didn't I just don't want to see him" she


well if you didn't want to see him you better start oo

cos it's only by doing the interview can you get
back on your current position I said and left to do
my work.

🌀🌀 Edwards pov 🌀🌀
Good morning sir my employees greeted as I
worked into the company.

it's been a while since I came to work and I had left

an unfinished project and it's time now to make
sure it's done with.
"Sir we have problem" my secretary said as she
walks into my office.

"what's the problem" I asked curious?

Some of our files for the new project are being

hacked as we speak she said breathing recklessly.

what's this can have a look at it and have you

inform the security department I asked picking up
some other files on my table.

we walked down to see what was happening with

the files being hacked.

I checked the computer and saw all the files in tack.

"where are the files you said where being hacked" I

asked angry.

Sir I don't know by the time I left to your office other

colleagues where trying their best to fix it.

Sir the guy sitted over there help restrict the hacker
from accessing the files and he also installed a
security code one of my employees said
immediately he heard my discussion with her.

"Who's that" I asked looking at the guy as he sat

down reading a book
sir I don't know but let me ask and see who he is
she responded

Don't worry go do your job I'm going to talk with him

myself I instructed

"Hello" I said distracting him from continue reading.

I heard you help with my files being hacked thank

you for what exactly do you came to my
company for I asked staring at him

sorry for my manners Mr Edwards I'm just looking

for a job he said politely

I'm Louis by the way he said stretching his hand

nice meeting you Louis...I like what you did just

now... I'm going to give you a job here in my
company I said smiling.

"thank you Mr. Edwards I'm glad to hear this" he

said with a smile.

I need people like him to help with the new project if

he cloud be here for month then I may consider
including him in other projects.


( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 8 💞
Louis pov :

So I'm finally in...all I just need is for him to

completely trust me.

"Here is your table the girl" he ordered said pointing

at the place.

"Thank you... please what's your name"I asked


I'm Edwards secretary, a form is going to

be sent to you to fill so make sure to write all that's
required she said leaving.

Working for my enemies isn't really my thing but for

but some how working will help me find out about
me past.

It's high time I find out the truth about my father's

death all I just need is patient and time to ruin him.

🌀🌀 joyce pov 🌀🌀
you have got this joyce... you just need is to stay
cool and calm.
your not a fan of his you just really need this
interview every badly I said feeling depressed.

I was at one of jackson show he will soon be here

and his releasing one of his new songs today.

This place is full with a lot of people especially girls.

I didn't know jackson was this popular.

His here I heard his fans shouting as he's car door

got open...I was just too afraid and not confident.

other reporters were taking pictures of him and

trying their best to ask questions but was pushed
by the guards.

He looked more handsome today than other days,

I've spent with him.

I was lost in my thoughts and before I knew it he

was already in and the guards won't let anyone in.

without a ticket I couldn't enter and this guards are

too strick.

I need to look for a way to get in I thought as I held

my head.

I've got an ideal the back door to the stage I'm

going to use it.
I went behind only to find two gauds standing
there... looks like this place is highly guarded I need
to think of another way.

I later saw workers and chief transporting things

into the hall through the backdoor.

That's it, all i need now is to join them and turn my

ID card so as to get in.

I pick up a heavy box of which I didn't know what

was inside I just followed the others.

you me your ID one of the guards


sir you know this is so heavy and I can't even reach

out to it just let me in I pleaded.

It's okay let her in, you can see what she's carrying
is heavy the other one added and he let me in.

"Finally I'm in" I said smiling and dropped the box

where the others kept theirs.

All I need is to find Jackson's dressing room so I

can talk to him if only he will agree.

This should be the door I looked at it and saw his

name on the door so it's got to be his.
I entered the room and it's seems he's gone out to
the stage already so I just need to wait in here still
he's back.

🗞🗞 louis pov 🗞🗞
All I just need is to install more virus into the

The one earlier wasn't powerful enough to harm the


This time I will have to get my hands on the new

project their working on and maybe get a copy of it
before I install the virus.

All I just need is to break into their security code

and I know that won't be easy to get but I have to
no matter what it's ganna take.

"What are you still doing here" i hear a voice which

seems to be Mira his secretary.

I just want to finish the work am doing before I

leave I lied closing the program.

You will have to finish it tomorrow I want to lock the

place she said picking up the keys.

It's ok I will continue tommorow I said and packed

my things.
Looks like she's going to be a problem to my plan i
quickly removed the USB I had install to access
some information.

"What's that" she asked suspesious.

no it's just a key flash I walk with it's for my backup

files from my former work place I lied again hiding
the USB.

Okay let's go she said and I left out of the office.

🥀💎 Jackson pov 💎🥀
I just released my new beat and my fans loved it
and I'm glad they did.

I'm really tired right now...all I just want to do is to

get home and relax.

I walked all the way back to my dressing room to

pick up some things before I leave for home.

Guess I'm damp tired I opened my door to see a

lady standing and bending her head.

"what are you doing here" I asked curious

"I'm just here to serve you master" she replied with

her head still looking down.
"if you say so I want a soft massage" I said and sat

"What do you mean master" she asked

Don't give that expression aren't you hear to serve

me I asked

Yes sir she replied and began massaging my


yea like that your hand are so soft I groan at her

touch it's feel so good.

I could like you to massage me like this forever I

said groaning.

"what?" she said making me turn to her and saw

her face.

"Joyce" I called in surprise..

wh....wh....what are you doing here I asked

stamping as she removed her soft hands away
from my shoulders.

"I just needed to talk to you" she said not looking as

usual as she always bak at me.

what will make you lye to me and how did you even
get up to my room I asked taking a propal look at
her from head to toe.
I'm really sorry about quorelling and arguing with

All I want is to have an interview with you and I

won't disturb you ever again she said pleading.

Don't think I will fall for that I'm not doing any
interview with anyone not even you I said and
turned my face to a different direction.

I'm going to do anything you want all I ask for is for

you to accept my interview she pleased and I
thought of it.

you know what? I'm going to have an interview

with you but on one condition I said and she smiled.

what's it just say it and I'm going to do it right away

she said smiling.

what can she do for me?...mmm i will have to take

my revenge here for her letting me push that car I

You know what? I want you to follow me home and

clean my whole house I said waking up from my sit.

"What?" you want me to clean your house. I'm can't do that isn't there any other

thing I can do she asked pleading.
No there's nothing if you'ren going to,then forget
about the interview I smirked and walked to the

"okay I'm going to" she said and I smiled

"carry those things there let's go" I said opening the


It's going to be a hard time for you just watch and

see you think I will easily let you have what you
want.( said in his mind)


( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 9 💞
Joyce pov :

We arrived at his house or should I say mansion.

This guy leaves in richest and he's behaving


"Joyce here is my house" he said showing me

"Why is the house joint?" I asked curious cos there
was another mansion and lot's of cars too.

Actually Edwards leaves here with me but he

usually doesn't sleep home so over there is his own
personal building he said opening a glass door.

You may want to stop admiring the house cos this

is what your going to clean he said and my mouth

what? you mean I will have to clean all this whole

house I asked demonstrating with my hands.

"yeah! what were you expecting?" he said and


I'm not doing boss will only kill me or

lower my points for not getting this interview I
mumbled walking away.

Where do you think your going he said sitting him

comfortable on his sofa.

I'm going out of here I can't possibly clean this you

whole house.

Don't you have mates? and besides this house

looks very clean and shinny I said making my way
to the door.
So it's seems you don't want to interview me again
he said smirking.

I'm not doing again, I just want to go home I can't

come and kill myself I said and stared at him

Don't you want to be the first reporter who has ever

interview the best movie actor before? he asked
rolling his eyes proudly.

Who says his the best movie actor this one that
couldn't even push a car and his saying.

I'm going upstairs you can clean half of the house

by the time am down we will have the interview he
said and woke up from his sit and walked up the

This is going take me over an hour just to clean this

place and arrange everything.

If not of work I could have given him a punch in the

face so he should know how annoying he is asking
me to do this.

I'm really angry right now but cos of this damn work
I have to do this.

I places my camera and other stuff I brought with

me and stated working.
I Clean every bit of house and everything I saw I
made sure nothing was left out until I was done.

I'm so damn tired I really needed a place to rest

right now.

Why isn't he down yet? don't tell me this guy went

up there to sleep I thought and put on an angry

if his really sleeping he shouldn't be oo cos I have

finished cleaning this one big house.

The house first of all looks very quiet like there are
no maid's around nor guards
what if he's been attacked my robbers.

what's he even going to do to defend himself I

thought of I layed on the sofa to rest my body.

Vanessa pov :

I just got back from work and was very tired and
hadd to go take a shower when I got a text

"Hello girlfriend".

"where are you right now? he asked

"I'm at home" I responded.

"okay" he said and I waited for his text massage
and didn't get any.

"where are you?" I later asked after some minutes

of waiting.

"I'm at my apartment salting out some files " he


why don't you consentred on your work other than

texting me I said sounding annoyed.

"I just miss you that's all or can't I text my girlfriend"

he said making laugh.

"I really don't remember when I became your

girlfriend" I replied

I'm going to tell you all the details if only you agree
to meet up with me tomorrow he texted

yeah let's meet up but it's not going to be a date I


Date tomorrow! I'm going to send you the address

and time he replied

I text again but didn't get any reply again from him.
I placed my phone on the bed and left to the
bathroom to take a fresh refounding shower.

💐 Jackson's pov 💐
After sleeping for up to an hour I finally woke up
and went down stairs to check if she was done.

Actually I called the maid's and guards out

immediately she accepted to come to my house
cos I wanted her to do all the work alone.

I went down stairs and saw her sleeping on the

couch and decided to check around the house.

Everywhere and everything seems to be clean

looks like she did a great job here.

But actually this isn't all I wanted her to do for me

she's got a lot more to do for me.

before I can even think of letting her have this

interview witg me she must complete my work.

I went back to the leaving room and looked at her

sleeping soundly and took a closer look and my
eyes fell on her laps and beauty.

my vltamine won't compoarating as my hands

deceived me and went forward in touching her.
My hands where few inch from her when she
suddenly woke up and my heart skipped.

"what are you doing?" she asked looking at him.

"I was about waking you up" I said regruting my

hand backward and in fear.

Aren't you going to interview me again I asked

trying not to make her suspect anything.

I almost forgot after I finished', I got really tired and

decided to rest.

How about we do the interview now so I could

leave she hugh.

"No not yet" I said and she looked at me angry.

"But I already cleaned the house as you instructed"

she said angry.

Well you know I haven't eaten and I can't possibly

have an interview with an empty stomach I said
touching my tomme.

"So what do you suggest we do?" she asked and

rolled her eyes down.

"You cook for me" I said and she put her hand up
at me trying to hit me .
wait....wait...wait it's just cooking, I can't cook so
please do help me with the cooking... I pleaded

I'm only holding this bowl cos of my work and your

friend I don't want him to come meet you wounded
she said pinning her lips and pointing her finger at

As I woke up from my sit to show her things in the

kitchen my door bell rang.

Who's at the door I hughed and we both stared at

the door.

it's me Nora smith a lady responded and that was

when I knew she's back.

"Don't get the door" I ordered joyce who forceful

opened the damn door.

who are you? and why you opening his door? she
asked walking in.

I'm... before she cloud finish her words I cut her in.

My girlfriend!

( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 10 💞
Joyce pov

She my girlfriend! he said and before i cloud deny

he rushed towards me and rab his hands around
my waist pampering me on the back as a way I
shouldn't say anything.

