Engineering Cornell Quarterly Vol 08 No

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Geology at Cornell: An Adventure Story I 2
The diversity and vitality of the Department of Geological Sciences, which is expanding
at a time of new impetus in the discipline, is discussed by department chairman
Jack Oliver.

The Changing Mosaic of Oceans and Continents: Plate Tectonics as a Unifying

Model of the Earth I 10
Ocean-floor exploration and the study of mountain building are among aspects x>f the
geological sciences discussed by Professor John M. Bird in a comprehensive assessment
of plate tectonics.

The Descent of Crustal Rock into the Earth's Interior:

Seismological Studies of Convection I 27
Aspects of Cornell research on earthquakes are interpreted by Bryan L. Isacks, associate
professor of geological sciences.

Studying Ice Ages in the South Pacific I 27

A record of sea-level changes caused by the advance and retreat of glaciers is preserved
in coral reefs of the South Pacific. Arthur L. Bloom, associate professor of geological
sciences, explains a mode of research with obvious attractions.

Finding New Sources for Metals: A Challenge for Geologists I 32

Problems associated with the rapidly increasing demand for metals are discussed by
Bill Bonnichsen, assistant professor of geological sciences.

Vantage I 39
Geology Day this spring provided members of the local community an opportunity to
see what is going on in the geological sciences at Cornell.

Register I 44

Faculty Publications I 49

Engineering: Cornell Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 1973. Published four times a year, in
spring, summer, autumn, and winter, by the College of Engineering, Carpenter Hall, Campus
Road, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14850. Second-class postage paid at Ithaca, New
York. Subscription rate: $2.50 per year.

Opposite: An aerial photograph of Surtsey, an island formed by volcanic eruption off

the coast of Iceland. This picture was taken on June 16, 1964. (Courtesy of the Icelandic
Surveying Department.)

by Jack Oliver

Today the layman's impression of geol- professional geologist can add to the scholar, no thinker could ignore these
ogy includes images of great scope and list, filling in the fascinating spectrum major achievements; no modern uni-
striking contrast: The grizzled and of geology today. versity could omit them from a liberal
lonely prospector with grubstake, burro, Where within this vast array of chal- education.
and hammer, and the clean-cut astro- lenges and opportunities shall a given On the other hand, geology also af-
naut-geologist riding his expensive university, and Cornell University in fects strongly the way in which man
spacecraft to collect rocks on the moon particular, attempt to make its contri- lives. It is only through an understand-
before millions of TV viewers; the ma- bution and how shall it do so? This ing of geology that we are able to find
jestic and awesome landscapes of the question must be faced not once, but the vast quantities and wide variety of
Rockies or the Alps, and the intriguing continually, as the university, the sci- mineral wealth that is the foundation of
pebble of unusual color or shape par- ence, and civilization evolve. our modern industrial society. And, in
tially hidden in a stream valley; the fact, as M. King Hubbert, a well-known
primitive seismograph in borrowed GEOLOGY: A VIGOROUS earth scientist, has recently pointed out,
space at a remote religious mission in AND INFLUENTIAL SCIENCE now that our consumption rate of cer-
earthquake country, and the worldwide Consider first the science. Geology tain resources, such as petroleum,
multibillion dollar industry based on must be one of the oldest of sciences, threatens exhaustion of the global sup-
seismic prospecting for petroleum; the probably having begun with the advent ply, it may be that once more geology
mosaic of brilliant colors of a rock un- of curiosity in man. It has been, is, and will profoundly change the way man
der analysis in a polarizing microscope, no doubt will be, a productive and pro- sees himself by providing an appropri-
and the mosaic of a few large plates vocative science. On the one hand, ge- ate perspective in time from which to
that make up the entire earth's surface ology affects profoundly the way in view the consequences of the powerful
and by their movements determine its which man thinks—that is, how he sees yet ravenous life support systems of
shape, concentrate its minerals, and himself in relation to the world about spaceship Earth.
create its beauty. The foundation rock him. The establishment of the great age
for the dam, the computer, the fossil, of the earth, for example, dramatically RESOURCES AND
the campfire, the dusty museum, the affected man's perspective of human ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY
sophisticated laboratory, and the re- existence. The development of the the- The general problems associated with
search ship at sea—all of these things ory of evolution likewise drastically mineral and energy resources—their
are part of modern geology. And each altered man's view of himself. No discovery, their assessment, their ex- 2
earth for waste disposal, water supply,
mining, and foundations. We must un-
derstand landslides, earthquakes, and
volcanoes. The wave of near-hysteria
over environmental quality that swept
the populace recently is beginning to
abate, but many of the problems then
raised are real, substantial, and un-
The importance of the geological prob-
lems associated with mineral and en-
ergy resources and with the environment
traction, their distribution, and the dan- The broad scope of modern geological is great and can in no way be mini-
ger of their exhaustion as a result of the science is illustrated by the interests of mized. But the exceptionally high level
population explosion and growth of in- Professor Jack Oliver, right, a geophysicist,
and Professor John W. Wells, a paleon- of excitement and vitality in geology
dustrialization—define one of the areas tologist. At Cornell, recent interest in today is based on two factors in addi-
of geology that will be of major interest plate tectonics augments study of mineral tion to those noted above.
for at least the next few decades. The and energy resources, environmental geol- One is the exploration of the moon
interest cannot be solely in geology per ogy, and lunar and Earth geology. and planets, an endeavor in which ge-
se, of course, for a host of interactions ology has played the key role—a role
with technology, economics, and poli- Coupled with our need for mineral which included the landing of a geolo-
tics must be developed and understood. and energy resources is our need to gist as the first scientist on the moon.
Major wars have been fought because provide an environment of quality for It would be premature to attempt a full
of nature's uneven distribution of min- our people; and here knowledge of ge- assessment of the impact of extrater-
eral wealth; it would be foolhardy to ology is an essential factor. We must restrial exploration on geology at this
overlook such factors in the future. decide how, or whether, to use the solid time. The returning data are complex,
Among members of the Cornell Depart-
ment of Geological Sciences are (1) Wil-
liam B. Travers, assistant professor, whose
specialties include regional tectonics and
field-oriented structural geology; (2)
George A. Kiersch, professor, whose in-
terests include environmental and engi-
neering geology; (3) Muawia Barazangi,
research associate, a specialist in seismol-
ogy; and (4) Donald L. Turcotte, profes-
sor, whose current interests center on
geophysical fluid mechanics.
so complex that the preliminary simple CORNELL'S RESPONSE
models appear inadequate to explain TO THE NEW IMPETUS
the wealth of observation, but histo-
rians of science five hundred years At Cornell this remarkable once-in-a-
from now will surely recognize the lifetime development in geology comes
early lunar exploration as a major step at a time when a major rebuilding of
in the evolution of geological science. the geology department is in progress,
The other major factor in modern and therefore Cornell faces this oppor-
geology is the development of plate tec- tunity with a much greater ability to re-
tonics, a discovery of the 1960s. It is dif- spond than most comparable universi-
ficult to overstate the potential impor- ties have. In fact, several major changes
tance of this new theory to the science in the Department of Geological Sci-
of geology. Phrases like "revolution," ences have taken place within the past
"renaissance in geology," "the unifying two years. One of these was a physical
concept we have long sought," and move of the department from its long-
"comparable in importance to the de- held quarters in McGraw Hall to Kim-
velopment of the Bohr atom in physics" ball Hall on the Engineering Quad-
are frequently used to describe its im- rangle. The Kimball location has many
pact. The current model—in which a advantages, but the key one is the prox-
few thin plates cover the earth's surface imity Geological Sciences now has to
and move about while steadily evolving other departments, groups, and indi-
and creating many manifestations such viduals working on problems of rele-
as mountains, deep sea trenches, vol- vance to the earth sciences.
canoes, and earthquakes—is surely too Administratively, the department
simple and will require much develop- joined the College of Engineering while
ment over the next few decades. Even maintaining its ties with the College of
in its early state, however, the power Arts and Sciences: an unusual arrange-
of the model is astonishing. Note that ment, but one which seems to be work-
now a major earthquake in, say, Indo- ing out well and which provides students
nesia can be related to a feeble mag- from both colleges the opportunity to
netic effect off the coast of Iceland; the work in geology. The alignment of geo-
age of an island in the South Atlantic logical sciences with engineering is pro-
has something to do with mountain pitious for both professions. Clearly,
building in the Alps; and huge copper the long-term trend in education in ge-
deposits on land have a history that be- ology is toward an increasing emphasis
gan on the floor of the deep ocean on mathematics and the basic sciences,
thousands of miles away and millions of
years ago. Almost overnight a science
and strength in these subjects has al-
ways been a hallmark of engineering
"The Department (is)
which had become badly fragmented as
each group of specialists pursued its
education. Also, engineering students
are often endowed not only with the in-
a young one pervaded
own interests developed an astounding
potential for unification. The plate tec-
telligence, but also with the resource-
fulness, the physical prowess, and the
by the excitement
tonic theory provides the framework by
which the bulk of geological informa-
love of the outdoors and adventure that
are important attributes for the geolo-
. . . of a new frontier
tion may be related. gist. For the engineering student, the in the science/9
arrangement provides an opportunity, 1
unusual in engineering schools, to con-
centrate or augment his education in
the geological sciences. Many engineers,
and others, require some knowledge of
geology in their work, even though
they may not be specialists in geology.
Our department feels that to play its
proper role in the University it must
bring geology to everyone who may
need it in his career—the scientist, the
engineer, the stockbroker, the teacher,
the businessman, the farmer, the econ-
omist, the politician, the philosopher.
And judging from the many alumni
who, after traveling the world, express
regret over their inability to appreciate
fully the landscape of some part of the
earth because they were lacking in geo-
logical training, geology should be more
widely studied at Cornell as a cultural
subject as well.
The third major change is in staff. At
the start of the 1973-74 academic year,
about 70% of the faculty of the De-
partment of Geological Sciences will
have been with the group for two years
or less. Most of the new people, as well
as some of the continuing faculty mem-
bers, have an active interest in plate
tectonics, approaching the subject from
a base of expertise in a particular dis-
cipline (see the articles by John M.
Bird and by Bryan L. Isacks in this is-
sue). The atmosphere of renewal ex-
tends also to the graduate program, for
all but one of the current crop of grad-
uate students entered the program dur-
ing the past year or two.
The Department of Geological Sci-
ences is, in effect, a young one pervaded
by the excitement of the challenge of a
new frontier in the science. The empha-
sis on plate tectonics is not to the ex-
clusion of other major areas of interest,
Geophysics field work in South Pacific seismograph against a special radio sta- however. The study of mineral and en-
island areas is a mixture of rugged out- tion in the area. ergy resources is very much a part of
door life and highly sophisticated research the department's concern, and interest
with delicate instruments. 4. Travel through the New Zealand bush
is part of the job of setting up temporary in certain aspects of environmental ge-
1. First order of business upon arrival at stations along the fault. ology and lunar and planetary geology
a base station is to unpack the instruments. runs high at Cornell and involves many
5. This permanent seismograph station in departments.
2. A Land Rover is essential in travelling the Tonga Islands is maintained through-
along New Zealand's Alpine Fault to make out the year. A network of stations in the THE WORLD AS
seismographic measurements. A team of Tonga-Fiji-New Hebrides area is operated GEOLOGIC LABORATORY
graduate students recently returned from by Cornell and cooperating groups (see
spring-semester work in this area. the map on page 25). The programs for research and gradu-
ate study in geological sciences reflect
3. At a field station, a graduate student 6. A local employee in the Tonga Islands the interests of the department mem-
checks the time setting of the portable area checks equipment. bers. In spite of common themes, the
programs exhibit a remarkable diver-
sity in thrust and great variety in locale
for work and study. For example, Bird
spends his summers doing field work in
Newfoundland because, from a global
view, and black flies to the contrary,
that is one of the best places to study
the phenomenon of continental colli-
sion. Isacks, Muawia Barazangi, and I
study earthquakes in the Tonga-Fiji-
New Hebrides area of the South Pa-
cific because that is the locale of the
greatest concentration of deep earth-
quakes, and one can observe at first
hand the descent of surface plates into
the mantle, a key process in plate tec-
tonics. Last year a team of graduate
students probed the seismic activity of
the Alpine Fault of New Zealand using
stethoscope-like portable seismographs.
Seismic studies and field geology were
combined in a program on the Snake
River Plain in Idaho by Bill Bonnisch-
sen and William B. Travers and their
students. Bonnichsen also worked in
the Duluth Complex of Minnesota (see
his article in this issue). E.P. Wheeler
studies the rocks of Labrador on foot
and by canoe in the summer and
through the microscope in the winter.
The earth's deep interior, particularly
The geology of Labrador has been studied flow of the rocks there, is investigated
for many years by E. P. ("Pep") Wheeler, by Donald Turcotte. George A. Kiersch
a research associate in the Cornell depart- has been involved in siting problems in
ment. His is the first geologic mapping
ever done in many of these areas. Puerto Rico. Arthur L. Bloom will
spend the coming academic year on
1. On summer expeditions he sets up a sabbatic leave in Australia, where he
simple camp. will study the evidence for recent sea-
2. The National Science Foundation op- level changes on the Great Barrier
erates a boat for the use of scientists Reef and along the coast of New Guinea
working in Labrador, and Wheeler uses (see his article in this issue). Daniel
this service for transportation to islands
he wishes to study. Karig, a marine geologist who will join
the department this fall, is now work-
3. Back in the laboratory at Cornell, ing at sea in geologically active areas,
Wheeler augments his field observations
with microscopic studies. and plans to continue field study in In-
donesia. John Cisne, another new man,
studies fossils by an x-ray technique
that has revealed hitherto undetected
anatomy of animals who lived hundreds
of millions of years ago.
This description may sound a bit
like the brochure of a travel agency,
but modern geology is global in scope
and we can't maintain the breadth and
vitality we need if we confine our at-
tention solely to the environs of Ithaca,
no matter how attractive or how inter-
esting geologically they may be. Many
graduate students will participate in ac-
tivities that will give them opportunities
to see representative portions of the
object of their study, the earth.


