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The diagram depicts the stage of coffee production from coffe beans. It takes some
steps to go from the green coffe on the vine to packed coffee ready for sale.
At the beginning, coffee beans are picked by hand and transported to the
processing plant. Then, harvested coffee beans are separated the fresh shells from
the seeds beans by the depulper máy tách hạt . The next step, coffee beans
continues to go through the fermenting lên men tanks, where we have to wait for at
least one days or three days. Right after process, the coffee beans will be laid in the
sun to dry around several days. The following stage, they are in sorter line in order
to be manually classified by humans whether standard or poor seeds (remove low-
quality beans and retain high-quality beans). Next, beans are put in a roaster, where
become ground coffee and proceed with a ginder. When grinder finishes, they will
be boxed in containers and distributed to the grocery store for selling. FINALLY
customers enjoy a fragrant cup of coffee with high quality.
- This step is done manually by humans.
- a special oven called .....
- It’s also the final step to .......
- the depulper: máy tách hạt
-be soaked in the fermenting tanks: lên men
-sorter: phân loại
-roaster: máy nghiền
1. Có- giai đoạn
- There are ...... distinct stages/steps in ......... production, each of which uses
different ........... to create the final product.
2. Qúa trình/chu kì bắt dầu khi
- The process begins when
3.Sau đó: Subsequently, SV........
4. Qúa trình bắt đầu khi hợp chất hóa học được đổ lên toàn bộ bề mặt kim loại
 The process begins when chemical compound is poured across metal surface.
5. Subsequently (Then), water goes through distillation treatment process in order
to filter out (remove) impurities.
Distillation treatment: chưng cất
Impurity: tạp chất >< purified: tinh khiết
Filter out: lọc
6. In the final step of process, the finished product is packed.
- package: đóng gói
7. (The first step) is to combine flour, an egg and milk in a bowl.
At the beginning, S + V
8. saturated bị ngấm nước
3.died/d/ and dropped/t/
4.built up
5 was covered
6 was trapped (bị giữ)
7 turned
8. is now mined (khai thác)
Seam of ....... lớp (than đá)
a. When the snow falls, it covers the ground with a protective layer.
b.As soon as her cubs (sư tử con) are born, the lioness(con sư tử cái) licks them all
c. Once the paper is collected, it is sent for recycling.
d. Before volcanoes erupt, they send huge amounts of smoke into the air.
e. When the plants perspire (, the air becomes humid
f. The trees are cut down, and the trees is gradually destroyed.
11. a conveyor belt: băng chuyền
Steam hơi nước.
Be mined: được đào
Furnace: lò nung
In turn đến lượt
E.g The turbine in turn powers a generator : Đến lượt tua bịn chuyển năng lượng
đến generator
Convert...........into....... : vận chuyển
12. How banana chips is produced
Are peeled : lột vỏ
Are soaked in: ngâm trong
Are put
Are sliced into thin chips: thái thành lát mỏng
Are rinsed: rửa qua
Are fried in hot oil in large deep fat fryers: máy chiên rán
Are removed
Then are left to cool: để nguội
Are added
Be distributed/sold
Spices: gia vị
Air fryer: nồi chiên không dầu
Sieve: cái vớt
Drain off: chảy nhỏ giọt
13.How fruit is canned
Coring: lấy hạt
Sterilize: khử trùng
The cannery: nhà máy đóng hộp
Sort = grade: phân loại

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