What do you mean by that Jackson? she asked


I got myself a girlfriend after you traveled he replied

and the girl in question sat down on the couch.

please don't do anything stupid I will explain

everything to you later he mumbled in my ears and
went and sat down also.

I just stood there confused and didn't know what to

do all that was in my mind was hit him.

But I just wanted to hold it maybe till the girl in

question must have left.

Those she leave here with you? the lady asked

no she's just here to cook for me he said
demonstrating his hands for me to go to the kitchen
as the lady looked into her purse.

I went to the kitchen but not after telling him to

follow me so I cloud know his reasons for saying

💎 Jackson pov 💎
For how long have you been dating her? Nora
asked staring at me after joyce left for the kitchen.

"it's been over two weeks now" I lied

so when are you breaking up with her she asked

"I aren't breaking up with her" I replied

But you know your work doesn't allow you to keep

girls around you and also remember the contract
she said

But the contract will soon expired. Don't tell me the

company wants to renew it cos I aren't ganna
accept that I said frowning.

The company is not going to renew the contract it's

just that she said and stop.

"just what" I asked waiting impatiently for her to say

No I'm not going to tell you now when the time is
right I will let you know she said and I sighed.

When will the time be right? all I have ever done in

my live was follow the companies damn orders.

"what have I ever done for myself?" I asked angry.

"Jackson" she called trying to calm me down.

"let me be" I said and left for the kitchen angry.

💐 Joyce pov 💐
I'm waiting for you him here. He's going to tell me
the meaning of that rubbish he just display out
there I said angry and picked up a frying pan.

"Joyce" he called entering the kitchen.

"Take this" I said and hit him on his forehead.

aww he groan in pains as he held his forehead.

"Joyce do you want to kill me? it's damn hurts" he

asked taking away the frying pan from me.

What did you think you're doing? you cloud have

killed me he said holding me to the wall with anger
written all over his face.
what did you just said out there? if you have
problems with your girlfriend or who so ever she is
why involve me I replied and he forcefully pulled me
towards the wall.

She isn't my girlfriend and if she does know your a

reporter we are both in trouble he replied holding
on to me.

Why would she do that? and cloud you please let

go of me your hurting me I replied feeling uneasy.

she's my manager and also I'm going to let go off

you if only you will forgive me for what am about to
say he said.

what's it just tell me and let go of my hands I'm not

going to hit you I said and he nodded.

Actually you can't have an interview with me he

said and I opened my mouth in shock.

"Then what about all the things I just did" I asked


I was just trying to pay you back from making me

push that car he smirked.

"Okay let go of me I'm not going to do anything I

just want to go home am tried of all this" I said.
immediately he let go of me I hit his head and ran
off can't believe he did this to me.

After cleaning his whole house only for him to tell

me I aren't going to interview him.

I picked up my things and walked pass Nara who

was trying to say something but I just ignored her
and left.

Vanessa pov 💄💄
I was sitting in the living room watching tv when
joyce suddenly showed up looking all messed up.

Girlfriend your back I asked and she nodded.

"How was the interview? did you manage to get it" I

asked even before she sat down.

she sighed and sat down.

you wouldn't believe what I went through the hands

of that bastard call Jackson she said with so much
angry in her eyes.

what happened? did he not let you interview him or

what? I asked curious.

"He so annoying and he just played a fool out of

me" she responded.
"But I thought your friends, why would he play a
fool out of you" I asked.

He didn't just play a fool out of me, he even said I

was his seriously me joyce as
beautiful as I am be a girlfriend of a rude, subbond
and annoying guy like him she said really pit of.

"Wait you mean he said your his girlfriend in front of

his fans" I asked.

No he didn't...this was what happened! she


he asked me to follow him to his house and clean it

and he promised to let me interview him and after I
did everything changed.

A lady later walked in to his house and he assumed

she's his manager and he had the gods to
introduce me as his girlfriend.

"Wait you mean you cleaned the whole his house" I

asked laughing

vanessa this isn't funny what I went through today

was really stressful she said.

Actually you cloud have did a research on who

jackson really is I said and folded my arms.
"Why would I do a research on a bastard like him"
she replied angry.

"Wait let me tell you who exactly is Jackson" I said

and she paid her attention to me.

Jackson is a complete womanizer and also has had

five girlfriend in two months and if he did was
interested in you he wouldn't have introduce you to
someone like that I said and laughed at her.

What does that mean? any man will fall for me with
after seeing this my beauty and I know just the
perfect ways to make a man do so she said smiling.

"But not jackson...he only go for the best" I said and

she sighed.

That doesn't matter all is that I'm beautiful and I'm

going to make him pay for what he did today she
said and frowned.

Well all I can say is good luck but don't forget your
points are dropping.

What do you mean? did boss take away some of

my points again" she asked.

yeah he did and also he's going to reduce it to half

percent if you don't get to interview him.
"meaning I may win the companies altimate price" I
said and smile.

I'm not going to let that she said and I switched off
the TV.

Try finding out what jackson like and also what he

doesn't like.

Try to get in his good side and make him trust you
and his going to maybe tell you about his personal
life I said and walked out of the living room.

So if I really need that interview I will have to make

him first fall for me and then grab the changes to
ask him questions I heard her say to herself as I
made my way into the room.




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( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 11 💞
Vanessa pov :

I woke up as the sun light hit my eyes.

I youn in tiredly.

I forceful woke up from the bed and went to brush.

After I was done I took a washer and changed into

something nice.

I went to joyce room to wake her up as usual but

she wasn't there looks like she woke up today

I checked her bathroom but couldn't find her then

decided to go to the living room to look for her.

I went into the living room but sighted her on the

dining having breakfast.

Good morning! I greeted and sat down but she

didn't say anything.

"Who's the rush to?" I asked after a minute of

"I'm in a hest to go to work today" she said and I
look suprise.

she has never gone to work at this time, what's

really happening today?.

Joyce is everything ok ? I asked and mixed my tea.

nothing is wrong I just want to be early at work

today she said and walked up.

"I'm done see you later at work" she smiled and

cleared the table.

She's really weird today!

Anyways I have also got to prepare for work.

I ate my breakfast and horribly went to work.

Edwards pov :

Another day at work just as I expected.

Good morning sir....Good morning sir...

my employees were greeting as I walk into the


Wait was going on why are all of them having the

same heir style and all dressed in coat and putting
on heels.
Mira I called out my secretary so she could
probably explain what's going on.

Good morning sir she greeted as she walks close

to me.

What's happening today? why are they dress up

like that I asked anxious.

Sir actually the broadcast news you made about

your ideal girl went viral on the internet.

And you got a lot of veiws and also they all want to
be your ideal type.

But I didn't do any broadcast...let me have a look at

it I asked check-ing her phone.

Wow there lot's of veiws and this record shows was

being released by DOD entertainment.

Didn't you record this with them? she asked


I did but didn't expect the record to go viral and it's

got a lot of comment too.

sir if you will want me to ask them to delete it from

their website I will do just that she said smiling.

"Don't worry about that I know the perfect person to

contact" I said smiling.
"Who sir" she asked.

"Get me their ceo number let me talk with him" I

said sitting down.

okay sir I will do just that she said

how has louis being working so far.

he's doing well at work sir just that she said cutting
it half.

"just what?" I asked curious

he's being working still dark and always stay in the

company still everyone is gone she said

that's not a problem as long as he's working hard

it's good.

but I find him suspesious she said

what's do you find suspesious about him I asked

He probably leaves the company late and he's

always trying to get into the research department
she said and I nodded.

That means his probably interested in joining the

research department and I will look into that I said.
But she hushed but I cut her of.

No but go do what I asked you to do and get back

to me I said and she walked out of my office.

Louis pov :

"Hello boss" I said on phone as l went to the

company parking spot.

"How is it going" he asked

boss everything is going smoothly, I will be able to

send you a copy of their latest project very soon.

You better hurry up the police are still investigating

the rubbing case and i think they have got some

okay boss I'm going to try my best I replied.

You know what happened and it's high time you act

You dad's death was cost by his mom and you

won't want him to keep ruling your dad's property.

I know of that boss no need reminding me I will

make sure he pays for it.

I said and ended the call. it's high time I attack, let
him know he isn't untouchable.
He's mother had the gods to muder my dad in cold

💐 Vanessa pov 💐
I walked into the office only to be informed by boss
that I need to interview someone today by 8 pm.

But he didn't even tell me who the person is?

He just gave me an address and a box saying I

should wear this tonight.

I went back to my sit still wandering on who could it


but didn't think of any one reasonable'... I'm going

to fine out who this person is!

I did my work and at 6 pm I left home to prepare

for the interview.

"Joyce why so quit today" I asked looking at her as

she was focus on watch tv.

Didn't you see the patch board today I have gone

down to number three she said feeling sad.

how can boss be so wicket can't I interview

someone else she said already subbing.
"it's okay I'm going to look for a way to help you" I
said and she cleaned her tears.

"really" she asked smiling

yes I'm going to talk with Edwards to help talk to

him so you can interview him.

That isn't going to work he said it's the company

that doesn't allow that she said putting on a sad

That's not a problem, don't be sad...

Edwards is one of the share holders of their
company I believe he can make such decisions.

But how did you know so much about Edwards? I

can't even get a single information on jackson she

Actually I did a whole lot of research about him so

as not to fall into a trap.

"What do you mean by that" she asked

not all celebrities that say I love you really mean it.
some just want to take advantage of you.

I don't understand you she asked

do you mean to say he...
I'm running late for this interview and I wouldn't
want to keep the person waiting.

common just answer she insisted but I paid no


"Who this that your going to interview at this time"

she asked.

I don't know and after I'm done with the interview

I'm going to meet him i said smiling.

okay that's all... I'm going I said and aim for the
door affording her talks.
Welcome madam please how may I be of service a
lady who i assume to be the receiptionise asked.

I will be meeting with a client here today, didn't he

say anything.

aww madam this way please she said and I

followed her.

This place is quite nice and unick the person must

properly be from a rich family.

Have a sit the the lady said and I sat down.

On the opposite side of the table a man was sitting
reading the restaurant's menu of which he use to
block his face.

please mister are you the one I'm suppose to be

meeting I asked raising my head to see who he is.

Yeah but first order some food for yourself he said

and I chuckled.

okay I will do just that I said and picked up the table


But actually why is he hiding his face from him.

I watched him bring down the paper from his face

slowly as I was so anxious to see his face.

"you" I shouted after seeing his face.

yeah me or where you expecting any other person

he asked staring at me.



( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 12 💞
vanessa pov:

"Where you expecting another person" he asked

while I look in shock.

"how could you take me on a date without my

concern" I asked annoyed.

"Is this a date" he asked opening his eyes to me.

"yeah or what do you want to call it" I asked staring

at him.

"I think it's an interview call from me" he said


you...I hushed.

Why don't you just eat up and have a release from

work I know how stressful it is he said while putting
food in my plate.

so why did you choose to contact my boss instead

of asking me out, I asked

Actually if I did that I know you were going to refuse

so I just needed to look for other ways he said
It's ok let's not talk about that your here already so
just enjoy the moment he said still smiling.

eat up I have somewhere I want to take you he said

as we dine together.

💥 Louis pov 💥
I was done with the day job all I just need is to get
into his office I do the needful.

Where are you going to I was asked by someone

while walking to his office.

I...I.. I'm going to drop this file inside the boss office
he will be needing them tomorrow I said stamping.

Why don't you *give me the files I'm going to hand

them over to him myself the* person said and
turned only to see Mira staring at me wildly.

