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Hg t6n: DIEII KT DK CUOI IIQC Xi Z - NII: 2018-2019

L:....... Tr0NG ANH TrI CHQN - LOP s
Lop: Trudng: Thoi sian lim biri : 40 nhft
R:....... NhAn xdt
Ngdy ki6m tra: W:......

A. LISTENING (_ll0pts)
Listen and : (Spts)

II. Listen aeain and write True (T) or False (Ft(Truck 1,04/P85\:(5pts)
Ex: Khoa sometimes watches cartoons. F
1. He watches TV after school.

2. Thanh's favorite show was on last veek.

J. He learned about many different anirnals.

4. Huy only likes watching sports.

5. The Vietnamese team won.

B. READING 10pts)
I. Read and write True (T)or .False (Fl: (Spt$
Water Puppet Theater
Water puppet theaters started in the Red River Delta a thousand years ago. But they are still popular today
all over Viet Nam. The puppets are usually made from wood and painted in different colors with a special type
of paint that stays in water.
The stage is a pool of water, and the puppets rnove over the top of it. When water puppets first started, the
stage was a rice field. Today, people hide behind a screen so no one sees them. They use sticks to make the
puppets move and act out the story. The stories are usually about Vietnamese folktales and legends. Sometimes
there is a band that plays Vietnamese music.
Make your own water puppets.
You can make your own water puppetl Take a plastic spoon and use pens or colored paper to draw a face
and costume. Fill a bowl with water and put the spoon in the water so that you can move the puppet.
Be careful! Don't get the puppet's costurne wet. Ask your friends to make some more puppets so that
youcan tell a story together.

oE cHixn

Ex: Waterpuppet theaters started in Viet Nam. T

1. The puppets are usually rnade frorn plastic.

2. Waterpuppets started in rice fields.

3. Today, people hide betrind a screen so no one sees them.
4. The stories are usually aboutViefirarnese folktales.
5. You can make a water puppet with a plastic spoon , pen or colored paper.
II. Read and fill in the blanks: (Spts)

walked painted rained showed waited started played

Alice walked home from school yesterday. She got wet because it (1) --- . When Alice

I. Write directions to the oark: (sptl

right over left in front of straight

1. Go

2. Turn -----at the traffic lights.

3. Turn ----- at the school.

4. Go the bridge.
5. The park is --------- the bus station.

II. Complete snd sentences: (Spts)

Ex : The modern bed is less comfortable than (comfortable) the old one.


2. The airplane bed is -------- (modern) the old one.

J.. The old bed is --- (cornfortable) the modem one.

4. This is -- (beautiful) toy in my house.

5. It's -- ---------:-- (expensive) a new bed.

s> Good luckca,


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