This year we hope to make available to
undergraduates with appropriate prep-
aration a field course conducted in a
variety of geological areas of the west-
ern United States. The trip is planned
to include float rides down rivers along
which some spectacular geological for-
mations can be studied, an aerial look
at certain other features, and some
difficult field mapping, camping, and
hiking. This trip will have excellent sci-
entific content and will also offer the
adventure and challenge of the out-
doors. A modern education in geology
must include some opportunity of this
sort, and we shall try to provide it.
Tucked away in the crania of the
department members are a number of
other ideas—all innovative, some good,
some perhaps impractical—on how to
teach geology in ways that will be at
once stimulating, provocative, demand-
ing, and strong in fundamentals. We
intend to introduce the best of these
ideas as time and resources permit.
The present concern of the depart-
ment is to sustain the momentum that
has been building up over the past two microseisms, deep and shallow earth-
quakes, and postglacial faults. His work
years. The research program is devel- has taken him to Europe, Africa, Asia,
oping well; income from grants has South America, the Arctic, New Zealand,
gone up rapidly, with most support so Alaska, Iceland, Japan, Nova Scotia, Tai-
far going to projects in geophysics. An wan, and the Tonga-Figi Islands area of
especially helpful contribution to the the Pacific, as well as many parts of the
continental United States.
development of the program came Oliver is active in professional organi-
from Floyd Newman—a Cornell alum- zations and has worked with numerous
nus, Presidential Councillor, and for- national and international groups. He is
mer trustee—who has made gifts a consultant to the U.S. Atomic Energy
totalling more than $100,000. Meyer Jack E. Oliver, the Irving Porter Church Commission and the U.S. Arms Control
Professor of Engineering and chairman and Disarmament Agency. He has served
Bender recently donated funds for an of Cornell's Department of Geological on National Academy of Sciences com-
attractive "rock park" outside our new Sciences, has been at the University since mittees on polar research, seismology, and
quarters. 1971, when the department was reorga- tunneling technology, and the panel on
Cornell has all the necessary ingre- nized and moved to the College of Engi- solid earth problems. He is a member
dients for an outstanding program in neering campus. of the UNESCO Joint Committee on
Previously he had been at Columbia Seismology and Earthquake Engineering,
geology—a fine reputation and tradi- University, first as a student (B.A. in and a former member of the executive
tion, an exceptional library, good stu- 1947, M.A. in physics in 1950, and Ph.D. committee of the International Associa-
dents, a progressive administration, in geophysics in 1953), then as faculty tion for Seismology and Physics of the
loyal alumni, strength in supporting de- member, and ultimately as chairman of Earth's Interior.
partments, and now the nucleus of an the geology department. He had been a He is also a fellow and former chair-
excellent staff. It has all these things at staff member of Columbia's Lamont- man of the Section of Seismology of the
Doherty Observatory for eighteen years American Geophysical Union; a fellow,
a time when the science of geology is and chairman of its section of seismology council member, and former publications
vital to society and blossoming with for sixteen. committee chairman of the Geological
potential. We anticipate a leadership A geophysicist specializing in seismol- Society of America; a member, director,
role for Cornell in the current exciting ogy, Oliver has conducted research and and former president of the Seismologi-
growth of this traditional science into a published numerous papers on global tec- cal Society of America; and a member of
tonics, the Arctic ice pack, the lunar the Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
discipline with new importance and seismograph program, the propagation the American Association for the Ad-
9 greatly enlarged scope. of elastic waves from nuclear explosions, vancement of Science, and Sigma Xi.
Plate Tectonics as a Unifying Model of the Earth

by John M. Bird

The framework of our concepts of the ception of the earth in space has gone Hutton's basic concepts became
evolving earth has recently shifted from from that of the all-important center of known as unijormitarianism through
that of stable, "permanent" oceans and the universe to that of an amazingly in- the lucid writings of John Playfair and
continents to that of a global mosaic of significant speck in the cosmos. Like- Charles Lyell. Lyell firmly established
"conveyor belts" on which continents wise, our understanding of the planet uniformitarianism as the basic method
ride and oceans open and close. This itself has undergone remarkable changes of geologic study in his Principles of
paradigm change, rather than bringing from medieval concepts of the earth, its Geology, published in 1830. Addi-
revolutionary discord, gives us a unify- mechanisms, age, and origin based tionally, he revitalized the question of
ing model that enhances the value of largely on mythical, magical, supernat- the age of the earth, for uniformitarian-
our great store of information about the ural, or directly theistic invocations. ism requires great amounts of time for
earth. It gives new direction to our ef- Most responsible for setting the mod- "imperceptible" changes and, indeed,
forts to unravel the complexities of ern course of fruitful and logical under- stipulates that the only requirement for
geologic history, to achieve a better standing of the earth was James Hutton, natural evolution of the face of the
understanding of the world we inhabit, whose contributions were published in earth is sufficient time.
and to inventory our natural resources. 1795 in his book, Theory of the Earth. Darwin, a few decades later, shook
This change resulted from integration Essentially, Hutton said that the pres- the very foundations of man's concepts
of various aspects of the earth sciences. ent is the key to the past. In his time, of his own creation. An immediate ef-
It is a major scientific advance, made given the accepted ecclesiastical 6,000 fect on geology was the direct relega-
possible by twentieth century communi- years for the age of the earth, it was tion of man's origins to the dim geologic
cation and technology. difficult to imagine that running water, past recorded in rocks, and the require-
ocean waves, and imperceptible move- ment of stupendous amounts of geolo-
THE DEVELOPMENT OF ments of the earth's crust could shape gic time to account for biological evolu-
MODERN GEOLOGY the face of the planet, but Hutton pro- tion. Darwin suggested 300 million
The contributions of Copernicus, Kep- posed that these agents do gradually years for the elapsed time since the
pler, and Newton mark the turning change the surface of the earth over beginning of the Age of Reptiles, or the
point from medieval concepts of earth long periods of time and that an under- Mesozoic period (actually, it has turned
and sky as a geocentric system of rather standing of these changes could be ob- out to be about 200 million years).
small dimensions to our present con- tained through observations of the Since Becquerel's discovery of radio-
cepts of an immense universe. Our per- present-day earth. activity some seventy years ago, the age 10
• . $ : • : •

EURASIAN ' '^- .

late margin

. ' ' PLATE

accreting plate margin


WORLD PLATE MAP. Plates are out- underlain by oceanic crust. Essentially all evolving mosaic, with the continental
lined by accreting, consuming, or trans- of the oceanic area has been generated at masses following geographic tracks
form boundaries, as indicated. Regions of accreting plate margins during the past through time as a consequence of accre-
continental crust, shown by a pattern of 200 million years, and an equivalent area tion and consumption.
dots, coincides more or less with continen- has been consumed at the consuming
tal margins. The unpatterned areas are plate margins. The plates constitute an
of the earth—about 4.5 billion years— tain belts such as the Alps appeared revealed by the uniformitarianism prac-
and historical dates of geology and evo- more and more complex as they be- tice of observing the present world. The
lution have been rather firmly estab- came better known. Earthquakes and various models of the earth involving
lished through studies of radioisotopes volcanoes had no apparent logical con- contraction, expansion, heating, and
and fossils. Concomitantly, our under- nection in time and space. At best, cooling that were proposed suffered
standing of geology has mushroomed at geology could unravel bits and pieces from the same criticisms made of Weg-
an enormous rate, principally through of the record. Geology grew as a land- ener 's hypothesis. The majority favored
the energetic acquisition of data and de- based science, essentially on a "stabi- stabilism, so it won out. The funda-
scription of surface rocks. However, no list" view of immobile ocean basins and mental defect of all the criticism was
global, unifying model incorporating all land masses. The concepts of continen- that study of the geologic record was
of the diverse relationships and varieties tal drift formulated by Alfred Wegener dominantly land-based, and therefore
of rocks and structures was forthcoming. were neglected by most scientists be- included only about 30% of the earth's
Until recently, in fact, things seemed cause they appeared to have no con- surface.
11 to be going from bad to worse. Moun- ceivable mechanism that could be The next major advance for geology
Magnetic anomalies in the ocean floors
provide a record of plate evolution. At
accreting plate margins, molten material
from the interior is continuously added
to lithosphere as the plates (A and B)
separate. As this material crystallizes,
iron-rich minerals of the crust attain a
magnetism that is aligned with the field
of the earth at that time. Magnetometer
surveys across accreting plate margins
show bands of normal and reversed polar-
ity symmetrically disposed about the plate
margin. These are a consequence of the
periodic reversals of polarity of the earth's
field. With knowledge of the location and
age of the anomalies, rates of accretion
can be determined back through time.
bands of rock which have either normal
was prompted by World War II, which RECENT EXPLORATION or reversed polarity with respect to the
stimulated investigation of the seas for OF OCEAN FLOORS earth's magnetic field. Because the mag-
the purposes of navigation and the de- netic field of the earth periodically re-
velopment of submarine capabilities. Of the myriad ocean features revealed verses polarity, these bands essentially
More than anyone else, Maurice Ewing, by modern exploration, two stand out constitute a "tape recording" of the re-
who was director of the Lamont- as most significant to an understanding versals—a record generated in the
Doherty Geological Observatory of Co- of lithosphere plate tectonics. One is igneous rocks that continuously accu-
lumbia University, saw the great poten- the fantastic morphology of the ocean mulate along oceanic ridges as molten
tial of exploration of the sea floors, the floors (elegantly illustrated in a series of material cools through the curie point.
neglected 70% of the earth's surface. maps published by National Geographic These bands of normal and reversed
Results of the ensuing twenty-five years and now available on globes). The large polarity are important in plate tectonics
of modern ocean-floor exploration have morphological features are globe- because they provide direct evidence
completely revolutionized geology and encircling submarine mountains known that sea-floor spreading occurs at ridges.
produced the global, unifying model of as ridges, and trenches, which are us- They show that new surface area is cre-
the surface and outer 100 or so kilo- ually located just oceanward of volcanic ated more or less symmetrically-on both
meters of the solid earth that is known island chains such as Japan, the Aleu- sides of the ridges, generating litho-
as plate tectonics. Much geologic in- tians, and Indonesia. These belts of sphere plates that move, relatively,
formation fits logically and cohesively ocean "highs" and "deeps" are the loci away from these accreting plate
into this model. It confirms the conti- of much of the world's seismicity and margins.
nental drift concept of Wegener and volcanism; for example, the recent vol- One of the remarkable discoveries of
accepts the principle of uniformitarian- canic activity of an island just off Ice- ocean-floor exploration is that practi-
ism. Not only are Hutton's impercepti- land occurred along a portion of the cally all of the seep-sea floors of the
ble changes taking place, but the face Mid-Atlantic ridge. world have been generated over the
of the earth is evolving as a constantly The second feature, the more impor- past 200 million years. We know, from
changing mosaic of continents and tant for the purposes of this discussion, analysis of the patterns of magnetic re-
oceans, driven by a dynamic, energetic is the magnetic aspects of sea floors. versal stripes and the geometry of ridges
interior mechanism beneath spherical Magnetometer surveys of portions of and trenches, coupled with analysis of
caps of more or less rigid rock known the floors of major oceans of the world earthquake events, that as plates are
as lithosphere. have revealed symmetrical magnetic generated at ridges, they are simultane- 12
How the face of the earth has changed
in 200 million years: Pangaea and the
present geographical distribution of con-
tinents. Reconstructions of oceans and
continents back through time can be ac-
curately determined by recording the
magnetic anomalies of the oceanic crust,
dating the anomalies through deep-sea
drilling, and mapping plate boundaries
and continental margins. In a sense, the
anomalies are a "tape recording," and
when "played backward," they show that
a super-continent, Pangaea, existed about
200 million years ago. Such reconstruc-
tions have confirmed early ideas of "con-
tinental drift" away from a single large


First and foremost, plate tectonics is the
kinematics of spherical caps evolving
on a sphere. Mapping of the world's
oceanic ridges and trenches shows eight
major plates, the largest being the
Pacific plate, and a number of smaller
ones. Continents are "islands" of lighter
crust on the evolving plates, with oceans
opening and closing around them.
By running the "tape recording" of
magnetic reversals backward, we can
construct an assembly of continents—
a super-continent, called Pangaea—
ously consumed at trenches, or consum- cause they are less dense than oceanic that existed about 200 million years
ing plate margins, to return into the lithosphere, are not returned to the ago. Analysis of the magnetic record of
asthenosphere. At present rates of ac- earth's interior, but remain as passive the Atlantic sea floor, for example,
cretion and consumption, it takes ap- passengers on the evolving plates. Weg- shows that Africa, South America,
proximately 200 million years for all ener visualized continents plowing their Europe, and North America were part
70% of the surface of the earth covered way through less rigid rock during their of the same land mass. Later, accreting
by deep ocean to "cycle." The rates of journeys of "continental drift;" today plate margins developed under regions
accretion and consumption range up to we visualize continents not drifting at of Pangaea; one has become the Mid-
10 to 15 centimeters per year for the all, but rather following precise geo- Atlantic Ridge, along which the Atlan-
fastest portions of the world's plate graphic tracks through time, as indi- tic Ocean has evolved to its present
margins. At present rates, about a cated by the vectors of plate motion re- configuration. By tracing the anomaly
square mile of new area is generated vealed by the magnetic stripes. The patterns further into other oceans, and
along the ridge system each year. consequences of this elegantly simple by tracing both the ridge system and
13 On the other hand, continents, be- kinematic model are enormous. the consuming plate margins, we find
Various relationships of plates of the RELATIONSHIPS OF THE WORLD'S PLATES, OCEANS,
world are shown. The Atlantic Ocean has CONTINENTS, AND ISLAND ARCS
opened, and has no major consuming
plate margins, whereas the Pacific Ocean, oceanic crust
for the most part, is rimmed by consum-
ing plate margins (see map page 11).
Chains of volcanic islands, called island
arcs, form above entirely ocean-based
consuming plate margins. Mountain sys-
tems such as the Andes form above con-
suming plate margins at a continent-ocean
interface. The Himalayas have formed as
a consequence of complete consumption
of an ocean (Tethys) and a continent-
continent collision.

that an equivalent amount of sea floor

has been consumed elsewhere in the
global system of plates. In fact, on the
basis of worldwide data, we find that all
of the sea floors of the world have been
generated since the breakup of Pangaea.
In this time/space system, the ratio be-
tween land and ocean area remains ap-
proximately the same: 30% land and
70% ocean.
What does change are the geographic hallow seismicity
shapes of continents and oceans, and
the geometric distribution of plate mar-
gins. Three kinds of plate margins exist:
accreting, consuming, and transform;
at transform margins, plates slide past These seismic studies indicate that in the overlying lithosphere and more
one another with neither accretion nor there is extension at accreting plate rigid underlying asthenosphere.
consumption taking place. The two margins, compression at consuming Plate tectonics, clearly, integrates
fundamental pieces of evidence for the plate margins, and lateral movement on surface features, geography, magnetics,
kinematic aspects of plate motion are active transform faults such as the San and seismicity; the model completely
the magnetic anomaly patterns and the Andreas Fault of California. The study destroys previous artificial divisions
analysis of earthquake events at plate of seismic waves also tells us some- between "geophysics" and "geology."
margins (a subject discussed by Bryan thing about the interior of the plates.
L. Isacks elsewhere in this issue). The Essentially, they are more or less rigid THE EVOLUTION
geometry of the plates is determined by bodies, riding over less rigid material in OF MOUNTAIN BELTS
mapping the plate boundaries and the a region of the asthenosphere known as By examining present plate margins and
anomalies. The behavior of the "rigid" the low velocity zone (LVZ). The LVZ making reconstructions back through
plates is evaluated by first-motion is characterized by a decrease in shear time via the magnetic record, we see a
studies of plate-margin earthquakes. wave velocity as compared to velocity global time/space framework of evolv- 14
ing oceans, continental margins, and geologic regions. Essentially, the Medi-
consuming plate margins. The distribu- terranian Sea is a small remnant of
tion and evolution of the major moun- Tethys. During the course of the open-
tain belts of land portions of the earth ing of the Atlantic Ocean, following the
can be fitted into this framework. For initial breakup of Pangaea nearly 200
example, reconstructions of the Hima- million years ago, the Tethyan Ocean
laya Mountain system, considered in evolved by first opening by accretion,
conjunction with the magnetic record and then closing by consumption along
of the Indian Ocean floor, show that the region of the Alpine chain. The
an ocean, Tethys, had existed between African and European continents have
Tibet and the continent of India. The been moving together, relatively, as a
Indian continent, riding northward as consequence of plate evolution, the
ocean floor was consumed just south closing of the Tethyan Ocean, and the
of Tibet, collided with Tibet approxi- opening of the Atlantic. Concurrently,
mately 15 million years ago. The pres- building of the Alpine mountain range
ent mountain system is a consequence has occurred. Collision of Africa and
of the evolution and closing of Tethys, Europe, with destruction of the rem- along the coast, then a chain of volcanic
and of the thermal and mechanical dis- nant Mediterranean Sea, is, geologically islands, known as island arcs, would
ruption of the continental margin sedi- speaking, imminent. The result will be develop instead of a land-based moun-
ments and continental crust of the a collisional mountain belt like the tain belt. The western Pacific is rimmed
Tibetan and North Indian "coasts." Himalayan range. by a complex of island arcs, including
Still evolving in this way is the the Aleutian chain, the Japanese is-
Andean chain of South America, which INFLUENCE OF CONTINENTS lands, and the Marianas, Philippines,
is building up along the consuming plate ON PLATE EVOLUTION
and New Hebrides. Such island arcs are
margin between the Pacific sea floor Although continents are passive pas- really individual mountains within the
and the South American continent. As sengers on evolving plates, they do im- seas. They result, however, not from
oceanic lithosphere is consumed and pose significant constraints on plate near-surface compressions and concur-
descends under the west coast of South evolution. We know, for example, that rent thermal changes, but rather from
America, volcanic and compressional consumption of lithosphere ceases and the outpourings of molten rock that
activity is deforming the continental mountain building terminates when originate about 100 to 200 kilometers
margin. The direct evidence of the rela- continents collide. Such collisions, within the earth, directly above a down-
tive motion of the South American con- therefore, exert an influence on the evo- going slab of lithosphere behind a con-
tinent is the magnetic record of the lution of the global plate mosaic. It has suming plate margin. From laboratory
Atlantic Ocean floor and of the portion been proposed that a new consuming experiments on melting rocks under
of the Pacific Ocean floor that lies on plate margin is now developing south of pressure, and also from analysis of seis-
the opposite side of the plate margin. India, in the Indian Ocean, as a conse- mic waves, we know that the oceanic
It becomes apparent that the termina- quence of termination of plate con- crust partially melts as it returns into
tion of this type of mountain building sumption north of Italy by the India- the asthenosphere as descending litho-
occurs upon continent-continent colli- Tibet collision. sphere. These melts return to the sur-
sion. For the Andes, termination would Where there is an entirely ocean- face as volcanic eruptions, which pile
require the closing of the entire Pacific, based consuming plate margin, another up as volcanic islands. Additionally, the
with Asia colliding with South America. type of "mountain" building occurs. If, lithosphere behind the arcs apparently
Going westward along the Himalayan for example, the consuming plate mar- goes into tension at times, with the re-
chain into the Mediterranean, we enter gin along the west coast of South Amer- sult that new sea floor is accreted be-
15 one of the world's most complicated ica were far out to sea rather than right hind the island arcs. This marginal basin
The map at right shows the San Andreas EXTENDING THE SCOPE
fault of California. The North American OF PLATE TECTONICS
plate, NAP, is overriding the Pacific plate, '°f&-
PP; the accreting plate margin, A—the Until recently, plate tectonics has been
East Pacific Rise—has been consumed considered a rather young aspect of
along a portion of a consuming plate mar-
gin, C, along the west coast. The result earth history, originating with the
is an exceedingly complex geometry be- breakup of Pangaea 200 million years
tween the plates. The basic feature is that ago and the commencement of conti-
a transform plate margin—the San An- nental drift. It is clear, however, that as
dreas fault system—has developed be- new surface area was created in the
tween Baja California and San Francisco.
Along this fault, the west side is moving breakup of Pangaea, other surface area
northward relative to the east side. In the had to be consumed. The only alterna-
figure, the symbol CP refers to the Cocos tive explanation would be a sudden
plate and the symbol J indicates the Juan commencement of a 1.8-to-l expansion
de Fuca plate. of the earth, continuing on today.
Clearly, this is a difficult alternative. In
spreading probably has the same basic
fact, much evidence indicates that earth
source mechanisms as the main plate
expansion and contraction, at least for
margin accretion. San Andreas the past billion years, has been minimal,


