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Music in spaces: projects on sound and

architecture at Tempo Reale

Francesco Giomi
(Tempo Reale - FI)

1) Functional sound
(Es: audio in public sites)

2) Functional sound-installation
(Es: soundtracks for exhibitions)

3) Sonic art installations

(Es: sound is the primary subject)

1) To define the nature of the work and the

relationships with space

2) To design the electroacoustical


3) To design sound objects and formal


The three phases are strictly linked each other and they are
carried out in collaboration with the architectural staff

1) Several installations designed and realized by

Tempo Reale

2) Specifically created teams

3) Collaboration with architecture studios and/or

exhibitions editors (RPBW-GE, StudiUniti-FI,
Mediasfera-FI, ecc.)

4) Strong aspects of sound spatializations

Ministery of Foreign Office (2000)
EXPO2000 Hannover - Italian Pavillon

 An idea by Luciano Berio realized by TR staff

 Integration of musical, natural and human aspects

 Automated generation of soundscapes linked to
Italian environments (city-country-mountain-sea)
 Strong characterization through sounds movement
 Completeley programmed in Max/Msp
EXPO2000 Hannover - Italian Pavillon

 Geometrical installation

 A - 8 loudspeakers for the ellypses profile (distant listening)

 B - 4 loudspeakers for the center (nearfield listening)

RAI and Turin Book Fair (Torino, 2004)
Palazzo Carignano - Exhibition “Luci del

- Ideal introduction to the visiting space

- Underline of the physical space (firs big stair)
- Sound materials taken from TV programs
- Integration with other sound objects (TV glitches,
electronic textures and so on)

Palazzo Carignano
System of loudspeakers
Renzo Piano Building Workshop/Accademia
S. Cecilia (2002)
Rome Auditorium Opening
- An idea by Luciano Berio realized by TR

- Antological installation on “Historical electronic


- Big dimensions; underline of spaces (expecially the

long foyer) (42+8+6)

- Multi-phocus of listening

- Integration of different types of strategies and

Musical repertoire
(selection from historical electronic music
(System based on “poles” and “rays”
Example of an algorhytm for spazialization
Sala Santa Cecilia, in progtress at that time
Circular system of 8 loudspeakers placed
inside tubes
Hidden equipment
Provincia di Firenze (2003)
Medici-Riccardi Palace - “Laboratorio di Lorenzo”

- Insertion of sound/voice in an interactive

installation (design part + technological partPointat)
- Directional electroacoustic system
- Music + sound marker + vocal messages


Laboratorio di Lorenzo
Systems of directional diffusion
Provincia di Firenze
Medici-Riccardi Palace (2005)
TAV Exhibition “Fi-Bo”

- Exhibition devoted to the new train tunnel from

Florence to Bologna

- Long line of loudspeakers (13)

- Different sound materials (froy soundscapes to

“abstract” trains)
Provincia di Firenze
Medici-Riccardi Palace (2007)
La meraviglia di Luca Giordano

- Collaboration with Studi Uniti (architectures)

- Audio-visual installation devoted to the “Salone

degli Specchi” including the famous painting by
Luca Giordano

- Rectangle of loudspeakers (6)

- Different processed music materials (from

Baroque to contemporary music)
Sound example

6 hidden loudspeakers
Renzo Piano Building Workshop/Triennale di
Milano (2007)
Exhibition “RPBW. Visible cities”

The installation is ideally inspired by the "sound memory" of Renzo
Piano, and it has been achieved through a structure that underlines
acoustically the geometry of the exhibition.
The musical content is characterized by a series of actions, articulated
in more layers through the movement of sounds in space and
composed of different types of materials. A series of "musical
memories" arise from the sound structure: Berio, Boulez, Nono, but
also De Andrè and other Genoese traditional songs; these fragments
interact with events more properly linked to working and natural
environments, with a special attention to the sonic world of sea,
included in several different forms. Moreover, some particular sonic
objects return regularly in the soundscape, acting almost as thematic
elements and metrically scanning the route of the visitors.
C (mainly “work” environment)

B (mainly “sea” environment)

A (mainly “music” env.)

A: 8 loudsp. (linear)
B: 4 loudsp. (quadriphonic)
C: 5 loudsp. (linear)

17 white Tannoy loudspeakers

Example of macro
sound objects
People involved in the previous works

Musical staff:
Francesco Giomi, Kilian Schwoon, Patrizio Barontini,
Lelio Camilleri

Technical staff:
Damiano Meacci, Francesco Canavese, Tommaso Selvetti

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