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MBA Course Assessment

Personal Development for Leadership and Strategic Management

Students will complete the following tasks in a written report.

PLEASE NOTE: All course assessment – written reports will be run through a plagiarism software. Any
course assessment – written reports receiving over 20% plagiarism result will be returned to students
without grading. See MBA Course Assessment Guidelines for Students for more information.

You have been a senior manager for a number of years and have decided that your next career move should
be to or take responsibility for an aspect of strategic management in an organisation. Some interesting posts
have been advertised recently and you have registered with a recruitment agency Jasper Hall, which
specialises in senior positions.

Task 1

Jasper Hall has sent you a guidance pack titled ‘Preparation for Application and Interviews’, which
includes some tasks for you to complete. This will provide the foundations for the applications you will

You are required to produce a file of information. You must:

● analyse the knowledge and skills in leadership and strategic management which are required to
support the creation and achievement of organisational vision and strategy (worth 4 marks)
● assess the contribution that factors other than skills and knowledge in leadership and strategic
management make to the achievement of organisational vision and strategy (worth 4 marks)
● review theories of leadership and management and assess the implications for your personal
development (worth 4 marks)
● provides a justified ranking of the leadership and management knowledge and skills required to
successfully create and achieve organisational strategy (worth 7 marks)
● evaluates the leadership and management knowledge and skills required for the successful
achievement of organisational operations versus the creation and achievement of organisational
strategy (worth 9 marks)

Task 2

The second part of the file enables you to manage the development of your own personal knowledge and
skills in leadership and strategic management. This will support achievement of personal and
organisational vision and strategy. This audit must be done in the context of an organisation where you are
employed, where you work in a voluntary capacity, where you wish to gain employment or where you are

You must:
● carry out an audit of your own personal leadership and management knowledge and skills. The
knowledge and skills identified must facilitate the creation and achievement of organisational
vision (worth 4 marks)
● set objectives to meet your personal development needs in the context of strategic organisational
needs (worth 4 marks)

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● prepare a personal development plan to develop own leadership and management skills to support
the creation of organisational vision and strategy (worth 4 marks)
● justify how objectives and the plan selected for personal development support achievement of
organisational vision and strategy (worth 7 marks)
● carry out appropriate personal development activities to develop knowledge and skills identified in
the audit (worth 9 marks)

Task 3

Jasper Hall has sent you an email about an interesting post which is advertised in Management Today and
you have decided to apply. As part of the application the organisation wants you to send a CV and a paper
on ‘Developing and Communicating Organisational Vision’. The SHR Department in the organisation will
use this information in the shortlisting of applicants, who will then be invited to interview.

Prepare a paper which:

● analyses the factors which impact on the creation of organisational vision (worth 4 marks)
● assesses the different approaches to developing vision (worth 4 marks)
● evaluates the key factors which impact on the communication of vision to external stakeholders
(worth 4 marks)
● evaluates the key factors needed to gain the commitment of internal stakeholders when
communicating vision (worth 7 marks)

Task 4

Congratulations you have been shortlisted for the post and been invited to interview. You are required to
prepare a presentation which:
● assesses the benefits of review and explains when this tool can be used in the achievement of
personal and organisational strategy (worth 4 marks)

You are required to produce a paper which:

● evaluates the sources of information needed to review progress with achieving personal
development plans (worth 4 marks)

Task 5

In the guidance pack Preparation for Application and Interviews’, Jasper Hall have asked you to review
progress to date with your personal development plan. You understand the importance of review in
supporting individual and organisational progress.
● produce a report which reviews your progress against the outcomes stated in your personal
development plan (worth 9 marks)

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Your course assessment will be graded as follows:

Description of Grading
Task Questions & Content: Exceptionally well-presented and argued; clear and detailed analysis of the
knowledge; ideas are detailed, well-developed, supported with specific evidence & facts, as well as examples and
specific details. Answers well developed with high quality and quantity support. Reveals high degree of critical 92
thinking. The written report indicates synthesis of ideas, in-depth analysis and evidence of original thought and
support for the tasks.
Sources: It is evident that the student has used a wide range of sources, including lectures and course readings. If
applicable, the student has consulted scholarly books, websites, journal articles, etc. not explicitly discussed in
class. All sources are listed in the Reference List. Quotes are all properly attributed and cited. All in-text citations
are properly formatted. Resources are properly formatted using APA style.
Professionally Formatted: Course assessment written report is clean and appropriately formatted. Student
follows the course assessment formatting requirements; correct margins, spacing and indentation; professional 2
and business style, etc. The document includes a title page, table of contents and page numbering.
Writing and Clarity: Writing is at a Master level. Writing is clear, concise and answers the task directly. All
sentences are clearly written and it's evident that student has used the grammar and spell checker available in the
word processing software. No words are misused or unnecessarily fancy, that is, the thesaurus is not overly used
to change words. Technical terms, words from other languages and words from historical periods are clearly
defined and explained. All information is accurate and up-to-date. Writing revels high level of critical thinking,
synthesis of ideas, in-depth analysis and original thought.
Total Marks 100

Please use the MBA Course Assessment Guidelines as you complete your course assessment written report.

Course Assessment Due Date: Sunday, March 5th, 2023 by 23:00 CET

Submission Instructions:
Save the written final project as: Course Short Name-Your Name-Month & Year of Submission
● for example: MBA.IM-Jane Smith-Apr 2022

ALL STUDENTS MUST upload their completed course assessment - written report in the Assessment
section under Course Assessment – Submission Area in Moodle.

If you have any problems or issues uploading to Moodle, please contact:

PDLSM MBA Course Assessment Page No. 3

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