ransform probably on the order of no more than
1 %. We can ask, therefore, what hap-
One of the rules of plate tectonics is pened before the breakup of Pangaea,
that no plate margin ends except by and how long in geologic history litho-
intersection with the boundary of an- sphere plates have existed.
other plate. Such an intersection, known The resolution of this complex ques-
as a triple junction, involves three plates tion can best be approached by realiz-
only, and leads to complex, migrating, ing that continental crust is not returned
and diachronically deformed terrains. into the interior. At the surface, conti-
The favorite example is the oblique in- nental crust is seen for the most part as
tersection of the East Pacific Rise, an a complex of deformed, metamor-
accreting plate margin, with the North phosed, and intrusive rocks which ex-
American continent at the terminus of Francisco in the Pacific Ocean. Bet- tend back in age about 3.9 billion years.
the Baja California Sea. Essentially, sea ween these two points, the San Andreas Essentially, all earth history stored in
floor on each side of the accreting plate Fault system has developed. It is a surface rocks is within continental ter-
margin is moving vectorially, to the transform plate margin, with the west rains. In contrast, no earth history is
west and east. The continent is moving side moving northwest and the east side directly recorded in oceanic crust be-
generally northwest: the North Ameri- moving, relatively, southeast. Move- yond about 200 million years ago. As
can plate is being generated along the ment along the fault occurs at a rate of we have seen, modern mountain belts
Mid-Atlantic Ridge and has this vector about 5 centimeters per year, and is are evolving along present plate mar-
as a consequence of the geometry of accompanied by earthquakes of high gins; but within the continental masses,
the ridge. Northward of the north end intensity. Both this area and a similar there are older and older systems of
of the Baja, the East Pacific Rise has one along the Anatolian Transform of mountains. The Urals, for example, are
been overridden by the moving North Turkey are exceedingly hazardous a mountain belt running right through
American plate because of vector dif- earthquake country, primarily because Russia, in the interior of the Eurasian
ferences. It re-emerges north of San the earthquakes are of shallow focus. continent. The Appalachians are a pre- 16
2 0 0 - m i l l i o n - y e a r m o u n t a i n belt
bounded on both sides by older conti-
nental crust and are also nowhere near
a present plate margin.
I believe, with John Dewey, my col-
laborator in much of my research, that
the best route to follow in unraveling
earth history beyond 200 million years
is through the analysis of older moun-
tain belts such as the Appalachians.
Plate evolution of the Appalachians is
Clearly, plate tectonics describes a cur- illustrated in this schematic. The northern
rent process; running the magnetic rec- Appalachian Mountains are thought to
ord of the sea floors backward takes have evolved through the creation of an
us back only 200 million years, for be- ocean within a continental mass, a process
yond that time we do not have an that commenced about 600 to 700 million
years ago. As the ocean opened, sedi-
oceanic crust magnetic record. Our re- ments, much like present continental
course is to ask what analogies of plate margins, accumulated. Then the northern
tectonics can be found in the older side (left) of the ocean "decoupled," a
record preserved in the continental consuming plate margin developed, and
masses. Essentially, what we find is that the continental margin was converted to
an Andean-like mountain belt. Finally,
the older mountain belts are the rem- the ocean closed, with the opposite con-
nants of completely evolved oceans in tinental margin colliding about 350 mil-
which most of the ocean floor has been lion years ago and creating a mountain
consumed. These mountains evolved belt much like the Himalayas. The Ap-
through an Andean-like, island arc, palachians, according to this model, rep-
continent-continent collision history, as resent the remnants of an "extinct" ocean.
If the present North Atlantic Ocean were
a consequence of ocean evolution. to close with a consuming plate margin
along the Atlantic seaboard, another
THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY mountain belt would be "glued" to the
OF THE APPALACHIANS side along the old Appalachian system.
Analysis of the stratigraphic-structural
framework and the thermal history of Pole about 500 million years ago. The continent collision about 350 million
the Appalachians in terms of plate tec- ocean then began to close by consump- years ago, during the final stages of
tonics indicates the following simplified tion along the northern margin. This ocean closing. The segment of the
history of this mountain belt. was accompanied by the development mountain range from about New York
Approximately 600 to 700 million of an Andean-like mountain range and City to southern Alabama continued on
years ago, a continental mass separated island arcs. The segment of the Appa- as a developing Andean-like system,
because of the development of an ac- lachians that lies approximately be- until final continent-continent collision
creting plate margin situated within tween New York City and northern and complete destruction of the remain-
20° of the equator. The northern side Newfoundland, together with its exten- ing ocean occurred about 250 million
of the resulting ocean developed an ac- sion in Europe—the Caledonian system years ago. This final stage of mountain
cumulation of sediments at the ocean- of Britain and Scandinavia, which has building produced the beautiful folded
continent interface, and the southern since been separated from North Amer- mountains of the Western Appalachians
margin of the ocean traveled south- ica by the opening of the present At- from Pennsylvania southward.
17 ward, reaching the vicinity of the South lantic Ocean—underwent continent- The details of such an analysis are
mation that are characterized by ex-
trusive volcanic rocks formed at much
higher temperatures than others found
on earth, and by a stew-like geometry.
We know essentially nothing of global
SCHEMATIC CROSS-SECTION OF section, plate margins can be visual- tectonic mechanisms prior to 2.2 bil-
PLATES. Major discontinuities of ized as sources (the accreting plate lion years ago, although the geologic
plates and underlying material are margins, APM) and as sinks (the con-
determined from the travel times of record, as indicated by radiometrically
suming plate margins, CPM). It is be-
seismic waves. These changes are lieved that island-arc volcanoes result dated rocks, extends back 3.9 billion
shown, simply, as a plot of shear-wave from the remelting of oceanic crust years. Beyond that, back to the origin
velocity versus depth. Note that there along subduction zones beneath con- of the earth 4.5 billion years ago, there
is a decrease in velocity below the suming plate margins. Partial melting is no geologic record.
lithosphere, corresponding to a region of asthenosphere occurs at both source
called the Low Velocity Zone. In cross and sink, as indicated. This thumb-nail sketch of plate tec-
tonics covers large-scale aspects; in de-
tail, the record is sometimes exceed-
obviously complex and inappropriate chians and, indeed, of other mountain ingly complex. It is apparent, however,
here. The significant fact is that there belts, such as the Urals, of similar age. that the pursuit of sorting out geologic
is nothing in the rock record, in terms As one goes back farther into the geo- history—two billion years' worth, at
of processes, environments, rates, and logic past, the record becomes increas- least—has been given a tremendous
geometry, that is not entirely compati- ingly murky, and it is increasingly boost by the unifying concepts of plate
ble—that is, uniformitarian—with difficult to reconstruct plate relations. tectonics. Very rapid progress in under-
modern plate margins, rates, and en- It is now quite clear that the analogies standing the surface of the earth has
vironments. In fact, we can even iden- of the modern world, of plate tectonics, been made in the past few years, and
tify small remnants of that older oceanic can be extended back about 2.2 billion new possibilities exist for answering
crust in the mountain belt. As more and years, but beyond that time everything long-standing questions of geology.
more data are gathered and the model suddenly becomes different. The older It must be emphasized, though, that
refined, the more it is confirmed that terrains, such as regions of Africa and plate tectonics is a kinematic model,
plate tectonic mechanisms were respon- the Canadian shield, have strikingly dif- dealing essentially with only a thin
sible for the evolution of the Appala- ferent aspects: nonlinear belts of defor- outer layer of the planet. Perhaps the 18
"(Plate tectonics) is a major scientific
advance, made possible by twentieth
century communication and technology."

most significant question today is, what Another aspect of plate tectonics of the earth is important; no longer should
is going on in hell? The driving mecha- great significance and practical impor- a student of the earth wonder why he
nism of the plates, and other aspects of tance is that the model places into a is required to study apparently unre-
the forever inaccessible interior earth, viable frame of reference all of the time lated subjects—why paleontology, for
are beyond our complete understand- and space relationships of the world's example, requires a thorough back-
ing. It may be many years before satis- major bodies of ore. We have the prom- ground in geophysics. Conversely, the
factory explanations of the dynamic ise of finally sorting out and under- teacher's job has become easier. End-
aspects of plate tectonics are found, and standing the origin and evolution of ore less lists of rocks, minerals, and fossils
perhaps centuries before we understand bodies, and greatly enhancing our ex- can be condensed and fitted to a co-
very early earth history. ploration efforts. Increased exploitation hesive and logical order of importance
of geothermal energy at plate margins rather than into ad hoc frameworks of
NEW PERSPECTIVES, is essentially only awaiting new tech- an unknown dynamic system.
FUTURE PROSPECTS nological advances in deep drilling. In considering the implications of
As study of the plates of the world Since many ore bodies have formed at plate tectonics, one should recognize
progresses, and the principles of plate plate margins, both modern and extinct, that it is an evolving concept and not a
tectonics are applied to older and older we have the prospect of directly tapping final answer. There are many years of
rocks, a cascading number of problems ore-forming fluids, extracting metals refinement ahead. It is interesting to
of geology are put into new perspec- without the great expense of mining, note also that the fundamental ques-
tive. For example, the whole complex and obtaining energy in the process. It tions have not changed. Wegener's
effort of understanding earthquake is conceivable that a well designed sys- problem of explaining how continents
mechanisms and predicting quake tem could efficiently produce metals, are driven on their journeys of drift has
events has recently made several "quan- salts, pollution-free power, and water. been transferred to the region of the
tum jumps." Essentially, earthquake Of course, university curricula in the earth below the lithosphere; certainly
prediction involves knowing with pre- earth sciences are rapidly changing, in our next major advance will be to ex-
cision the time, place, and size of an some aspects drastically, as professors plain the mechanisms that drive the
impending event. Plate tectonics doesn't catch up with new developments and lithosphere plates. The explanation of
provide complete answers, but it has take advantage of our new understand- how life originated on this planet is still
contributed to the quantum jumps and ing of the earth. One of the lessons of beyond our reach; wouldn't it be shock-
19 it defines paths to follow in research. plate tectonics is that everything about ing if someone in the future were to
prove that life on the earth developed years as a senior research associate at the
Lamont-Doherty Geological Laboratory
from the debris left behind by visiting of Columbia University.
astronauts some three and one-half He was graduated from Union College
billion years ago? The questions remain with a major in geology in 1955, and
the same; only the answers change. earned the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, also
Exploration of the moon and planets in geology, at Rensselaer Polytechnic In-
is certain to have great significance in stitute in 1959 and 1962, respectively. As
an undergraduate, he worked in the sum-
our future understanding of the earth. mer as a mine geologist's assistant in
In this context, I see plate tectonics as Idaho. Later he served as a geological
just one aspect of planet evolution. We consultant for a New York State Museum
will almost certainly have a cosmolog- and Science Service geological survey.
ical model of planet evolution that in- Field work for his subsequent studies
John M. Bird, professor of geological of mountain belts has taken Bird to sev-
corporates not only the present stage of sciences, is particularly interested in the eral North American and European areas,
development of the earth, but also interpretation of geologic history in terms including Quebec, Newfoundland, New
pre-plate tectonics history. That will be of plate tectonics. One of his current stud- York State, the Polish and Czechoslovak-
another paradigm change. ies is of the evolution of mountain belts, ian Carpathians, the Swiss and Austrian
specifically the northern Appalachians Alps, and the Italian Apennines. In 1968
The development of plate tectonics and the great ranges of Europe. He is he visited Poland as an exchange visiting
was not planned. As Allen Cox re- now serving as chairman of the Appa- scientist under the auspices of the Na-
cently pointed out, "No central com- lachian Working Group of the U.S. Geo- tional Academy of Sciences. As a distin-
mittee on planning the future of earth dynamics Project and as a member of the guished visiting scientist of the American
sciences could conceivably have guessed JOIDES (Joint Oceanographic Institu- Geological Institute in 1971, he lectured
that this would happen." Also, plate tions Deep Earth Sampling) planning at universities all over North America.
committee for deep drilling of ocean He is an associate editor of the Journal
tectonics is not the result of any one margins. of Geophysical Research and a frequent
person's thinking; expensive explora- Bird has been at Cornell since last fall. contributor to professional journals. He is
tion and technological advances were For the previous eleven years he had a fellow of the Geological Society of
essential ingredients. It is a product of been a member of the Department of Ge- America and of the Geological Associa-
twentieth century technology and com- ological Sciences at the State University tion of Canada, and a member of the
of New York (SUNY) at Albany, and had American Geophysical Union, the Amer-
munication, serving the historic idea of been chairman of the department since ican Association for the Advancement of
studying the earth on its own terms. 1969. He had also served for several Science, and Sigma Xi. 20
Seismological Studies of Convection

by Bryan L Isacks

Very large and destructive earthquakes has appeared. The model is an integral
occur most frequently in two world- part of the theory of plate tectonics de-
encircling belts. One of these, the well veloped during the same period (see
known "ring of fire," rims the Pacific; the article by John M. Bird in this is-
the other runs through the Indonesian sue, and one by Donald L. Turcotte in
archipelago, Burma and the Himalaya Engineering: Cornell Quarterly, Spring
Mountains, and on through the Middle 1970). According to the theory, a num-
East and the Mediterranean Sea. Those ber of plates of lithosphere, together
parts of the belts adjacent to oceanic composing the relatively cool and rigid
areas include a specific and spectacular outer shell of the earth, move about
combination of phenomena: a trench- relative to one another and interact
like depression or furrow in the ocean along their common boundaries. Where
bottom, where the ocean reaches its plates move apart, material comes up
greatest depths; a line of active and from the interior, cools, and adds to
generally explosive volcanoes; and a the area of each of the plates. Plate ma-
zone of earthquakes with a very char- terial is removed from the surface along
acteristic geometry. The earthquakes the belts of earthquakes and volcanoes
are localized within inclined planes referred to above: one plate slides be-
which intersect the surface along oce- neath the other and sinks downward
anic trenches. Such a plane of earth- through the hot viscous rock of the in-
quake foci, which is termed a Benioff terior. Because of the small thermal con-
zone, dips beneath the line of active ductivity of rock, the sinking plate
volcanoes and reaches depths as great remains cooler, denser, and stronger
as 700 kilometers. than the surrounding rock, and thereby
Although geophysicists recognized retains its identity as a coherent slab of
this pattern and its global extent about material.
forty years ago, it has been only during The largest shallow earthquakes oc-
the past seven years that the beginning cur between the two converging plates
21 of a satisfactory model of the process in the area of mutual contact. The deep
Figure 1. Map of the world's seismicity.
Each dot represents an earthquake that
occurred during the period 1962-1969.
The seismic zones define the boundaries
of the lithosphere plates; most mark
boundaries where one of the Pacific plates
is moving beneath the plates bordering
the ocean. The width of the seismic zones
reflects the inclined seismic zones—the
"Benioff zones"—located within the de-
scending portions of the plates. The
Tonga-Fiji region of the Southwest Pa-
cific (included in the small square in the
figure and shown in more detail in Figure
3) has the densest concentration of deep
earthquakes in the world.

