Molly's Free Dog Story - PDF Version

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A Short Bestiality Story by

Molly Violet
If you like this free story and want to read more of my bestiality
confessions or listen to my voice, you can find lots more filthy taboo
content here:

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I want to tell you about one of the naughtiest things I’ve ever done in
my life.

It’s something so filthy and so taboo…

I bet most people would never find something like this arousing.

In fact, most people would probably find it appalling.



But… not you. You’re not like most people.

And if you’ve stumbled across my dirty confessions, hidden away in this

naughty little corner of the internet…
I’d bet everything I own that you’re a horny, kinky, filthy sex addicted

Just like me.

You get it.

I can trust you. You can keep a secret.


If you’re ready…

Let me tell you all about my first ever sexual experience with a dog.

It’s one of my favorite memories, and it was one of the most intense
experiences I’ve ever had in my 21 years of life.

I’ve let a lot of dogs fuck me since then, but my first time will always be so
special to me.

Even more special than the first time I let a guy fuck me.

You never forget the first time with an animal.

This happened a few years ago, shortly after I turned eighteen. I was still in
the twelfth grade (my final year of high school), living with my parents and
my twin sister.

Around that time, I had been diving deeper into more and more extreme
porn online, discovering videos I had never imagined could be quite so

I already knew I was a very curious and naughty young girl. I would
constantly look for new ways to satisfy my urges, often finding myself
masturbating to crazier things every single week…

But it was still quite surprising to find myself developing an overwhelming

urge for doggie dick.

I’d watch videos online every single day, hiding in the school bathroom
with my phone at lunch time. I used to put in my headphones and spend my
entire lunch break sitting on the toilet seat, with my legs spread apart, my
panties around my ankles, masturbating to the nastiest filth you can

My favorite videos were the homemade movies of cute teens, just like
myself, bending over in their bedroom and letting huge dogs fuck their
brains out. Many of the videos were clearly filmed in Russia, or other
strange countries in Europe where I guess taboo sex is a bit more
common… but I was intrigued, and excited, to see some of the girls in these
videos were American… and blonde… just like me.

I would touch my pussy in the bathroom watching those girls and dream
about being in their position. I would close my eyes and imagine a big
angry Mastiff mounting me, pounding my holes, making me his bitch.

I’d make myself cum so hard I’d often nearly pass out, then I would head
back to my afternoon classes with a big smile on my face.

The sounds the girls would make in these videos were incredible. No man
had ever fucked me hard enough to make me scream quite like that before,
and I became so desperate to experience it for myself.

Were they exaggerating for the camera, or was a dog cock really that
intense and enjoyable? Was I missing out on the ultimate pleasure?
I became obsessed. After some time, just watching porn wasn’t quite
enough. I couldn’t feel truly satisfied seeing it happen to other girls. I
needed to experience it for myself. I was desperate.

Luckily for me, our family had a dog.

His name was Rocky, and he was a huge German Shepherd. He was a wild,
excitable, crazy dog.

I say “was”, but he is still alive today.

We recently celebrated his sixth birthday, but back when this story took
place, he must have been around three years old.

Did you know that German Shepherds reach adulthood around the age of
two or three? That’s also when they become the most sexually active.

It was perfect timing.

Rocky was huge. I think he must have weighed more than I did, because
back then I was probably only around 75 pounds… and I must have been
around 4’9” tall, so I was genuinely tiny compared to my lovely big doggie.

I mean, I’m still pretty small compared to that beast even now… but back
then, the size difference was crazy.

The thought of Rocky’s giant body had been driving me wild for months. I
would daydream about him mounting me from behind and crushing me
under his immense weight.

Every time my parents fed Rocky in the kitchen, I’d slyly watch him devour
his food from the bowl and I’d start to get jealous. I was so desperate to just
spread my legs apart and let him eat my pussy instead… but my parents
were always around, getting in the way. It was so frustrating!
So, I came up with a plan. I’d pretend to be sick to get out of going to
school, then I’d have the house to myself while my family were out all day.

My dad worked full time at an office and my mom went out most days to
the gym, spa, and then she would always meet her friends for lunch and
some afternoon shopping.

Part of me really wanted to involve my sister, Hannah… but as close as we

were, I wasn’t sure if this might be a bit too much for her. Later on, I’d
discover she had been experimenting with Rocky herself in private without
telling me. That filthy little slut. My sister is the only person I ever met in
my entire life who’s truly as kinky as I am.