No I will really want to make sure to this documents

are kept safe and where I can easily give him
tomorrow I said hoping for a positive response.

So your saying if I take the documents I won't keep

it well is that what you mean she said annoyed.

No that's isn't what I'm trying say I just want it to be

me who keep the files so as to hand it to him, I
Okay I will let you drop them there you're self but
just drop them and meet me at the other
departments she said and left.

I know she's been suspecting me for some days

now but she isn't going to find anything from doing

I walked into his office as I pass my eyes around

and aim for his computer, I need to copy those files.

I install my key flash into the computer and started

pressing it to copy the files.


I fucken need a password and this is going to take

some time in decoding it.

Louis I heard Mira call my name as I heard her foot

steps walk-in towards the office.

common just remaining a little more

70% ¥¥¥¥¥

80%. ¥¥¥¥¥

90%. ¥¥¥¥¥

"yeah" I quickly remove the key flash and turn off
the computer as she walks in immediately I was

"what you still doing here" she asked staring at me.

I just wanted to clean up his table I lied walking out

the office leaving her there.

I've got what I wanted all I have to do this hand this

over to master.

💦🥀 Edwards pov 🥀💦
we talked and laughed as we ate together.
"wait" I asked and she stopped eating.

"What's it's" she asked staring at me.

I used my hand to remove food particular around

her mouth and ate it.

"it's ok now" I said sitting back at my sit

she smiles blushing at me.

After we were do with dinner I walked her to my car

and drove her to where I told her I will take her.

"Why did you bring me here" she asked looking at

an empty beach.
i normally come here to rest my brain out and
watch the stars with the fresh breeze that flow here
at night.

so you will just come here for that she asked

spread her hands wild open as the breeze blow.

"Not just that it's also reminds me of my childhood"

I said and sat on the sand.

So it's you favorite place since as a child she asked

sitting close to me.

more like that my mom use to be busy with work all

the time so I mustly come here.

"look up at the star" she said staring at the stars


"aren't there shinny and sparkle" she asked staring

at them.

"yeah there are" I said staring into her eyes as she

watched them happily.

she's so beautiful when she smiles I said in my

thoughts as I kept staring at her.

She turned look at me staring at her as are eyes


All I thought was kissing those soft lips of hers.

I brought my lips close to her and kissed her feeling
her heart me increasing.

After minutes we break from the kiss staring at

each other awardly.

Your face is burning up I said staring at her face

already red.

"what"she asked touching her face rapeatly.


( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 13 💞
louis pov:

boss here is all the files I got from his personal

computer I said as I walked into his office dropping
the key flash on the desk.

He was drinking and smoking along side with two

other hot girls sitted beside him.

welcome son I Know you will never fail me he said

dropping the glass of drink on the table.
"girls it's ok you can go" he instructed and they both
walk out.

So have you tried the files on the key flash to check

if everything is ok he asked staring at me.

No master I just got the files this evening but I'm

sure it's the right one I answered glancing at him.

Let's take a look at it then...

shall we he said and inset the key flash into his

He checked it for minutes and sighed

"what's it master" I asked staring at him confused
about him sighing.

You fucken got the right files but there's one thing
you didn't do he said making me confused.

Master I had to decode his computer just to get

those files, so I don't understand I asked confused.

You need his finger print before this files cloud be

opened and you fucken didn't check them he said

I promise I'm going to do that I pleaded as I looked

at me angrily.
This isn't a child's play we are doing louis if you
really want to get Edwards down you will have to
get it he said.

One of his gauds walked into the office and stood

there staring at ours.

Boss I followed him and find out that he was

meeting up with a reporter he said after a minute of

So did you get a picture of the reporter? he asked.

master don't tell me your monitoring Edwards I

hushly asked.

You know son you can't realie on one man. you've

got to get a backup plan he said tamping my

but this wasn't our plan...what if he becomes

suspesious ? I asked angry.

Don't worry son he wouldn't be cos I'm not going to

let that happen.

I just need to know what he's been up to cos he

can't be played with... Edwards isn't just some one
you can bring down easily he said calming me
So what's we going to do now boss the gaud

I want you to investigate that reporter and make

sure you get every information he instructed.

Boss here is a picture I took of her he said showing

him the picture as I bib to look at it.

Why does she look familiar to someone I've meet

before I said in my thoughts.

noo it's must be probrobly one of this random

reporter I've passed by I said thinking as I was lost
into space.

louis he called removing me from my thoughts.

All you have to do is get his finger print and we

proceed as planned he said and i replied

💦🥀 🥀💦
okay master I responded and left his office.
Joyce pov

"hello" please I'm here to see mr Edwards I asked

the receiptionise.

Do you have an appointment ma she asked.

yeah I do...he knows I will be coming I responded.

okay just give me a minute she said and pick up the

Joyce someone called making me turn to look at

the direction I heard my name.

"What are you doing here" he asked looking


"what that got to do with you" I asked frowning.

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stories. Chat with me on 0244345690 or

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0243213014 to be added.

"what happened to your head? why is it wounded?

I asked trying get a closer look at it.

he smirked and said that night.

then I remembered what I did.. I didn't know it's

will give him a wound I was just angry.

Ma you can meet him in his office the receiptionise


"okay thank you" I said walking away.

"where you going to" he asked stoping me from

moving forder.

"What do you want" I asked frowning.

My wound! I'm a superstar for crying out loud..
wouldn't you even say something.

what do you want me to coursed it...if you

won't have lied then I won't hurt you I said pit off.

But I can still let you have an interview with me he

said smiling.

"like seriously" I asked curious.

if only you he started and I cut him up

no I won't fall for that again I said sadly.

"Just here me out" he said.

you come home with me and do an interview but
you can't release it to the public he said and a smile
formed on my face.

"really" I asked
but I can't come with you now I said feeling sad.


what's wrong" he asked staring at me

I need to meet with Edwards right now I replied.

we could go together and after your done you

follow me he said.
why is he behaving different towards me today I
asked myself curious.

noo you can wait for me outside I said and he


"I'm in my car waiting" he said and left.

I walked up to Edwards office knocking at his


come in I heard him say and I walked in.

your here he said carring his head up to look at me.

Why is it you? where's vanessa he asked staring at

me. she's sick and couldn't come, so I came in

replace of her I said stamping.

"Okay so where she right now" he asked claimly.

"She's at home resting" I responded.

okay you can go he said stunning he's eyes to his


"but what about the work" I asked.

you don't have to worry about it he said insisting I


( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 14 💞
Joyce pov:
I walked out of his office heading to meet jackson
down at the parking lot.

Why don't you take off the glasses? I asked as he

stared at me with his dark glasses.

Your a reporter, you should know the rules of being

a celebrity he replied.

but you can see no body is here I said looking


you can't be sure about that not until I'm on the

news headlines.

common stop talking and let's go he said and

entered the car.

💥 Vanessa pov 💥
I was at home taking a quick shower but the
thought of edwards kissing me won't get off head.

I even had to ask joyce to lied to him that am sick

and won't be coming to take pictures on their new

but come to think of it why I'm I even scared of

seeing him.

noo vanessa you can't be doing thoughts

aren't helping.

all it does is make me remember how handsome he

looks and wanting to kissing him again.

i have been sitting inside the bathroom for over an

hour now thinking but nothing negative have come
to my mind.

I relaxed to the warm water as I heard the bell door


I tied my towel around my body and made my way

towards the door.

who's there I asked putting in a listening ear.

pizza delivery I heard a man's voice as I wondered

if I did order pizza.
Drop it on the ground and leave I order cos I can't
open the door to him tiring a towel.

few minutes after hearing no sounds, I quickly open

the door a little bit and bet to the ground to pick up
the pizza.

I sent my hand out side not looking at what my

hands were touching and little did I know I wasn't
touching the right thing.

what's this why is it so hard I touch carring my

hands up it's feels more like someone's leg.

someone pushed the door wild open and I carried

my head up to see edwards standing right before
my door.

I looked at him in the eyes as he stared at me.

oo no I'm not putting on cloth...I quickly push he

out, locked the door and looked around the house.

the house is all messed up with my dresses all

over the place.

no time to clean up I can't keep him waiting for too


I quickly drow the dresses up the stairs so he won't

see them when he walks in.
after I was done I rushed to my room and put on
some cloths.

I dry up my head in a hurst and made my way back

to open the door for him.

mr. Edwards come in, I said opening the door for

him to enter.

why did it take you so long? I have been stand out

for over 30 minutes he hushly said and I just

mr. edwards why did you come to my house? I

I wasn't expecting you.

I heard your sick so I just want to check on you he

said looking around.

How's your fever hope you're feeling better he


"yes I am" I replied

did he really need to come here, I'm trying to avoid

you and he you are.

he looked around and he passed his eyes to the

transparent glass up stairs.
noo mr. edwards don't go up there I said as he
walked up stairs.

what's all this? he asked staring at the dirty

dressing all over the stairs.

they're usually Clean, I was just tired I said with my

voice entangled.

Hurry up and clean it he ordered and I picked up

all the dresses and placed in my room.

why is there hairs on the sink he asked looking at

my bathroom.

is he actually inspecting my things.

mr. edwards where a girl lives,hairs must always be

there I responded.

"really" he asked...but hurry up and clean it he said.

wait I'm sick here so how do you want me to stress

out myself I asked pretending to be weak.

give me a pair of gloves he asked and my mouth


did he just offered to do it.

I quickly brought it for him... he wore it and started

I watched him but after a few minutes of standing I
decided to go read a book.

I fell asleep while reading and didn't know what was

still doing up stairs since.

I felt someone carried me from where I was but

didn't open my eyes cosi know it's edwards.

I woke up on my bed and discovered everything

was clean.

I rushed down stairs to check if he was still there, I

didn't pensive any sign of him.

my house was sparking and everywhere looked


the kitchen, my bathroom, the living... everywhere

was dilightly gouges.

wow he cleaned the whole house I smiled to my


he's such a darling.


( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 15 💞
Jackson pov:

you keep this video safe and don't release it just yet
I'm going to tell you on when too I said smiling at

Edwards walks into the house as she leaves with

the video tap.

What's she doing here? he asked as he sat down.

Can't she come and see me i hursh looking at him.

By the way where have you been since morning? I


"Didn't you meet me in the office today" why

behave like I wasn't at work? he replied.

I called Mira and she said you weren't there so tell


where were you? I asked eligal to hear what he has

to say.

do you now monitor my movements he asked

removing his suit.
why not! you know I don't want you to be in any
danger I said pretending not to have know his visit
to vanessa.

Edwards do you have any suggestions on how to

date a girl I asked sounds uptimistic.

So do you want to date joyce now? he asked


Just help me out here man I pleaded.

"okay fine" go to my room and look inside the lower

drower your going to fine something there use it he
said and I quickly run upstairs.

is this what you said I should use? I asked showing

him a book.

yes or don't you want it he asked

only a psycho will use such book to date a girl I


so you're saying I'm a psycho he asked

you mean you use this book to get vanessa to date

you I asked staring at him.

yes that's what I use and if you're not ready to use

you can as well give it back to me he said
stretching his hands to take it.

no I'm going to use it...I said and left to my room.

no wander this guy is too perfect when it's comes to


he had such book and he's been hiding it from me

since... it's time I make use of it too.