ocean trench simply marks the upper and deep and shallow earthquakes, it within the downward-moving cold ma-
edge of the zone of contact between had been studied very little previously. terial. This was further supported by
the down-buckled descending plate and We found very striking differences be- studies of the nature of the stresses and
the plate sliding over it. A few shallow tween seismic waves traveling near the the faulting responsible for the earth-
earthquakes, some of them moderately deep seismic zone and those traveling quakes. These studies are based on de-
large, occur within the plates. All earth- along paths in the more normal parts terminations of directions of the ground
quakes deeper than about 70 kilometers of the interior: Waves near the seismic motions during the passage of seismic
occur within the part of the plate that zone travel faster and with less attenu- waves from an earthquake, and require
has returned to the interior. These deep ation. These anomalies suggested that data from numerous seismograph sta-
earthquakes consequently serve as the material is relatively cool near the tions located around the world. It is
markers or tracers of the locations of seismic zone, as would be expected if found that all earthquakes deeper than
plates inside the earth. Some of the material near the surface were to move 70 kilometers reflect high stresses chan-
more volatile, less refractory material downwards into the hot interior. Other neled by the relatively strong plate.
carried down by the plates into the hot measurements made in regions such as (The other major type of earthquake
interior melts, rises to the surface, and Japan and the Aleutian Islands indi- reflects the frictional rubbing together
erupts to form volcanoes. cated the presence of similar structures. of the two plates and occurs only at
Additional studies of wave propagation shallow depths.) The orientation of
DEVELOPING A MODEL in the vicinity of descending plates stresses in the Benioff zones shows that
FOR PLATE SUBDUCTION show that the descending and surficial mechanically the plates behave like a
The essentials of this picture of de- parts of a plate together act as a con- thin plate sinking through viscous
scending plates were proposed several tinuous wave guide for high frequency fluid. That a plate should sink is ex-
years ago by Jack Oliver and me in an seismic waves. pected: Owing to thermal differences,
interpretation of seismographic data Discovery of a global correlation be- the cold material of the plate is heavier
from a network of stations we had es- tween the lengths of the seismic zones, than the surrounding material.
tablished in the Tonga and Fiji Islands measured along the direction of incli- A strong theoretical foundation for
of the southwestern Pacific. Although nation, and the velocity with which the this model has been provided by calcu-
this area includes probably the world's oceanic plate is slipping beneath the lations of the thermal structure of de-
most dramatic example of the combina- opposing plate added strong support to scending plates, such as those pioneered
tion of deep ocean trench, volcanoes, the idea that the earthquakes occurred by Professor Turcotte and others. The 22
model is, however, still in a very early earthquake, which represents sudden
stage of development and a number of shear failure, can happen under the
crucial problems remain unsolved. very high ambient pressures—as high
as 300,000 atmospheres—that exist at Figure 2. Simplified model of the struc-
FATE OF DESCENDING PLATES the depths of deep earthquakes. This is, ture beneath the Tonga-Fiji region of the
AND THE GEOLOGIC ENGINE incidentally, one of the more obvious Southwest Pacific. Large shallow earth-
quakes occur as the oceanic plate (to the
Some of the most important problems areas where research in geophysics may right) rubs against the plate containing
have to do with the occurrence of deep have mutually profitable tie-ins with the Fiji and Tonga Islands. Earthquakes
earthquakes. As indicators of the loca- other fields of research, such as mate- occur inside the descending part of the
tions and deformations of descending rials science. oceanic plate and thereby reveal its loca-
Our seismic studies are based on tion and structure. The deeper parts of
plates, deep shocks are the most direct the seismic zone are highly contorted and
source of information about move- data from a network of seismograph suggest that the lower part of the descend-
ments of material in the interior—in- stations in the Southwest Pacific, plus ing plate is encountering a barrier to
formation that is vital because so very microfilmed data on file at Cornell from further descent.
little is known about the system of con-
vection in the solid earth. This system
is the "engine" that moves continents,
concentrates minerals, causes earth-
quakes and volcanoes, and, in general,
drives most geologic processes. Some
of the present theories would confine
convection to the outer 500 to 1,000
kilometers of the earth, whereas others
postulate motions throughout the earth.
Knowledge of this process is at an early
stage where even the gross scale has
not yet been established.
The approach of our group at Cor-
nell is to focus intensive investigation
on zones of deep earthquakes in an ef-
fort to determine what is happening to
the descending plates. The major ques-
tion we hope to answer is whether
plates can descend into the deep inte-
rior or whether, as some still uncertain
clues suggest, they reach a barrier to
downward motion near depths of 700
kilometers. It is known that a substan-
tial increase in density as a function of
depth occurs at 650 to 700 kilometers.
This is ascribed by most investigators
to a phase change involving the crystal-
line structure of the material; whether
composition also changes is not known.
23 A closely related problem is how an
". . . we foresee important practical
consequences of this kind of research,
especially in
earthquake forecasting.

thirty-three stations around the world. involved. These studies should lead to a nent of South America. Scientists in
Our Cornell group operates the network more detailed picture of what happens Japan have documented similar cases,
of stations in the Fiji and Tonga Is- to the descending plates, and will pro- including an earthquake—one of the
lands, and we have a collaborative vide crucial information on the scale of largest ever recorded—that occurred
project with French scientists who op- convection inside the earth. offshore of Japan in 1933.
erate a network of stations in the neigh- Another problem is that the zone of
boring New Hebrides Islands and New FAULT CREEP AND THE slippage between plates may not have
Caledonia. The zones of deep earth- PREDICTION OF EARTHQUAKES the same frictional properties every-
quakes in this region are by far the A better understanding of the interac- where. For example, parts of the San
most active in the world, and for this tion of the converging plates is of great Andreas fault zone in California are
reason are the most profitable to study. practical as well as academic signifi- known to "creep" for periods of about
A recent collaborative study of our cance. Sudden slippage along the zone a day or less and thereby release strain
group and the French scientists shows of plate contact, releasing strain that without the generation of earthquake
that a group of deep earthquakes lo- had built up slowly over a long period waves. The San Andreas fault zone
cated north of the Fiji and New Hebri- of time, is thought to be responsible for bounds two plates that are sliding hori-
des Islands occurs within a piece of most of the world's largest earthquakes. zontally past one another and so may
plate that has become detached from If the system were just this simple, be different from the fault zones be-
any surficial plate and apparently ex- earthquake forecasting might be fairly tween converging plates. Nevertheless,
ists as an isolated piece within the inte- easy, but there are, unfortunately, sev- recent measurements in the Aleutian
rior. The piece is located at a depth of eral complications. In the first place, Islands by seismologists from the Colo-
about 600 to 650 kilometers and is some large and destructive earthquakes rado School of Mines suggest that epi-
nearly horizontal in orientation. This occur inside the plates adjacent to the sodes of creep may occur in zones of
and other unusual aspects of the dis- main fault zone. For example, in a plate convergence as well. Those par-
tribution of the deepest earthquakes in study of earthquakes in South America ticular measurements are difficult to
this region lend support to the idea of I found that the very destructive earth- assess, however, because of the effects
a barrier to plate descent. Data now quake that occurred beneath the coast of severe Aleutian weather on the in-
available to us will permit unique and of Peru on May 31, 1970, was prob- struments.
very precise studies of the location of ably located within the plate descend- Along the San Andreas, fault creep is
the earthquakes and the deformations ing beneath and underlying the conti- easily detected and measured because 24
FIJI ISLANDS Figure 3. Map of the Fiji-Tonga-New
Hebrides region. The deep oceanic
trenches are shown by the dark shading.
The circles mark the locations of seis-
mograph stations operated by Cornell and
other groups. The seismograph stations
surround the area between the Tonga and
Fiji Islands, where the most active zone
of deep earthquakes is located (the struc-
ture there is represented by the model of
Figure 2).
CALEDONIA Tonga and New Hebrides Islands.
A strainmeter is constructed by ce-
menting one end of a pipe, made of
fused quartz, to the ground and record-
ing the motion of the other end with
respect to a fixed point in the ground.
This yields a measure of the change of
length of the ground per length of pipe,
or the linear strain in the direction of
the pipe, averaged over the length of
pipe. Four such pipes, each about 50
feet in length, are installed at angles of
45 degrees to one another. Three are
required to determine the total strain
and one is added as a check on the
the surface trace of the fault is accessi- ence of large barometric and thermal measurements. The apparatus is placed
ble and can be very simply instru- fluctuations near the surface. on "bedrock"—which in the case of
mented. In areas of plate convergence the Tonga Islands will be coral rock—
such as the Aleutian Islands, the zone of and buried to attenuate the effects of
slippage between the plates reaches the temperature variations. The initial in-
surface near the deepest part of the In contrast to the Aleutians, the Tonga stallations in the Tonga area are being
ocean trench and is therefore inacces- and New Hebrides island arcs are ideal done in cooperation with scientists of
sible. Episodes of creep along such for the study of these deformations. The the Colorado School of Mines who de-
zones can be detected only through weather is mild for most of the year, veloped effective instrumentation dur-
measurements of very small tilts and and seismograph stations have been ing their work in the Aleutian Islands.
strains of the surface on islands above established in the area by French sci- Our group is focusing its effort on
the fault. These deformations, which entists and by our Cornell group. We development of sensitive and reliable
are on the order of one part in 105 to are now in the initial stages of a pro- tiltmeters. We are presently utilizing
25 108, are difficult to measure in the pres- gram to measure strain and tilts in the pendulums that are constructed and in-
Figure 4. Tracings of seismograph re-

cordings of deep earthquakes. The first SEISMIC
waves to arrive, the compressional waves, ZONEv

are clearly recorded by stations in both

Tonga and Fiji, although they travel FIJ 1
faster, by about 7%, to Tonga. The shear -^SEISMIC
(or S) waves are recorded only by sta- RAY PATHS

tions in Tonga; they are severely attenu-

ated along the path to Fiji because there TONGA
they traverse hot, nearly melted, material.
The path to Tonga is through the colder
material of the descending plate, which
transmits shear waves well. Such obser-
vations give direct evidence for the de-
scent of cold lithosphere plates into the 0 1 2

stalled to maximize long-term stability. THE TOTAL PROGRAM IN

Since the mechanical sensitivity of the SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH Bryan L. hacks, a specialist in seismology
pendulum to tilt is proportional to the and plate tectonics, came to Cornell in
This article has focused on one aspect 1971 as associate professor of geological
square of the natural period, we are of seismological research in the De- sciences.
constructing the "swinging gate" type partment of Geological Sciences. Al- Most of his previous experience has
which can operate at a long natural pe- though it is oriented toward a funda- been at Columbia University, where he
riod without being too large in size. mental understanding of the process of was a student, research scientist, and
The motion of the swinging mass is teacher. He earned the A.B. degree in
plate subduction and convection in the geology in 1958 and the Ph.D., with a
sensed electronically and recorded as earth, we foresee important practical specialty in earthquake seismology, in
a continuous function of time. consequences of this kind of research, 1965. While still a graduate student, he
Our primary goal is to search for especially in earthquake forecasting. worked as a research assistant at Colum-
episodes of creep-like motions along The seismological research program bia's Lamont-Doherty Geological Obser-
vatory, and continued his association with
the main zone of slippage between the currently underway also includes (1) the laboratory as a research geophysicist
Tonga and New Hebrides Islands. In study of subtle deformations of plate in earth sciences. At Columbia he also
addition, should a moderate to large interiors as revealed by the occurrence served as adjunct associate professor.
earthquake occur, the instruments can of earthquakes and changes in land ele- hacks has had field experience in the
record deformations that may precede vations; (2) study of the distribution Tonga-Fiji island area that he discusses
in this article. He has also participated in
the earthquake. Phenomena such as a and properties of small, frequently summer research programs in marine
rapid tilting of the ground have been occurring earthquakes ("microearth- geophysics in the Arctic region, and he
observed before large earthquakes in quakes") in New Zealand in order to has worked as a member of reflection
Japan and are thought to offer one of the determine the nature of the major plate seismograph exploration crews for the
best hopes for a method of short-term boundary that runs through that coun- Gulf Oil Company.
He has published numerous papers in
prediction of earthquakes. In general, try; and (3) a study of the propagation professional journals and is currently
the pattern of tilts and strains that pre- of high-frequency seismic waves. serving as an associate editor of the
cede, accompany, and follow an earth- The findings of these various proj- Journal of Geophysical Research. He is
quake provide crucial information on ects are expected to contribute to our a member of the Seismological Society
the complex physical processes in- overall aim of augmenting the under- of America, the Geological Society of
America, the American Geophysical
volved in the generation of earth- standing of earth processes in terms of Union, and the Society of Exploration
quakes. plate tectonics. Geo physicists. 26

