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The water scarcity issue has been recognized at the global level affecting both the developing
and the developed nations. In 2020, as per Palaci-Tan's report, more than a quarter of the
world population, which is close to 2.1 billion people, are without adequate drinking water
management. The deficiency has been created as a result of the fast population increase and
ineffective administration, that have to lead to no development of the vital water
infrastructure. The Philippines has a time-critical need for improved access to safe water and
wastewater systems that are equitably distributed. The latest figures from the United Nations
and the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) shows that 53 percent of people
households do not have a water supply system managed in a secured manner. On the other
hand, 39% of homes are without proper sanitation systems that add to the challenge of
ensuring that proper hygiene and sanitation practices are followed to the letter. In line with
Goal 6 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, this goal
positions special emphasis on the need of "providing water and sanitation for all in an
accessible and sustainable way."

The Philippines' tropical climate, characterized by abundant sunlight year-round, presents a

unique opportunity to address water scarcity issues. Researchers aim to test the feasibility of
solar water desalination as a solution.

The "Experimental Study to Enhance the Productivity of Single-Slope Single-Basin Solar Still" of
Daisil (2022), suggested to use different geometries with the modification method that is
associated with the increasing evaporation surface area such as cylinder and cone. In addition,
it is preferred to change the size of these geometries to investigate its effect on the productivity
of fresh water in the solar still. In line with these objective, the researcher foundd more creative
geometries, for instance, pyramids while developing the design of the solar still.

The pyramids can use the available surface area in an efficient manner and reduce the material
usage, hence, they are a cost-effective and effective solution in solar still design. Pyramids have
the sloped sides which ensure more surface area available for evaporation and this leads to an
increased amount of water vapour being generated. This can be achieved through the selection
of optimal design parameters and investigation of the impact of the performances on the
development of sustainable solutions for addressing water scarcity problems in the Philippines.

Solar water distillation is a straightforward and effective method for obtaining clean water using
renewable energy from the sun. According to the Journal of Environmental Management
(2019), a study conducted in rural areas with limited access to clean water found that solar stills
provided a reliable means of purifying water, removing contaminants and impurities through
the evaporation and condensation process.

To set up a solar water distillation system, you'll need a few materials including

dirty water


insulation foam

glass panels





First, choose a location with ample sunlight exposure throughout the day. Next, place the
container on the table, ensuring it is level and stable. The container will serve as the reservoir
for the dirty water that will undergo the distillation process.

Next, line the bottom of the solar still with insulation foam to optimize heat retention. This step
is crucial for maintaining consistent temperatures within the distillation system, especially
during periods of low sunlight or cooler temperatures.
Now, it's time to construct the solar still using the epoxy and hose. The glass panels are affixed
securely to the container using silicon and epoxy, creating a sealed chamber where the
distillation process will take place. This solar still harnesses the sun's energy to heat the water,
initiating the evaporation process.

Attach a hose to the container to collect the distilled water as it condenses on the glass panel
surface. This collection container should be strategically positioned to capture the purified
water efficiently.

Fill the container with dirty water, ensuring it doesn't overflow. Then, position the entire
system in direct sunlight. The sunlight heats the water within the container, causing it to
evaporate. As the water vapor rises, it comes into contact with the cooler surface of the glass
panels, where it condenses back into liquid form.


In the solar water distillation system, the process of evaporation begins when sunlight
penetrates the glass panels of the solar still, heating the water within the shallow container. As
the water absorbs solar energy, its temperature gradually increases, eventually reaching its
boiling point. At this critical temperature, water molecules at the surface gain sufficient energy
to break free from the liquid phase and transition into the gaseous state, forming water vapor.
This vaporization process occurs continuously as long as there is sunlight to provide the
necessary heat energy. The warm air above the water surface becomes saturated with water
vapor, creating a vapor pressure gradient that drives the movement of water molecules away
from the surface and into the surrounding air. Thus, solar energy fuels the evaporation process,
transforming liquid water into water vapor within the enclosed space of the solar still.

Over time, the condensed water droplets accumulate on the glass panel surface and eventually
drip down into the collection hose. Periodically check the system for any debris buildup or
blockages that may impede the distillation process.

As the water vapor rises within the solar still, it encounters the cooler surface of the glass
panels, which serve as the condensation surface. The temperature difference between the
water vapor and the glass surface causes the vapor molecules to lose energy and transition
back into the liquid state through a process called condensation. The glass panels provide a
smooth and cool surface for the water vapor to adhere to, facilitating the formation of tiny
droplets of condensed water. Over time, these condensed water droplets accumulate on the
glass panel surface, gradually coalescing into larger droplets. Gravity then causes these droplets
to flow downward along the inclined surface of the glass, eventually dripping off the edge. A
collection mechanism, such as a hose or channel, is strategically positioned below the glass
panel surface to capture the dripping condensed water. The collected water flows through the
hose and into a separate container, where it is stored as purified, distilled water. This
continuous cycle of evaporation and condensation, driven by solar energy, enables the solar
water distillation system to produce clean and potable water from various water sources,
offering a sustainable solution for accessing safe drinking water in regions with limited
freshwater resources.

Monitor the collection of distilled water to ensure the system is functioning properly. This
purified water is free from impurities and suitable for various uses, providing a sustainable and
eco-friendly solution for clean water access.

Water Distillation through Solar Energy is designed to use solar energy for water distillation,
using a unique pyramid-shaped design. Most likely, it isto gain as much solar energy as possible
and optimize such a process for an efficient process of water purification by distillation. The
pyramid design will ensure high concentration of sunlight, ease of scaling up the project, and
promote sustainability by reducing dependency on conventional energy sources. The uniform
distribution of heat and optimization in the pyramid structure orientation are some of the
challenges to be sorted out in its effective implementation. This research is a sustainable
method for the generation of clean drinking water and could have potential implications for
alleviating the shortage of water in the Philippines.

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