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The Unknown

A collection of Poems


Short Stories


Charles Keene
Part 1:

Poems Of the Ups and downs of love


Ghost town

The feelings fade without

The heart and mind

Broken lost.

The soul feels.

Damaged with no repair.

Without you I feel like a ghost town

Lost Boy

Always in the shadows

Never to be found

Never to be loved

Flying high throughout

The night sky.

A lost boy

Forever lost in the world

This love

Love is bright.

Love has meaning.

Our love is true.

Love is fearless.

Love is enchanted.

This love is endless.

This love is timeless.


The world can be.

Rough painful


Life is not what it seems.

It is canning all feel.

The Black Truth

Black is how dark my soul is.

Black is how broken I am inside.

Black is a color a dark hole inside my heart.

Black is the color of how depressed and sad I am.

Black is the color of wanting to give up.

“Everyone has questions but no answer and sometime when they get the answer it too late
or the never get the truth”- Isaac Keene

Her bright red, rosy cheeks

Her smile is as bigger than the whole sky.

She is the wildest of dreams.

She enchanted like the night sky.

She is always going to be a hard lover.

She is always going to be the one.

There is always going to be a love story.

To tell

She is fearless, you will always feel safe and sound.

The feeling (From My short story All Too Well)

Her smile is beautiful.

Her personalities charming

Her eyes are beautiful.

She is as pretty as the sky.

She is worth the whole world.

She deserves the whole world.

She is an angel.

She is the center of the universe.

The Great War (The battle with grief)
The day you left.
My heart Broke into a million pieces.
I miss the sound of your voice.
Oh, how I wish I could hug you.
With all the memories
Losing you has been a battle.
I cannot wait for the day.
I can see you Again.

From the All Too Well short story


The love I once had for you.


The deadly and toxic


We once shard full of broken

Empty and thoughtless promises

The Flame we once had

Burned out

The heart breaks.

Never to be

Whole Again
Part 2:

The Short Stories

A Million Reasons:

The struggle of abuse

There are many different types of abuse, Physical, Mental and Sexual. I have faced like many

other mental and Sexual Abuse. They say family is everything people you can trust, and my

experience family is not everything. In the year 2013 I was sexual abused by a family member it

took my years to realize what had happen and look to open up about that experience during the

time of the sexual abuse I attempted to go to adults I could trust the one person I thought I could

looked up to my grandmother, she brushed it off like it was nothing and it continued till she

moved away from the house it happened in. At that time, my parents never knew any of the

abuse that happened by the family member. Mental abuse did not start till years later by my

grandmother. In her drinking stages while living with use she would downgrade not only me but

my other siblings it got worse when you did not do what she wanted she would find ways to

guilty trip you or make you believe something did not happen when you know it did.

When I was 19 I made the decision to try and talk to her to about some of the past events just to

try and help fix what was broken between use, As usually I was met with a guilty trip In 2022

while living with I paid a bit of money to help cover rent, The next day I was told she was

moving out and I had to find a place to live. About ten years before that in a drunk state she did

the same thing in the middle of winter she kicked my whole family out of a house that we helped

pay for. After that day in 2022 I decided to cut my grandmother out who recently found out she

had lung cancer. At the time I thought it was the best chose for me.
Later in 2022 I decided to try and attempt one more time to talk to her, that attempt was met with

I need to get help. In 2023 I got that help I found away to break free from the trauma I faced

from the sexual and mental abuse that a faced from those family members, early in 2024 I found

out my grandmother had passed away from cancer. Now midway through 2024 I am at peace

with the attempts I made and my decision to not let my grandmother into my parts of my life.

For the people who struggle with a type of abuse or bullying, I encourage you to find the strength

and positive to find a trusted person to help you get out of any type of abuse or struggle. I would

also like to say remember you are not alone and that there are people out there who will love you

and care for you and that will not hurt you.
Anything but ordinary

There are a million reason to be afraid, feel challenged, hurt, Regert and deny who you are.

Struggling with sexual orientation can be challenging you can feel hidden and deny the person

you are being part of the LGBTQ+ community is a challenge that most people hide. I happen to

be a proud pansexual man who like many struggled with being different hiding and regretting

who I was because I felt like I would not be accepted by the people around me. In 2019 I wrote

an essay and paper about denying and the challenge about being part of the LGBTQ+ community

the struggle that come with it. I will be sampling those papers in this short story.

Denying sexuality, for years I hide while people asked me if I like guy and girls or if I was just

gay. For years I didn’t think anything different about myself till I was in middle school and

realized I thought guys where cute and felt myself attracted to guys at the time I was with my

girlfriend of a year by the time I realized this about myself in 2016 I decided to come out as

bisexual to family. In high school I still hid myself from others never came out till I did not come

out to friends till my junior year of high school by that point only people that where family and a

couple close family friends knew I was Bisexual. I did not have my first “gay experience” till

late 2019 begin of 2020 At this point I only dated girls, so I “experimented” just to see if I was

truly into guys after the experience I came out as pansexual. To this day I have never dated a guy.
About half of American people hide who they are in fear of not being accepted or bullied and

even when they do come out most face mental health issue. As part of this beautiful community,

I say don’t hide who you are there are people like you who have faced the same struggle you will

be accepted in loved by people who are just like you always remember to stay positive and be

who you truly are and remember love is love there nothing that can take that way from you.

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