by Arthur L Bloom

Why would a Cornell geologist, whose

specialty is the study of ice ages, go to
the tropical islands of the Pacific to «».«•«.
conduct his research? An obvious and
envious conclusion might be that his
work is a cover for a beachcomber's BIOMASS: ;0pi
life. The scientific reason, though, is 0.0006 x!06«KM3i#
that tropical coral reefs record the chro-
nology of the ice sheets that once en-
gulfed the northern continents, cover-
ing the area where Ithaca now lies and
gouging the valley that became Cayuga OF SEA LEVEL GROUND WATER!
Lake. To live and teach in Ithaca, CONTROLLED BY 8.4 x I 0 6 K M 3
which is in one of the classic areas of OF GLACIERS
glacial erosion, and yet be able to
study the geology of Pacific islands, is REDISTRIBUTION OF WATER Figure 1. The water reservoirs at the sur-
to combine the best of two worlds. DURING ICE AGES face of the earth. (Adapted from Pro-
The unique role of corals in record- fessor Bloom's book, The Surface of
ing glacial history is explained by the During an interglacial period, such as the Earth, published by Prentice-Hall in
changes in sea level that accompany the present time, about 98% of the wa- 1969.)
the expansion and contraction of gla- ter near the surface of the earth is in the tion of enormous amounts of water.
ciers, and by the biology of coral ani- oceans and about 2% is in glaciers, es- When glaciers expand, water is re-
mals, whose growth is strictly con- pecially in the giant ice caps of Ant- moved from the oceans and "tempo-
trolled by sea level. Ancient coral reefs arctica and Greenland (Figure 1). All rarily" (for 50,000 to 100,000 years)
provide a geologic record of sea level other reservoirs of water, such as lakes, piled onto the continents, but when the
and therefore of the volume of water rivers, ground water, living matter, and climate becomes mild again, the ice
that has been added to and subtracted the atmosphere, are trivial by compar- melts and the water drains back to the
from the world's oceans by the shrink- ison. sea. Because of the great thermal in-
27 ing and growing of glaciers. An ice age involves the redistribu- ertia of some 40 million cubic kilome-
ters of ice, the melting process takes upward into new territory. Islands high
about 10,000 years. enough to escape total drowning—Ta-
By the best recent estimates, the hiti, the Fiji Islands, and many others
two big existing ice sheets on Antarctica —now have collar-like fringing reefs
and Greenland are now storing a vol- or barrier reefs around them. Where
ume of water equivalent to about 60 the eroded island foundations were to-
meters of sea level. These ice sheets tally drowned, there remains at sea
seem to have been relatively stable for level only a ring of reefs surrounding a
at least the last 100,000 years and per- shallow lagoon. These coral reefs are
haps for several million years, how- atolls, the most beautiful and scientifi-
ever. The ice sheets that most recently cally intriguing structures of the tropical
removed water from the oceans, low- oceans.
ering the sea level 80 to 130 meters, On a few tropical coasts, mountain-
were those of North America and Scan- building forces are now raising land
dinavia. The North American ice sheet from the sea. Parts of the New Guinea
was the larger. From a central dome coast, which I studied with a team of
over Hudson Bay, it reached south to American and Australian geologists in
an arc from Cape Cod through Long 1971, are rising at a rate of 1 to 3 mil-
Island and northern New Jersey, across limeters per year. Mile-high mountain
Pennsylvania into Ohio, and across the ranges have risen there during the last
Midwest and Plains states, roughly million years of repeated ice ages.
along the present Ohio and Missouri Such mountain-building movements
Rivers. It may have had its maximum can be compared to the paper drive on
volume as recently as 15,000 years ago. a strip-chart recorder, with the glacier-
The ice was probably 2 to 3 kilometers controlled sea-level movements acting
thick. as the pen drive. When glaciers are
melting and the sea is high, a reef ter-
race is built. Then glaciers form, sea
level falls, and the exposed reef is
The tropical oceans were cooled only lifted uphill. By the time sea level rises
two or three degrees Centigrade by the again, the older reef is far up on the
last ice age (although Ithaca must have mountainside. The result is a flight of
been at least eight degrees colder in or- spectacular reef terraces (see Figure
der to have been ice-covered). Corals 2), each of which dates an interglacial
and other tropical marine organisms period or at least a temporary period of
were not killed by the cold, though their glacier retreat and high sea level.
distribution was somewhat restricted. Reef corals can be dated by the ra-
As the level of the world's oceans dioactive decay of uranium isotopes
"Ancient coral dropped, islands emerged above the that are incorporated into the mineral
sea and were eroded, but around their structure during growth. The technique
reefs provide a submerged margins, reefs continued to is presently useful for reefs as old as
grow. As the ice sheets melted, roughly 200,000 years. The reef terraces in the
geologic record of between 15,000 and 6,000 years ago, lower third of the formation in Figure
the sea rose over the eroded stumps of 2 have proved to be within the range of
sea level." the islands, and coral growth spread uranium-series dating; in descending 28
Figure 2. Uplifted reef terraces on the
north coast of the Huon Peninsula in
New Guinea, photographed by the author
in 1971. The ages of these terraces,
determined by uranium isotope dating,
are in descending order about 125,000,
107,000, 85,000, 60,000, 41,000, pos-
sibly 28,000, and 6,000 years.

This means that those younger reefs

were built during temporary, but only
partial, retreat of the ice sheets during
times that were more "glacial" than


Studies of glacial deposits in the mid-
west United States and in Europe have
shown that the last glaciation, tradi-
tionally called the Wisconsin Glaciation
in North America, was at least 70,000
years in duration and consisted of sev-
eral advances and retreats of the ice
order, they have ages between about is always one unknown in excess of the border. The last ice advance was the
125,000 and 6,000 years. Each repre- number of equations. Therefore, I have most extensive, and since it overrode
sents a brief interval of time when os- made a set of successive approxima- all the earlier deposits, the history of
cillation of sea level coincided with the tions, and assumed a constant rate of the ice sheet is poorly understood.
island uplift. uplift along each profile of the terraces, Furthermore, the radiocarbon dating
to derive an estimate of uplift rates. method is useful only for samples less
MOUNTAIN BUILDING AND From the derived rates, the elevation of than about 35,000 years old. There-
SEA-LEVEL CHANGES ancient sea levels at the times of reef fore, while a detailed stratigraphy of
We would like to use the altitudes and building can be inferred. I find that glacier advance and retreat has been
ages of the New Guinea reef terraces to 125,000 years ago, sea level was 5 me- worked out (see Figure 3), the time
calculate the present rate of uplift at ters higher than it is at present, but that scale is woefully inadequate.
the coast, and also the level of the sea during the formation of the younger The newly published dates from
at the time each reef was formed. Sets reef terraces, sea level was between 10 New Guinea reefs can be immediately
29 of equations can be written, but there and 50 meters lower than it is now. used by glacial geologists to correct or
Figure 3 (right). The chronology of ad- 38° 39° 40° 41° 42° 43° 44°
vance and retreat of the last ice sheet in POST- c ' Ml1 I
1 I I
^ — — ^ i ^ ^M*
\U 1 <•

Illinois and Wisconsin (adapted from GLACIAL i

Illinois Geological Survey Bulletin 94, 10000 - A* ^
GLACIER A A ^j-g*.***'^^^«^«^*«r• V
Figure 4 (right below). Northern hemi- 20000 •
sphere summer solar radiation chronol- INTER-
ogy, as predicted from orbital parameters. STADIAL
Cool summers (negative values on the 30000 GLACIER
ordinate) are equated with growing gla- Z ADVANCE
ciers, and warm summers with glacier
— INTER- A * |
retreat. Glaciers were less extensive 3,000 2 40000
to 6,000 years ago than they are now. O z GLACIER
< w ADVANCE ^ >••• ««'J:«;7 y ? ' ^
•••• A I
complete the time scale on charts such ^ 50000 - O g INTER- 1
as Figure 3. The interstadials, or times h- $
CO — ^ ! II
of ice retreat, can now be dated. Also, . <
the rates at which the glaciers advanced GLACIER
and retreated can be calculated. Many ADVANCE

glacial deposits that showed more than 70000 -

one ice advance and were therefore dif- I25OOO
ficult to date can be interpreted now in
terms of the repeated oscillations of GLACIAL IIIIIIH
••Illll 1

the ice sheets recorded in the New • .


A venerable theory of ice ages, pro- A AGE OLDER THAN INDICATED SOILS (INDICATE
posed in 1865 but not perfected until
the Yugoslavian scientist Milankovich
revised it in 1941, predicts that cyclical
variations in the earth's orbit change
the amount of solar energy received by
the earth, and cause glaciers to expand
and contract in a cyclic way. A recent
version of a Milankovich curve, drawn
by one of my colleagues in the New
Guinea study, is shown in Figure 4. It
was constructed from the dates and ele-
vations of raised reefs in Barbados, but
is obviously supported by our New
Guinea work. The magnitude of the or- -1.0
bital variations is not generally be- 50 100 150 200 250 300
lieved to be adequate to cause glacia- THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO
tion, but they might trigger the onset of
glacier growth or shrinkage if other, as
yet unknown, conditions were favor-
able. Precise dating of tropical reefs
will surely add new evidence for the
debate on the causes of ice ages.


When this issue of the Quarterly goes
to press, I expect to be joining a group
of Australian and British scientists in
a half-year expedition to investigate re-
ports of raised coral reefs near the
northern and least accessible parts of
the Great Barrier Reef off Australia. In
the spring term I will be joined in Fiji has been awarded a Fulbright fellowship
by a Cornell graduate student in geo- in support of the year's various activities.
Bloom, an associate professor of geo-
logical sciences for a study of the reefs logical sciences, joined the Cornell fac-
of Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa. The chro- ulty in 1960 after receiving his Ph.D. de-
nology of the raised reefs of these is- gree from Yale University and teaching
lands should trace the glacial control of there for a year. While at Yale he received
sea level. the Silliman Prize for his dissertation. He
did his undergraduate work at Carroll
In addition, the work should con- College (Wisconsin) and at Miami Uni-
tribute to the research of Cornell seis- versity (Ohio), which granted him the
mologists and marine geologists who B.A. degree in 1950. As a Fulbright
are also studying the Fiji-Tonga-Samoa scholar, he studied at Victoria University
in New Zealand for the M.A. degree with
area (see the accompanying articles by
honours, conferred in 1952.
Jack Oliver and Bryan L. Isacks). For His graduate studies were interrupted
example, differences in the elevation of by a four and one-half year tour of duty
dated reef terraces on the various is- with the U.S. Navy, beginning in 1952.
lands will give the seismologists infor- of exploration, teaching, and research in He served in the Pacific area as ship's of-
Australia and the South Pacific. ficer in the amphibious forces, as beach
mation on the direction and amount of
The work will include charting and ra- intelligence officer, and as air photo inter-
crustal movements that have occurred pretation officer, and later he taught phys-
diometric dating of the Great Barrier
over the past 100,000 or 200,000 years. Reef, which stretches for 1,250 miles off ics at the Naval Preparatory School.
Study of sea-level changes, fascinating the northeast coast of Australia, and Bloom has published extensively in the
in itself, is a part of the overall search study of coral reefs in the South Pacific, areas of Pleistocene geology, coastal
for understanding of the earth that is a project initiated during a previous morphology, and sea-level changes and
leave in 1967. Bloom will also lecture and their relation to glacial periods. He is the
now going on in the geological sciences. author of The Surface of the Earth, pub-
conduct research at James Cook Univer-
sity of North Queensland in Townsville, lished in 1969 by Prentice-Hall.
Australia, and at the Australian National He is a fellow of the Geological So-
University's Research School of Pacific ciety of America, and a member of the
Studies at Canberra. He plans to partici- American Association for the Advance-
Arthur L. Bloom, a geomorphologist with
pate in the ninth congress of the Interna- ment of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma
special interest in the history and inter-
tional Union for Quaternary Research, to Xi, and other professional and honorary
pretation of sea-level changes, is currently
be held in December in New Zealand. He organizations.
31 on sabbatic leave from Cornell for a year

by Bill Bonnichsen

The family automobile, stove, washing States (examples are manganese, chro-
machine, or set of silverware: these mium, tin, and metals of the platinum
everyday items are made, of course, of group) or are more expensive to mine
those most familiar materials, metals. than foreign deposits (examples are
From the obstetrician's instruments to aluminum, lead, zinc, mercury, and
the gravedigger's shovel, metals figure tungsten). Another factor is that regu-
in our lives. Electricity, gasoline, and lations governing exploration and tax-
other forms of energy are transported ation of mineral production are more
by metals, crops are planted and har- favorably structured for the realization
vested with metal machines, and metal of profits in countries such as Canada
instruments provide means for com- and Australia than they are in the
munication. Without a doubt, human United States.
civilization as we know it could not
exist if it were not for metals. THE EXPONENTIAL RISE
The use of metals by man, as old as IN METAL CONSUMPTION
civilization itself, has increased dras- worth, or 2 5 % , was consumed by the The most important and alarming as-
tically as society has become industrial- United States, even though our coun- pect of metal consumption in the world
ized. The worldwide demand for met- try has only about 6% of the world's today is its rapid acceleration. Con-
als is, in fact, increasing exponentially, population. Furthermore, we produce sider, for example, the increase in cop-
and since mineral deposits are among less than half of the metals we use (see per production in recent years (see
the nonrenewable resources of the Figure 2). We meet our own needs for Figure 3). Between 1950 and 1970 the
planet, crucial problems of supply are only two major metals, molybdenum annual world production increased
imminent. and magnesium—and, actually, mag- 250%, and copper production in the
nesium is extracted from sea water. We United States nearly doubled. About as
U.S. AND WORLD USE depend entirely or in part on imports much copper has been mined in the
AND PRODUCTION OF METALS for all the other metals we use. United States since the end of World
Of the more than $30 billion worth of This situation arises mainly because War II as previously was mined from
metals mined in the world in 1968 (see adequate deposits of some metals either the time the country was settled, and if
Figure 1), more than $7.5 billion have not been found in the United the exponential increase continues (see 32
"The most important and alarming
aspect of metal consumption in the world today
is its rapid acceleration."

the Figure 3 projection), more copper each year. As long as these trends con- A third group, including such im-
will be mined in the United States be- tinue, or until we learn how to live portant metals as molybdenum, tung-
tween now and the end of the century with less metal, the annual increases in sten, copper, lead, mercury, tin, zinc,
than has been up to this point in time. demand will continue. and the platinum group, do present a
The capacity to increase copper pro- worldwide problem. These metals are
duction in the United States at the rate PROSPECTS FOR geochemically scarce but in high de-
of the past two decades would require MEETING THE DEMAND mand. Although each metal in this
the opening of additional mines at a What are the prospects for the United group is somewhat different from the
rate roughly equivalent to one large States' ability to produce an ever-in- others, let us again take copper as an
mine, with an annual productive ca- creasing supply of metals for the next example and investigate its future avail-
pacity of about 120,000 tons of copper several decades? ability.
metal, every two years. This is approxi- For some metals, particularly those Although copper is a relatively
mately the size of several of the largest that are relatively abundant in the scarce element (its concentration in the
copper mines in the world. Require- earth's crust (iron, aluminum, and mag- earth's crust is 0.0058%), it is remark-
ments for meeting the worldwide de- nesium), there does not seem to be any ably diverse in its distribution in vari-
mand are even more startling. To meet urgent problem. Another group, in- ous types of rocks and minerals. The
the projected annual demand of 17 cluding chromium, nickel, and manga- copper deposits exploited by man have
million tons by 1990, roughly five large nese, can continue to be procured been formed by many types of natural
new mines, or their equivalent, would either from presently mined deposits or concentrating processes, including the
be needed each year. from new sources at only modestly in- thrusting up of mantle materials and
This increasing annual demand is creased costs. Such new sources could the action of groundwater movement.
evident not only for copper, but for be lower-grade deposits similar to those Mined deposits include concentrations
most metals. The reasons are easy to now being mined, or materials of a dif- in veins, in bodies of plutonic igneous
understand: The world's population is ferent nature. Metals in this group may rocks, in beds of marine sediments, in
increasing, and all or nearly all nations present a problem for the United States volcanic rocks, and even inside old vol-
are attempting to raise the standard of because adequate resources have not canoes. In terms of total production,
living of their people. These circum- been discovered in this country, but no however, only the large low-grade de-
stances require that increasing amounts great difficulty in maintaining an ade- posits that can be mined inexpensively
33 of new metal be put into circulation quate world supply appears imminent. by large machines have any signifi-