I can tell you plenty of stories about my sister and the fun we had together
with Rocky at some point soon, but for now, let’s focus on my first time.

I knew it would be risky, but I was so desperate for some doggie dick that I
didn’t care. Even if I did get in trouble, I had to at least try it.

Besides, Rocky had been sniffing around my legs during dinner each night
for a long time, licking my ankles, pawing at my thighs, trying to get his
nose underneath my skirt… so I had a feeling he wanted it just as bad as I

Well, the next morning came, and the plan worked like a charm. My
clueless parents fell for my lies without questioning me at all. I pretended to
be sick, frowned and coughed a little, and that was that. They were totally
fine with letting me skip school. Dad went to work, mom went out to meet
her friends at the gym, and my sister took the bus to school as usual.

I was finally all alone with my beloved Rocky.

I waited in my room for fifteen minutes, just to be sure nobody had
forgotten their keys and might be coming back unexpectedly…

Then I got out of bed, went downstairs, and walked into our back garden
wearing nothing at all.

Yep. Completely naked.

I wanted to show off my petite body to my pet. He needed to understand I

was an animal just like him. If he thought of me as something else, he might
not understand. So, naked I went through the garden, heading straight for
his big red kennel.

He was sleeping. I could hear him growling inside the big wooden box as
he snoozed. It was hot outside, and my skin began to glisten with
perspiration. My toned stomach reflected the sunlight. Sweat ran down my
legs and ass, dripping onto the grass beneath my tiny bare feet.

When I reached Rocky’s kennel I turned around and bent down on all fours,
just a few feet away from the entrance.

With my face pressed down against the grass and my ass raised up in the
air, I spread my wet pussy open with two fingers and yelled for Rocky to
come out and get me.

“Rocky! Wake up, boy! I have a lil treat for you! Good boy! GOOD BOY!”

He woke up immediately, barked twice, and bolted straight for me. He must
have smelled my pussy. My pet clearly knew what I needed.

I barely had time to prepare myself. Rocky was a blur, darting out of his
kennel faster than I’d ever seen him move before in my life. He was on top
of me in less than a second.
He mounted me, barking, snapping his jaws in a frenzy. His tongue hung
out of that gorgeous muzzle, splattering drool all over my shoulder and
neck. The full force of his weight crashed down upon my tiny porcelain
body, and I shrieked out loud with surprise.

He pushed my face down into the dirt with one paw. I tried to scream again,
but a mouthful of grass silenced me. His claws dug into my bare shoulders,
covering me in nasty red scratches, while his veiny red cock bobbed around
between my legs, slapping against my inner thighs, growing larger by the

I let out a gasp, trying my best to stay quiet. Our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs.
Brown, were an old retired couple and I knew they would be at home that
morning. They liked to sit in their back garden drinking their morning
coffee, so there was a risk they might hear me if I got too loud.

The last thing I needed was an audience. If they were to peek over the fence
and tell my mom and dad what I had been getting up to while I was
supposed to be off school sick, I’d be totally screwed.

And not in a good way.

But Rocky didn’t care about that. Getting in trouble meant nothing to him.
All he cared about was dominating his new bitch.

He barked so loud they must have heard it two towns over. Rocky growled
like a wild monster, panting desperately, drooling all over my cheek, neck,
and shoulder. He thrashed his hips around, trying to find a hole to fill with
his big red dog cock.

There was no romance. No foreplay. He’s an animal, and all he thinks about
is breeding and eating. I wasn’t his girlfriend. Rocky just saw me as a bitch
to fill with puppies, and he didn’t care if he might hurt me in the process.

It was so fucking exhilarating. I had never been so wet before in my entire

life… and his dick wasn’t even inside me yet.

“GOOD BOY… Good boy…” I murmured.

After a few more seconds, eagerly waiting for him to find my pussy, I
suddenly started to worry it might all have been a big mistake.

What the hell am I doing, kneeling down in the dirt, naked, in broad
daylight, trying to fuck my dog?

What will mom and dad say if they catch me?

This is crazy!

But all those thoughts suddenly evaporated when Rocky finally found my

I screamed as he forced himself inside me and started pounding my poor

little pussy without mercy. My body started to shake almost as if I were
having a seizure, completely overwhelmed by the intense sensations.

By that point in my life, I’d fucked quite a few different guys, but their
dicks felt nothing like my beautiful German Shepherd’s. Not even close. It
was so wonderful I started to cry.