👽unknown pov👽
Here is the information about the reporter boss my
personal assistant said handling them over to me.

thank you drop them and leave i instructed and he


I picked up the file looking at them one after


guess she cloud be of help to my plan.

foolish louis is going to bring down his only cousin
without knowing and I'm going to take over Global

This is so going to be fun...wait until I get my hands

on those files.
I have been waiting for some many years and I
even killed his father just so I cloud own that

I'm not going to stop now that I'm close in getting

what I want.

the police and the media thought I was dead after

that incident but who cloud have thought I'm still
here alive.

and using my enemies son to get what I have

always wanted is so great.

I will let them fight each other and before they know
I'm going to have own everything.

❣ joyce pov❣

I walked into the house with so much excitement.

vanessa wake up I ordered as she lied on the

couch applying some products on her face.

"what's it" can't you sit on the other side she said
sitting up.

You won't believe this if I tell you I said smiling.

what won't I believe that makes you do excited like

did you get a promotion at work? she asked

no I didn't

are you dating jackson she asked smiling..

noo I'm not.

then what is making you blush like this she asked

staring at me. with him i said slowly.

you must be insine she said paying her attention

back on what she was doing.

Girl don't you want to take a look at the video I


no I don't. I thought you got him to date you she


Him date me...I believe he doesn't like girls like me.

have you tried and he rejects you she asked.

why should I even try if he does, he should be the

one after me I responded.

believe it or not I'm just a reporter and his a

who would love to have such relationship I asked.

I will love to she said

don't tell me your dating Edwards I asked crapping

at her.

If I say yes will you do what I want you to she


yes I will 100% do it I said smiling without asking

what she wants me to do.

I am dating him, she busted it out and I opened my

eyes at her.

since when? how come you didn't tell me I asked


I was going to tell you but your a little busy this

days she said.

It's time to do what I want she said smiling at me.

so what do you want me to do I asked staring at her


Get Jackson to date you! she said leaving me

suprise at her request.

( Searching for true love 💞)
💞 Chapter 16 💞
Edwards pov:

I walk down the stairs dressed for work

meeting Jackson glued to that book he collected
from me yesterday.

what do you think you're doing? Don't you have a

movie session to attend I asked him.

I don't and can't you see what I'm doing he said

turning at me.

Who so ever you're trying to use it on, your not

going to succeed i said smiling.

back to you he said rounding his hands around his

head and back to me.

But wait like seriously who is it? I asked curious.

"I'm not going to tell"he said putting his attention on

the book.

Since your not going to... I'm going to find out very
soon I said and smiled at him.
Don't waste you time trying to figure out who. it is
course your never going to! he said with

we are in this house together if it Joyce or any other

girl I'm going to definitely find out I said and stood

Since your not going out today you better go get

stuffs for the house I'm gone I said walking out.

The maid's can do that, he shouted.



"have some coffee sir" louis offered as we both

were working together.

thank you I responded and collected it from him.

You know what louis, it's been two months since we

started working on this project and now all our hard
work is going to pay off.

yes sir, your right about that I can see how

everyone is putting much efforts.

So how about you I know you're been working

really hard this days I asked.
yes sir it's all for work I have to work hard for my
family he responded.

So you have a family of your own I inquired

not really I did have my dad with me but

unfortunately he's no more he said sadly.

I didn't mean to remind you of you past I'm sorry.

it's okay to me it's been something I'm familiar with

for years and I'm not going to spare the person who
causehis dead he said with so much anger.

So your dad's death was coursed by someone I

asked infuriating.

"Yes" my dad was mudered he responded

🙄 flash back 🙄
He came back home one night while I was doing
my doing my assignments.

he was in a rushed and needed to leave back.

I held him back asking him to stay with me for the

night and help with my assignments but he didn't

he insisted on going, promising me he will be back

before morning but he never showed up.
I was taken by my dad's friend and he raised me
up still now.

but I had to make one promise to him and that was

bring my dad's killer to justice he said with so much

And did you filling the promise I asked feeling his


I'm still to he said cleaning his eyes as tears were

about dropping.

you do have a similar past to mine I said

so what's your own past he asked.

Boss the designs are ready and your needed in the

our department Mira said walking in.

Okay let's go look at it, louis we talk later

I will call you for a drink I said and his smiled as I
and Mira left.

🅾 Louis pov 🅾
Finally I have his finger prints I said smiling at the
cup I offered him coffee with.

all I just need is to get those files open as soon as

the new designs will soon be released but I'm not
going to let that happen.

I'm going to do everything to ruin it.

❣ Joyce pov ❣

I can't believe I'm back to my current position on

the patch board I said to vanessa excited.

And you think someone won't beat you to it? she

said jealous.

of course no one can! I going to be winning the

ultimate price I said smiling.

"You know things can change" she said and I


"You phone is ringing" she said and i looked at the


it's was jackson....

pick it up vanessa said smiling.

I will let you two talk she said and left to her desk.

📱Hello jackson
📱hi Joyce please just want to ask if you have any
other plans tonight.
📱"no I don't" I responded
📱"I will like to meet with you" he said
I'm I sure I'm speaking with the right person.

📱why do you want to meet me all of a suddenly" I


📱"just meet me and I will tell you in person" he


📱I'm going to forward you the address of where

we are going to meet he said again.

📱"okay if you say so" I said and hug off the call.
what was that for?

He's words look really weird to me!

is he planning something against me I thought as I

wandered about why he asked ours to meet.


( Searching for true love

💞 Chapter 17 💞
Louis pov:
I worked into the warehouse with my hands stock
into my pocket.

"I've got his finger" I said out loud and he smiled.

That's good son now cloud you hand it over so we

cloud start producing he said.

"I don't think so....I want a deal' I said

"so what do you want?" he asked and I chuckled.

I'm tired of playing smoothly with Edwards I want to

take things the rough way.

don't you know what your trying to do...his going to

notice you and we aren't prepare yet he said.

But I can't wait any long, I've be patient enough,

seeing him keep sloshing the memories of my
beloved father I shouted.

Louis why don't you hand over the finger prints first
then we can talk about that he said walking up to

I don't think so...if you're not going to help me.why

should I give it to you I said holding on to it.

"Louis you won't want to do this the hard way would

you" he asked.
"I think I prefer it the hard way" I said working out
when the gauds walked out and surrounded me.

"what's this" I asked staring at him.

I'm sorry Louis he said and the gauds started

attacking me.

There were too many for me to take all of them


I got beaten up and they took the finger print away

from my hand.

Thank you louis he said and smirked

let the production begin he ordered.

He got the courts to order them to beat me up.

🤦♂ Jackson pov 🤦♂
she's so I'm I going to start from in
talking to her.

You know ever since I got here you've been staring

at me without altering a word she said dripping me
out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry! what would you like to order" I said

"Why don't you say the reason you called me here"
she asked as I bamba my fingers.

It will be good to eat first I insisted arranging my tie.

"Fine I will order something" she said and I smiled.

why is it so much trouble for me acting from what I

read from the book.

I think I will need some help from edwards.

she ordered food and was eating while I stare at


"Aren't you going to eat?" she asked looking up to

me and I turned my face away from her.

"I'm okay like this" I said smiling.

I won't eat again if you aren't willing to eat with me

she said placing her spoon down.

I will eat just finish your food I said and she smiled.

Now your talking how can I eat alone while you

watch just watch me she said and pick up the

This is going to be harder than I thought.

💞 Edwards pov 💞
We sat at the beach listening to the sounds of the
breeze as it blew towards the east.

It's a night with vanessa who seems to have

accepted me.

"Vanessa can I tell you something?" i said as I rept

my arms around her.

"what's it?" she said staring and smiling at me.

"I hope you won't be angry?" I said smiling at her as

she too did.

"Why would I be angry with you" she said pulling

me into a hug.

Actually that night you didn't confused to me I

busted it out and run few inche from her.

I'm sorry I apologise put she got up angerly

following me towards the sea wave.

she followed me close to the sea side were I fell

and she was able to cash up with me.

"you" she said rapping her hands around my neck.

wait...wait I said trying to get her off me but her

huke was too strong for me to remove.
"let me say something" I said and she let go off me

I held her and looked deep into her eyes, cleared

my throat before saying.

**I love you and wish to spend the rest of my life

with you...can you be my girl I asked smiling at her.

she kept on blushing at me as I waited inpatiently

for her response.

I love you too she said and I cubbed her into my

arms and placed my lips on hers, kissing those soft
and pink lips if her.


( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 18 💞
Edwards pov:

"Why are you so quit?" I asked while driving her


"Ahh". "I'm just thinking of joyce" she said.

"what's wrong with her?".

I was just thinking how her date is going with

Jackson knowing who she is she said and I

"why are you laughing?"she asked.

I'm just laughing at what jackson will do he's a little

bit chilly.

"those two are something else...a case to be

handled" I said and we both laughed.

"it's okay you can drop me here"she said and I

pulled the car over.

"are you sure you don't want me to drive you

further" I asked.

"no it's okay here I can walk home from here" she
said smiling.

as your boyfriend I'm supposed to make sure your

home safely I said smiling.

Maybe next time you're going to do that she said

waving at me.

"no good bye kiss?" I asked smiling.

"Here you go" she said and kissed me.
After she left I turned my car and left also for home.

💞 Vanessa's pov 💞
I walked home and felt like someone was following
me from behind.

I became scared and started walking fast not

turning back.

I just kept walking, but the person won't also stop


I had to do something and all I cloud think of was

hitting the person with my hand bag.

I turned and started hitting who so ever it was and

didn't look up to see the person's face.

it's me vanessa! calm down! I heard edwards voice.

I quickly looked at him and hughed him. tightly

sobbing already.

why did you do that?

"please don't try that again" I said crying.

"it's okay" he said and patted my hair and gave me

a pek on my forehead.

"Don't cry okay" he said holding my hands.

I wasn't the one who was following you he said and
looked in shock.

If you weren't the one then who cloud it be I asked

as he clean my eyes with he's hand.

I have no idea! I didn't see the person's face and

before I got close enough to him he run.

I'm scared! "why would someone want to hurt me? I

didn't do anything wrong" I said.

"it's okay I'm here for you" he said pulling my head

to his chest.

I love you he said and I smiled happily knowing

he's there for me.

🤦♂Jackson pov 🤦♂
Cover me!, please hide me I said to joyce who was
trying her best to look for a place we cloud go to
and hide .

you may be wandering what's happening right now.

here's what happened.
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stories. Chat with me on 0244345690 or

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0243213014 to be added.
I was sitting and dining with her when someone
walked up to me and asked if I was the famous

I don't even know how the person managed to

recognize me in this dark glasses.

I didn't agreed but he insisted and so it got many

people's attention.

they started following ours since then and now we

are one the high way running.

this is one thing I hate about being a celebrity, I

can't go to public places like others.

"Over here" she said rushing me into the
amusement park.

"are you sure there won't see ours from here?" I


"Keep quiet" she said placing her hand on my


i stare at her beauty.

she so beautiful even in times like this I thought as I
kept looking at her

"There are gone" she said and removed her hand

from my mouth.
"What are you looking at?" she said distending me
from my thought.

your hands are so soft cloud you hold me again I

said and smirked

"silly" she said

"Ah!. are there really gone?" I asked looking


"Let's go" she said but I didn't want to leave.

What's it? she asked staring at me.

let's go for a ride on the big ferri over there I said

pointing at it.

No let's go "Nora" might be waiting already she said

and I nodded negatively.

If you're not going with me I will go along I said and

run off.

"wait for me" she shouted but I kept running

towards the ferry.

👽 unknown pov 👽
"Boss we are done!" one of mu workers said as he
walked close to me.
I have heard you, you can start distributing them
tomorrow but first let me have a view of it I said and
walked out of my office with him.

