MALP Sukhvinder Kaur

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Marketing Analytics

Q1. Create 2 charts in excel using the Search volumes for Brand A against Social Mentions for any
Brand (A/B/C) provided.

Graph 1: Brand A searches are much higher than Brand B's social buzz. While the graph shows both metrics fluctuate over time, there's no clear link
between social mentions and search volume for Brand A. This suggests social media might not be a major driver for Brand A's searches.
Graph 2: Brand A's search volume is much higher than Brand C's social mentions. While there are seasonal peaks (likely holidays) and a potential
lockdown dip in both metrics, social media mentions for Brand C seem to have a minimal impact on Brand A's search volume.
Q2. State the
a. Null Hypothesis and
b. Alternate Hypothesis statement.



Q3. Test the null hypothesis by mentioning if you accept or reject the null hypothesis, and also share the
screenshot of the output.
(Use excel tool to conduct multivariate analysis & p-value test - regression test on excel tool)
Let's interpret the data based on their p-values, and confidence intervals:

Intercept: 248640.2678
• This is the expected value of Brand A search volume when all independent variables are zero. It's statistically significant with a p-value of

Brand A - Social Mentions Volume:

• At 95% confidence level, the p-value is 0.384653774, which is greater than critical value of 0.05, indicating that this variable is not statistically

Brand B - Social Mentions Volume:

• At 95% confidence level, the p-value is 0.670420911, which is greater than critical value of 0.05, indicating that this variable is not statistically

Brand C - Social Mentions Volume:

• At 95% confidence level, the p-value is 0.705979995, which is greater than critical value of 0.05, indicating that this variable is not statistically

Since the p-values of Social mentions volume of Brand A, B, & C is greater than critical value of 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. This
indicates that we do not have sufficient evidence to conclude that social mention volumes significantly drive brand search volumes for Brand A.
Q4. Please infer as to which other variables from the data set {Pollution (AQI), Festival and Lockdown} are
impacting the search volumes for Brand A, and Why?

Let’s infer other variables:

• At 95% confidence level, the p-value is 0.388375525, which is greater than critical value of 0.05, indicating that this variable is not
statistically significant.

COVID-19 Lockdown:
• At 95% confidence level, the p-value is 0.009424183, which is less than critical value of 0.05, indicating that this variable is
statistically significant.

AQI (Pollution Levels):

• At 95% confidence level, the p-value is 1.6239E-07, which is much less than critical value of 0.05, indicating that this variable is highly
statistically significant.

Pollution Levels (AQI): We reject the null hypothesis. Pollution levels significantly impact search volumes for Brand A.
Festive Season: We fail to reject the null hypothesis. The festive season does not significantly impact search volumes for Brand A.
COVID-19 Lockdown: We reject the null hypothesis. The extended lockdown period significantly impacts search volumes for Brand A.
while the model explains a moderate amount of the variance in search volumes (R² = 39.06%), only the COVID-19 lockdown and AQI are
significant predictors in this dataset.
Q5. Please share your recommendation on which competitor should we focus upon for December
and why? (If any)
let's analyze the coefficients related to the social mention volumes of the competitors (Brand B and Brand C) and their impact on Brand
A's search volumes. Coefficients Related to Competitors.

1.Brand B - Social Mentions Volume: -31.81362079 (coefficient value).

• P-value: 0.670420911
• Interpretation: The coefficient is negative, suggesting that an increase in social mentions for Brand B is associated with a
decrease in search volumes for Brand A. However, the high p-value indicates that this relationship is not statistically significant.

2.Brand C - Social Mentions Volume: 38.95220251 (Coefficient value).

• P-value: 0.705979995
• Interpretation: The coefficient is positive, suggesting that an increase in social mentions for Brand C is associated with an
increase in search volumes for Brand A. Similar to Brand B, the high p-value indicates that this relationship is not statistically

Based on the analysis, my recommendation is to focus on Brand B as the primary competitor for December. Despite the lack of statistical
significance, the negative coefficient suggests a competitive dynamic that warrants attention. By proactively addressing potential
increases in Brand B's social mentions, Brand A can better position itself to capture market share during the critical year-end holiday
End of the Project

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