With tears streaming down my face, I kept my knees planted firmly in the
grass and arched my back, giving myself to my dog. My pussy belonged to
him now. He was so vicious and wild, pumping his fat red cock in and out
of me, over and over and over again, with the force and speed of a wrecking
The swollen knot at the base of his shaft slapped against my pink pussy lips
repeatedly, until Rocky finally gave it one last brutal thrust, and forced the
bulbous thing inside of me. The knot was so huge it felt like it might tear
me apart as it entered my poor little pussy.

I closed my eyes and squealed, clenching handfuls of dry grass between my

fingers. After a few minutes Rocky finally stopped pounding me, giving me
a moment to recover. I tried to breathe in some air and calm myself down.
For a second, I thought my beloved doggie might be finished with me…

But then he started to cum.

It was incredible. Rocky’s big fat swollen knot did its job perfectly,
stopping any precious sperm from leaking out and escaping. My pussy
began to quickly fill up with dog cum. I could feel the potent sticky fluid
swimming around inside my guts, sending a warm fuzzy feeling through
my entire body.

“Oh my god,” I murmured with my eyes half-closed, drunk on pure lust.

“Good boy, Rocky… good boy… good boy…”

All I could do was lie there beneath him, crying, moaning, drooling into the
grass and dirt as he pumped me full of cum.

I’d never felt anything quite like it before. Plenty of men had used me for
sex, humiliated me, and blown their loads inside me… but they just didn’t
do it with the same kind of animalistic instinct. Rocky had something
primal and savage in his nature that even the wildest human men just don’t

Lying there under my dog, I slowly placed two fingers against my clit and
started to touch myself. It didn’t take long before the orgasm hit me. It was
so beautiful. Wave after wave of euphoria crashed through my petite body.
Rocky remained on top of me, squirting unborn puppies into my guts as I
came hard; writhing, moaning, shaking.

I have no idea if our neighbors heard any of it. They may have peeked over
the fence, but I was on another planet. My brain was fried. His dog cock
absolutely ruined me. Everything around us faded into the background,
fuzzy and distant.

My parents could have walked into the backyard at that moment, screaming
and yelling at me to stop, and I wouldn’t have noticed them at all.

Rocky had me under his spell. I must have lain there in the grass with the
hot Texas sun beating down on me for at least fifteen minutes. My loyal pet
kept himself positioned firmly inside of me, panting against my face with
his tongue hanging out. He never stopped emptying his balls into my pussy,
filling me up with delicious warm doggie cum.

When he was finally done using me, Rocky licked my cheek, casually slid
himself out of my pussy, and returned to the shelter of his kennel.

“Good… boy… Thank you, Rocky…” I whispered, but I don’t know if he

heard me.

On the brink of passing out, I lay on the grass with the hot sun shining
down on my sweaty, naked, drool covered body. I could barely move a
muscle. I couldn’t think. My mind was completely blank.

Until I suddenly felt a stream of sticky dog cum begin to leak out of my
pussy. My eyes shot wide open. The fog around my brain lifted, and I
realized how exposed I truly was.

“Oh, fuck…”
I knew I had to get inside and clean myself up, before anyone might come
home and find me in such a humiliating state.

So, I tried my best to crawl on all fours towards the back door of our house.
I was so exhausted after the brutal assault it was impossible for me to get up
and walk properly.

I made my way to the house slowly on my hands and knees, moaning

quietly. Dog cum leaked from my pussy as I moved forward, leaving a
glistening trail on the floor behind me.

I was so desperate to reach the bathroom, so intent on making it there

before anyone got home, I didn’t even think to clean it up.

I took a long shower, then got into my bed, and went straight to sleep.
When I woke up, the whole day had passed by and my parents were
standing at my bedroom door smiling at me.

“Hi, Mol. Did you sleep all day long?” Dad asked.

Before I could reply, I realized I’d forgotten to clean up the streaks of dog
cum I left behind on my way to the bathroom. I started to giggle, unable to
control myself.

I think I kind of liked the idea of them seeing it. It felt so risky.

My parents stared at me, confused by my laughter.

“Sorry, dad,” I managed to say with some effort. “Yes, I slept all day. I
haven’t left my bed once.”

They asked if I felt better, and wanted to know if I would make it to school
the next day.
I smiled and told them I felt much, much better.

I didn’t tell them why exactly…

But if my parents had seen that trail of sticky dog cum leading from the
garden to the bathroom, there’s a chance they may have a good idea.


If you enjoyed this story and want to read more of my bestiality confessions
or listen to my voice, you can find lots more filthy content here:

Thank you so much!

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