"Here there are" he said showing me the articles.

they are so beautiful... this is ganna give ours a lot

of money.

make sure to distribute them before Global estate

release theirs I said and he nodded.

Yes boss! but isn't this called stealing boss. we may

go to jail if we sell this article out he said and that
got me angry.

You do what you're told and stop asking questions

or you want to lose your job I shouted.

"noo! boss I'm sorry" he said and bowed his head.

you better be.

"How did it go?" I asked the gaud I had sent to
watch over "Edwards".

"boss I'm sorry but he noticed me" he said looking

"How could you let that happen?" I shouted but he
didn't response.

you know what! just get the hell out of here I


"Boss what about louis?" he asked.

"Just let him stay in there when he's ready to talk

he will come out" I said and he nodded.

I don't know what's wrong with him...if he's planning

to make any move now it's going to spoil my plans
of taking back that company.

if not that I still need your help I would have killed

you already.


💙💚💛 💙💜💜

( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 19 💞
Edwards pov :

"why are you so happy this morning? it's looks like

you woke up from the right side of the bed" I said to
jackson who I've been watching over a minute.

Yeah! I'm so happy that I can't tell.

what happened to your date with joyce last night?

don't tell me you got her I asked smiling.

"how did you know? I was with her last night" he

asked surprised.

I told you I was eventually going to find out why you

were reading that book I said and smirked.

I think I will have to start sending you away to stay

in your own apartment he said frowning.

If that's the case meaning you won't be seeing her

today I said and he chuckled.

"And how's am I not going to see her? if I want to I

can go see her" he said.

Vanessa will be here today and I believe you will

want her to come with joyce, won't you? I asked.

I will love that! he said and smiled.

But it's on fortunate you have asked me to go to my
apartment I said knowing he was going to plead so
I could stay.

"You can stay here if you like to" he said smiling at

me widely.

I will think about it I said and picked my suitcase.

how about asking vanessa to invite her please! he

said and I laughed.

"so now you're begging me" I said and attempt to

walk away.

best buddy please he said and I looked at him


"I will think about that too" I said and walked away
to my car.

He only need my help when it's comes to things like

this if it concern work he cloud already be saying
court me out.

"Wait for me" I heard him say and rushed into my


"Why don't you use your own car?" I asked.

You see "Nora" is very angry with me and I won't

like to go to the filming site with my car so she
should notice I'm not around, I'm really scared of
meeting her right now he said.

But why in the first place will you violate the

contract you signed with the company I asked.

"Those rules are so many I can't possibly keep all

of them" he said and smirked.

One more thing there is this movie we are firming

on and I'm the leading actor.

she doesn't want anything to affect me right now

that's why she's so strict with me lately like I can't
have freedom any more he said but I was already
getting tired of him talking.

"Fine" I will take you there" I said rolling my eyes


🎀 Vanessa's pov 🎀
This one your so excited this morning I hope
everything is ok I asked joyce who has been
smiling since she woke up from bed.

weh. "what happened yesterday between you and

jackson" I asked curious.

"nothing" she quickly responded showing off her

look at the mirror.
"You mean nothing or you just don't want to tell me"
I asked quit uptimistic.

I'm going to work if You're interested in staying here

and asking questions your free to" she said and
picked up her things including her camera.

I'm the one who forced you to date him remember

and now you don't want to tell me anything I asked
but she behaved as if I wasn't talking to her.

"Wait for me" I shouted and also picked up my

hand bag rushing to her.

"Are you really not ganna tell me anything" I asked

as we both walked into the company.

she till didn't respond but she looked like it didn't go

so well.

don't worry if she doesn't want to tell me I'm going

to ask Edwards to help me out.

💞 Jackson's pov 💞
You know I have always loved you and I'm willing to
keep loving you.

why don't you just look at the good side of me and

forgive me for my wrongs.
I'm here for you now, please at least look at me
while I talk she said in tires.

I'm sorry but I can't accept that love, you've ruined

my life I responded.

I can't accept your love any more am sorry I said

and attempt to walk forward but she hugged me
from behind.

I'm sorry I said and removed her hands away from

my hubs.

she sat down crying and scratching her hands in

between my head.

CUT.......... the director shouted and she woke up

from the ground.

those he have to always shout like that before we

should know the scene is over.

Well done jackson...that will be all for today he said

to everyone and I smiled.

"Nora" has been here since I arrived but it seems

like she doesn't want to talk me.

maybe she's still angry over what happened



( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 20 💞
Edwards pov :
"Here are the files you ordered me to bring sir",
Mira walked into my office saying.

"Okay thank you" I said and collected them from


"are you sure all of them are here" I asked looking

at each one of them

"yes sir" she said and nodded.

"something is not right here" I said and she bent to

look at it.

"What's it?" she asked staring at the papers.

Who analyst this papers? it's shown here that most

of the funds used for this new project were not
recorded, I shout.
It's was louis who worked on the financial budget of
this project sir. she said and afraid.

"Go and call him right now I" said and she nodded

"his not in the company" sir she said.

"what do you mean his not in the company" I asked


Louis haven't come to work and I tried calling him

on phone but his number wasn't connecting.

Send someone over to his address to find out what

is wrong with him I shouted and nodded.

and make sure his sees me immediately he gets

here I said and she nodded again.

how cloud this be happening at a time like this just

few days before we launch the project.

"Sir we have a problem" one of the managers

Walked in saying.

"what's it again?" I asked looking at him.

some of our new designs were said to have been

found on local markets and also other articles
which were placed on the Grand stand hall he said.
what do you mean by that? we haven't release an
articles out yet talk less of letting anyone outside
the company see them.

Mira call the rest of the managers for a meeting

immediately I shout and Scott.

what exactly is happening now? it's just one day

away from the excerpution and something like this
is happening.

I need to look for a solution before things get even


¥¥ unknown pov ¥¥

i entered the room where louis had been locked

inside to talk some sense into that thick skull of his.

"Louis let have a talk"I said and he turned facing


if you have anything to say you better say it and

leave he said angrily.

Louis try to reason with me for once, I can't just let

you do what you want like that" I said and he

You have always wanted me to do this for years

now and now the opportunity is there you don't
want me to make use of it he shouted.
louis if you plan on attacking edwards what are you
going to gain from it when you haven't gotten what
you need the most" I asked.

"my heart will be at peace knowing that I killed my

father's enemy" he responded bitterly.

"then what of the company?" I asked and he looked


The company is not my main focus I can still get

the company after his dead he said and I laughed.

and how do you think you can do that when no one

knows you are even still alive.

since your dad died no one has looked for you and
you believe you're just going to walk in there and
ask for the company I said and he placed his hands
around his head.

"listen louis I will bring edwards to you when the

time is right but for now I just need you to lay low
why I think of a way to do that" I said and he

"when I do bring him to you then you will make him

sign the papers of transferring the company over to
ours" I said and smiled.
"I don't want to wait any longer" he said as I walked
out of the room.

"you don't need to worry about that" i said leaving

the door open so he cloud go out.

Now I have gim back on track all I just need is to

make sure edwards signs those documents when
the time comes.

"sir I have found out the one he cares for the most"
the gaud I ordered to keep an eye on Edwards said
as he walked in.

so finally I have his weak point. and now I'm going

to use it to get him.

there is no way I'm not going to be taken over that

company from him now.

I believe by now there must be a lot of problems

going on in his company.

my years of hard work is now paying off, louis I just

need to endure you still I am done with this.



( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 21 💞
Vanessa's pov:

it's almost time to get off work and very soon I will
be seeing my beibie.

since morning I haven't call or texted him...I think I

should text him. I'm going to suprise him at home I said

to myself smiling.

"vanessa" boss wants to see you joyce" shouted

and I nodded.

joyce doesn't seem to be herself to today I wander

what must be bothering her.

she's been quite since she started working on in

the morning.

I'm going to try and see what's wrong with her but
for now let me deal with my boss.

"what does he want to see me for?" I asked myself

walking into his office.
"vanessa" you will be having an appointed interview
with Mr David damnit in two days from now" he said
and I nodded

"you just need to know this, don't ask him any

personal question just companies affair" he said
and nodded.

"can I go now?" I asked politely

"yes you can go" he said not after staring at me

before i rushed out of his office.

why can't I asked a him personal question?

it's not like he's a famous business man... anyways

I'm just to obey what my boss tells me.

🎀 Edwards pov 🎀
Please have a sit I offered to the board of directors
who stood up as I walked in.

There started wispering in each other's ear and

making some series of noise.

"Please Mr. Edwards what is really happening with

the articles the company just produced one of
them?" asked.

"we are just having a serious of problems the case

will be under investigation" I responded.
It may be believe that there's someone in the
company who let out the designs of the new

I'm assuring you all that this matter will be handle

before the excepution" I said and sigh.

if the media gets to hear about this you know it's

going to be a big loss to the company the same
person said again.

all we have to do is find out the spy who is in our

company... I'm assuring you I will eventually find
out who is behind this I said and there all smile.

we all our counting on you Mr Edwards, don't let

this matter bring out a lot of problems in the
company another said.

"Okay I will" I said and stood up, I believe we can

end the meeting for today I said everyone of them
stood up and cleared away the table.

"Mira" I called her after they had you have

the address of where those articles where found? I
asked and she nodded.

"yes sir" she answered.

"Take me there we need to meet with the person
who bought them" I said and picked up my car
sir that is the man who was found by one of our
worker selling those articles" she said pointing at a
sells man.

"okay I will go over there and talk with him while

you watch over the car" I said and she nodded.

I walked up to the man who was busy arranging

some art works of his.

"please sir how much does this jar cost?" I asked

pretending not to have seen it before.

"It's worth $4000$ pesus" he said still cleaning the

art works on the ground.

You see mister this jar is worth $8000$ pesus and

it's been produce by Galaxy arts I said and he
stood up and looked at me.

I didn't know it cost that much but why would that

Galaxy arts sell their products out on the streets?
he asked.

it's seems like he doesn't even know about this.

"What do you mean sir?" I asked and picked the
jar up.

"You see son two men usually come here to force

me to buy them, I have no choose but to buy it" he

"Do you know this two persons that usually come to

sell you this art works?" I asked.

'No I don't but there will always come here to sell to

me of which I don't want them to keep coming?" he

"when do there usually come to sell this things to

you?" I asked and he picked up one of the articles
and started cleaning it.

"There come here most in the evening and I'm sure

very soon they will be here" he said and I cloud see
the fear in he's eyes.

"okay sir thank you for the information, actually I will

like to take the jar" I said and handed him money.

"thank to you" he said and I walked back to Mira at

the car.

"we have to wait here for sometime" I said and she


"why are we waiting?" sir she asked.

"There are going to be hear anytime from now so
we have to wait" I said and lint by the car.

My phone rang and it's was vanessa calling.

📲:hello beibei
📱:I'm at you house where are you she shouted
over the phone.

📲:please just wait for a while I will be there shortly.

📲:you can ask the maid's to prepare you
something to eat I said.

📲I wouldn't eat until you here I smiled by her


📱:don't worry I will join you soon

📲:I Will Waiting
📱:love you'll
📲:I love you too
bye bye she said and hand the phone.

immediately she hang up the phone some guys

walked over to the sells man I had talked to earlier.
"Mira call back up" I said and walked over to the
others side.

I watched them harrass the salesman and forced

him into buying the articles they carried with them.

I've got to stop them and it must be definitely now. I

rushed over there and to stop them but immediately
they noticed me there started running.

