Instructions and Explanations For Group Activities in ERP System Selection and Implementation

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Instructions and Explanations for Group Activities in ERP System Selection and


Selection Phase:

1. Needs Assessment Workshop:


 Divide participants into groups of 4-6 individuals with diverse departmental

 Each group will be assigned a specific department or business process to analyze.
 Use brainstorming techniques like mind maps or whiteboards to identify:
o Current business processes: Flowcharts or diagrams can be helpful here.
o Pain points or challenges: What are the current frustrations or inefficiencies?
o Desired functionalities: What features are necessary in the new ERP system?
 Each group will present their findings to the larger group, facilitating discussion and
identification of common themes.
 A designated note-taker will capture key points and consolidate them into a
comprehensive needs document.


This collaborative activity helps understand the current state of the organization and identifies
desired improvements for the new ERP system. It ensures that the identified needs represent
the entire organization, not just individual departments.

2. Vendor Demo Evaluation:


 Develop a scoring rubric with pre-defined criteria (e.g., functionality, ease of use,
scalability, cost) relevant to your needs.
 Distribute the rubric and vendor demos in advance to all participants.
 After each vendor demo, allow participants in groups to discuss their observations and
score the system based on the pre-defined criteria.
 Each group should designate a spokesperson to share their collective evaluation with
the larger group.


This structured approach to evaluating vendor demos ensures that everyone is assessing the
systems against the same set of criteria. Group discussion fosters critical thinking and helps
identify both strengths and weaknesses of each system.

3. Gap Analysis Session:

 Provide participants with copies of the needs document and the functionalities of each
shortlisted system.
 Divide participants into small groups, ensuring each group includes representatives from
different departments.
 Each group will analyze the assigned system with the following tasks:
o Identify any gaps between the system's functionalities and the documented
o Brainstorm potential workarounds or customizations needed to bridge these
o Estimate the feasibility and potential cost of these workarounds or
 Groups present their findings to the larger group, facilitating discussion and joint


This activity ensures awareness of potential limitations in shortlisted systems and encourages
proactive planning for addressing them. By involving different departments, the discussion
allows for a well-rounded understanding of the impact and feasibility of potential solutions.

Implementation Phase:

4. Data Migration Planning Meeting:


 Divide participants into groups representing their departments or data types (e.g.,
customer data, financial data).
 Each group will have the following tasks:
o Identify the data relevant to their area that needs to be migrated to the new
o Assess the quality of the existing data (completeness, accuracy, consistency).
o Develop plan for data cleansing and preparation for migration, including any
required data mapping or conversion.
o Estimate the timeframe and resources needed for their specific data migration
 Each group will present their plan and timeline to the larger group, allowing for
discussion and identification of potential dependencies.


This collaborative approach ensures efficient planning of data migration, as each department
understands its responsibility and potential challenges. Group discussion facilitates
communication and avoids duplication of efforts during the actual migration process.

5. System Configuration Brainstorming:

 Divide participants into user-based groups (e.g., finance, sales).
 Each group will focus on relevant workflows within their department.
 Using the provided system features and configuration options, each group performs the
o Identify key functionalities that are crucial for their workflows.
o Brainstorm the most efficient configuration options to optimize their user
experience and work efficiency.
o Discuss any customization needs or specific training requirements.
 Each group will share their findings and recommendations with the larger group, allowing
for feedback and potential refinement of the overall system configuration.


This activity involves the end-users in shaping the configuration of the new system, ensuring it
aligns with their specific needs and work styles. It also encourages ownership and fosters a
sense of buy-in among users.

6. Training and Change Management Action Planning:


 Bring together representatives from IT, human resources, and departments affected by
the new system.
 Collaboratively develop an action plan addressing the following aspects:
o Training: Identify specific training needs for different user groups, determine
delivery methods (e.g., instructor-led, online modules), and develop training
o Communication: Develop a communication strategy to keep employees
informed about the implementation process, address potential concerns, and
promote system adoption.
o Change Management: Identify potential resistance to change and

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