Figure 1. Value of primary (newly-mined)
metal produced in the world in 1968. LEAD
cance. Small-vein deposits that once TOTAL WORL.D
were important have no future because
the quantity of copper they contain is U.S. PF?OD.
low, even though many such deposits TIN
contain very rich ore.
At the present time, most copper is
obtained from large open-mine pits like
those at Bingham, Utah, or Morenci,
Arizona. A smaller fraction (17% of
that produced in the United States) GROUP
comes from large, highly mechanized 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
underground mines such as one at BILLIONS OF DOLLARS
White Pine, Michigan, where room and
pillar methods are used, or one at San
Manuel, Arizona, where the block cav-
ing method is employed. Today, at by using lower-grade ores and improved Recycling, though essential, is insuf-
many open-pit mines, the cutoff grade extraction methods. The acquisition of ficient; it does not increase the quantity
—below which mining is unprofitable metals on a long-term basis is, how- of metal in circulation, and that is
—is in the 0.3-0.4% range. Where ever, considerably more difficult. what is needed. Actually, metals are al-
dump leaching is practiced, partial ex- ready recycled extensively. The amount
traction from material with as little as THE NEED FOR of recycling that is accomplished de-
0.2% copper is achieved. Annual LONG-TERM PLANNING pends largely on the value of scrap
United States production has doubled Ways that have been suggested to meet metal and will occur whenever it is
since World War II, but the average the rising demand for metals include profitable.
grade of ore decreased from 1-1.5% (1) recycling, (2) substitution of other Substitution of a different material
copper to 0.5-0.75%. materials, and (3) expanded mining op- to fill the function of a scarce or ex-
For the next few decades, the expec- erations. An additional possibility for a pensive metal sometimes is cited as a
tation is that adequate supplies of cop- given nation is to increase its imports means of avoiding shortages. Cer-
per and other metals can be obtained of certain metals. tainly, this can be effective to a limited 34
extent; however, massive substitutions
of one material for another will only
shift the problem of adequate supply
from the old to the new material. Also,
suitable alternate materials are not Figure 2. Self-sufficiency of the United
available for many of the functions that States for the major metals and some
minor metals. Percent of self-sufficiency
metals fulfill.
is calculated as production -5- consump-
One way of expanding mining oper- tion X 100. Figures are based on 1968
ations—the mining of lower-grade ma- statistics of the Bureau of Mines. Over-
terials at existing mines—undoubtedly all, only about 44% of the new metal
this country uses originates in United
will occur as metal prices rise and tech- States mines; the rest is imported from
nological innovations are developed. Canada, South America, Australia, South
In fact, this is the only recourse avail- Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Southeast
able at most established mines, because Asia, and other foreign sources.
the higher-grade, more profitable mate-
rials have already been mined. Even- proven to be successful in most cases, being mined has been concentrated in
tually, of course, all the ore reserves in but there are notable exceptions, such remote portions of the world. Impor-
existing mines and, for that matter, in as the takeover of nickel facilities when tant copper discoveries have been made
those not yet exploited, will be de- the government changed hands in Cuba, in New Guinea, the Solomon Islands,
pleted, and so this is an interim solution or the recent expropriation of Ana- Pakistan, and Panama, and new nickel
at best. conda and Kennecott holdings by the deposits have been found in the Cana-
An increase in imports of metal is Chilean government. Nationalization, dian Arctic and Western Australia. Un-
certainly one method of meeting the or even outright expropriation of for- doubtedly, many deposits lie undiscov-
increasing demand in the United States, eign investments, is a manifestation of ered far beneath the earth's surface in
especially in view of the information on one of the major trends in the world in the United States, but it will require
self-sufficiency shown in Figure 2. If recent times—the trend toward national imaginative geological research to de-
we follow this route we must be pre- self-determination. It can be expected velop the means to discover them. Our
pared to accept certain consequences, to continue as governments respond to present geophysical exploration meth-
however. Our dependence on foreign the rising expectations of their people ods are effective for depths of only a
metals contributes significantly to our and exert more control over the ulti- few hundred feet, and modern geo-
annual balance-of-payments deficit, and mate disposition of their countries' nat- chemical exploration is concerned al-
increasing our imports would surely ural resources. most exclusively with surficial chemical
add to that problem. Also, by depend- anomalies that are directly associated
ing more and more on foreign metals, FINDING NEW with metal concentrations. Our geolog-
the United States would relinquish DEPOSITS OF ORE ical knowledge of the occurrence of
more and more of the ultimate control Regardless of what other measures can ores has far to go before we will be able
of supply and price. An additional dif- be taken, new deposits of minerals will to determine with any accuracy the
ficulty is an increasing competition have to be found and new techniques most promising subsurface exploratory
with other countries, such as Japan, for for extracting metal from them must be targets. Tremendous opportunities await
available metals, and such competition developed in the decades ahead. This the individuals or groups who can de-
will surely increase as the industrial is an area in which the need for geolo- vise new and effective means of seeing
productivity of other nations rises. gists is obvious. farther beneath the earth's surface.
Investments by United States corpo- In recent years the search for new Metal recovery from new types of
rations in foreign mining ventures have metal deposits similar to those now material offers much hope for meeting




Figure 3 (below). Recent and projected M O U N T A I N S
annual production of primary copper in
the United States, Russia, and the world.
A constant annual rate of increase is as- BEARTOOTH
sumed. Figures are based on statistics PRIMITIVE
of the American Bureau of Metals and AREA
the United States Bureau of Mines. .' PRIMITIVE





future needs, but in each case success in-place leaching of metals by chemical
will depend on sustained effort by geol- solutions can be tried experimentally,
ogists and other scientists and engi- let alone become routine.
neers. New types of deposits must be
discovered and assessed, and innova- EXPLOITING NEW MULTI-
tive ways of economically extracting BILLION DOLLAR DEPOSITS
metals from these ores must be devel- As with any new technology, the devel-
oped. The radically different mining opment of new mining operations will
and metallurgical techniques that may be accompanied by problems ranging
be required will call for a great deal of from technical and economic consider-
imaginative research. For example, ations to environmental preservation.
much more needs to be known before As examples, let us consider two re-
such possible systems as underground cently discovered, very large low-grade
nuclear rock breakage combined with metal deposits that are of a type not 36
Figure 4 (opposite). Large copper-nickel
deposits (darkest areas), potentially a ma-
jor source of these metals in the United
States, are associated with the Stillwater
igneous complex in the Beartooth Moun-
tains of Montana. One of the problems
involved in mining would be preservation ZONE WITH
of wilderness area in close proximity. Cu-Ni
Figure 5 (right). Another large potential
source of copper and nickel are deep de- MAP
posits associated with the Duluth igneous
complex in Minnesota. This is also a
scenic area close to a wilderness preserve.

now being mined, but which have the

potential to provide enormous quanti- MINNEAPOLIS
ties of metal for the United States.
Both are deposits of copper and as-
sociated nickel enclosed within large H 4 MILES
bodies of mafic intrusive rocks. One is NW SE
associated with the Stillwater igneous ZONE WITH
complex in the Beartooth Mountains of Cu-Ni .POTENTIAL
southern Montana (see Figure 4), and 'DULUTH
the other is associated with the Duluth
igneous complex adjacent to Lake Su- ROCKS
perior in northeastern Minnesota (see
Figure 5). In both regions, extensive CROSS-SECTION
low-grade (less than 1 % average metal
content) disseminations of copper and
nickel are irregularly distributed of nickel, depending on what standards titatively assessed, they are probably of
throughout areas twenty-five to thirty are set for cutoff grade and minimum the same order of magnitude.
miles long and as much as a mile wide. thicknesses of metal-bearing material It is clear that both of these regions
In both cases, a large part of the de- to be mined. This deposit contains be- contain metal resources of considerable
posits is located hundreds to thousands tween 10% and 40% of the copper national importance. Before mining can
of feet beneath the surface; conse- resources known to exist in the United occur in either, however, many diffi-
quently, recovery would require under- States, and a much larger potential sup- cult problems must be resolved.
ground procedures. ply of nickel than any other known
Using exploratory drill records made deposit in this country. At present THE CONCERN OF
available by various mining companies, prices, the gross value of the metals ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS
I have recently estimated the magnitude may be between 25 and 100 billion Foremost among these problems is the
of the Minnesota deposits. The esti- dollars, if economic means can be de- conflict of interest that exists between
mates range between 14 and 60 million vised for their recovery. Although the mining and environmentalist groups.
37 tons of copper and 4 to 20 million tons Montana deposits have not been quan- Both the Minnesota and Montana re-
Bill Bonnichsen, assistant professor of
geological sciences, is a field geologist
with wide-ranging interests in igneous pe-
trology, volcanology, Precambrian geol-
ogy, and the origin and distribution of
metallic ore deposits.
One of his major interests is the eco-
nomic geology of copper and nickel, a
subject discussed in the present article.
He has studied the geology and economic
potential of the Duluth igneous complex
in Minnesota since 1965, when he was a
graduate student at the University of Min-
nesota. Since joining the Cornell faculty
in 1969, he has returned to Minnesota
during the summers to supervise the state
gions are known for their scenic at- Bill Bonnichsen investigates the recrea- Geological Survey's investigation of the
tractiveness and contain wilderness tional attractions of the Minnesota re- Duluth Complex. As a consultant to the
gion near the Duluth Complex. state's Department of Conservation, he is
areas in close proximity to the metal involved in developing estimates of Minne-
deposits, and environmentalists have sota's copper and nickel potential.
expressed concern about environmen- The increasing rate at which the Last summer Bonnichsen participated,
tal damage that might result from United States is consuming metals pre- with Professor William B. Travers and
mining or associated metallurgical op- sents a problem of significant national students from Cornell's Department of
erations such as the use of smelters. proportions that must be dealt with Geological Sciences, in a volcanic and
tectonic study of the Snake River Plain
Similar situations of conflicting inter- more seriously at all levels than it has of southern Idaho, an area that has seen
ests have occurred in connection with been in the past. It must be considered extensive volcanic activity in the geolog-
many of the important mineral discov- in all its aspects and ramifications— ically recent past. Other research interests
eries made in this country in recent international and regional, economic of Bonnichsen include the genesis of cop-
years. This reflects the changing values and esthetic, technical and social. The per, nickel, and platinum deposits in the
Stillwater complex of Montana; and liq-
of our population as the United States efforts of specialists in disciplines rang- uid state phenomena that occur in mag-
has evolved from an agrarian country ing from geology and engineering to mas at high temperatures.
with an abundance of wilderness to a law and environmental management Bonnichsen, a native of Idaho, began
largely urban society with a need for will be required. Particularly needed in his study of geology at the University of
natural preserves for recreational pur- this country is better long-range plan- Idaho, which granted him the B.S. degree
in I960. He did graduate work at the
poses. ning to guide us to the best possible New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Actually, it appears to be econom- future sources of metals and other min- Technology and subsequently at the Uni-
ically and technologically possible to eral resources in terms of the social versity of Minnesota, which granted him
mine in such areas without appreciable and economic consequences of their the Ph.D. in 1968. His earliest work ex-
permanent environmental damage, but adaptation, and to clearly indicate in perience was as a miner at a silver-lead-
zinc mine in Idaho the summer before he
a large amount of research is required advance the types of scientific and tech- started college. He has also worked as a
to confirm this. Also, the body of ap- nological research that needs to be surveyor for the Rare Metals Corporation
propriate federal and state legislation undertaken. and as a geologic draftsman for the New
governing the conduct of mining and The problem of mineral supply will Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral
metallurgical operations that is needed Resources.
not take care of itself. It demands at-
to safeguard the environment has yet to tention from the best minds this coun- He is a member of the Geological So-
ciety of America and the American Geo-
be fully worked out. try and the world can offer. physical Union. 38

Geology Day at Cornell

Geology Day on the first Saturday of
May give some five hundred members of
the Ithaca community an opportunity
to see for themselves what is going on
in the geological sciences at Cornell.
An open house in the department's re-
cently acquired quarters in Kimball Hall
on the Engineering Quadrangle was in-
formative and fun for visitors of all ages.
A popular event was a rock-guessing con-
test. Many visitors brought specimens for
identification. Besides special exhibits and
demonstrations, there were films and
guided tours of the campus and to nearby
gorges and waterfalls.
Some glimpses of Geology Day are
presented in this photo-essay.

Geology Day visitors were invited to
participate in many of the activities.
1. About 150 people entered the "Guess
the Rock" contest in which the object
was to guess where in New York State
the specimen had been found. The prize,
a field compass, went to six-year-old
Svava Bjarnar, who guessed Rochester.
The specimen is heliophyllum coral of
the Tichenor limestone and was found
one-half mile west of York, about twenty-
five miles southwest of Rochester.
2. One of four field trips was to Taug-
hannock Falls near Ithaca. Other trips
included ''geological" tours of the cam-
pus and of the Enfield gorge in a nearby
state park.
3. Visitors to the exhibit of fossils could
have their own specimens identified. On
duty was Randy Smith, an undergraduate
majoring in geological sciences.
4. Rock cutting was demonstrated by
graduate student Fodee Kromah.
5. A visitor explained how he wanted his
rock cut.
6. Children as well as adults were inter-
ested in rock specimens.
7. Visitors could view the multi-colored
images of rock specimens in the polariz-
ing microscope. Geology student Greg
Cole was there to offer explanations.
8. Professor Bill Bonnichsen was on hand
to identify rocks.
9. Microscopic examination aided in the
identification of rock samples.

1. A route to follow through the depart- main attraction. Sensors are located in
ment's quarters was indicated by signs. the basement of the building; the instru-
2. The mineral display room, a per- ments in this station record three com-
manent feature, attracted Geology Day ponents of earth movement.
visitors. 7. Professor William B. Travers was on
3. Corridors on two floors were lined hand to discuss the exhibit of sedimentary
with wall maps as well as special exhibits. rocks.
4 and 5. Young guests took time out for 8. A map showing the occurrence of
discussion before climbing the stairs to earthquakes was explained by graduate
the third floor exhibits. Downstairs was student Chris Stephens.
a projection room where a continuous 9. An exhibit of minerals and ores at-
hour-long program of films and slides was tracted visitors.
in progress. Included was "Trembling 10. Kimball Hall, which houses the De-
Earth," a film starring the department's partment of Geological Sciences, will
chairman, Jack Oliver, and research en- soon have a "park" of rock and fossil
gineer George Hade. specimens on the lawn in front of the
6. Seismographs in operation were a building.