I ran after them and manage to catch one of them

but I couldn't hold on to him

he over powered me and ran away but not after I

punch him.

I rushed back to Mira after I had search for him but

couldn't find me.

"Sir are you ok?" she asked rushing towards me.

'I'm fine, there got away" i said and walked to the

car sadly.

don't worry boss the police are going to interview

this case we will definitely find out who is behind
this she said and i sake a smile.

Sir I manage to take a picture of them she said

showing me an image on her phone which gave me
a little hope.
"that's good Mira..when the police get here show
them I'm leaving" I said entering my car.

My phone rang just as I was about starting the car

and it was my investigator.

📞:Hello what's up?

📞:Mr. Edwards the same people who rubbed you
at the hall are still the same people who copied
your designs.

📞:And how is that possible.

📞:I just found some of the items that were stolen
at the hall being sold on the streets including your
copied designs.

📞:most of the copied articles are fake and I'm still

trying to find out who's behind this.

📞:You keep investigation I will also try my best in

finding out the cooperate.

📞:Why are this people bent on bringing me down.

:who exactly is the spy in the company...
could it be Louis?

I think I have got to do an investigate on him too...

i thought as I started the car engines and drove


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( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 22💞
Edwards pov:

I walked into my house and didn't see vanessa in

the living so I decided to have a drink after what
just happened.

I walked into the kitchen and finally saw her...she

was cooking and she looked quite busy with it.

I quickly crab her by the wait and smell the seunt

coming from the food.

"Edwards what are you doing? I'm cooking" she

said smiling.

"I just miss you so much and what your cooking

smells good" I said and turned her around trying
kiss her but she placed a finger on my mouth.
"Go and show up your smelling?" she said and I

"You are smelling same as me so it's just perfect

bath together" I said and she smiled shyly.

"your disturbing me from cook...I wouldn't serve you

any meal if you're not going to let me cook
peacefully" she said as I kept holding her by the

"I prefer eating you than the food" I said and she
smiled pushing me away.

"Goo Goo" she said dragging me to go take a


"I'm going to go but first give me a kiss" I said and

she smiled shyly.

She quickly brought her lips to mine and kissed me

redrawing from the kiss very fast.

"No that isn't a kiss you were too fast" I said and

"just go ok" she said and I drow her closer and

kissed her passionately.

I redraw from the kiss and smiled at her as she

blushed. I'm going to take a bath for five minutes...
I'm be back every soon" I said and walked out of
the kitchen without taking the drink I wanted to

I went to my room and wanted to take a shower

then remembered that I wanted to talk with my

I brought our my phone and looked for his number

and dialed it. it's was ringing but he didn't
immediately pick it up.

📱:Hello mr. Edwards

📱:Yes I want you to do me one more thing
📱:what's it Mr Edwards?
📱:I will like you to investigate Louis Vuitton. I'm
going to forward a picture of him to you.

📱:ok! that won't be a problem

📱:I will be waiting for the results
with that I hung up the phone and sent him the
photo of him and quickly went to take a shower so I
could go and eat Vanessa's food.

🤦♂ jackson pov🤦♂
"Common I said I'm sorry why don't you forgive me
already" I pleaded but she won't listen.
I've been trying plead with Nora to forgive me for
what I did yesterday but she's still keeping a long

Actually this was what happened...

I was with joyce that night and we were having fun
like playing around while we waited for her to

I kissed joyce and that was exactly the time Nora

arrived seeing ours kissing and got angry.

since then she haven't talk to me and I hate it when

she doesn't speak to me.
she's the only one I talk to while at work and most
of the time I rely on her help to solve problems.

if she's angry at me now then that means I won't

have someone to talk to or go out with to have
coffee with after every script.

"Nora please wait up" I shouted running after her as

she walked towards the car.

"stop following me!" she said and I nodded.

'but first forgive me I know I went against the rules"

I said and looked at me.
so you know you were against the rules. what if you
were being seen by a reporter? don't you know
what that's going to cost" she said and I nodded.

"I won't do it again" I pleaded again and held her

hands smiling at her...

"it's okay let go of my hands" she said and quickly

did smiling at her wildly.

"Let's go" she said and I entered the car...

I don't have a personal assistant just because I
prefer only her.

❤ Vanessa's pov ❤

I arrived at he's place and didn't meet him but meet

with the maids who were about cooking food and
decided to do it myself.

finally I'm done cooking and all I need to do is selve

him the food. I arranged the food in order on the
dining and as I did that heard foot steps walking
towards me.

Wow it's smells so good he said sitting by the sit

chair while I smile.

I selved him the food so he could start eating while

I go into the kitchen and arrange the things I used
in Cooking.
I will be right back I said and attempt to walk away
but he held me back making me fall on his laps.
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( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 23 💞
Vanessa's pov:

"stop what're you doing edwards?" I shouted trying

wake up from his laps but he kept on holding me.

"i need to go back to the kitchen" I said and he

stared at me silently.

"You know what?" he asked but I nodded

"I just wish we cloud stay like this forever" he said

"in you mind!" I said and woke up from his laps.

Why's he behaving like this today? did he? I

"Try tasting the food and tell me what you think" I

said and he smiled taking a bit into his mouth.

he chewed it and began changing the look on his

face as if it wasn't well made.i was becoming
assures about not preparing it well.

you know it's tast good why asked me to taste it

again? he said smiling and I sighed in relief.

he made me think the food wasn't good enough. I

walked back to the kitchen happy.

I arranged all the things I used in Cooking and

headed back to the dining.

I met him talking on the phone but he wasn't

looking so good while he talked.
it's looks like something was wrong.

"is everything ok?" I asked as I stared at him as he

kept his phone down.

"I'm fine" he said smiling.

"You know what? come with me" he said and took
my hands running with me outside the house.

"Edwards where are you taking me to?" i shouted

but he ignored my words and kept running towards
his car.

"let's go somewhere" he said as he already forced

me inside he's car.

But?...I tried talking but he placed his finger on my

mouth. just come with me no questions" he said
and I nodded.

Jackson pov:

I walked into the restaurant Edwards had asked me

to me him. I looked around but didn't see him on
any table.

so I decided to seat down and wait for him. would

you like anything miss the waitress asked a lady
who was sitting at my back.

No thanks!. I'm waiting for someone when he

comes I'm going order" she said and the voice
seems familiar.

I turned to see who the lady was and to my greatest

suprise it was joyce who was sitting just behind me
and I didn't see her.
"Hello" I greeted approaching her from the front and
she looked at me.

"What are you doing here? Jackson" she asked

and I was surprised.

"so you can still recognize me in this mask" I said

and she nodded.

"Who are you are you waiting for?" I question as I

sat down facing her.

"I'm waiting for no one" she said turning her face.

but I heard you talking to the waitress that you're

going to order food when the person you're waiting
for comes" I said and she nodded.

"are you stocking me now?" she asked and I

nodded negatively.

"I'm also waiting for someone here too so we cloud

both wait together" I said smiling.

okay! so who are you waiting for? she asked

I'm waiting for Edwards and he should be here by

now I don't know what's keeping him.

wait you mean you're actually waiting for Edwards?

she asked again and I nodded.
"yes! any problem with that?" I asked as she looked
at me in thoughts.

I'm actually waiting for him too. is this a game or

what? she said and I looked extremely suprise.

why would edwards asked both of ours to wait for

him at the same place? I asked simultaneously.And
his not even here yet.

" what cloud he possible want to say to the both of

ours?" she asked.

I don't know let's just wait for him to come and hear
what he has to say I said and called on the waitress
to get ours a drink.

Edwards pov:

" this one on" I said to vanessa who

I was buying some cloths for.

"but I think this one is better" she responded

showing me a golden grahams dress.

"you can try that one too but I still insist you try this
one's I pick out myself" I said am giving the dress to
the lady who followed ours around.

Those dresses are too short and won't fit me she

said and I smiled.
"I think there are the prefer ones for you" I said and
she rush in to change.

My phone rang as I sat down waiting for vanessa to

change her cloth.

Hello buddy what do you think you're doing?

Jackson scream over the phone.

"claim down and tell me what's wrong" I said


You kept me waiting for you for an hour now.when

are you going to show up? he shouted again.

Did you see her? I asked in a low turn

who are you referring to as her? he asked.

haven't you meet joyce there already? I asked and

he agreed positively.

she's here what's wrong with that? he said and I

smiled. this guy doesn't know a things.

"I'm not coming over there. its a date for you and
joyce. good luck! with that" I said and hung up the
phone before he could say anything.

"How do I look?"she asked and I looked at her

From head to toe.
"you look beautiful and fabulous" I said and she

"I will take all of them" I said to the lady and she
carried the dresses away.

"Are you sure your buying all those? she asked and
I nodded anything for you" I said smiling at her.

"let's go" I said and went with her to pay for the
cloths. after I paid for it I went with her to my car.

"wait a minute" I said looking around.

"what's it?" she asked staring at me.

I thought I saw someone following ours I said and

entered the car.

"common let's go no one is following ours" she said

and I started the car, I guess I'm just imagining it.

Louis pov:
I can see you're enjoying yourself edwards.but in
two days from now you're going to be crying your
eyes out.

I'm not going to have pity on you when we meet

face to face.

I Know by now you've already know my identity but

that won't stop me from harming you.
you've been doing fine all this while... seems like
you don't care about the matter in your company.

like it doesn't affect you even one bit...

well I got some news for you... just wait and see. I
walked from the mail back to my hide out after
following him around.




( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 24 💞
Edwards pov:

"How's the investigation going?' I asked Mira who

was busy helping out to arrange some files in my

"sir the police are investigating the case and I'm

sure there will find him every soon" she said with

"sir what about the spy in the company aren't we

ganna do something about it?" she asked arranging
the files.
"I've found out who the spy is already" I said and
she stopped what she was doing.

who's it sir?" she asked staring at me suprisly.

"louis was the spy who was in the company all this
while and I didn't notice" I said and she placed her
hands on her mouth shocked.

'I had told you I didn't trust that guy and the way he
was doing things in the company...he was always
fun of leaving the company late" she said.

I sent someone to the address he wrote on the form

he came here the first day but the person came
back with a news saying that he had never lived
there before she added.

why would louis be doing such a thing?...the guy I

took as one of my best workers in the company.

what's he really up to by doing all this things? I

mumbled to myself.

"sir I'm done" she said and placed them in the

cabinet found in my office.

"thank can return. to your duty post" I said

and she nodded.
one more will accompany me to the
police station later I need to make a statement on
what happened yesterday I said and she nodded
leaving my office.

it's seems like louis was the one behind all this..
when my investigator called me and told me
yesterday I was so shock but had to claim myself.

let the police keep investigating and find out where

he is... I'm going to ask him why he's doing all this

I can't just believe he has been planning such a

thing against me.

my phone rang as I kept thinking..the caller was


📞:hello biebie! how are you she asked.

📞:I'm fine I responded smiling.
📞:okay so where are you now she asked and I

📞: I'm in my office working

📞: okay good to hear that she said.
📞:wait did you call me to ask just that I asked
expecting her to say something else.
📞 I just want to ask you if you know
about jackson and joyce dating she said and I

📞:Are you trying to gossip around with me I asked

smiling over the phone.

📞: I just want to know if jackson told you


📞: No I haven't seen him since yesterday...guess

he came home late yesterday and he haven't called
me today.

📞: okay I know he will definitely tell you when he

has time.

📞:but how did you find out about it?

📞: I over heard joyce talking with him over the
phone and I asked her. she agreed to it.

📞: okay can i go back to work now.

