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Many companies use an intranet as well as the internet. The simple definition of an
intranet is ‘a computer network based on internet technology that is designed to meet the
internal needs for sharing information within a single organisation/company’.

There are number of reasons for Using intranet:

1. It is safer since there is less chance of external hacking or viruses.

2. It is possible to prevent employees from accessing unwanted websites.
3. Companies can ensure that the information available is specific to their needs.
4. It is easier to send out sensitive messages that will remain only within the company.

Internet Vs intranet
• The term ‘internet’ comes from the phrase international network.
• The term ‘intranet’ comes from the phrase internal restricted access network.
• An intranet is used to give local information relevant to the company whereas the
internet covers topics of global interest.
• It is possible to block out certain internet sites using an intranet. This is much more
difficult to do from the internet.
• An intranet requires password entry and can only be accessed from agreed points,
whereas the internet can be accessed from anywhere provided the user has an ISP
• An intranet is behind a firewall, which gives some protection
against hackers (unauthorized users), viruses and so on. This is much more difficult
to do with internet access since it is more open on an international scale.
• Information used in intranets is usually stored on local servers, which makes it
more secure from outside agencies.

Common Uses of Intranet

1. Company/Operational Announcements
2. Instant Messaging and Company Directory
3. Employee Social Network
4. Support Services (e.g. IT Support, Equipment Fault Reports)
5. Document Sharing
6. Access Shift Rotas and Request Shift Swaps
7. Request Time Off
8. Access e-Payslips
9. Internal Recruitment and Employee Referrals
10. Training Portal
11. Recognition of Good Work
12. Social Activities Channels- Invite for lunch
13. 14. Virtual Suggestions Box

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