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Prof: Martha C. White

Actividad 2

Observa las imágenes. ¿Acerca de qué crees trata el texto?

Verifica si comprendes las palabras claves. Adivina qué palabras NO aparecen en el texto.

cartoon – comic strip – iconic language – caption – caricature – frame – speech bubble/balloon
metaphor – onomatopoeias – stereotypes – pen name

Lectura global.
1) Lee el texto , resalta los cognados y verifica tus presunciones

1-Human beings express ideas that tell a story and present 5- Some popular Argentinian
and feelings in different ways. cartoon characters who appear comic strips are: Mafalda,
We speak, write, sing, dance, regularly. Each drawing is Paturuzú, Matías and Clemente.
paint and also draw. Cartoons called a frame. The characters’ Old or new, they all show
and comic strips are two conversations, thoughts or something typical of our society
important and appealing forms monologues appear in speech and culture at different points in
of communication. They bubbles/balloons. Authors use time. Comic strip authors don’t
combine verbal language - ellipsis to omit unimportant always use their real names.
words- with iconic language - information, visualized Some well-known pen names
images-and signs. metaphors to express the are Quino, Caloi and Rep. Do
characters’ mood and you know their real names?
2-A cartoon is usually a single onomatopoeias to imitate
drawing that shows human sounds and noises. In the 6- There are many popular
habits or activities, political or international language of comic comic strips around the world:
historical events, or fashion, strips, onomatopoeias are the Chilean Condorito, the
humorously or sarcastically. always in English. American Peanuts, the French
Cartoons usually have a caption, Asterix, the superheroes
a brief explanation or comment. 4- Children, adolescents and Superman, Batman and
Caricatures are similar to adults love reading comic strips. Spiderman. Nowadays, most of
cartoons. They are an They appear in newspapers or them appear on TV and
exaggerated pictorial magazines around the world. different generations enjoy
representation of a person. Their main function is watching these entertaining
entertainment. They show stories.
3- Comic strips, on the other stereotypes in society that are
hand, are a series of drawings easy to identify.
2) Ubica la letra correspondiente de los siguientes subtítulos conforme al párrafo que

Párrafo 1: _____ A) Convenciones especiales

Párrafo 2: _____ B) Diversión en todo el mundo

Párrafo 3: _____ C) Función

Párrafo 4: _____ D) Cartoons

Párrafo 5: _____ E) Símbolos argentinos

Párrafo 6: _____ F) Comunicación humana

Lectura intensiva

1) Encierra la acepción correcta

1- express claro urgente expresar

2- strip(s) pista de aterrizaje desnudarse tira cómica

3- frame enmarcar programa cuadro

4- show espectáculo mostrar notarse

5- culture cultural cultura cultivo

2) Traduce las siguientes oraciones

1) Comic strips, on the other hand, are a series of drawings that tell a story and present cartoon

characters who appear regularly.




2) They show stereotypes in society that are easy to identify.


3) Nowadays, most of them appear on TV and different generations enjoy watching these entertaining



2) ¿Cuál es el antecedente de las siguientes palabras?

Párrafo 1
1-we: ________________________________________________________________


Párrafo 2

3-that: ________________________________________________________

4-they: ________________________________________________________

Párrafo 3

5-that : ________________________________________________________


Párrafo 4



9-they: _________________________________________________________


Párrafo 5


12-our: __________________________________________________________


14-you: _________________________________________________________

Párrafo 6

16-them: _____________________________________________________

17-these: ____________________________________________________

Lee nuevamente el texto y decide si las siguientes afirmaciones son VERDADERAS o
1. Los seres humanos expresamos nuestros sentimientos de una determinada manera. _____
2. La caricatura expresa un hábito o actividad humana. _____
3. La historieta cuenta una historia. _____

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