📞: wait one more thing I will be having an
interview with "Mr David damnit" and I heard his so

📞: is that all...? you are just trying to make me

jealous... every body knows I'm cuter than him.
📞: well will see about that when I do meet him in
person I will tell if you're cuter than him.

📞: don't go flirting with him I shouted

📞: don't worry I wouldn't do me. you
can go back to work bye-bye😘 she said and hung
up the phone can't believe she will call me to tell
me that.

but come to think of it jackson haven't told me

anything about it wherever I was the one that
helped him.

I'm going to definitely hit him when I get to see him

as he's best friend I'm supposed to have known
something like this from him.

Louis pov :

"Take this document and print them for me" I

ordered one of my men.

"sir why do we need him to sign this document?

wherever that's not are aim" one of my men asked.

"The documents are not for me it's belongs to boss"

I responded and he nodded.
I walked into boss office and meet him sitting down
and drinking, that's what he mostly does drinking.

"why isn't the gaud who usually be around you not

here today?" I asked after noticing it.

oo you mean "Sam". he got himself into some

trouble and he's been wanted by the police so I
asked him to hide for some time" he said and slite a
little bit if the drink down his throat.

"So are you ready for tomorrow's show" he asked

looking up to me.

"I'm more than ready but why the cover up boss?" I

asked staring at him too.

"you see louis when you're doing something like

this you need a cover up or something like a
diversion" he said and placed the glass on the

"And so you're using him as you're cover and her

as you're diversion" I asked and he smiled.

"you've got it right there louis, and I hope you aren't

planning on failing" he said and I nodded.

"of course not! I'm not thinking of that... I'm going to

get ready" I said and left his office.
I'm just wandering why he will want to use two
innocent people to carry out this plan with. why
don't he just let me strick on the main person

Anyways as long as the plan is good and it's going

to work I'm fine with it.


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❤ ❤

( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 25 💞
Vanessa's pov:

"where are you going to this early morning... it's

barely 7am" Joyce asked as she walked into my

"I'm going to the office" I said and sat on my make

up desk.

"What are you going to do at work this time?" she

asked again sitting on the bed.
I have to do some work at the office then go to
interview "Mr David damnit" I said applying make

"why didn't you tell me about it?" she asked

frowning her face.

I'm sorry I didn't get to tell know how busy

you've been with....I didn't get to Finish my
statement and she cut my of.

"it's okay you can go don't say anything further" she

said smiling.

"I'm leaving but you better don't forget to come to

work early okay" I said and she nodded.

"I'm going see you later" I said and hugged her

tightly before leaving.
** #at_work
"Good morning sir" I greeted my boss as he walked
pass me but he didn't respond, I wander what is
wrong with him.

I've been trying to finish up with what I'm doing so I

could go meet my biebie.

Finally I'm done all I just need is to interview "Mr

David" and that will be all for today.
"Joyce are you just coming?" I asked as I saw her
walking towards her desk.

"Is boss already here?" she asked with a low voice

already close to me.

"You got your luck he just arrived and didn't ask for
you" I said and picked up my hand bag.

"Thanks goodness" I'm darm lucky...where are you

going?" she asked noticing I had picked up my
camera and some other equipment.

"I told you earlier that I was going on an interview

don't you remember" I asked and she nodded.

"i remember you did but why don't you go with one
of the interns?" she asked.

"I will be fine alone it's just a little talk and it will be
over" I responded and she smiled.

"if you say so, take care of yourself" she said and I
left her rushing out of the company.

I bork a taxi and was heading to their company.

"madam we are here" the taxi driver said stopping

right infront of the company.
"Thank you sir" I said and paid him off as I got
down from his taxi.

"Okay this is it vanessa I just need to walk in there

and do my job and leave" I said to myself with

immediately as I walked infront of the company a

car stop at my front and a man came down from it.

Miss this way he said and I tried asking who he was

and why was he covering he's face but he held me
on the noises with a white cloth and I passed out
after inhelling the substance on it.



Edwards pov:

"Mira take this files and analyst them for me, make
sure everything is correct" I ordered and she
collected the files from me.

"Sir today is the excerpution day and we don't have

enough funds to run the program" she said and I
breathe out.

"We also haven't found those articles sir" she said

again and that got me thinking.
"can't we just cancel the excerpution?" I asked
looking worried.

"we sent invitations out already and I'm afraid no

sir" she said and I sighed.

"what are the board of directors saying about this?"

I asked.

"There are waiting after the exception to take

actions" she said and I looked down on the table.

"The only person we can go to for help isn't in the

country right now" she said and I looked up at her.

"And who is that?" I asked looking ferrous on who I

cloud possible ask for help from.

"It's "Mr David damnit" sir" she said and looked at

her in shock.

but I remember vanessa told me she was going to

see him today.

"Are you sure Mr David isn't in the country?" I


"yes sir he went on a business trip a week ago and

won't be back for sometime.
"Is anything the matter?" she asked looking at me
"No everything is okay you can go back to work" I
said and she left.

what's happening? was she lying to me or what.she

can't possibly be lying to me I thought looking at my

I think i need to talk with her...I quickly picked up

my phone and dialed her number but it wasn't
going through but I kept calling on and on but still to
no avail.

why is her number not connecting? is she okay? I

asked myself confused.

Maybe she's at the office let me try calling her

friend Joyce to find out why her number isn't

I dialed her number and she picked it up after a few

minutes of trying

📞:Hello Edwards I'm sorry for taking time to

answer she said

📞:Hi it's ok. Joyce please is Vanessa there with

you" I asked going straight to the point.

📞:No she's not here...she just left for an interview

didn't she tell you? she responded and my heart
📞: she did but the person she went to see isn't in
the country so I wander what cloud have gone
wrong with her I responded.

📞: Try calling her maybe she's going to pick up

she said and I felt my head sadly.

📞: Have done that already but her phone is

switched off" I said wandering around.

📞: You know what? I'm going to check her there


📞: Claim down edwards I'm going to try calling her

and also look for her where I think she might have
gone too she said and I nodded in agreement
although she can't couldn't see me.

I hug off the phone and stood up panting and

wondering where cloud she have gone too.

I need to go over to that company and see if she's

there or not I thought of it and quickly pick up my
car keys heading down to the parking lod.

Gosh I haven't settled my problems at work and

now I think my girlfriend has gone missing.



( Searching for true love 💞)

💞 Chapter 26 💞
👨​💼 Semi final👨​💼
Edwards pov:

I rushed into their company immediately I arrived

there and meet with the resp...

"Hello sir welcome to Gallery Yard House" she

greeted warmly.

"please is your boss Mr David damnit in his office" I

asked while looking around if I could see her.

He's on a business trip sir but he will be back after

a week or two. Do you have and appointment with
him?" she asked and I nodded.

"I don't have any appointments with him. please

has any reporter been here looking for you boss
this morning" I asked and she nodded.

Sorry sir but I haven't seen any reporter here since

morning she responded and that got me more
"please is there anyway I could gain access to your
security cameras?" I asked after seeing the
cameras around.

"I'm sorry sir but there's no way I can help you with
that, only those who walk at the security
department can do that" she said and I nodded.

"Okay thanks for your help" I said and walked out of

the company.
I hope Joyce get some good news about her

I'm I just being worried for nothing? i just have this

strange feeling that something is wrong and I've got
to figure that out I said to myself and entered my

Edwards wait I heard a voice which seems familiar

and turned to see joyce running towards me.

She got close and entered the car sitting down and
breathing tiredly.

"Have you found her?" I asked looking at her trying

to hold her breathe.

"I haven't seen her at all the places I visited even

and it's not like her to just get lost all of a sudden"
she said and I stared into dip space.
Vanessa where cloud you have gone to that I can't
reach you on phone nor find you.

"Did she have problems with any one"I asked her

and she nodded.

"She's not someone that will make problems with

people that will result to her hiding away or being
straitened by them" she responded.

I stared at my phone and started thinking of what to

do next and the only thing that came to my mind
was going to report lost person to the police.

I started the car engine by enshrining the key and

the car started moving.

"where are you driving to?" she asked as I drove

out the car parking lod.

"I'm driving to the police station to report about her

missing" I said and she stared at me.

"Don't you think it's too early and I know a person

has to be missing for about 24hours before the
police will consider that person missing" she said
and I nodded.

"but I don't have no choose other than go there. I

can't just sit and watch her being missing without
any clue" I responded and my phone started ringing
with an unknown caller ID.
I quickly picked up the phone while still driving.

📞:Hello Edwards the caller said with a very calm


📞:Please who are you? I asked shouting at the


📞:Don't you recognize the voice it's me louis and I

have something you may want he said.

📞:And what would that be after all what you've

done in ruining my company I said anger.

📞:It's your girlfriend Vanessa she's right here with

me he said and I heard her scream from the

📞:please what do you want? don't hurt her I will

give you anything you ask for I said as fear
because taking control over me.

📞:Now you're talking, I want you to come over

here and I'll tell you what I want and don't think of
calling the police he said and I nodded.

📞:I'll do as you say but don't hurt her and please

where should I meet you? I asked.

📞:immediately I drop this call I'm going to forward

you the address of where we are going to meet and
I give you ten minutes to get there don't be late he
said and dropped the phone.

"Don't you think is risky going there by yourself?"

joyce asked after hearing the conversation I just
had with him.

"I have to or else his going to kill Vanessa" I said

and she nodded.

"I'm coming with you" she said and a massage

entered my phone, it's the address.

"sorry but I don't think it will be good you come with

me" I said but she insisted.

"Vanessa is my best friend and I can't just watch

you go there by yourself while I do nothing" she
said and I turned the car towards the direction that
led to the address.

"How about I come with you but wait at the car" she
said and I nodded I have no choice times running

I drove in full speed making my ways through the

high ways until I got to a warehouse which seems
to be the address.

I rushed in walking from one room to another

looking for where louis was with Vanessa.
As I kept looking for him I found something
unimaginable. All my articles which had be stolen
and copied found in a big room and placed inside
big boxes.

"Edwards what are you looking at?" his voice said

out loud and his face appeared on the screen
placed by the wall.

"Where are you hiding her? and why do you have

all this things" I asked angrily.

He just stared at him and laughed.

"I'm going to find you" I said walking to a different

"I'm sorry edwards but I think you will have to stay

in this room" he said and all the doors around the
hall got closed.

"What do you want from me?" I shouted turning to

look at him on the screen at the wall.

"You see the table over there" he said and I turned

and saw it. "Go there pick up that pen an sign all
those papers" he said and i went there and sign it
all not minding to read them.

"I'm done can you let her go now" I said and he

laughed. I just hate that his pisting me off.
"You see Edwards I will love you to entertain me a
little before I let her go" he said and the doors

some men came out from them of which I believe

wanted to fight me. one of them picked up the
papers I signed and ran off.

"if you could beat all of them then I'm sure you can
have her back" he said bring her into the picture.
she was tied on a chair and her mouth was being
covered with a cloth.She could see me and I could
also see her through the screen on the wall.

"I want her to watch you die and let her know that
she was the cause of your death" he said and
those men became picking up objects.

One walked up to me aim at my head but douche

giving him a bowl on his chest.

the others attacked at once and we started fighting.

they were way too many for me, I managed to beat
many of them but got hit by some which made me
bleed on my forehead.

I fought with them and defeated them all. I hit the

last one by the leg and he fell to the ground... I
became punching his face till he was death.
I woke up and looked around then looked at the
screen but didn't see louis there but just Vanessa

"Don't cry I'm coming to get you" I said and started

walking towards one of the doors when louis

"where do you think you're going to?" he asked and

I looked towards his direction and saw him pointing
a gun at me.