Six College of Engineering professors, not only for his long teaching career at Institute of International Education.
four of whom had taught at Cornell Cornell, but also for his special efforts In 1970 he spent six months in India,
since the 1940s, retired this year. in the development of engineering edu- first as a visiting professor at the Indian
Named professors, emeritus, are Ar- cation in South America and India. Institute of Science in Bangalore, and
thur H. Burr of mechanical and aero- At Cornell he served as head of the then as professor and consultant in the
space engineering, Stanley W. Zimmer- machine design department for twenty Advanced Summer Institutes for Engi-
man of electrical engineering, John W. years, and was active in developing neering College Teachers, offered under
Wells of geological sciences, and Orval new undergraduate courses and the the auspices of the National Science
C. French of agricultural engineering. graduate professional program in me- Foundation, the Agency for Interna-
Two other retiring professors, Shailer chanical engineering. A project of par- tional Development (USAID), and the
S. Philbrick of geological sciences and ticular interest was the development of University Grants Commission of India.
Sidney Oldberg of mechanical engi- a course in Design for Manufacture, Before returning to the United States,
neering, began their teaching careers at which he offered at Cornell and abroad. he gave lectures at five universities in
Cornell in 1966 and 1968, respec- He has participated also in continuing Australia.
tively, after long nonacademic profes- education programs offered in summer Now that he has retired from his
sional experience. Biographical sketches courses at Cornell, by various industrial teaching responsibilities at Cornell, Burr
of these men are presented in tribute to companies in the Ithaca area, and as hopes to continue his activities in engi-
their service to the College and the part of his activities in South America neering education abroad.
University. and India. Burr was graduated from Worcester
In South America he taught at the Polytechnic Institute in 1929 with the
Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica B.S. degree in mechanical engineering.
• Arthur H. Burr, a member of the in Sao Paulo, Brazil, at the Pontificia He received the M.S. degree, also in
Cornell engineering faculty since 1947, Universidade Catolica in Rio de Ja- mechanical engineering, from the Uni-
was named Hiram Sibley Professor of neiro, Brazil, and, most recently, at the versity of Pittsburgh in 1931, and the
Mechanical Engineering, emeritus, at Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Ph.D. in engineering mechanics from
the end of the 1972-73 academic year. Colombia. This last assignment, in 1968 the University of Michigan in 1947. He
He had held the Sibley chair since 1954. and 1969, was as visiting professor of taught at Rice University and the Uni-
Burr, a specialist in machine design mechanical engineering, under sponsor- versity of Missouri before joining the
and mechanical analysis, is recognized ship of the Ford Foundation and the Cornell faculty. 44
Burr Zimmerman

Early in his career he had experience and the honorary societies of Sigma experience. He came to Cornell in 1945
as a design engineer with aircraft, elec- Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, and after fifteen years with the General
trical utility, and mechanical equip- Pi Tau Sigma. He is listed in Who's Electric Company, where he worked
ment companies, as a research engineer Who in America and Who's Who in principally in research and develop-
in mechanics at the Westinghouse Re- Engineering. ment in the fields of heavy power sys-
search Laboratories, and as assistant tems, mobile test equipment, high volt-
director of the Aerial Measurements age equipment and protective devices,
Laboratory at Northwestern Univer- • After twenty-eight years of teaching and lightning protection. He took part
sity. He also served as consultant to the at Cornell, Stanley W. Zimmerman be- in the development and testing of all
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory. He is came Professor of Electrical Engineer- high voltage power apparatus for Boul-
registered as a professional engineer in ing, emeritus, at the conclusion of the der Dam.
Illinois. academic year in July. Zimmerman was educated at the
Burr has worked and published in Zimmerman, a specialist in power University of Michigan, receiving the
the areas of analysis and design of engineering and high voltage phenom- B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical en-
mechanisms and machines, impact, sur- ena, conducted much of his teaching gineering in 1930. While in college he
face pitting, bearing lubrication, fatigue, and research at Cornell's High Voltage also worked as a licensed electrician in
prestressing, mechanical vibrations, Research Laboratory. He served as di- Detroit, built and tested acoustic mea-
strength of materials, and design for rector of the Laboratory for thirteen suring and inspection equipment for
manufacture. He has written a text, years, and supervised the complete re- the Department of Engineering Re-
Advanced Mechanical Analysis, that is design and rebuilding of the facility search of the University of Michigan,
being used in two courses at Cornell. after a fire in 1948. His research in- and operated a station for the study of
In 1965, as a consultant on machinery terests at the Laboratory included both natural lightning on transmission lines
terms for the Random House Dic- cable and overhead transmission sys- for the Detroit Edison Research
tionary, he provided some 1,500 defi- tems. Recently he has worked on trans- Laboratory.
nitions. mission systems suitable for extra high He spent several sabbatic leaves from
He was elected a fellow of the voltage underground transmission in Cornell working in industrial and gov-
American Society of Mechanical Engi- which pressurized gases and low tem- ernmental laboratories. In 1966-67 he
neering and is a member of the Ameri- peratures are used. spent the summer at the Navy Radio-
45 can Society for Engineering Education He has also had extensive industrial logical Laboratory in San Francisco
He has published more than 140 scien-
tific papers on these subjects.
Throughout his career, Wells has
maintained professional as well as aca-
demic and research activities. He has
served as a geologist for the U.S. Geo-
logical Survey since 1946, and he took
part in the Scientific Resurvey of the
Bikini Atoll following the atom bomb
tests in 1947, and the Arno Atoll Ex-
pedition in the Marshall Islands in
1950. His activities have taken him also
to Australia, where he served as Ful-
bright Lecturer at the University of
Queensland in 1954. While in Australia
and the following months at the Law- • Forty-five years ago John W. Wells he made a study of the Great Barrier
rence Radiation Laboratory at the Uni- came to Cornell as a graduate student Reef off the northeast coast and as-
versity of California, Livermore. He in geology. This summer, after a dis- sembled a collection of corals for the
worked on problems of thermonuclear tinguished career as geologist and National Museum in Washington.
power conversion, pulsed radiation, nu- teacher—including twenty-five years Wells received his undergraduate
clear technology, dielectric phenomena, on the Cornell faculty—he retired as education at the University of Pitts-
and lightning protection. Professor of Geological Sciences, burgh, earning the B.S. degree in 1928.
Previous leaves were spent with emeritus. Subsequently he was granted his Cor-
Westinghouse in Pittsburgh, with A major interest of Wells is paleon- nell degrees, the M.A. in 1930 and the
Ramo-Wooldridge in California, and tology. Over the years he has collected, Ph.D. in 1933. After teaching at the
with the Lawrence Radiation Labora- discovered, and described a great many University of Texas for several years
tory. Each year he has undertaken new forms of fossil and living corals and working in the museums of Lon-
special summer projects, including as- and fossil fishes and made studies of don, Paris, and Berlin as a National
signments with the Argonne National coral reefs. He is recognized interna- Research Fellow, he spent nine years
Laboratory, the National Bureau of tionally as an authority on corals and on the geology faculty of Ohio State
Standards, and many industrial firms. is consulted frequently. In 1971, for University. He joined the Cornell De-
During his retirement years, he expects example, he identified more than 1,000 partment of Geology in 1948; his ser-
to continue his life-long participation Red Sea specimens for Tel Aviv Uni- vice included a term as chairman in
in industrial research. versity in Israel. He is widely known the 1960s. His association with the
In 1963 Zimmerman was elected a also for his research in geochronology, College of Engineering began in 1971,
fellow of the American Institute of which has yielded fossil evidence of when the Department of Geological
Electrical Engineers. He is a member differences in the length of the day and Sciences became a part of that college
of the Institute of Electrical and Elec- the number of days in a year in the as well as of the College of Arts and
tronics Engineers, the American So- geologic past. He is a specialist also in Sciences.
ciety for Engineering Education, the the paleontology and stratigraphy of Wells has been honored by election
Society of Professional Engineers, and the Devonian Period, and has con- to the National Academy of Sciences.
Eta Kappa Nu. He has been active in ducted and directed extensive studies of He is a fellow and former vice president
regional, national, and international formations in various areas of Ohio, of the Geological Society of America,
associations and conferences. New York, Pennsylvania, and Canada. and a member and former president of 46
both the Paleontological Society and
the Paleontological Research Institu-
tion. He is a member also of the Society
for Vertebrate Paleontology, the Society
for the Study of Evolution, and Friends
of the Devonian.
Retirement has brought no decrease
in the number of fossil and coral speci-
mens that arrive continually from all
parts of the world for Wells to identify.
He plans to continue his paleontologi-
cal and other research studies without

• When he retired in January as Profes- Laboratory at Berkeley. While on leave • Shailer S. Philbrick, who joined the
sor of Agricultural Engineering, emeri- from Cornell in 1958-59, he served as Cornell faculty in 1966 after a thirty-
tus, Orval C French had completed a visiting professor at the University of year career with the Corps of Engi-
twenty-five years of service to Cornell, the Philippines. neers, retired as a professor of geologi-
including twenty-four years as head of In 1964 French was elected a fellow cal sciences at the end of the fall term.
the Department of Agricultural Engi- of the American Society of Agricultural An engineering geologist, Philbrick
neering. He had been a member of the Engineers, and in 1966 he was named has worked, consulted, and published
engineering faculty since 1954, when president. He is a director of the Engi- in the areas of water resources, dam
the State College of Agriculture (now neers' Joint Council, a fellow of the design, landslide control, mining ge-
Agriculture and Life Sciences) and the American Association for the Advance- ology, and slope, foundation, and em-
College of Engineering formed an affili- ment of Science, and a member of the bankment problems. His most recent
ation to offer a professional program in American Society for Engineering Edu- investigations, stemming from consult-
agricultural engineering. cation, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Phi ing work for the Corps of Engineers
A native of Kansas, French attended Kappa Phi, and Gamma Sigma Delta. on the preservation of the American
Kansas State University and received Over the years he has served the Falls at Niagara, have resulted in a new
the B.S. and M.S. degrees in 1930 and local community in such capacities as theory of the mechanics and rate of
1931, respectively. He worked for a Cornell campus chairman of the 1960 erosion of the Horseshoe Falls. He has
year as an agricultural engineer for United Fund drive, trustee of the Vil- extended these studies to include the
Black Sivalls and Bryson Manufactur- lage of Cayuga Heights, and charter recession of Niagara Falls toward Lake
ing Company in Kansas City before member of the Cayuga Heights Fire Erie and accompanying changes in the
beginning his academic career at the Department. A special interest has been Niagara River.
University of California at Davis, where work with the 4-H program; in 1970 At the present time Philbrick is serv-
he was a member of the faculty for six- he received a special award from the ing as the geologist on the Boards of
teen years. He came to Cornell in 1947 Cooperative Extension service at Cor- Consultants to the Corps of Engineers
as professor and department head. nell in recognition of this long-term for the proposed Bloomington Reser-
During World War II, French spent service. He plans to maintain a close voir on the North Fork of the Potomac
several years working on the Manhat- association with the community and the River and the proposed Tocks Island
tan Project as a research engineer of Department of Agricultural Engineer- Reservoir on the Delaware River. He
47 the University of California's Radiation ing during his retirement years. is also a consultant to the Atomic
Philbrick Oldberg

Energy Commission in studies of po- Cornell track team. For most of his career, Oldberg
tential seismic hazards at sites of He is a fellow of the Geological So- worked in industry. He spent fifteen
nuclear power plants, especially in the ciety of America and a member of the years at the Chrysler Engineering Lab-
eastern part of the United States. His Association of Engineering Geologists, oratories as an experimental engineer
earlier work on metamorphic geology, Phi Beta Kappa, and Sigma Xi. He and as a supervisor in the engineering
accomplished in the 1930s, is now cited holds professional licenses in Pennsyl- research and aircraft powerplant lab-
as a classic example of contact meta- vania and California. oratories. He directed the development
morphism. Philbrick is maintaining his home in of a Chrysler aircraft engine that was
Philbrick was graduated with the Cayuga Heights, near Cornell, and was the company's largest World War II
A.B. degree from DePauw University recently elected a Village trustee. engineering project. Subsequently, he
in 1930, and earned the Ph.D. at Johns spent sixteen years with the Eaton
Hopkins University in 1933. Early in Manufacturing Company, now Eaton
his career he worked with the U.S. Corporation, manufacturers of automo-
Geological Survey and with the Soil tive parts and industrial equipment. He
Conservation Service. During his years • Another retiring professor who be- served as executive engineer, director
with the Corps of Engineers he served gan teaching after a long nonacademic of the corporate research center, and
as a visiting lecturer at Northwestern professional career is Sidney Oldberg ultimately director of research and de-
University, as an American Geological of the Sibley School of Mechanical and velopment. He holds twenty-three pat-
Institute visiting geoscientist at Boston Aerospace Engineering. ents, mostly for automotive and aircraft
College, and as a visiting professor at Oldberg, who was graduated from mechanisms.
Cornell. Cornell in 1929 as a Mechanical Engi- Oldberg is a member of the Society
At Cornell Philbrick taught introduc- neer, joined the College of Engineering of Automotive Engineers and the
tory geological science and advanced faculty as a professor of mechanical American Society of Mechanical Engi-
courses in engineering geology, hydro- engineering in 1968. Since that time he neers, and is an author of several arti-
geology, structural geology, sedimenta- has taught on a half-time basis, super- cles for professional journals in these
tion, and exploration geology. vising design projects in the Master fields.
After coming to the University as a of Engineering program and offering He plans to form a consulting firm,
regular faculty member, he served for courses in automotive engineering and specializing in novel power and trans-
five years as the faculty adviser to the conceptual design. mission systems, in the Ithaca area. 48