"Why are you doing all this louis? what's you aim?"
I asked staring at him as he kept his distance.

"All I just want is to kill you just as your mother

killed my dad" he shouted.

"I don't understand you louis what do you mean by

my mom killed your dad?" I asked confused.

"well you do remember what I told you about my

dad being murdered and I was out to find his killer
right" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah I do but that what you told me won't exactly

what happened please put the gun down let me
explain to you" I said and watch he slub.

"I don't think there's anything to explain there" he

said and shot the bullet at me.
I felt like it was my last day on earth watching the
bullet crull at me.

I thought of how I'm not going to see my beloved

girlfriend,Joyce and also my Best friend.

I thought of what will become of them if I die. I

thought of my work.

I also thought of all the happy moments i spended

with my Vanessa and how my friend will run around
showing me some actions as he displayed then on

I thought of some many things and my eyes wasn't

looking at the bullet but at vanessa as she cried out
her eyes still being tied to a chair.

I smiled at her not knowing what will be fate her if I

died at this very intind.


( Searching for true love 💞)

😎 Louis pov😎
Just as I shot a bullet at him someone pushed him
off and the bullet hit the person by the left side of
his stomach.

I watched Edwards cry over the person as he rush

to him holding his bleeding stomach.

"Or no what have I done?" I've shot another person

and it's all his fault.

Louis let's go the police are here one of my men

shouted but I had not done what was needed of

"Edwards I'm not done with you" I shouted and

pointed the gun at him again while he looked at me
in tears.

I kept pointing the gun at him as he looked at me in

tears but I couldn't shot him. In as much as I
wanted to I don't know what was holding me back
from doing what I had always wanted to do and
that's killing him.

The guy who had informed me that the police

where here has already run of.

"What are you waiting for? shot me" he shouted

crying out loud.
"You've shot my Best friend right! why don't you just
kill me as well" he shouted again but this time
standing up.

"Stay there or I'm going to shot" I shouted at him

who had started walking towards me.

he kept walking but I couldn't pull the trigger."Whats

wrong with you Louis?" he asked as I shelver.

*Freeze* the police walked in pointing a gun at me.

Drop it one of them shouted and I dropped the gun

on the floor and raised my hands up looking at

One of them moved closer to me and handcuffs

me. There took out to their car and drove of to the

😥 Edward pov 😥
I quickly rushed back to Jackson who was bleeding
on the ground as the police arrested Louis.

"Bro hag in there you are going to be find" I said

holding him.

"Go...go look for Vanessa....I will be fine" he

struggled while talking.
"Joyce rushed towards ours crying.... I'm sorry I
called you here I shouldn't have now see what has
happened to you" she said in tears.

"don't blem yourself" he said trying to clean her


"Call an ambulance" I shouted and she nodded.

I already did and they will soon be here she said

and I looked up at vanessa who was being untied
by the police.

"Why didn't you call me? you know I was always

willing to help" he said still struggling to talk.

"why did you take that bullet for me?" I asked and
he smiled.

"That's what friends are meant for to help each

other and to protect one another" he said still

"I think I'm passing out" he said and I held him. not
yet bro I said and smiled at him.

"you are going to be fine jackson" she said and he

turned to her.

"I just want to hear one thing from you before

anything happens" he said to her and ask her to
come closer.
He wisper into her hears and she smiled at him.

"Even when you're dying you still have time to joke"

she said and he smiled.

"That's all I want to hear from you" he said and she

nodded. Jackson she shouted and he

smiled at her happily.

The ambulance is here one of the police men said

and they came and carried him away.

Immediately I saw Vanessa I rushed towards her

and gave a hugh.

"Are you okay?" I asked checking her out.

I'm fine she responded and I sighed smiling at her.

Common let's go so you can check by a doctor I

said and Carried her up in a bridal style.

I love you so much that I won't want to loss you not

just yet she said smiling at me.

you always clean up the blood from your bleeding

head she said and hugged me as I walked with her

out of the building.


It's been three weeks since louis was capture and
he seems to had misunderstood the problems of
our parents and the real mudere of his dad.

He's dad was killed in the company by Mr Charles,

on that very day I watched the company got up with

I was at the company waiting for my mom to finish

work so we cloud go home together. I had sat in my
mom's office doing my homework while the three of
them quarreled in the other office next to me.

According to my understanding the three of the

were discussing on the financial budget of the

There were all saying that Mr Charles should return

the companies money he used in gambling.

But he never agreed to it and that led to a fight and

Mr Charles break open the petrol container close to
him wanting to burn the files there had been
quorelling on.

I just kept piping at the door as I watch him bit

down louis dad and my mother tried running away
with those files he light up the fire.
My mom literally left me inside the fire and took
those files away while Mr Charles followed her also
with he's car.

I watched my mom abandoned me inside that fire

just because of some random documents.

Louis's dad was on conscious so he couldn't do

anything to help but people around notice the fire
and help me out but He wasn't remove cause fire
had burn down the hole company still in the room
he was.

I don't want to talk about the harsh ways I went

through just to become who I am now.

A son who doesn't know if he's mom is still alive or

not. A son who got abandoned by he's own mother
at the veach of dead.

"According to what you're saying Louis Mr Charles

is still alive and has been using you to get back the
company" I said to him while we both snub in tears.

"I'm sorry brother" I'm so sorry" he said and hugged

me while I nodded smiling and cleaning my eyes .

From now on I'm going to always check on you still

you're out of jail I said and he smiled at me.He's
been sentence to three years in prisonment.
Your time is up a police officer walked up to me.
okay" I will leaving now" I said and walked out of
the police station.

"So we go meet vanessa and joyce now?" jackson

asked smiling at me as I got into the car.

"no we go somewhere first" I said and started the

car. you can't keep them waiting he shouted by I
turned on the music.

*What are we doing in a jewelry store?" he asked
as we walked in looking around.

"I want you to look between this two rings which

one best suit vanessa" I asked and he smiled
pointing at the one on my right hand.

"Miss I will take this one" I said handling her the

one on my left and he frown.

"why didn't you take the one I showed you?" he

asked and I gave the woman my credit card.

"Because i know you will choose the wrong one" I

said and collected my card back while he smiled.

"Why don't you get an engagement ring for joyce

too?" I asked and he nodded.
"I'm not ready for that now" he said as we walked
out of the store and entered the car.

"I'm going to drop you here" I said and stopped the

car right in front of were joyce was celebrating her
big win in the company.

she had just won best reporter of the years award

and there were celebrating.

"Won't you join us?" he asked and I smiled at him. I

will be back after I go pick up vanessa she's been
waiting for me" I said and started the car while he
smiled at me and wave me good bye.

"I'm going to propose to her now" I said to myself

as I stopped the car seeing her on the other side of
the road.

I brought out my cell phone and dialed her number.

📞Hello vanessa.
📞hello Edwards were are you? have been waiting
for you for about thirty minutes now she crumbled
over the phone and I smiled looking at her from a
far distance.

📞I want you to close your eyes and count to ten

then I'm going to be right infront of you I said and
saw her smiling.
📞Are you sure you're going to be here? she asked
and looked around to see if I was possibly there but
I hid myself.

📞yes I will! I said and she closed her eyes and

started counting slowly.

This is it Edwards I said to myself and started

walking across the road.

A car suddenly hit me hard and I felt to the ground

bleeding really hard and the ring fell off my hand
and my eyes closed slowly seeing the veiws of
vanessa opening her eyes.



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( Searching for true love 💞)

💐 Vanessa pov💐
Years have slowly gone by since Edwards left me. I
feel so lonely knowing that he's gone.

How can I continue to leave knowing that the only

person I love isn't around me anymore.

it's feels so fostering that I can't see nor feel he's

touch anymore.

It's been three good years since he left and to me

it's still feels like an incident of yesterday.

He was being rushed to the hospital and the doctor

tried all he cloud buy it was all in vien.

I hope where ever you are now you must be

thinking of me and also missing me just as I miss

I want you to know that your Best friend is now a

married man and he's doing well in the role as a

He's been good to his pregnant wife Joyce and he

still remains the show off superstar you use to

I just keep imagining how our wedding was going to

be if you were never gone. I just keep thinking of
how I will walk down the alder smiling to me you.
I also want to let you know that louis is out of jail
and he now manages the company.

He's now a changed person and I believe he's

looking forward in getting married to Mira your
former assistant.

I Know you would be glad to know about this and

maybe bless their marriage.

I want to also let you know that your mother never

left you...she just saw that it was necessary for it
cos she saw someone who was at your rescue at
that time.

The reason you've not found her and never did was
because she died while running away with those

she had crushed into the button of the sea and was
never found until Mr Charles was captured and he
confessed to the police.

I wish you were here with me this Christmas

season and as we now prepare for a new year to

I have opened a small art Gallery where I specialize

in your work and also do photography.
I'm on my way there and I want to tell you know
one more thing of which that would be...

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and Randy your son those

too. he's been eating a lot this day's.

your one of only love Vanessa.

I walk down the street heading to work as usual
when a little boy rushed up to me and gived me a

I open it and saw a picture of me, Edwards and our

son Randy. I quickly looked around for the boy who
handed it to me but he was already gone.

I rushed down the street with the drawing to look at

my workshop. I got there and discovered it was
open and flowers where all over the floor.

I quickly walk in and saw Edwards sitting on a stool

and drawing a picture of me.

I rushed to him and gave him a big hugh smiling

very hard.

"why didn't you tell me you were coming back to the

country today?" I shouted at him after looking at his

"I just wanted to give you and Randy a surprise" he

said smiling at me.
"By the way I got all the letters you send to me but
didn't want to reply to any" he said and fix my hairs.

"Why didn't you reply to them I even though you

had forgotten ours" I said in a childdesh manner.

"You know I will never forget you....I just wanted

you to miss me more just as I did" he said and I

"I hope you won't be going back to Europe for

treatment and studies any more" I asked and he

I'm here to stay for good and have been thinking

while I was over there about our marriage.

"let's go for a marriage certificate" he said smiling

and holding me round he's arms.

"You mean now?" I asked and he nodded smiling.

"Yes let's go get it now" he said and I smiled shyly.

"why don't you rest first then after that we are going
to go do it" I said and he smiled at me.

"Wait for me I'm going to bring Randy" he said and I

smiled at his reaction.
"Randy isn't at home he's over there outside
playing" I said and he rushed out and Carried him.

"I really want to see how joyce and jackson are

doing with her pregnancy" he said and I smiled.

*PAPA* Randy called and I looked at him


he never got to talk and the first word he says out

of his mouth is papa. what about me?.

"Randy say Mama" I said and Edwards smiled at

me asking him not to say it but to keep saying
I vanessa hudgens got married to "Edward Lun" in
a church and we both live a happy life.

Joyce later gave birth to a girl and she was named

J Hannah cause their names both started with J.

"Papa Randy please bring me the bowl on the table

am occupied in the kitchen" I shouted calling on to
him and he quickly brought it to me.

Mr. Edwards bring me the water on the dining table

I'm watching Tv Randy shouted from the living
room and we both piped at him in surprise.

We both smiled at each other as we saw him

watching cartoon.

wait.... wait...wait...

I want to ask you Edwards why he wasn't rude or

arrogant to me when we first me.

I don't know I guess it's was destiny he said and

kissed me.


please note that Edwards and vanessa had s3x

after louis was captured I didn't want to mantion it in
the story so as not to make it rated.

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