The following publications and confer- the ASCE, Journal of the Sanitary Engineer- • CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
ence papers by faculty members and ing Division 98 SA 6:909-25. Edwards, V. H., Ko, R. C, and Balogh, S. A.
graduate students of the Cornell College Loehr, R. C, and Johanson, K. J. 1973. 1972. Dynamics and control of continuous
Phosphorus Removal from a Food Process- microbial propagators subject to substrate in-
of Engineering were published or pre- hibition. Biotechnology and Bioengineering
ing Wastewater—Laboratory and Full Scale
sented during the period November 1972 Evaluation. Paper read at 45th Meeting of 14(6):939-74.
through January 1973. Earlier publica- the New York Water Pollution Control As-
sociation, 23 January 1973, in New York. Fontaine, R. W., and Harriott, P. 1972. The
tions inadvertently omitted from previous effect of molecular diffusion on gas mixing in
listings are included here with the date in Rehkugler, G. E. 1972. A technique for the fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science
parentheses. The names of Cornell per- routine stress analysis of the hen's egg. 27:2189-97.
sonnel are in italics. Transactions of the American Society of
Agricultural Engineers 15(6): 1086-9. Tyler, J., and Finn, R. K. 1972. Growth
Rates of a Pseudomonad on 2,4-Dichlorophe-
Scott, N. R., and Poleman, T. T. 1972. In- nol. Paper read at Central New York Branch
strumentation Methods for Acquisition of Meeting of the American Society of Micro-
Physiological Data from Unrestrained Ani- biologists, 4 November 1972, in Binghamton,
mals Including Humans. Paper read at Win- New York.
ter Meeting of the American Society of
• AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Agricultural Engineers, 11-15 December York, R. 1972. In memoriam: Gustavus Hill
Cooke, J. R. 1972. An interpretation of the 1972, in Chicago, Illinois. Robinson. Cornell Law Review 58(1): 6-8.
resonant behavior of intact fruits and vege-
tables. Transactions of the American Society Wickham, T., and Levine, G. 1972. Neltai
of Agricultural Engineers 15(6): 1075-80. inosaku no suikanri (Water management of • CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL
tropical rice production). Nobiyuku Nogyo ENGINEERING
Cooke, J. R., and Rand, R. H. 1972. A Math- 389. Tokyo: Zoidan-hojin Nosei Chosa Ammar, A., and Nilson, A. H. 1972. Analy-
ematical Interpretation of Vibratory Fruit Iinkai (Foundation for Agricultural Policy). sis of light gage steel shear diaphragms, Part
Harvesting: A Tutorial Paper. Paper read at 1. Structural engineering report 350, Ameri-
Winter Meeting of the American Society of • APPLIED AND ENGINEERING can Iron and Steel Institute.
Agricultural Engineers, 11-15 December PHYSICS
1972, in Chicago, Illinois. Salpeter, M. M., Plattner, H., and Rogers, Bereano, P. L. 1972. Courts as Institutions
Furry, R. B. 1972. Postharvest Storage of A. W. 1972. Quantitative assay of esterases for Assessing Technology. Paper read at
Cabbage: Problems and Prospects. Paper in end plates of mouse diaphragm by EM meeting of the American Association for the
read at Winter Meeting of the American So- autoradiography. Journal of Histochemistry Advancement of Science, 26-31 December
ciety of Agricultural Engineers, 11-15 De- and Cytochemistry 20(12): 1059-68. 1972, in Washington, D.C.
cember 1972, in Chicago, Illinois. Schwerer, F. C, and Silcox, J. 1972. Electri- Cheng, I. -M., and Brutsaert, W. 1972. Wave
Johnson, A. T., and Scott, N. R. 1972. The cal resistivity due to dislocations in nickel effect and eddy diffusivity in the air near a
Poultry Leg as an Organ for Heat Exchange. at low temperatures. Philosophical Magazine water surface. Water Resources Research
Paper read at Winter Meeting of the Ameri- 26:1105. 8:1439-43.
can Society of Agricultural Engineers, 11-15 Veneklasen, L. H., and Siegel, B. M. 1972. A
December 1972, in Chicago, Illinois. Ewart, C. J., and Brutsaert, W. (1972). Some
field-emission illumination system using a generalized characteristics of the floods and
Loehr, R. C. 1972. Agricultural runoff— new optical configuration. Journal of Ap- droughts of the Lower Mekong. Hydrologi-
characteristics and control. Proceedings of plied Physics 43:4989-96. cal Sciences Bulletin 17:323-38.
Gallagher, R. H. 1972. University curricula supplement 2, ed. A. Lew, pp. 41-4. Hono-
for computer oriented design analysis. In lulu, Hawaii: Western Periodicals Co.
The software user: Education and qualifica-
tion, ed. H. Kraus, pp. 1-8. New York: Salton, G. 1972. An evaluation of query ex-
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pansion by addition of clustered terms. In-
formation Storage and Retrieval 8(6): 349.
Gallagher, R. H., and Mau, S.-T. 1972. A
method of limit point calculation in finite • ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
element structural analysis. NASA report Berger, T. 1972. Everyman's information
CR-2115. theory. Cornell Engineer 38(3):4-8.
Gallagher, R. H., and Zienkiewicz, O. C. . 1972. On the correlation coefficient
1973. Optimum structural design. London: of a bivariate, equal variance, complex
J. Wiley, Ltd. Gaussian sample. Annals of Mathematical
Mawdsley, J. A., and Brutsaert, W. 1973. Statistics 43(6):2000-3.
Computing evapotranspiration by geostrophic . 1972. Optimum quantizers and per-
drag concept. Proceedings of the ASCE, mutation codes. IEEE Transactions on In-
Journal of Hydraulics Division 99:99-110. formation Theory IT-18:759-65.
Meyburg, A. H. 1972. An analysis of the re- Berger, T., and Toms, W. 1973. Capacity and
lationships between intercity passenger trans- error exponents of a channel modeled as a
portation and the socio-economic character- linear dynamic system. IEEE Transactions
istics of metropolitan areas. Proceedings of on Information Theory IT-19:124-6.
the Transportation Research Forum XIII
(l):271-84. Bergmans, P. P. 1973. Broadcasting Simul-
taneously at Different Levels of Distortion.
Nilson, A. H. 1973. Membrane Action in Paper read at 6th Hawaii International Con-
Light Gage Steel Construction. Paper read ference on System Sciences, 8-12 January
at Conference on Cold Formed Steel Design, 1973, at the University of Hawaii, in Hono-
16 January 1973, at the University of Mary- lulu.
land, College Park, Maryland. Book, D. L., On, E., Manheimer, W. M.,
Nilson, A. H., and Winter, G. 1972. Design and Boris, J. P. 1972. Model Equations for
of concrete structures, 8th edition. New Saturation of Plasma Instabilities by Reso-
York: McGraw-Hill. nant Mode Coupling. Paper read at Annual
Meeting of the Plasma Physics Division of
Sexsmith, R. G. 1972. Draft Proposal for a the American Physical Society, 13-16 No-
Probabilistic Code Format. Paper read at vember 1972, in Monterey, California.
Fall Meeting of the American Concrete Insti-
tute, 31 October-3 November 1972, in Holly- Brice, N. M. 1972. Future Directions in Mag-
wood, Florida. netospheric Research. Paper read at Fall
Meeting of the American Geophysical Un-
Sexsmith, R. G., and Mau, S.-T. 1972. Relia- ion, 4-7 December 1972, in San Francisco,
bility design with expected cost optimization. California.
In Proceedings of the specialty conference on Brice, N. M., Conrad, J. C, LaLonde, L. M.,
safety and reliability of metal structures, pp. and Steinfeld, A. H. 1973. Two-beam obser-
427-43. New York: American Society of vations of ionospheric irregularity structure
Civil Engineers. and velocity at Arecibo. Radio Science 8(1):
Stopher, P. R., and Lavender, J. O. 1972. 39-46.
Disaggregate, behavioral travel demand Davitian, H., Gardner, W., and Nation, J. A.
models: Empirical tests of three hypotheses. 1972. Propagation of Small Diameter Elec-
In Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting tron Beams in Neutral Gases. Self Magnetic
of the Transportation Research Forum, ed. Field Effects in the Propagation of Intense
R. H. Shackson, pp. 321-36. Oxford, Indi- Relativistic Electron Beams. Papers read at
ana: Richard B. Cross Co. Annual Meeting of the Plasma Physics Di-
vision of the American Physical Society, 13-
• COMPUTER SCIENCE 16 November 1972, in Monterey, California.
Brown, S., Gries, £>., and Szymanski, T. Eastman, L. F. 1972. High Average Power
(1972). Program schemes with pushdown Pulsed GaAs LSA Oscillators. Paper read at
stores. SIAM Journal on Computing 1(3): IEEE International Electron Devices Con-
242-68. ference, 4-6 December 1972, in Washington,
Bunch, J. R., and Rose, D. J. 1973. Single-
element tearing and modification of sparse Farley, D. T., and Balsley, B. B. 1973. In-
symmetric systems. In Proceedings of 6th stabilities in the equatorial electrojet. Jour-
international conference on system sciences, nal of Geophysical Research 78:227-39. 50
Fine, T. 1973. An approach to pattern clas-
sification when little is known. In Proceed-
ings of 6th Hawaii international conference
on system sciences, pp. 53-5. Honolulu:
University of Hawaii.
. 1972. Conceptions of Probability.
Paper read at Colloquium of Professional
Group on Information Theory, San Fran-
cisco Section, 20 November 1972, in Palo
Alto, California.
Frey, J. 1972. Biophysical effects of micro-
wave radiation. In NEREM Record, pp.
136-9. Boston, Massachusetts: Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
. 1972. Commercial Applications of
Microwave Solid State Devices. Invited pa-
per read at IEEE Northeast Regional Elec-
tronics Meeting (NEREM), 1-3 November
1972, in Boston, Massachusetts.
Frey, J., and Matthews, D. B. 1972. Growth
of electromagnetic waves on the surface of
a negative differential conductivity material. Sudan, R. N., Akinrimisi, J., and Farley, Emiliani, pp. 11-12. Miami, Florida: Uni-
Journal of Applied Physics 43:4981-8. D. T. 1973. Generation of small-scale irreg- versity of Miami.
ularities in the equatorial electrojet. Journal
Kwor, R., Lee, C. A., and Dalman, G. C. of Geophysical Research 78:240-8. Bird, J. M. 1972. Evolution of the Western
1972. S-Band Bulk Silicon Baritt Diode. Pa- Appalachian Continental Margin. Paper read
per read at IEEE International Electron De- Sultan, A. L., Book, D. L., and Ott, E. 1972. at Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal Sedi-
vices Conference, 4-6 December 1972, in Shallow-Water Model of the Rayleigh-Taylor mentation Conference, 10-11 November
Washington, D.C. Instability. Paper read at Annual Meeting of 1972, in Madison, Wisconsin.
McBride, J. B., Ott, E., Boris, J. P., and the Plasma Physics Division of the American
Physical Society, 13-16 November 1972, in . 1972. Proposed US. program for
Orens, J. H. 1972. Theory and simulation of the geodynamics program. Part II of Pro-
turbulent heating by the modified two stream Monterey, California.
gram on eastern North America and the
instability. Physics of Fluids 15:2367-83. Tang, C. L., and Bey, P. P. 1973. Phase- continental interior. Report for the U.S. Geo-
McBride, J. B., Ott, E., and Orens, J. H. matching in second-harmonic generation us- dynamics Committee, Geophysics Research
1972. Ion Heating by Parametric Instabili- ing artificial periodic structures. Journal of Board, National Academy of Sciences.
ties of Magnetized Plasmas with Two Ion Quantum Electronics QE-9:9-17.
Travers, W. B. 1972. An Ancient Continen-
Species. Paper read at Annual Meeting of Wagner, C. E., Ott, E., and McBride, J. B. tal Margin in the Northern Apennine Moun-
the Plasma Physics Division of the American 1972. Theory of Turbulent Plasma Heating tains, Italy. Paper read at Penrose Confer-
Physical Society, 13-16 November 1972, in by Anomalous Absorption of Magnetosonic ence on Continental Margins, sponsored by
Monterey, California. Waves. Paper read at Annual Meeting of the the Geological Society of America, 15-17
Noble, D., and Carlin, H. J. 1973. Circuit Plasma Physics Division of the American December 1972, in Warrenton, Virginia.
properties of tightly coupled dispersive trans- Physical Society, 13-16 November 1972, in Wells, J. W. 1972. Symbiangia, 2L new rhi-
mission lines. IEEE Transactions on Circuit Monterey, California. zangiid coral. Tulane Studies in Geology
Theory CT-20(l):56-64. and Paleontology 10(1): 25-7.
Ossakow, S. L., Ott, E., and Haber, I. (1972). • GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Nonlinear evolution of whistler instabilities. Bloom, A. L. 1972. Filled interglacial valleys • MATERIALS SCIENCE AND
Physics of Fluids 15:2314-26. of the south end of Cayuga Lake near Ithaca,
New York. Office of Water Resources Re- ENGINEERING
. 1972. Simulation of Whistler Tur- search, Department of the Interior, report Chen, Y. C, Martinson, R. H., and Ruoff,
bulence in the Magnetosphere. Paper read at A-031-NY, agreement no. 14-31-0001- A. L. 1972. A multiple crystal holder for
Annual Meeting of the Plasma Physics Di- 3232. ultrasonic measurement. Review of Scientific
vision of the American Physical Society, 13- Instruments 43:1712-3.
16 November 1972, in Monterey, California. . 1972. Isostatic and other tectonic Das Gupta, A., and Kramer, E. J. (1972).
Ott, E. 1972. Nonlinear evolution of the distortions of quaternary glacial-eustatic Experimental evidence for surface pinning
Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a thin layer. shore lines. In Abstracts of the 2nd national by defects in superconducting niobium crys-
Physical Review Letters 21:1429. conference of the American Quaternary As- tals. Philosophical Magazine 26:779-800.
sociation, ed. C. Emiliani, pp. 8-10. Miami,
Ott, E., and Manheimer, W. M. 1972. Theory Florida: University of Miami. Kramer, E. /., and Das Gupta, A. (1972). A
of Microwave Generation by an Intense Rel- model of surface flux line pinning in type II
ativistic Electron Beam in a Rippled Mag- Bloom, A. L., et al. 1972. New uranium- superconductors. Philosophical Magazine 26:
netic Field. Paper read at Annual Meeting series dates from the emerged reef terraces 769-77.
of the Plasma Physics Division of the Amer- on Huon Peninsula, New Guinea. In Ab-
ican Physical Society, 13-16 November stracts of the 2nd national conference of the Putz, A. G., Steingart, M., and Kramer,
51 1972, in Monterey, California. American Quaternary Association, ed. C. E. J. 1972. A flux flow memory switch. In
Proceedings of the 1972 applied supercon- Torrance, K. E. 1972. Mass diffusion in a
ductivity conference, IEEE publication no. self-confined rotating flow. NASA report no.
72CHO682-5-TABSC, ed. H. M. Long and CR-2172.
W. F. Gauster, pp. 442-5. New York: Insti-
tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Turcotte, D. L., Hsui, A. T., and Torrance,
K. E. 1972. Thermal structure of the moon.
Ruoff, A. L. 1973. Materials science. Engle- Journal of Geophysical Research 77(35):
wood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 6931-9.
• MECHANICAL AND Wang, K. K., and Rasmussen, G. 1972. Op-
AEROSPACE ENGINEERING timization of inertia welding process by re-
sponse surface methodology. Journal of
Clark, B. L., and Dropkin, D. 1972. A para- Engineering for Industry (ASME) 94(4):
metric study of the transient ablation of 999-1006.
teflon. Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME)
94(4) :347-54. • OPERATIONS RESEARCH
Cool, T. A. 1973. Chemically Excited Elec- Billera, L. J. (1972). Global stability in n-
tronic Transitions. Paper read at 3rd Winter person games. Transactions of the American
Colloquium on Quantum Electronics, 22-24 Mathematical Society 172:45-56.
January 1973, in Alta, Utah.
Frey, S. C, Jr., and Nemhauser, G. L. 1972.
. 1973. The transfer chemical laser: Temporal expansion of a transportation net-
A review of recent research. IEEE Journal work—II. Transportation Science 6(4): 395-
of Quantum Electronics QE-9(1): 72-82. 406.
Gebhart, B. 1973. Instability, transition and Garfinkel, R. S., and Nemhauser, G. L.
turbulence in buoyancy induced flows. In 1972. Integer programming. New York:
Annual reviews of fluid mechanics, vol. 5, Wiley.
pp. 213-46. Palo Alto, California: Annual
Reviews, Inc. Jaquette, S. C. (1972). Markov decision pro-
cesses with a new optimality criterion: Small
Kuscer, I., and Shen, S. F. 1972. Effect of interest rates. Annals of Mathematical Sta-
gas-surface interaction on the transmission tistics 43:1894-1901.
of sound through a collisionless gas. Trans-
port Theory and Statistical Physics 2(3): 227- Stidham, S., Jr. 1972. L=\W: A discounted
41. analogue and a new proof. Operations Re-
Moore, F. K. 1972. On the Minimum Size of search 20:1115-26.
Natural-Draft Dry Cooling Towers for Large . 1972. Regenerative processes in the
Power Plants. Paper 72-WA/HT-60 read at theory of alternating-priority queue. Ad-
Annual Winter Meeting of the American vances in Applied Probability 4:542-77.
Society of Mechanical Engineers, 26-30 No-
vember 1972, in New York. Weiss, L., and Wolfowitz, J. 1972. An
asymptotically efficient sequential equivalent
Moore, F. K., and Jaluria, Y. (1972). Ther- of the t-test. Journal of the Royal Statistical
mal effects of power plants on lakes. Journal Society 34:456-60.
of Heat Transfer (ASME) 95:163-8.
. 1972. Optimal, fixed length, non- ENGINEERING: Cornell Quarterly
Moore, J. W., Wehe, R. L., and Yerazunis, S. parametric sequential confidence limits for a
1972. Unmanned exploration of Mars—an translation parameter. Z. Wahrscheinlich- Editor: Gladys J. McConkey
experiment in engineering education. Chem- keitstheorie Verw. Geb. 24:203-9.
ical Technology 2(ll):675-80. Photographer: David Ruether
Seebass, A. R., and George, A. R. 1973. • THEORETICAL AND APPLIED Graphic Artist: Barbara Bernstein
Sonic Boom Reduction Through Aircraft MECHANICS
Design and Operation. AIAA paper no. 73- Design Services: Lynda Thompson,
Alfriend, K. T. 1973. The Partially Filled Office of University Publications
241, presented at AIAA 11th Aerospace Sci- Viscous Ring Damper. Paper read at AIAA
ences Meeting, 10-12 January 1973, in 11th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 10-12 Lithographers: General Offset Printing Co.,
Washington, D.C. January 1973, in Washington, D.C. Springfield, Massachusetts
Rosen, D. I., Sileo, R. N., and Cool, T. A. Levin, S. A. 1972. A mathematical analysis Typography: Dix Typesetting Co. Inc.,
1973. A spectroscopic study of CW chemical of the genetic feedback mechanism. Amer-
lasers. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics Syracuse, New York
ican Naturalist 106:145-64.
QE-9(1): 163-72.
Shen, S. F. 1973. The Airfoil Problem via . 1972. Review of E. Batschelet, In-
the Finite-Element Method. Paper read at troduction to mathematics for the life sci-
Symposium on Application of Computers to ences. Biometrics 28:892-3.
Please address any correspondence, includ-
Fluid Dynamic Analysis and Design, 3-4 . 1972. Review of R. Rosen, Dynam- ing notification of change of address, to
January 1973, at Polytechnic Institute of ical systems theory in biology. Biometrics ENGINEERING: Cornell Quarterly, Carpenter
Brooklyn, Farmingdale, New York. 28:1152. Hall, Ithaca, New York 14850. 52
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